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Totally Spies fic


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This is my first story. Hope you like it.

A Very Sneezy Case


Beverly Hills University

In Biology class, the professor shows the students the function of certain muscles. "This time we´ll see the muscles working everytime we sneeze. That´s why i´ll need a volunteer". Mandy is chosen,that´s when Clover protests. "She´s always chosen. That´s not fair". The professor tells Mandy to go in front of the class. He explains what he´s going to do. He grabs a feather and starts tickling Mandy´s nose. She closes her eyes and starts sniffling. "It tickles Ah... Ah... it tickles so much Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah...". But the professor stops tickling and makes some explanations. Then starts tickling again. "AAAAATCHEEEW". After Mandy´s sneeze, the professor makes other explanations when another student says that he didn´t saw anything. The professor starts tickling Mandy´s nose again. "Ah.. Ah.. Ah.. AAAATCHEEEW AATCHEEW AAATCHEEEW". The bell rings and Mandy is the first to go outside. "AAAATCHEEW ATCHEEW ATCHEEW. My nose is so itchy. I can´t stop sneezing. AATCHEEW AATCHEEW AAATCHEEW AAAAAAATCHEEEEEWW". She rushes to the bathroom. Sam, Clover and Alex goes outside after her. They go to the gym because they got a class there. "Guess we are the first to arrive" says Alex. When they start changing their clothes, a hole opens on the floor and they dissapear, appearing again in W.H.O.O.P headquarters. "Hello, girls. How are you doing? I brought you here because we got reports from France, where a lot of beautiful women were kidnapped. Here is your equipment and, because this is a really tough mission you´ll need some back-up". "I don´t think so. I think we can handle this the three of us" says Clover. That´s where a door opens and Britney enters the room. "Thisis your back-up. Do you remember Britney?". "Hi Britney. I´m so glad to see you again". "Me too". "Me too. The ultimate espionage team is now completed". "I´m glad to see that you apreciate Britney´s help. Now leave inmediatly to Paris".

Paris, France

When the four spies arrives to Paris, they start to investigate inmediatly. The only clue they find in several places, is a strange footprint. When Sam analiza it, they find that the trademark of the footprint is from a shoe factory from Greenland. "Greenland" says Clover. "It sounds a country with a good weather. Maybe i could tan my beautiful skin". "I don´t think so" says Sam...


"HAASHOO. Now i see why you said 'i don´t think so'. HAASHOOO. It´s so cold. HAASHOO HAASHOO". "Bless you" says Sam and Britney. "Aren´t you gonna catch a cold, are you?". "I hope not, Alex. HACHMMPF HAASHOO HAASHOO". "AATSH" sneezes Britney. "It would be better to look for a warm place to pass the night. AATSH before we all get sick. We´ll leave the plane here and tomorrow we´ll gonna start investigating". "Good idea" says the other three.

At the next morning. The four spies are ready to go out to investigate.

"HAASHOO HAASHOO Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. HAASHOO SHOO HAASHOOO. I hate this cold. I couldn´t sleep in all the night because i couldn´t stop sneezing. HAASHOOO SHOO SHOO HAASHOO HAAASHOOO Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. HAAAAASHOOOOOO". "If you want you can stay here and rest". "No, i´m coming. Maybe you´ll need my help". An hour later the spies arrives to an abandoned building used to make any type of shoes. "Let´s get in there very quickly" says Alex. Al last, they arrive to a room where there are a woman of about 30 years old and three men. The four girls get in the room and hide trying to hear what´s going on. "Get the airplane ready. We´re going to New York" says the women. "Inmediatly, miss" answers one of the men. Suddenly, Clover starts sniffing. "Sniff I I think i´m going to sn sn sneeze Ha.. Ha.. Ha..". Britney stops the sneeze putting her index finger under Clover´s nose. "I´m fine. Thanks, Brit". Britney removes her finger but.. "HAASHOOOO" sneezes Clover. "Intruders. Get them quickly" says the woman. "We got them. And they are really beautifull" says the men. "Sorry, guys" says Clover, embarrased. The men takes the girls in front of the women. "Who are you" asks Sam. "My name is Briggitte Bardeur. I used to participate on every beauty pageant in the world. I was always the winner, but someday, when i was the most beautiful girl in the pageant, i didn´t win, so now i´m taking revenge kidnapping every pretty women in the world. Now, you are going with all the other women and never bother me again. You three, take this girls with the others." "Yes, Miss Bardeur."

