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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Surprising obs while volunteering (M, allergies likely, very wordy)


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Sooo I'm helping to set up for a tour of this historical place and like a dinner that'll be done once all the exploring of the area is done. Its a once a year type thing. Anyways, I'm mostly here as a guest so help wasn't expected but it felt weird to just sit around so I asked if I could help with anything, and I was told it'd be great if I could help put some flowers into vases because they wanted each table tomorrow to have some fresh wild flowers. The flowers were already picked and set in buckets and stuff so all I had to do was fill up the vases.
Some of them were grown by the woman who asked me to help and some were gathered off the grounds themselves. And she had this giant variety of vases, all shapes and slightly different sizes. Anyways I was being given my instructions when an employee of the site (I didn't know he worked there at the time I thought he was a guest turned volunteer just like me) came out and said ''I don't really have anything to do so...I can help.'' He said it with this kind of sheepish smile like he was nervous he might be interrupting. It also might have been because she did ask outright if anyone else wanted to come and help. Because it was a ''very fun jooob'' which she said in this sing songy voice. Which no one reacted to 😭 she gave me this shrug while smiling and said ''I don't get it. This is the most fun job.'' And I was like ''Oh really?'' And thats when she got into talking about how she's been gathering this collection of vases and etc etc. She talked a lot about them and was very excited honestly xD Anyways, he came out late to volunteer so maybe he was a little shy about asking.
Annnyways, after giving us the speel about how to get it done and what to do and to just have fun, she left us alone to go finish helping with name tags and whatnot. Soo anyway. We had these work gloves but I ended up taking mine off because it felt better to just touch the flowers directly. She encouraged us to have fun and put on some music while walking away and I looked at him and said ''I was actually about to put on some but I didnt wanna be obnoxious about it.''
And he smiles this super warm smile and says ''No no, go ahead.''. So I turn up the volume and we started. He was standing across the table from me and we had these big buckets of flowers in between us, as well as our little vases(and this giant bucket of spare vases off to the side) since we needed like 20. Not even a minute or two passes when I suddenly hear him take this loud deep breath and let out a really hard sneeze. It was huge and sounded really wet and was so sudden and big my heart literally jumped into my chest (especially because I actually felt a bit of spray hit my hand). I wasn't looking at him but he had to have sneezed right down at the table. I looked up at him and even with effort couldn't hide the shock in my voice as I said ''Bless you''. And his response was a breathy ''Oh...'' as he turned his head away and sneezed again, this time aiming it in the general direction of his shoulder, but still basically freely into the air. That one, and the one before it sounded something like ''Heh-AA-SCHOO!'' I blessed him again and he stood there in silence for a few seconds with his head still aimed towards his shoulder. And my heart was pounding so fast because I knew it was about to happen again. It took another second or two before he finally did, and I could actually see some of the spray in the air. He literally just didn't bother covering them at all. It was also a bigger than the second one but not bigger than the first. Maybe about equally as big as the first one? I couldn't bring myself to bless him that time because honestly I could hardly even think at that point. And then he shakes his head and gives this really relieved sounding, ''Whew!'' and then he sniffled while looking up at me without missing a beat and said ''Thank you.''
And I was dying and melting and all the things. I more or less forced my attention back to flower vase making and said ''Mhm.''. Not in a disinterested way but in a way that made it clear I was saying ''you're welcome.''. But that was honestly all I could manage because my brain was still trying to process it all. I'm not used to seeing shameless sneezers but I absolutely love them. And that he got my hand with the first one was so shocking and so.... beyond death inducing 🫠 And as I'm trying to process and recover(and replaying what just happened), maybe not even a full twenty seconds later he does it again. Preluded by that loud deep breath. And afterwards with yet another ''Whew!''. Like he himself was shocked at how big they were. Or maybe it was from the relief of it I honestly don't know. My brain was kind of just short circuiting at that point xD I blessed him again and he said ''thank you.'' and then after two or three seconds goes ''That might happen a few more times. I'm not really used to being around flowers like this-'' and then paused for a second, and I couldn't help but look at him. I didn't want to be rude and stare and I didn't exactly stare but... His face was scrunched up with that pre-sneeze expression as he took another deep breath and sneezed basically right down at the table. Again. And then turned his head to the side towards his shoulder and sneezed one more time before looking back at me while laughing a little and said ''See?''
