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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Close Quarters (CM, Hotch/JJ)


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Hi, I can’t finish a story to save my life but have a new one anyway. Not quite sure where I’m going with this but let me know if there’s anything you want to see! 


Their last case hadn’t played out the way they’d expected it to, at all. It had taken them a full week and a half to identify the UNSUB and bring him into custody-a week and a half that had left the team run down and in desperate need of sleep. When Hotch learned that it was going to take at least another twenty four hours to wrap things up with the local police force and media, he’d obtained permission for the majority of the team to fly home while he and JJ remained behind to tie up the loose ends. Morgan, Rossi, Prentiss, and Reid had been all too happy to return to Quantico and sleep in their own beds. Twenty eight hours later, the jet returned for the two remaining BAU members at seven in the evening. 


JJ had been watching Hotch closely over the last two days. He seemed far more impacted by the long hours than he usually did, with purple half moons taking up residence underneath his eyes and a permanent crease in his brow indicating a headache. She’d assumed at first the headache was from lack of sleep, but now wasn’t so sure. The media liaison had caught the unit chief clearing his throat on more than one occasion, and he’d ducked into the restroom just before they left the precinct only to emerge sniffling a minute later with slightly reddened nostrils. 


He seemed alright during takeoff, steadfastly working his way through the stack of paperwork in front of him as she did the same in a seat across the aisle. It wasn’t until they’d been at cruising altitude for a bit that she caught a sudden movement out of the corner of her eye, and she glanced over surreptitiously to see him jerk back into a sitting position, blinking rapidly. She started to ask if he was okay, but thought better of it, instead continuing to glance his way every few seconds as she tried to figure out what was going on. She got her answer several minutes later, when she saw his eyes drift shut and his head loll again towards his shoulder, only for him to straighten up again quickly and give his head a swift shake as though to clear it. 


JJ stayed quiet, not wanting Hotch to know she was watching him and also not wanting to disturb or embarrass him. She hoped that maybe he’d let his guard down enough to relax and let himself sleep-they still had nearly four hours before they’d land and it was getting late-but she didn’t count on it. To her surprise, when she risked another glance nearly fifteen minutes later, his head was resting against the wall of the airplane, his eyes closed and expression relaxed. JJ smiled to herself as she continued working through the forms in front of her, thankful Hotch was allowing himself to rest. 


“Hhh’iitschch’uh!” Though relatively quiet, the sudden sneeze startled JJ and she jumped at the sound. Turning her head, she saw that Hotch looked slightly dazed, a ticklish expression still present on his features as he started to sit up. Moments later, he sneezed again, stifling these two by pinching his nose hard between his thumb and forefinger. “Hhh’nnngtggts! Hhh’nnnsscht!” 


“Bless you.” JJ offered, a pit forming in her stomach. She’d wondered if Hotch had been coming down with something back in Arkansas, and this seemed to confirm her suspicions. The unit chief nodded his thanks, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and unfolding it just in time to catch another series of sneezes in the cloth. 


“Tha’hhh’thank you-hhhh’nxgt! Hh’nnngsch’uh! Hhhh’ggggtsch! Hhhh’esh’uh!” The last sneeze refused to be stifled and Hotch blushed furiously, rubbing his nose several times with the handkerchief before putting it back in his pocket. 


“And again.” JJ said lightly, trying to avoid letting the concern she was feeling seep into her tone. 


“Thank you. Excuse me.” Was it her imagination, or was his voice a little rough? He certainly had a hint of congestion present as he spoke. Hotch looked frustrated with himself as he straightened his suit jacket and tie, though whether it was because he’d been asleep or the fact that he had sneezed she wasn’t sure. JJ bit her lip, wanting to suggest he lay down for a while but afraid of how he’d take that suggestion. She looked up as his breathing caught and saw his nostrils flare briefly before the man stood abruptly, making his way to the restroom in the back of the jet. His body jerked when he was steps away but he didn’t break his stride, disappearing behind the door as quickly as he could. 


He emerged about a minute later, eyes slightly watery, cheeks flushed and nose definitely taking on a rosy hue, leaving JJ to assume he’d had another sneezing fit in the restroom. Still, she was smart enough not to acknowledge his appearance as he took a seat once more, an unreadable expression on his tired features. 