A few minutes later, the spies are taken to a warehouse full of beautiful women, all paralized.

"What did you do to them" asks Alex. "Don´t worry. They´re fine, just inmobilized. They can shut if they want, but no one is coming to help them. And now is your turn." Then he takes out a weird gun, and with a single blast inmobilized thee four spies. After the men are gone, Sam dares to ask "Do you have an idea how we can escape?". "I have no idea. I can barely move" says Clover. "Somebody get us out of here" yells Alex. "No one will help us. It´s useless" says Britney.

Ten minutes passes in absolute silence, until it´s broken with a familiar noise. "Meeeaawwthhh". "Oh no" says Alex. "A cat. You know i´m terribly allergic to cats. Please, somebody get it out of here". The cat gets closer and starts rubbing his back against Alex´s leg. "Get out, kitty. Ple Please. Ah Ah Ah ge get out ki ki kitty Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah AAAACHOOOO ACHOOO ACHOOO AAACHOOO CHOOOO CHOOOO AAAAAARGHCHOOOOOOO". The cat flies horrified because Alex´s tremendous sneezes. "God bless you" says Sam "are you allright?". "Yes. AAACHOOOO. Hey. I can move. Look. I can move again CHOOOO AAACHOOOO". Alex bends over with each powerful sneeze. "It must be your sneezes. Remember the biology class?" says Sam. "That´s the way you can set us free, Alex". "But how can i make you sneeze?. There´s nothing that can be useful". "I I I ca can do it by my myself Ha Ha" says Clover "i´b godda sdeeze ag again Ha Ha Ha Ha HAAAAAAAASHOOOOOOO HAAASHOOOO HAASHOOO HAASHOO HASHOOO SHOOO SHOOO HAASHOOO HAASHOOO HAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHOOOOOOOO. Yes. I´b free HAASHOOO HAAASHOOOOO HAAAAASHOOOOO". "Well done, Clover. But you´re the only one with a cold. How can we do to get out of here?". "I don´t know, Britney, but Alex add me will try to help you out. Alex, let´s go to see what we cad fidd". They both go out, only to come back few minutes later with empty hands. "We couldn´t finf anything and our equipment was taken away. I don´t know what to do". "It got to be something, it must be something. I know guys, try to use your hair to tickle our noses and make us sneeze". "Alright, Sab. Alex, use by hair which is lodger thad yours, but be careful". "Ok, let´s start with Sam". "Ouch, be careful". Alex grabs Clover´s hair and start tickling Sam´s nostrils. Her nose starts to twich. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth very slowly. "Eh Eh Eh Eh. Almost. Keep trying". "Ok. HAASHOOO HAASHOOO HAASHOOO HASHOO HAAASHOOOOO. Ouch. You are ticklidg Sab´ dose add i´b the ode who sdeezes HAASHOOO HASHOO HAAAASHOOOOO". "Eh Eh Eh Eh EMPF ECHMPF ECHMPF". "Bless you, Sam. Are you free?". "Not yet. Try again, please". "But try not to stifle your sneezes". Sam feels again that the sneezes are coming out. "Eh Eh Eh Eh Shit. Keep trying I al almost sn sn snee sneeze Eh Eh Eh Eh ECH ECH ECH CH CH CH CH ECH ECH ECH. Ah what a relief. But i´m not free yet" . "Your sneezes are too small, try to hold them in as long as you can and maybe they came out stronger". "ECH ECH. I´ll try, Alex. ECH ECH CH ECH". For the third time Alex tickles Sam´ nose with Clover´ hair, who keeps on sneezing like crazy. "HAAASHOOO HAASHOOO HASHOOO HAAASHOOOOO. Ouch, my hair". A little tear came down Sam´s