And I was just on autopilot at that point. My brain was fried and I was honestly just so helplessly aroused. So I smiled back and said ''Yeah, I see that. Bless you. You allergic to flowers?'' I don't know where the talkativeness came from but like I said I was just on autopilot. It was that or dissolve into a puddle xD. He shakes his head and says ''No not really. Not usually anyway.'' and I respond with ''Maybe its because there's so many of them? With such a huge variety?'' And his face scrunched up and then he sneezed again, off to the side again before talking again as soon as it came out. ''Yeah that might be it. Sorry in advance.'' and I just kind of laughed and said ''It's fine don't worry.''. We ended up working together vasing the flowers for like the next hour or so and this guy would just not stop sneezing. He was a pretty nice guy too. We didn't talk a whole lot and mostly just worked to the tune of the soft music I had going, and at one point I guess we summoned some bubble bees because there was a huge one on this giant yellow flower in one of his vases. He randomly said ''Oh-'' and I definitely thought he was gonna sneeze again but then he said ''There's a big bee on this flower here.'' and then after a few seconds he said ''its fine'' and i was like ''yeah he's just chilling''. He ended up taking a picture of it because it was honestly quite aesthetic xD As you guys probably see I've also attached a few pictures of our efforts. Which are not too bad if I do say so myself.
There was also one moment when he was walking one of the vases over to the table and just sneezed freely over his arm, towards the ground. I ended up losing count of them at some point but it had to have been at least 20 times over the course of the hour. At the very least. I blessed him more or less every time(but sometimes I didn't, either because I just felt like I couldn't without my voice sounding weird or because I wasn't sure if it was going to get annoying for him). So after maybe the first like...6 or so? I started spacing them out a little. Or I would wait to see if it would happen again before saying. The way he sneezed was a bit varied sound wise. Sometimes it was in three parts like ''Heh-AHH-SHEW!'' or ''Hah-ET-CHIEW!'' But sometimes it sort of just flowed out in one or two parts like ''Hah-AASHIEW!'' or ''HAH-ESSHIEW!''. I also remember at one point after he had sneezed like three times in a row I just kind of jokingly asked if he was sure this was the right job for him. I didn't know what else to say besides bless you and I was honestly starting to get overwhelmed(in a good way of course but still, I was dying)
I said something like ''are you sure flower vasing was the right job?'' and he said ''Yeah I actually love nature. Why? Am I getting annoying?'' and I in my head I was like oh my god sir no and please don't think you are. So I said ''No no, not at all. It's not like you can help it. Heck if I was allergic to flowers I'd probably be sneezing up a storm too.''. I don't know where the bravery to say that came from but it just came out because I really didn't want him to feel bad like at all. And then he's all like ''Thanks for understanding. But let me know if I get annoying about it. I can go and uh, like bury my head in the sand or something.'' because we had not only a lot of nature but some ruins and the odd pile of sand around xD and then I sort of just shook my head while laughing with this really casual voice and said ''Naah you're fine.'' and in my head that sentence ended with 'just let them out'. Even thinking back on it is kind of just... I don't even know😅. I just know I wont be forgetting about today for a long long while. The contrast between his honestly adorable worry about being annoying and how he just casually let them out is something ive been thinking about basically all day. Also for anyone who cares about looks he was a white guy, probably late twenties with a small bit of stubble around his chin and jaw. Pretty well built I guess, he didn't exactly look like a full on gym guy but he seemed like he takes care of himself physically. He was also wearing a blue baseball cap. 
Also, much much later on, after I managed to somehow get an early tour of the land-without the big groups that will be there tomorrow- (I also rode a golf cart for the first time today xD), I saw him again as I was going to deliver some craft supplies to this barn type building for the next day. He was helping to set up this giant tent thing. His back was to me but he turned his head to the side and sneezed freely. It was pretty hard and there was a lot of spray that misted in the air. It was one of those long flowy type ones. Kind of like ''HahAASHEW!'' I was almost brave enough to call out a bless you but I really didnt want him to notice me, or bring a lot of attention to it. I was somehow sure it would be weird for some reason even though it probably wouldn't have been. I was just really nervous to do it that time. I blessed him in my mind though xD and that was the end of it. I'm going back tomorrow so i may update this if I get another obs. Which I'm hoping I do because jesus christ. But also even if I don't today was pretty insane in and of itself. Anyways thanks for reading if you got this far and hope you guys enjoyed! I was a bit nervous to post this per the norm but a good bit less so than usual ^^ I'm gonna go uh. Recover from all that xD if i even can. Also, posted below are the end results of our effort(its hard to see him, but I managed to catch a picture of the bumble bee too). Sneeziness aside, we did a damn good job on these flowers arrangements if I do say so myself 😁




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This is some very good stuff. I do hope you get some more tomorrow - but even if you don't, this is an obs to cherish.