Standing, JJ went to the kitchen and made two mugs of herbal tea. She’d debated making Hotch a cup of coffee, but coffee and colds didn’t exactly go together. When they were finished steeping, she carried them back to the seating area and slid into the booth across from her boss, setting the mug down carefully so as not to spill it. He looked up, a puzzled and slightly guarded look present in his eyes as he saw that the liquid was far too light to be coffee.


“You made me tea.” It was a statement, not a question. JJ gave him a gentle smile and nudged the mug closer. 


“Mmhmm.” She figured she’d let him take the lead if he was going to question it further, not wanting to set him on edge by prying about his health. Hotch looked at the cup suspiciously before picking it up and taking a small sip. JJ noticed he covered a slight wince as he swallowed, then relaxed. 


“It’s good. Thank you.” He raised a fist to his lips, stifling a yawn, before taking another sip of tea. 


“Are you going to see Jack tonight?” JJ asked, trying to bring up a topic that wasn’t going to put Hotch on the defensive. He sighed and looked away for a moment before making eye contact again. 


“No. We’ll be getting in late, so it’s better he spend the night with his aunt. I’ll pick him up tomorrow.” 


“Are we off rotation?” JJ asked, the hope in her voice nearly making him crack a smile. Hotch shook his head. 


“Strauss called before we took off. Half the team that would cover us is down with the flu, so we’re on deck for the next case.” The media liaison groaned. 


“Well, I’m glad everyone else got a solid day of sleep at least.” Hotch looked her over, noting for the first time that he wasn’t the only one who was worn down. 


“It’s been a long couple of weeks. How are you holding up?” The compassion and concern in Hotch’s voice and eyes made her stomach flip flop slightly. 


“I’m tired, but I’m okay.” She assured him. “How are you doing?” 


“I’m fine.” JJ resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead wrapping her hands around her mug and enjoying the warmth it provided. A moment later, he proved just how “fine” he was as his eyes began to flutter, breath hitching several times before he turned towards the window to sneeze into his hands. “Hhh…hh…hehhh…hhh’ngkt! Hhh’nngsch! Hhh…hhhh’Hhh’ampfsh’uh!” 


JJ had a perfect view of his profile as he sneezed, and watched with concern as the muscles in his back tensed with each release, his eyes squeezed shut and upper body contracting with the force of holding them in. The third sneeze burst out unstifled, and JJ saw Hotch take a moment to make sure he was done sneezing before he lowered his hands from their cupped position around his nose and mouth. 


“Bless you. Yeah, you sound great.” She said wryly, keeping her tone as light as possible. Hotch chuckled softly, the laugh turning into an irritated sounding cough that he got under control quickly, but not before the damage had been done. “Seriously Hotch, are you feeling alright?”


He debated honesty for a moment before deciding there was no way to play off the last half hour convincingly. JJ might not have been a profiler but she had the skills to be, and she was a mother on top of that. Lying would be insulting her professionally and personally. Not to mention, he was rapidly feeling worse the longer they were in the air. What had started as a tingle in his sinuses and an itch in his throat was quickly turning into body aches and a raw pain every time he swallowed. 


“I might-“ He broke off as he was forced to clear his throat to keep it from cracking. “I might be a little under the weather.” 


JJ could see the way his cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he admitted he wasn’t entirely fine, and knew what it cost him to admit “weakness”. She nodded her understanding, unsure of how to respond. 

As he covered another yawn with his hand, she gestured towards the papers in front of him. 


“Why don’t you get some rest before we land? I can handle those.” Hotch shook his head. 


“I’m alright. I appreciate the offer.” 


His voice held an edge of finality and JJ recognized that now wasn’t the time to push him. 


“I’ll leave you to it.” She gave him a gentle smile and moved back to her seat across the aisle. 


The next thirty minutes passed in silence, save for the occasional sniff or clearing of the throat from Hotch. Every so often, JJ would surreptitiously check on him by looking out the corner of her eye, and she swore he looked more exhausted every time she glanced over. With about an hour and a half to go until they landed, she looked over to see Hotch repeating his earlier pattern of starting to fall asleep before jerking awake. The fact that Hotch was struggling to keep his eyes open let her know that he was more tired, and probably more unwell, than he was letting on. Standing up and moving across the aisle, she slid back into the booth, causing Hotch to jerk back into an upright position with a startled look on his face. 