cheek. "Why i can´t sneeze strongly like Clover, or like you, Alex". "You´ll do it, Sam. I know you can do it. Just hold the sneezes in". Sam starts again. "EEEH EEEH EEEH EH EH EH EH EH EH here´s coming and I I ca can´t EEEEEH I can´t hold th them lon longer EEEEH EEEEH Oh I want to snee to sneeze so bad badly EEEEEH EEEH EEEEEH EEEEECHAAAAA EEEEEECHAAAAAAA EEEEEECHAAAAAAA. At least i´m free EEEECHAAAAA EEEEECHAAAAAAA EEECHAAA EEECHAAAA EECHH EECHH CH CH EECH EEEECHAAA EECH EECHAAA EEEEH EEEEH EEEEH EEEEEECHAAA At last i´m free. Wow, i´ve never sneezed soloud and for so long in my life. And i got a few sneezes yet. EECH CH CH EEECH EEECHAAAAA. AHH. Ok, i´ll set Britney free". "Ok, Sam. But be careful, because once i start, i keep sneezing like crazy for several minutes". "I promise i won´t hurt you, Brit". Sam grab the tip of her long red hair and starts tickling Britney´s nose. The answer doesn´t take too long". "Ah Ah Ah Ah AAATSH AAATSH AAATSH AAATSH AAAATSHOOOO AAAATSHOOOO AAAATSH AAATSHEEE ATSHEE AATSHOO. Thanks Sam, i can move now AATSHOO AAATSHOOO AAATSHOOO AAATSHOOO. I think i´m done AATSHOOO AAAATSH AAATSH ATSH ATSH ATSH ATSH AAATSHEEE AATSHEE AAATSHOOOOO. Ok, i´m done now". "Wow that´s what i call a sneezing fit". "Ok. Let´s release all this HAAASHOOO HAAASHOOO wobed. I´b sick add tired of all this sdeezing HAASHOOO it seems that i´b godda sdeeze forever HAASHOOO HAASHOOO HASHOOOOOO". The four spies starts to release all the other girls, and the ones thet are released starts releasing another girl. Soon the place is filled with female sneezing, ones stronger then others, other larger than others. It was really a paradise for a sneeze fetishist. "I think we have finished releasing all the girls AATSH AAATSH AAATSH AAATSHEEEE AAATSHEEE AAATSHEEE AAAAATSHOOOO. My nose is still tickling" says Britney. "Listen, everybody" says Sam "we want all of you to stay here. We´ll send someone to pick you up as soon as we can". "Let´s head our way to the plade HAAASHOOO HAASHOOO HAAAASHOOOOOO". "We have a little job in New York. Briggitte´s gonna pay what she did to all of us".

The four spies leave inmediatly the place. When they arrive to the plane, they call Jerry. "Hi Jerry. This is Sam. We need you to pick up the kidnapped girls here in Greenland. I´m sending you the exact place where they are. We are headed to New York". "I´ll pilot" says Alex. When they are over the Atlantic Ocean, Alex starts to twich her nose. "I got this strange feeling in my nose, like i´m going to sneeze". Out of nowhere appears the same cat from the warehouse. "Oh no. Not you again. AAAAACHOOO AAACHOOOO AAACHOOOO AAACHOOO CHOOO CHOOO CHOOO AAACHOOOO". As soon as Alex starts sneezing, the plane starts to go down very fast. "AAACHOOO AAACHOOO Anyone please take the control. AAACHOOO AAACHOOO AACHOOO I can´t stop sneezing AACHOOOO". Britney quickly grabs the control and stabilizes the plane. The danger is over. "Thank you Britn AAACHOOO Please get rid of that cat AAAACHOOOO AAACHOOOO It´s making me crazy AAATCHOOO AAATCHOOOO". "It´s imposible. We´re in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. As soon as we get to earth we´ll leave him there". "But i can´t stop sneezing AAACHOOO CHOOO CHOOOO AAAATCHOOOO AAAATCHOOOO AAAAAAAAAAATTCHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".

