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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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I am a little sick rn but I have been dying to take care of someone with a sneezy cold.  It makes me happy to take care of someone I like or am attracted to.  Usually I make or bring soup, hot teas, vitamin C halls, cold meds, and tissues.  Also try to make sure we have something relaxing to do like watch a movie, show, or listen to music and talk.  I just want an excuse to make someone roasted garlic tomato vegetable soup and take care of them and spend time with them ugh.  Is anyone else like this or really into caretaking?  Into allergies as well.

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I do like taking care of someone who's sick and like making sure they have everything they need. Soup, tea, tissues, the whole nine yards. Movie or tv marathons with their favorite shows and just anything else that'll help ease the burden of being sick until it passes. On the flip side of that though...when I get really sick. Like really sick I also turn into a giant baby (like I get super sad for some reason when it first hits) and all I want to do is lay in bed and be taken care of. But oddly enough I enjoy making my own soup 😆 though I guess I could tolerate having it bought to me. But I'd be more okay just having essentials bought to me like cough drops, my favorite snacks if I can taste them and tissues (since when I get sick I blow my nose ALOT and I can go through multiple boxes). So I'm on both ends of the spectrum I guess but I do think I'd prefer to be the one giving tissues and offering comfort and making soup 😷😷

Random sidenote: Ricolas are the best cough drops out there and Halls can just not compare. I'm sorry to say it but its true 😷😗

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Yeah. Though I'm not sure how much that's kink related, it's more a ... I don't even know, an emotional thing for me. When someone I care about is feeling bad, I want to make them feel better.

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