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9-1-1 Lone Star (M/TV + Hulu/US)


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On the new ep of FOX’s “9-1-1 Lone Star” (Oct. 14, 2024; “My Way”), firefighter Judd Ryder (played by Jim Parrack) sneezes twice (singles a minute or so apart) due to a mold allergy. There’s also some discussion of it, ranging from him starting to have a reaction and mentioning it, to another character making reference to his symptoms, as well as several times you can see him suffering in the background (rubbing his nose, holding back a sneeze, etc).

The scene starts at 06:40, and the relevant bit starts at 07:04, ending just past the 10-minute mark. The sneezes themselves are at 09:03 and 09:52.

Warning #1: the scene in which this all takes places involves some disturbing content. Click on the Spoiler Tag for details.


The scene involves a “hoarder house” and contains, among other ickiness, a lot of live rats. Also, the 9-1-1 case that brings the fire department to the scene involves a woman with a compound fracture in her leg; this is shown somewhat graphically. Furthermore, if you continue watching the scene past where the sneezes (and relevant conversation) end, it gets worse, including many more rats and also a not-too graphic dead cat.

Warning #2: While there is no e-phobia warning for the scene mentioned above (it’s made clear that the characters are affected by the smell at the scene, but it’s just grossed-out faces, nothing worse), there is a prior, unrelated scene involving graphic v-ing near the beginning of the episode, as well as other scenes later that mention said v-ing scene in some detail. Please keep this in mind if this is an issue for you. (If you only want to avoid the graphic scene, it’s the first one after the logo appears, starting at 01:14, and is over by 04:48. If you want to avoid just the graphic bit, it starts at 04:12 and is over by 04:48.)

Edited by MyOwnPrivateSFC
Corrected timing issue; added time stamps
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