A few hours later, they arrive to New York. Sam grabs the cat and leaves it on the ground. "ATCHOO ACHOO I´m so tired of sneezing ACHSS ACHSS AAACHOOOO AAAACHOOO I spent the whole trip sneezing ACHSS like crazy because of that damned cat ACHSS ACHSS AAACHOOOOO AAACHOOOOOO". After a few minutes they found

Brigitte. But Clover´s nose protests again. "HAASHOOO HASHOOO HAAASHOOOOO". "Not you again. Finish them" and Brigitte send her men against the girls. "it´s time to kick some butts" says Britney. After a while the girls beat Brigitte´ s men. Then Brigitte is going to use her paralizing blast, when Sam grabs a little bag from her pocket and puts some pepper in her hand. "This is for all the girls you kidnapped, and all the thing you made to us" and she throw the pepper in front of Brigitte´s face. "What have you done AATCHOOO ATCHOO damned AATCHOO i can´t stop ATCHOO AAATCHOOO sn snee AAATCHOOO AAATCHOO sneezeing AAATCHOOO AAAAAAATCHOOOOOOOO". Britney takes this chance and grabs Brigitte´s gun. At that moment, Jerry arrives. "Well done, girls. Now i can handle her and her men. Take them, agents". "AAAATCHOOOO You´re gonna AAATCHOOO pay for AAATCHOOO AAAATCHOOO this AAAATCHOOOO damned spies ATCH ATCH ATCH AATCHOO ATCHOOO AAAATCHOOO AAAAATCHOOOOO You´re gonna pay for this AATCHOO AAATCHOOW". "OK girls, we´re finished for today" says Sam while removing her sweat. "Let´s get back ECH ECH ECH EEECH EEEEECHAAA EEEECHAAAA EEEEECHAAAAAA". "Bless you, Sab. I thought tat sdeeze is my job HAAASHOOO HAAASHOOO HAAASHOOOO damned co co cold HAAAASHOOOO HAAASHOOOO HASHOOOO". "I have some pepper left in my hand. ECH EECH EECH EECH EEECH EEECH EEECHAAA and in my nose EEECHAAA EEECHAAA". "Let´s get back home". "I´m sorry but i´m going to Boston. It was a pleasure to work again with you three. I hope to work with you again. Bye". "Bye, Brit. We hope to see you soon. Bye".

Back again in Beverly Hills.

"Clover, How are you doing with your cold?. Are you better?". "That´s right. It seems that is true that, if you wanna get rid of your cold, you have to give it to another person". "Which person took your cold?". "AAATCHEEEW AAATCHEEEW AAAAT... CHEEW AAATCHEEEW What are you laughidg at? Dever seed a beautiful girl sdeezing her head off AATCHEEEW ATCHEEEW ATCHEE ATCHEE TCHEE TCHEE AAAAAATCHEEEEW AAAAATCHEEEEEW AAAAAA.... AAAAAATCHEEEEEEW". "Poor Mandy HAHAHA"

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Here's an idea. Edit out the sentence about it being a paradise for sneeze fetishists and submit it to Cartoon Network as an episode idea. See what they think. I know I'd make that one in a heartbeat.

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  • 5 years later...

Great story! I love totally spies! One question though. Did you make britney cause i dont remember her being on totally spies?.

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This was amazing :) I love "Totally Spies!" so much~<3 They're currently running a new season on CN of the show, so we can submit this to the writers!

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  • 3 years later...

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