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Under the Weather (Heartstopper, Nick)


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Disclaimer: I do not own these character or make money from them. Also, characters are aged up to be in university — Nick is in his final year, Charlie is in his middle (since uni is 3 years in UK), so they are over 18.

My first fanfic post, so pls be gentle 😊

Also there is limited sneezing — primarily cuddling & caretaking


Nick Nelson was sprawled across his bed in his university apartment, surrounded by crumpled tissues and half-finished assignments. So much for “freshers” flu. Maybe they’d rename it “final year” flu in his honor. He felt awful—his head was pounding, his throat was scratchy, and he couldn’t shake the feeling of fatigue that clung to him like a heavy blanket. But today was different: Charlie was coming over.

With the thought of seeing his boyfriend, Nick forced himself to sit up and splash some water on his face. He wanted to look decent for Charlie, to give the impression that everything was fine. He didn’t want Charlie to worry, especially not when he had his own classes and responsibilities to juggle.

After a quick shower, Nick threw on a hoodie and some joggers glancing at the time. Charlie would be arriving any minute. He took a deep breath, gathering his scattered tissues and dumping them in the hall bathroom to erase any evidence of illness. He tried to shake off the lingering symptoms. Just a bit longer, he thought. He could handle it.

When the doorbell rang, Nick felt a surge of energy. He hurried to the door, wiping his nose with a tissue one last time before swinging it open. “Hey! Come in!”

“Hey, Nick!” Charlie beamed, stepping inside with a small bag in hand. He looked so bright and cheerful, a contrast to how Nick felt. “I brought snacks!”

Nick’s heart warmed at the sight of Charlie, his boyfriend’s smile lighting up the room. “Awesome! What did you bring?” he asked, forcing enthusiasm into his voice.

“Just some cookies and that fancy chocolate you like,” Charlie replied, setting the bag down on the table. He turned to Nick, his expression shifting slightly. “You look… cozy.”

“Yeah, just trying to stay comfortable,” Nick said, shrugging. He hoped Charlie wouldn’t notice how pale he felt or the slight flush in his cheeks. “How was your day?”

“Not bad! Just the usual lectures. But I was really looking forward to hanging out with you,” Charlie said, his eyes sparkling. He grabbed a cookie from the bag and offered it to Nick. “Here, try one.”

Nick took the cookie and bit into it, the sweetness momentarily distracting him from his discomfort. The crisp edges scratched at his already sore throat. “Mmm, these are great!” he said, hoping to maintain the facade of normalcy.

As they settled into the couch, Charlie started talking about his classes, animatedly sharing stories and laughing. Nick listened, nodding along, but found it increasingly difficult to focus. Every so often, he’d have to stifle a cough or sneeze, trying to play it off as nothing.

“Are you okay?” Charlie asked suddenly, pausing mid-sentence as he noticed Nick’s distraction. “You seem a bit… out of it.”

“I’m fine! Just a little tired,” Nick replied quickly, offering a reassuring smile. “It’s been a long week, you know?”

Charlie looked skeptical but didn’t press further. “Alright, but you know you can tell me if you’re not feeling well.”

“Yeah, I know,” Nick said, trying to sound convincing. “Really, I’m good!”

As they continued to chat, Charlie’s laughter filled the room, and Nick felt his heart swell at how lucky he was. But with each passing minute, the fatigue weighed heavier on him. He leaned back into the couch, wrapping himself tighter in the blanket, hoping to stave off the chill that crept through him. He stifled a quick sneeze into his blanket cocoon.

After a while, Charlie noticed Nick’s lack of energy. “Want to watch something Marvel-y? “I’m willing to make the sacrifice” he teased, reaching for the remote, “I can find that new series you’ve been talking about — the one with the witches.”

“Sure, that sounds great,” Nick replied, trying to muster some excitement. But as they settled in, he felt his body protesting. He tucked his knees up to his chest, hoping it would help keep him warm.

An episode in, Charlie glanced over at Nick. “You okay? You look really cozy… or like you’re about to fall asleep.”

Nick laughed softly, feeling a twinge of guilt. “Just getting comfortable. You’re making me relax too much!”

Charlie smiled but didn’t seem convinced. “Alright, but if you need anything—water, more snacks—just let me know. I can pop out.”

Nick nodded, appreciating Charlie’s thoughtfulness. “I love you.”

Another episode passed, and Nick could feel his energy waning. He stifled another sneeze and rubbed his eyes, hoping to shake off the fatigue. But Charlie’s gaze was penetrating, as if he could see right through the brave front Nick was putting up.

Finally, after another round of soft coughing, Charlie put the remote down. “Nick, I know you’re trying to be tough, but you don’t have to hide it from me,” he said gently. “You really don’t look well.”

Nick hesitated, feeling the weight of his pride pressing down on him. “I just didn’t want to ruin our time together,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I thought I could manage.”

“Nick, you’re not ruining anything. I want you to be comfortable,” Charlie reassured him, reaching out to place a hand on Nick’s forehead. “You’re really warm. I think you might have a fever.”

Nick sighed, feeling the walls he’d built around his feelings start to crumble. “Okay, maybe I’m feeling a bit worse than I let on,” he confessed. “But I didn’t want to make you worry.”

Charlie shook his head, concern etched on his face. “You should have told me. Let me take care of you, alright? You don’t have to do this alone.”

Nick felt a rush of gratitude for Charlie’s kindness, the way he always seemed to know just what to say. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, feeling vulnerable. “I just — I really appreciate it.”

“Just relax,” Charlie said softly, getting up to grab a glass of water. “I’ll get you some medicine too.”

Nick watched as Charlie moved around the room, feeling warmth spread through him. It was a relief to let someone in, to admit that he wasn’t feeling strong.

When Charlie returned with the water and medicine, Nick took them gratefully, feeling a sense of comfort wash over him. “Thanks for putting up with me,” he said, his voice laced with appreciation. 

“Hey — always,” Charlie replied, settling back beside Nick and wrapping him in a warm embrace. “You’re stuck with me, even on your worst days.”

Nick smiled, leaning into Charlie’s warmth, feeling the last of his bravado slip away. “I guess just I’m lucky.”

“Definitely,” Charlie said, pressing a gentle kiss to Nick’s forehead. “Now, just relax and let me take care of you.”

As they settled back in, Nick felt the exhaustion start to fade under the weight of Charlie’s affection. For the first time that day, he allowed himself to let go of his worries, knowing that he didn’t have to be brave alone. With Charlie by his side, he felt safe—even in the midst of a cold.

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