“Okay, watching you pretend not to be tired is stressing me out. Just take a nap already.” Hotch laughed half heartedly at that, uncomfortable that she’d caught him dozing off and also recognizing he was too tired to do anything but close his eyes. 


“Are you sure you don’t mind?” His voice was thick with sleep, and JJ shook her head. 


“I’ve got the paperwork. Whatever I can’t do I’ll put aside for you.” 


“Wake me before we land?” JJ nodded. 


“Of course. Now shut up and go to sleep already.” She stiffened, realizing she’d just told her boss to shut up, but he just gave her an amused smile before letting his head rest against the wall of the plane, closing his eyes almost immediately. It wasn’t long until his breathing evened out and it became clear he was asleep. 


JJ worked her way quietly through the stack of forms and reports requiring signatures, encountering only a few pages that she wasn’t authorized to sign and setting them to the side for him to complete later. She tried not to look at Hotch, afraid he’d feel her eyes on him and wake up. They were about twenty minutes away from landing when JJ decided she should probably rouse him, surprised that he’d slept that long. 


“Hotch? Hey, Hotch. We’re landing soon.” She called softly across the table. His eyes blinked open at the sound of her voice only to slam shut as he hurried to get his hands up to his face in time to catch an exhausting sounding fit of sneezes. 


“Hhh’essh’uh! Hhh’aaasch’uh! Hhh’mmpfsh’uh! Hhh..hhh’tsch! Hhhnngsch! Hhh’atsch’uh!” JJ but her lip anxiously. He really sounded sick. 


“Bless you.” She wanted to ask how he was feeling, but that seemed pretty clear to her. Hotch pulled the handkerchief from his pocket, giving his irritated nose a gentle blow before pocketing it again. 


“Excuse me. I’m so sorry JJ.” The woman in question looked at him incredulously. 


“You can’t help being sick Hotch. There’s nothing to apologize for.” He still looked embarrassed and redirected the conversation to the forms in front of JJ.


“You got through everything?” 


“Yep, it’s just these left.” She slid the unfinished stack over towards him, and he made quick work of flipping through the pages and signing them. By that point they were beginning their descent, and JJ saw a look of discomfort flit across his features before he brought a hand up to his temple, massaging it for a moment before letting it drop again as he realized what he was doing. 


Once they were on the ground, Hotch gathered his things and stood with some effort. JJ didn’t miss the stiffness in his movements as he lifted his bag down from the overhead compartment, and had to work hard to keep from asking again how he was feeling. She retrieved her own bag and started down the stairs to the tarmac first, Hotch’s footsteps letting her know he was just steps behind her. JJ was halfway down the stairs when she heard Hotch stop moving, and she turned quickly, worried he might have gotten dizzy. Instead, she saw him standing with his right hand cupped in front of his mouth and nose, left hand gripping the railing tightly, before he pitched forward with yet another fit of sneezes. 



“Hhh…hhh’esssh’uh! Hhhh’gssssh’uh! Hhh’eeeschoo! Hhh’hhh’hhh’empfsh’uh! Hhh’tttsch’uh! Hhh…hhh’ISH!” JJ winced in sympathy as his body shook with each expulsion of air-the man did not sound well. 


“Bless you.” She kept her tone neutral but Hotch could see the worry in her eyes as he lowered his hand, sniffing twice to keep his nose from running. 


“Thank you.” There was more than a hint of congestion in his voice this time when he spoke, and he sniffed harshly again, displeased but unable to reach his handkerchief with his coat on. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, JJ was standing to the side waiting for him. 


“Can I give you a lift home?” She knew the answer but wanted to offer anyway. 


“I’m fine. Thank you though.” 


