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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bus time woes


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Hi all! Long time lurker — finally ready to share :)


Evelyn glanced at her watch as she hurried down the bustling city street, her breath visible in the crisp morning air. She loved her job at the design firm, but getting there was becoming a daily ordeal. Public transit was a necessary evil, especially in the heart of winter, when every cough and sniffle seemed to echo through the crowded bus.

As she approached the bus stop, she noticed a growing line of commuters, all huddled against the cold, their breaths forming small clouds. The bus arrived with a hiss, and the doors swung open. Evelyn took a deep breath, steeling herself for the ride. She stepped inside, immediately hit by a wave of warmth and the mingling scents of damp wool and cheap cologne.

The bus was packed, and she squeezed her way in, clutching the overhead rail for balance. As she scanned the crowd, her eyes landed on a man standing directly in front of her. He was middle-aged, his face partially obscured by a frayed scarf that looked as though it had seen better days. But what caught her attention was the incessant sneezing that erupted from him like clockwork.

Each sneeze was a cacophony of sound, punctuated by the man’s complete disregard for basic etiquette. He didn’t cover his nose and mouth; instead, he turned slightly to the side, and Evelyn could see the droplets escaping into the air, settling on nearby passengers like unwelcome confetti. She felt a chill that had nothing to do with the weather.

Evelyn tried to distance herself mentally, but there was no escape. The bus jolted forward, and she found herself swaying closer to him. Her mind raced through the consequences of public exposure. Did she have hand sanitizer? No, just a smudge of lip balm and a crumpled receipt. The familiar anxiety prickled at her skin as she thought about germs swirling around her.

The man sneezed again, and this time it felt personal. She grimaced and shifted her weight, attempting to create some space. The woman beside her shifted as well, clearly uncomfortable, but there was nowhere to go. The bus was like a tin can, trapping them all inside, each breath more dangerous than the last.

“Ugh, gross,” the woman next to her muttered, rolling her eyes in irritation. Evelyn nodded in agreement but didn’t dare say anything louder. Public transit rules seemed to dictate that you suffer in silence, even when someone’s health habits were borderline offensive.

Evelyn's mind wandered to her design project due at the end of the week. She had envisioned creating a space that felt both comforting and innovative, a sanctuary for anyone who walked through the door. But now, all she could think about was this man’s sneezes and the looming threat of catching whatever he had.

As they navigated the city streets, she couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the conversations around her. Two teenagers in the back were discussing their plans for the weekend, seemingly oblivious to the man’s plight. A woman in a bright red coat was animatedly chatting with her friend, laughing as if the world around them was perfectly fine. But the man remained a focal point of her anxiety.

Suddenly, the bus jolted to a stop. The driver shouted something about road construction, and a wave of frustration rippled through the passengers. Evelyn glanced out the window, hoping for a distraction, but the gray sky and barren trees did little to lift her spirits.

With a deep breath, she tried to focus on her breathing, envisioning herself in her warm office, surrounded by clean air and a cup of steaming coffee. But the man sneezed again, a loud, echoing sound that made her cringe. She could see a few passengers pulling out their phones, either to distract themselves or to check how much longer they had to endure this ride. She wished she could do the same, but her phone was buried deep in her bag, and she wasn’t about to risk digging for it now.

As the bus continued its route, the man began to cough, deep and throaty. Evelyn’s stomach tightened again. She could feel the tension in the air, the discomfort palpable. Then, without warning, he turned back, his face mere inches from hers, and unleashed a violent sneeze—totally uncovered.

Time seemed to slow. She felt the droplets hit her face, warm and wet, and her heart sank. The man simply shrugged, offering a half-hearted apology that felt insincere. “What can you do?” he said, his voice thick and dismissive. 

Evelyn’s cheeks flushed with anger and frustration. She opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out. Instead, she felt a wave of dread wash over her. This was it—she could already envision the sore throat, the fatigue, the endless cycle of misery.

As the bus finally approached her stop, she stepped off, feeling a mixture of despair and defeat. The world outside was just as gray as before, but now it felt heavier, more suffocating. Evelyn wrapped her arms around herself, fighting the rising tide of panic. 

She walked toward her office, feeling the chill seep into her bones and the looming threat of illness ahead.

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