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Can monsters get sick? (Esmael, M)


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It's a mini fanfic from a book I recently read, Spanish, I don't think many people around here know it haha. I’m not sure how famous it’s been in other countries. In Spain, it’s not very well known either, but I encourage everyone to read this series because it’s AMAZING. And I love Esmael, I couldn’t resist writing this little fic  :) The saga is called The Cycle of the Red Moon, and it’s about a group of young people trying to survive in a world infested with "monsters." Two of them are Esmael (a dark angel) and Lady Scar. Enjoy ❤️ 


"Right now, there's no time for sidetracking, we'll discuss this later. For now, focus on finding whoever, or whatever, killed Lady Moreda." Esmael said, thoughtfully. 

 "What if there's no one? What if it was just an accident or..."

Lady Scar stopped when Esmael raised an arm, his long fingers, as dark as a starry night, lightly covering his mouth. He stood still for a few seconds, like a statue of black marble. The rain was pounding outside, and his straight black hair dripped down the back of his neck. Then, a soft, sharp breath and...

- "Hp-tch! Tch!... T-tsch! H...ha."

Soft, discreet, slightly forced in an attempt to go unnoticed.

Lady Scar couldn't help but smile. In all the many years they had known each other, she had only seen him sneeze a couple of times, and never so directly, at such a close distance.

 "Does the Red Moon weaken you instead of making you stronger, Esmael?"

Esmael quickly composed himself, as if nothing had happened, though Lady Scar couldn't miss how the perfect, angular nose of the dark angel twitched slightly. She had spent too many years observing him, far more than she would have liked, for such small disturbances to go unnoticed.

"It’s a natural reaction."

"For you?"

"Not all of us have a monstrously hideous body that can’t even sneh-ez-h..."

Lady Scar didn’t even bother with the insult; Esmael’s expression of frustration and desperation was reward enough. She didn’t say a word, simply waited for Esmael to surrender to the approaching sneeze, which by now was impossible to avoid.

"H-Mngk-ugh... Hp-tch!"

"How long has it been since you were last sick? Ten, twenty years?"

"I’m not sick, don’t say stupid things. More than usual, at least."

Lady Scar ignored him.

"I’m not sure if it’s the right time, considering we’re being killed off one by one, but I could ask Lady Spider to send you some tissues to the dome."

Esmael scoffed, though his mind wasn’t as sharp as usual, distracted by the effort of holding back his sneezes.

"Why are we even talking about my cold? I don’t see how it’s relevant..."

 "So, you do have a cold."

"What a ridiculous thing to say. I don’t have time for your nonsense, focus on what you need to focus on, stop pretending to play nurse."

"Especially not for you."


The black angel stretched his wings, as enormous as they were, red like blazing fire, ready to take off and leave right then and there, but Lady Scar didn’t even step aside. Not when Esmael didn’t take off immediately.

"Bless you, I think that’s what people say. Right?" Lady Scar spoke with that sharp, macabre tone she often used, though with a very clear hint of mockery in her voice.

Esmael didn’t take long to meet her expectations.

"Ih-itch- uuuh... Hp-tshh...! Txch! ha... Hep-TSCHu! Damn it." He covered his face gently with his knuckles, an unmistakably elegant gesture that, despite the disdain she held for him, Lady Scar found beautiful. There was a certain beauty in his vulnerability, a word that was, without a doubt, rarely connected to someone like Esmael.

"Don’t say a word." he whispered, with a warning tone, now more congested.

Then he flew off.


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