“Okay. Get some sleep, I hope you feel better soon.” Hotch blushed again at her compassionate tone and just nodded, walking her to her vehicle in silence before doubling back to get to his own. JJ drove home feeling unsettled. Seeing Hotch in a vulnerable state was both an honor, since it meant he trusted her enough to let his guard down, and anxiety producing. He was so composed all the time and usually the picture of health. Seeing him sick was strange, and it made her worry. She made a mental note to check in with him the next day as she made sure her go back was packed before falling into an uneasy sleep. 


Her phone rang early the next morning, and her stomach sank as she saw Hotch on the caller ID. For him to be calling at four thirty in the morning meant one thing and one thing only-they had another case. She sat up, answering sleepily. 


“JJ, it’s Hotch. I’m sorry to wake you so soon after landing but we have a case. I’ll brief everyone on the jet. Wheels up in an hour.” His voice woke her up fully, making her feel as though she’d been splashed with cold water. Congestion was seeping into every syllable and he definitely sounded hoarse.


“Alright. Hotch?” 


“Yes?” That one word sounded weary and JJ winced. 


“Never mind. I’ll see you on the jet.” 


She dressed quickly and hurried back to the place they’d been just hours before, parking and noting Hotch’s vehicle was the only other vehicle there at the moment. Good. She’d have a moment to check in with him after all. Climbing the stairs to the jet, she entered and found him making a pot of coffee in the back, exhaustion present in his features. The man never slouched, but his posture wasn’t ramrod straight as it normally was, and that wasn’t a good sign. 


“How are you feeling?” She asked, guessing she already knew the answer. Hotch straightened up immediately when he answered. 


“I’m fine.” She might have tried to believe him if he didn’t pause to clear his throat before continuing. “The rest of the team should be here shortly. Coffee?” JJ nodded, accepting the cup he handed her gratefully. She’d had less than four hours of sleep and suspected that would be the norm for the next few days. She hoped this case would be easier than their last one. 


Rossi was next to arrive. He gave Hotch a once over but didn’t say a word. Morgan and Reid arrived next, with Prentiss getting there at five thirty on the dot. Hotch waited until they were at cruising altitude to brief them on the case, going over the details as thoroughly as usual despite the way talking grated against his tender throat. He just hoped no one would notice the traces of congestion in his voice. No such luck. 


“Any questions?” Hotch asked his team, wanting to make sure he’d been clear with the information. 


“One. Are you sick?” Reid didn’t beat around the bush. He pinched the bridge of his nose, frustrated and trying to hold back a sneeze at the same time. 


“I seem to be…hhh…seem to be fighting a cold.” Hotch admitted with a soft sniff. “I’ll be fine. I need you all focused on the case, not on me.” Reid looked slightly horrified and Hotch made a note to keep his distance from the germaphobic genius. Everyone else did their best to hide their concern as they turned their focus back to the case. 


They finally touched down in Washington state around ten in the morning. Stepping off the jet, JJ immediately noted it was no warmer there than it was in DC, with temperatures hovering around 20 degrees Fahrenheit. She sighed internally, knowing that working in the cold temperatures wasn’t exactly going to help Hotch’s burgeoning cold. Hotch didn’t say a word as he descended the stairs, his usual stoic mask in place. The local police had arranged for two vehicles to be waiting for them at the airport, and the team split into groups of three. Rossi, Reid and Morgan went in one van while Hotch, JJ and Prentiss took the other. 


The tension in the vehicle was palpable as they drove towards the precinct. Emily looked like she was going to say something a few times, but each time seemed to think better of it and stayed quiet. JJ guessed she wanted to know how badly her boss was feeling, and if he needed anything, just as much as she did. There was no good way to bring up the topic though, at least for the first ten minutes. 


They were halfway to the precinct when Hotch’s breathing became irregular. JJ risked a glance out of the corner of her eye and saw that Hotch’s eyes were watering, his nostrils pink and flared as he wrestled with the urge to sneeze. Several times it seemed he managed to subdue the urge, only for it to come surging back as his breath hitched audibly. Emily finally couldn’t take it anymore. She was a little more brazen than JJ, and a little less intimidated by the unit chief. 


“Hotch, just go ahead and sneeze already.” The words had barely left her mouth when Hotch cupped his right hand around his mouth and nose and sneezed harshly. 


