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Sneeze Fetish Forum

More AI fun (M)


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So I've gone back to Bing to spend some more time with DALL-E and its uncanny sketching capabilities ('uncanny' as in 'it seems to have learnt how many fingers people have') and it has a new 'Customise' feature that connects to Microsoft Designer. Designer will let you use AI for some edits to the image (not that great, at least if you're as technologically incompetent as yours truly) but it will also let you add text in a gazillion different fonts, resize the image, etc.

So I thought, why not resize the image and add text in a gazillion different fonts.

There are few things I like more than sneezy men, and one of those is sneezy men with elaborate internal monologues on how/why/how much they're sneezing. Combine this with all of the above, and this is the result:


I'm only posting this one here because of the usual restrictions on total attachment size (across all threads, PMs etc.). There are more in the dedicated album in the Gallery, and more may be added in the coming days:


Edited by gryffin
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  • gryffin changed the title to More AI fun (M)

Ooh I love these!! The dialogue really does it for me too. I'd say your technological and editing skills are pretty decent to be honest - waaaayy beyond me!

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Thank you both! I'm glad you liked them. I can never tell if these AI things are going to please an audience of one, it's always so quiet in the Gallery! I'm going to post another something in a moment.

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I LOVE these. Such interesting ways to put AI to work. ;) Looking forward to more! 

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Why thank you ☺️

It isn't at all hard: you feed DALL-E the description of the image you want, and after a gazillion few attempts it churns out the image you want. I find sketches are what it does best (I usually specify "pencil sketch"). Then I use the "Customise" thingy to add whatever wacky dialogue I have in mind 😅

I hope to post more soon!

Edited by gryffin
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