Also: good job with the flowers! And hello bumblebee! (I love bumblebees, they're adorable.)

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Honestly I would've been blushing so hard, those were some really cute interactions right there, and love how honest and worried he was about his sneezes being annoying and all. I love how he sneezed without covering too, aiming at the table or right into the air turned away. The fact that you were able to see the mist of the sneeze right in front of you too, gosh I would have that memory deeply burned into my mind and would cherish it forever, that is what I've always want to have seen in sneeze obs.

Thank you so much for sharing this amazing experience you had ❤️

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Such a wonderful observation. I love all the specific details and the way you're letting us know how you're feeling while the observation goes along. His sneezes sounds really great to be honest and gosh, it must have taken you completely by surprise to be sneezed on your hand??

The lovely added photos are truly such a bonus. And oh, isn't riding golf cars so much fun? lol.


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Thank you for taking the time to post this lengthy and wonderful ob 😊 I love the detail you've put into this. If I witnessed those they would be burned into my mind, especially observing the mist or my hand being sneezed on. I'd have been so flustered I wouldn't have known what to even do haha. Such cute interactions! 

I also love how you've written out his sneezes. They sound really nice - melt in a puddle.

I hope you get more obs tomorrow! And if you do, I'd love to read an update 🤭

12 hours ago, justlogan said:

said something like ''are you sure flower vasing was the right job?'' and he said ''Yeah I actually love nature. Why? Am I getting annoying?'' and I in my head I was like oh my god sir no and please don't think you are. So I said ''No no, not at all. It's not like you can help it. Heck if I was allergic to flowers I'd probably be sneezing up a storm too.''. I don't know where the bravery to say that came from but it just came out because I really didn't want him to feel bad like at all. And then he's all like ''Thanks for understanding. But let me know if I get annoying about it. I can go and uh, like bury my head in the sand or something.'' b

I loved this scene. He seems a bit shy and worried about his sneezes. And your response was so sweet and accepting 😊 I'm sure he appreciated that.

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Read this last night, did not have time to comment then, but have absolutely thought about it multiple times since, so had to return and thank you for sharing it. Just a lovely obs, and congrats to you on what sounds like an amazing day 😉 The flowers look great, btw -- I'm sure it must have been incredibly distracting lol, but the two of you did an awesome job! 