“Hhhh’ggghsch’uh!” He straightened up, sniffling and blinking hard as his breathing remained uneven, fighting hard to keep the wheel steady as he sneezed again…and again. “Hhhh’aassch’uh! Hhhhh’nnngsxt!” The last one he managed to stifle, but it seemed to shift the congestion in his sinuses, forcing him to sniff repeatedly to keep his nose from running. JJ took pity on him and passed him a tissue from her purse, and he blew his nose as quietly as possible. 


“Bless you!” Emily’s voice was shocked, which only served to put Hotch more on edge. 


“Thank you. Excuse me.” JJ could tell he was uncomfortable and prayed her friend would keep her mouth shut. 


At the precinct, Hotch made a beeline for the police chief’s office, leaving the rest of his team to find a conference room and set up there. Emily nudged JJ as they were setting their bags down. 


“Have you ever seen Hotch sick before?” JJ shook her head. “Should we tell him to go back to the hotel and rest?” JJ laughed at that. 


“Sure Em, go right ahead. He’ll take that well.” Emily rolled her eyes. 


“Okay, fair enough.” Hotch walked back in at that moment and caught everyone’s attention. He sent Morgan and Reid to the first dumpsite, Prentiss and Rossi to the second, and told JJ they’d go to the third. JJ was secretly glad he’d paired the two of them up-it allowed her to keep an eye on him. 


As they stepped into the parking lot, Hotch froze mid step and snapped forward with a wrenching “hhhh’rrrsh’ooh!” JJ guessed the change in temperature had caught his sinuses by surprise, because he didn’t have time to even bring a hand up to cover his nose and mouth. He turned beet red, knuckling into his fist with two inaudible stifles as if to prove he still had control.


“Bless you. Want me to drive?” JJ offered casually. Hotch hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. 


“I’ve got it. Excuse mbe.” She slid into the passengers seat, noting Hotch hovered by the driver’s door for a moment as he blew his nose before opening it and getting in himself. He put the car in gear, pulling out of the parking lot and starting towards the dump site. 


Their UNSUB was targeting Caucasian women in their late thirties to early forties, attacking them at some point after the women had left their jobs and then dumping their bodies in the woods by a nearby river. As they drove, JJ noted piles of snow alongside the road and hoped the snow had come before the bodies had been dumped-if it had come after most of the evidence would be unusable. She said as much to Hotch and he just nodded, his mind clearly elsewhere. 


Wherever his mind had been while driving, he snapped back into focus when they climbed out of the car and started down the embankment towards the dump site. JJ made a mental note to stay as far from the river as possible, wanting to avoid slipping and falling on the icy rocks near the water. Hotch got right to work and JJ couldn’t help but admire him as he did. He was laser focused and picked up on the smallest details-it always impressed her how much he could gather from seemingly so little information. 


They’d been outside for about 15 minutes when JJ noticed Hotch starting to clear his throat regularly. She risked a glance in his direction and saw him pull out his handkerchief, rubbing his nose in the soft cloth several times before pocketing it again. A few minutes went by with more throat clearing and some sniffing before she heard him blow his nose as quietly as possible. She stayed quiet, not wanting to be intrusive or to disturb him as he continued walking the scene.


“Hhh’aapsh’uh! Hhh’eeeschuh! Hhhh’tssch’uh!” Three sneezes came a minute later and JJ looked up, frowning as she caught sight of how flushed the unit chief’s cheeks were. She hoped the redness was just from exposure to the cold, not a fever. 


“Bless you. You doing okay?” She asked, not expecting an honest answer but wanting to check in all the same. Hotch nodded, but directed a harsh cough into his elbow before pulling out his handkerchief and blowing his nose again, a little more fiercely than before. He seemed to be deteriorating the longer they were outside.


“I’m alright. The cold air is just…hehhh…getting to my systemeeesshuh!” His voice trailed off before dissolving into a desperate sounding sneeze that he caught in the folds of his handkerchief. “I think we’re set here.” JJ nodded in agreement and followed behind him as he led the way back to the vehicle. She swore she saw him shiver as he unlocked the doors, and bit her lip anxiously. Hotch never shivered. Still, he seemed alright as he got behind the wheel, though she noticed he let the car warm up before pulling onto the road again. 


