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Silver Pumpkins


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A Halloween story at the beginning of October? I don't see a reason why not 😉

Part 1:

Fitting in can be tricky when moving to a new place. For Gina, it was particularly difficult. She was a small-town girl who recently moved far away from home to a big city university. Gina was a very friendly girl, but she felt out of place. Everyone around her seemed so urban and sophisticated, immune to Gina's natural charm. Trying to figure out the best way to make new friends, Gina finally decided she would try joining a sorority. Her best bet was Zeta Omicron Omega, or "ZOO". It was rumored that getting in wasn't too hard. After all, how hard could it be if the sorority was called "ZOO"? Pledges were required to go through a "test" of some sort, which would change every year. The test was decided during the first sorority meeting, after all the pledges were introduced. Once the test was decided, one of the sorority members was chosen to serve as a "guide" for the pledges, overseeing their test and reporting the results to the other members. The first "ZOO" meeting of the year took place at the end of September. Gina was sitting in a small room, surrounded by the sorority members as well as the two other pledges, Alex and Emily. The sorority members debated possible tests passionately while the pledges awaited nervously.

"I just hope they don't choose anything animal related" said Alex. "Animal hair makes me sneeze like crazy".

"Why would they choose something animal related?" Emily asked.

"The sorority is called 'Zoo' after all" Alex replied.

"Don't worry. I don't think they take that name so seriously when it comes to choosing a test" Gina said, trying to sound confident. She didn't actually know anything about how the sorority chooses tests, but she tried to be friendly and help her fellow pledge feel comfortable.

"Make them do the Silver pumpkins challenge on Halloween" one girl suddenly called. Gina couldn't tell who it was, but she felt like the girl who spoke was sitting very close to her. She turned around, trying to find that girl, but the commotion was so great that she couldn't do so. Whoever that girl was, eventually she got her wish. It was decided that the pledges' test would be the Silver pumpkins challenge and that it would take place on Halloween. A girl named Lori was chosen to be their guide.

"So, what can you tell us about our test?" Gina asked Lori a few days later. The pledges had a meeting with Lori in order to prepare them for the test.

"It's something that hasn't been done for ages" said Alex. Gina was surprised that it was Alex who spoke.

"That's right" said Lori. "I'm honestly surprised that they chose this challenge. It's kinda childish if you ask me, but whatever".

"What do we have to do?" Emily asked.

"I've never heard of silver pumpkins before" said Gina. "Is that big city slang for something"?

"Don't tell me you haven't heard of Silver pumpkins" said Alex. "This story's been going around for ages".

"Around here, sure, but I'm sure it hasn't made it to where Gina is from" said Lori. Gina knew that Lori wasn't making fun of her, but she still felt a little embarrassed. It isn't easy being the only one who doesn't know what everyone is talking about.

"I should explain" Lori continued. "This is an old story, from about 30 years ago. An urban myth, you might call it. There's a house not far from campus, where a woman named Miranda Silver used to live. She was this really weird woman who mostly kept to herself. No one knows exactly how long she's been living there, because people hardly ever saw her get out of the house and practically no one ever talked to her. One thing that is known is that every year, around Halloween, there would be massive pumpkins in her front yard. They would just appear out of nowhere every late October and disappear shortly after Halloween. It would happen every year, like clockwork. She even won first prize when the city had a contest for the best pumpkin patch, but she never came to collect the prize. As weird as the whole pumpkins thing was, her neighbors never complained because they never had any problems with her. Troubles only started after the Gold family moved next door to her. Yeah, I know, Silver and Gold, very funny. Anyway, George Gold was a widower who moved there with his daughter after his wife passed away. He was quiet and polite, a very religious type from what I heard. The daughter, Dorothy, was also quiet and polite, but didn't seem to be as religious as her father. My aunt actually went to school with her, but the girl didn't really have friends so very little is known about her. She must've been lonely, not having any friends at school, which is probably why she started hanging out with old Miss Silver. They say Dorothy would often go to the Silver house after school and stay there for hours. At first her father didn't notice and when he did it didn't bother him too much, but when Dorothy started skipping church on Sundays he got worried. This went on until she graduated and when she did her father had a plan to send her away, to some very religious university. Dorothy was not happy about it. She said she wanted to stay here. Her father wondered why she would want to stay in a place where she didn't have any friends and she told him she did have a friend. Realizing that she was talking about Miss Silver, George got angry. He said he forbids Dorothy from ever seeing Miss Silver again. Naturally, Dorothy rebelled and went to Miss Silver the very next day, which happened to be Halloween. George followed her, fully ready to confront Miss Silver. The neighbors saw him knock on the door, practically slamming it with his fist. A few moments later, the door opened and he got in. No one knows exactly what happened inside the house. People heard loud voices, like there was an argument. Shortly after that there was a gunshot, followed by a woman screaming and then silence. At that point, the neighbors called the police. When they arrived they found Mister Gold sitting with his face in his hands outside the Silver house. 'My daughter is gone' was what he kept saying over and over. The cops went into the house were they found... nothing. No bodies, no gun, it was as if the house was empty. They searched the whole place but still nothing. Meanwhile, George was taken to custody, but after the cops found no evidence that there even was a crime they had to release him since they couldn't charge him with anything. He moved away shortly after that and no one around here has ever seen him or heard from him again. No one ever saw Miss Silver or Dorothy either. The house was up for sale, but no one would even go near it, let alone offer to buy it. Finally, some couple from out of town wanted to buy the house. They came to see the property and guess what? It was Halloween again. When the couple came to the neighborhood they were very surprised to find a patch of pumpkins there. They thought that it was a gesture from their would be neighbors, but none of them had any idea how those pumpkins got there. Needless to say they ended up changing their mind and not buying the house. Ever since then, the house has been standing empty for years. At least, we assume it's empty. No one ever had the courage to come close enough to check. The weird thing is, it feels like someone is living there. We never see any lights in the windows or hear sounds coming from inside, but the house still looks exactly as it did all those years ago. I mean it - even the paint on the walls looks like no time has passed. And of course we have the pumpkins, which keep showing up every year around Halloween, just like before. It still happens every year, like clockwork. Occasionally some kids would dare each other to go near the house, but they often chicken out. Your test would be going to the house on Halloween, getting close to the pumpkins and trying to get inside the house".

"That's it?" Gina was puzzled.

"What do mean 'that's it'? Did you not hear all the stuff Lori just told us?" Emily's face looked pale.

"Oh come on, Lori herself said that it's and urban myth" Gina waved her hand dismissively.

"I also told you that my Aunt went to school with Dorothy" said Lori. "The golds were real and so was everything I told you about the police investigation".

"Not to mention the pumpkins" Alex added.

"You mean to tell me you believe this, Alex? I might not know you very well, but you don't strike me a someone who believes in ghost stories" said Gina.

"I never said I believe in ghost stories, but the high-school I went to isn't far from the Silver house and I used to walk by it all the time. The pumpkins were really there every year around Halloween".

"That's the same high-school Dorothy went to, isn't it?" Emily asked.

"And my aunt. Yup, it's the same one" Lori replied.

"Well, I'm not about to let some pumpkins scare me out of trying to get into 'ZOO'. I'm doing this challenge" said Gina.

"That's the spirit. What about you two?' Lori asked Emily and Alex.

Emily still looked a little scared but finally gave a weak nod. Alex just shrugged.

"Great" Gina said, putting on her most confident smile. "We're gonna nail this".

TBC :pumpkin:

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