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Editing to say sorry in advance for how wordy my responses are. I kind of just felt compelled 😅
@gryffin Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed doing so! I definitely agree I'm gonna be cherishing this for basically ever xD its still hard to believe it really happened, even as I think back on it. And thank you! Putting the flowers together in vases was really fun. One of my friends walked over and was like ''Why are you so close to all those bees?'' And I was like ''They're just chilling. They want the flowers, not me. They're not worried about me at all.''. It was actually amazing how that one bee turned into at least five of them, buzzing around the flowers we had set up. A tiny little baby one even showed up at one point. They were definitely very cute!
@muskysneeze Dude my face was so freaking hot. Especially after that very first mini fit he had but they literally just kept happening. I couldnt help how I was feeling if I tried. A lot of his particularly big sneezes misted the air, especially if it had been a few minutes first. I was literally dying. And being able to see his expression first before he let them out multiple times honestly just added to it so much more. It was so overwhelming. I'm like sir are you TRYING to kill me sneezing like that? 😭😅Even thinking back on it is overwhelming. I absolutely loved that he just let them out the way he did. He never tried to cover them, not even once. If he hit my hand then I'm almost sure some of the flowers got it too. Also thanks for sharing your thoughts and I'm glad you enjoyed the obs so much! It makes me feel even better about sharing it. I'm definitely not going to be forgetting about this guy. He killed me thousands of times over. Like thousands. I could barely even function even though I made myself do so xD. I was thinking about him all day after that. And all during my tour. I honestly just couldn't help it 😅
@Candy Dust Aww thank you candy! I wanted to be as detailed as possible to really make it feel like you guys were there with me, or even in my shoes if possible. And his sneezes were honestly to die for. They were so hard and at one point I'll admit I got mildly jealous because I was just like sheesh those sound like they feel really good to let out. And he did it so shamelessly, without holding back at all. I almost kind of wanted to sneeze myself I'm not gonna lie xD. And yeah I was totally shocked when he hit my hand with the first one. And quite obviously didn't even notice/care. And blessing him right after that honestly just made my whole face and head warm. It was really hot. I felt the spray literally in tune with the sound of him letting it out and I was in my head like '😶'. That first sneeze is definitely one of my favorites of all the ones he let out. 
Also I'm glad you liked the photos! I have a few more but those were some pretty good ones. Also also, I was on the back of the cart. It was a lot more...bumpy that I assumed? Kind of like those wooden roller coasters that are extra jerky. It was soothing though, especially because it was a beautifully warm day and the lands we rode across were so pretty to look at. Plus...plenty of time to daydream. Which I'm not gonna lie, I did quite a bit. I was a whole mess and a half because of my thoughts the entire ride xD Though i did take at least few moments to enjoy the view. Brief as they were 😅
@YuriY7890 Hi again Yuri ^^. Thanks for reading this one too. I'm really glad you liked all the details. It honestly felt like I was reliving it all as I was typing it. I tried to really paint a clear picture for you guys. Also yes I also loved how they sounded. Each one was huge and wet sounding and there were multiples times where I saw the spray from it misting in the air when he'd turn his head away. It was honestly just so sexy. I was also definitely beyond flustered when he got my hand but I did love it. My heart was going a mile a minute though, especially while blessing him for it. Pure meltage. And yess he was so cute with that face in the sand comment. It was surprising when he asked if he was being annoying but it was definitely adorable. And he definitely seemed grateful for what I said which was nice. And his sneezes continued on naturally even long after that moment so I can tell he was still feeling comfortable. That contrast between the worry and his shameless sneezes has been murdering me to think back on though 😅
@treehouse I definitely appreciate you coming back to share your thoughts 😁 It was an amazing day and trust me I've been thinking about it ALOT today. Especially spending the day in the location where it happened. And seeing the flower vases we put together set up, one on every table. It was like a constant reminder of the day before. Also yeah low key high key my hands did very slightly shake a few times when I went to transfer flowers so there's that 😅 I was definitely very distracted.
Unfortunately, he wasn't at the location today but I was still thinking about it all day not gonna lie. I really really appreciate you guys' comments and I'm happy so many of you loved reading it as much as I enjoyed experiencing it! You guys are all super kind. Thanks again ^^ 
Edited by justlogan
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Oh my goodness, that was the “best job,” but not in the way the woman meant!

Since the sneezes were so wet/spraying, did the guy end up sniffling at all? Or blowing/wiping his nose?

I don’t suppose you found out his name and number so you can invite him to future flower arranging, did you? 😉

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2 hours ago, justlogan said:

Hi again Yuri ^^. Thanks for reading this one too. I'm really glad you liked all the details. It honestly felt like I was reliving it all as I was typing it. I tried to really paint a clear picture for you guys. Also yes I also loved how they sounded. Each one was huge and wet sounding and there were multiples times where I saw the spray from it misting in the air when he'd turn his head away. It was honestly just so sexy. I was also definitely beyond flustered when he got my hand but I did love it. My heart was going a mile a minute though, especially while blessing him for it. Pure meltage. And yess he was so cute with that face in the sand comment. It was surprising when he asked if he was being annoying but it was definitely adorable. And he definitely seemed grateful for what I said which was nice. And his sneezes continued on naturally even long after that moment so I can tell he was still feeling comfortable. That contrast between the worry and his shameless sneezes has been murdering me to think back on though 😅

I more than liked all of the details. The way you wrote it made me feel like I was there - guess I'm living vicariously through you instead 😂 I feel like my heart would have been racing too, and I'd be telling myself to 'calm down' and 'you don't need to faint in front of this guy'. It's great he was feeling comfortable, because I know for many who have allergies (like my Hb) it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable to not be able to control your sneezing in public. So points to you for making him feel okay about it in front of you 😊 yeah it is interesting isn't it - the more so shameless sneezing, but also the worry and concern that he's annoying you, etc. 🤔

2 hours ago, justlogan said:

Unfortunately, he wasn't at the location today but I was still thinking about it all day not gonna lie. I really really appreciate you guys' comments and I'm happy so many of you loved reading it as much as I enjoyed experiencing it! You guys are all super kind. Thanks again ^^ 

Disappointing... 😅 maybe he'll be there another day? Are you going back for a few more days or anything?

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Yes golf car ride's can be quite bumpy lol, but I am glad you got some time to relax and enjoy the views after that exhilarating experience. 🫠 

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