Back at the station, whatever defenses he had lowered around JJ came right back up. It would take more than a head cold to rattle Aaron Hotchner, and he seemed as sharp as always as the team discussed their findings and relayed information to Garcia. Aside from the occasional cough or sniffle, there would be no way to tell he was under the weather. They worked until nearly ten thirty before Hotch decided it was time to call it and check into the hotel for the night. 


At the hotel, the team stood near the elevator waiting for JJ to bring them their room keys. Hotch started to have a bad feeling when they were still standing there three minutes later. Seeing a stressed look on JJ’s face, he walked over to see what was going on.


“I’m sorry, we only have three rooms.” The woman behind the counter was explaining apologetically. Hotch felt his stomach drop. Sharing a room meant he’d have to either keep up this facade 24/7, or admit to someone he wasn’t feeling as well as he pretended to be. Neither option pleased him.


“There’s two rooms with two queen beds, and one with a queen bed and a foldout couch.” JJ told him. Hotch sighed. 


“We’ll take them.” They walked back to the group and explained the situation. Morgan looked horrified but said he’d room with Reid. 


“I’ll take Prentiss.” Rossi said, nodding towards Emily who had wandered over to look at the books on the shelf in the corner. Hotch handed out the room keys, hesitating as he did so. He really didn’t feel up to sleeping on a pull out couch but didn’t want his team to suffer, so he saved that room for himself and JJ. They were on the third floor while the rest of the team was on the first, so Hotch and JJ took the elevator upstairs after saying goodnight. Reid lingered a little while, trying to explain to Hotch all the best ways to avoid transmitting a cold while sharing a room with someone, before JJ cut him off with a firm “goodnight Reid.” And let the doors to the elevator slide closed. 


As soon as they shut, Hotch bent forward into his hands with a painful sounding “hhhh’rrrrsh’uh!” Followed by three tired, but more restrained sounding, sneezes. “Hhhh’ttsch’uh! Hhh’sssch’uh! Hhhh’nnngsch’uh!” 


“Bless you.” JJ had a feeling that wouldn’t be the last blessing she gave that night as Hotch’s nostrils twitched, though a firm rub of a finger under his nose seemed to keep any further sneezes at bay for the time being. 


“Thank you. I was trying to hold that back for his sake.” Hotch said with a sniff, the exhaustion clear in his tone. JJ nodded her understanding and led the way when the elevator doors opened, opening the door with her key and making a beeline for the sofa so that Hotch wouldn’t get stuck sleeping on the pullout couch. He shook his head though as soon as he walked in and moved her bag onto the bed, placing his own on the floor by the sofa. “I’m fine here.” She rolled her eyes but didn’t argue, figuring the longer she fought with him the less sleep he’d get. 


Hotch took off his suit jacket and tie, draping them over a chair in the corner, before starting to unfold the couch. JJ moved to the other side and helped him, and the two made swift work of setting up and making the bed. 


“Do you want to go through the bathroom first, or should I?” JJ asked hesitantly, feeling unusually uncertain of herself as she realized what an intimate situation this was. Sharing a room with Hotch felt different than sharing a room with Reid or Emily. 


“Go ahead.” Hotch waved her tiredly towards the bathroom, and she didn’t hesitate to grab her things and hurry through her evening routine. When she emerged Hotch took her place, coming out a few minutes later dressed in sweats. Even in sweats, he still looked put together and JJ wondered if he ever let himself relax. “I’m going to turn in. Sleep well.” He said, laying down on the couch. JJ winced as the springs creaked-it didn’t sound like a comfortable bed. 


“You too.” She said, laying down and turning out the light. It didn’t take long for the fatigue to overwhelm her, despite her anxiety about the case and Hotch’s health. She was on the edge of sleep when a harsh “hhhhgggxcch’shuh!” Echoed through the quiet room. Startled, her eyes flew open just in time to see Hotch push himself into a sitting position. 


“Hhh’nnxgt! Nnnxxxcht! Hhh’gggxt!” JJ watched as his upper body shook with the effort of containing those stifles, a pained sigh after the last one telling her that holding them in must have hurt every bit as much as she suspected it had. 


“Bless you.” She offered quietly. 


“Thank you. I’m so sorry.” The embarrassment was clearly audible in the unit chief’s husky voice. 


“It’s okay, you can’t help it.” JJ reassured him, settling back down onto the pillow and preparing to go back to sleep. Hotch did the same, unsure of what else to say, nose still tingling slightly. He gave it a firm rub which seemed to do the trick and let his eyes close. His head was throbbing after those stifles and he felt worn out-he desperately hoped that a few hours of sleep would help with both his cold and the fatigue. 


JJ stayed awake, listening for the moment that Hotch’s breathing evened out and told her that he was asleep before turning over quietly and checking the time on her phone. 

At nearly midnight, she had about five hours before her alarm went off, but she felt too rattled to sleep. She knew Hotch prided himself on the way he carried himself, and that he’d do his best to downplay how badly he was feeling for as long as possible. The rest of the team might buy his facade, but she didn’t. She wanted to know how he was truthfully feeling, if there was anything he needed or anything she could do, but he’d shut her out until the end. Rolling over again, she tried to find a comfortable position and force the worry about his health out of her mind. 


She was still awake half an hour later when she heard Hotch’s breathing pattern change. Half expecting another sneezing fit, she tried to brace herself so she wouldn’t jump. When no sneezes came, she sat up a bit and looked over to see Hotch breathing hard and fast, face contorted as though in pain or fear. At first she panicked slightly, thinking he was struggling to breathe, but she quickly realized he was having a bad dream as he tossed his head back and forth on the pillow. Everything in her wanted to go to him and rouse him, but she knew that wouldn’t go over well so she stayed quiet, watching him closely until his body relaxed and his breathing evened out again. 


JJ didn’t remember falling asleep, but she must have at some point because the next thing she knew, Hotch’s alarm was blaring. He turned it off quickly, coughing a few times as he did so, and JJ found herself wide awake as she wondered how he was feeling. 


“Good morning.” She offered tentatively. Hotch started to respond but broke into a terrible sounding coughing fit instead. JJ bit her lip-he sounded worse than he had the day before. “I guess that answers the question of how you’re feeling.” Hotch shook his head, managing to get his breathing under control and croaking out a response. 


“I sound worse than I feel.” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, almost positive he was lying, and also bit her tongue to keep from saying something she’d regret. 


“Do you mind if I shower first?”


“Go ahead.” He said with a sniff. JJ grabbed her things and ducked into the small bathroom, slightly uncomfortable showering knowing Hotch was just in the other room but knowing she didn’t have a choice. It didn’t take long to dry her hair and put on some makeup before stepping out, telling Hotch it was all his. He nodded his thanks and took his turn. JJ heard the shower turn on and then the sound of several unrestrained sneezes echoed off the tile walls. “Hhh’rrrrsh’uh! Hhhh’ggtsch’uh! Hhhh’eesssch’uh!” She could hear him coughing following the sneezes and sighed deeply, knowing it was going to be a long day. 


When Hotch came out of the restroom she didn’t let on that she had heard him, just busied herself making her bed and making two cups of coffee at the keurig. She gave one to her boss and kept one for herself, taking a long sip as she tried to mentally prepare for the day ahead. They walked down to the lobby in silence and met with the rest of the team before heading to the station. She  saw Hotch straighten up and school his features as they made their way to the vehicle and had to admire his ability to rise above everything he was dealing with personally in order to focus on the task at hand. 


Once at the station, JJ found herself being pulled in a thousand directions at once, and grudgingly accepted that her plan to keep an eye on Hotch wasn’t going to work. Around noon, they got word that another body had been found, and Hotch and Rossi left to go to the dump site. JJ wished he would have assigned Morgan to go with Rossi, given how cold it was outside, but was smart enough not to say anything. 


Hotch, too, began to regret not sending Morgan-or Prentiss or Reid-with Rossi mere minutes into the drive to the dump site. His nose was officially beginning the flip flop between completely stopped up and dripping like a faucet, and he found himself sniffing to keep it from dripping as he searched his pockets for a handkerchief. Embarrassingly enough, he found he didn’t have one on him and he sniffed a little harder, frustrated. A moment later, Rossi tapped his shoulder and he looked over to see the Italian holding out a very expensive looking handkerchief of his own. As much as he wanted to turn it down, his nose was threatening to drip any second so he took it and pressed it to the irritated appendage, hoping a simple wipe would be enough. Of course it wasn’t, and he had no choice but to blow his nose as quietly as possible. 


“How’s that cold coming?” Rossi asked, his tone light. Hotch scowled. 


“I’m fine.” 


“You know, it would be forgivable to take the day-“ 


“I’m fine.” Hotch repeated, biting out the last word. Rossi raised his hands in surrender and they drove the rest of the way in silence. 


They’d been at the site about five minutes when Hotch felt the urge to sneeze building. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to hold it off, before knuckling into his fist with three near-perfect stifles as the burning in his sinuses became too much to ignore. Unfortunately, all they seemed to do was shift the congestion in his sinuses, causing him to sniff once before immediately sneezing again, this time unable to stifle the release. 


“Hhh’eeecksh’uh!” Rossi glanced over, his expression unreadable as he watched the younger man build up again for another two desperate sounding sneezes. “Hhh…hhhh….hhhh…hhh’hggssch’uh! Hhhh’nnnssch’uh!” 


“Salud.” Hotch didn’t respond right away, quickly bringing Rossi’s handkerchief to his nose and blowing almost inaudibly before wiping the rosy appendage several times.


“Thank you.” The cold air was not doing him any favors-his voice sounded hoarse, thin, and congested, and his sinuses were still burning. A moment later he sneezed again, not even bothering to try to fight the urge. “Hhh’eesssh’uh! Hhh’nngsch’uh! Hhh’aasssch’oh!” 


“And again.” Rossi’s voice sounded distinctly displeased. “You don’t sound well Aaron.” 


“I’m alright.” The unit chief rasped. Rossi rolled his eyes.


“Sure you are.” They continued analyzing the scene, Hotch coughing every so often but managing to avoid sneezing again. It wasn’t until they were heading back to the car and Dave got a good look at the younger man that he really began to get concerned. Hotch’s cheeks were flushed but his face was pale, and his nose was definitely an irritated shade of red. Hotch wordlessly handed the Italian the keys before climbing into the passengers seat. Rossi didn’t comment, just started the car and subtly directed the vents towards Hotch once they were blowing warm air.


“Hhh’nnxgt! Hhhh’nngxt! Hhhhh’ggscht!” Hotch pinched his nose shut tightly, mortified to sneeze openly so close to the man he respected greatly, and also hoping Rossi wouldn’t make such a big deal out of a few stifles as he would open sneezes. 


“Salud. You’re going to burst an eardrum like that Aaron.” Hotch gave the Italian a watery glare, breath hitching slightly, before once again crushing his nose between his fingers as he sneezed. 


“Hhh’nngt! Hhh’nngtxt! Hhh’hgtsch! Hhh’nnngsch! Hhh…hhh…hhhgssch!” The fifth sneeze was lost in the sound of him blowing his nose, desperate to alleviate the fierce tingle that just wouldn’t go away. Rossi watched the younger man struggle with a stoic expression, but he was both concerned and sympathetic-it was clear Hotch was suffering. 


“You know, the hotel is right on the way back to the precinct. I could drop you there and you could meet up with us later.” He offered. The unit chief shook his head. 


“I’m okay, just a little sn-sneezy….hhhh’gggstxh!” He caught that one in his gloved hands and sniffed hard, raising the handkerchief once more and blowing his nose as gently as he could. The sound of the congestion shifting in his sinuses was clearly audible to both men and Rossi wasn’t at all surprised when the younger man pinched the bridge of his nose. He just wasn’t sure if he was trying to hold back another sneezing fit, if he had a headache, or both. 


“Sneezing your head off, more like.” Rossi grumbled, ignoring the glare Hotch sent his way. They drove the remaining few minutes back to the station in silence, save the occasional sniffle from Hotch. 


JJ was on the phone with the local news station scheduling a press conference when Hotch and Rossi walked in. Rossi headed to the conference room while Hotch stepped into the little office JJ was currently occupying, standing with his arms crossed over his chest as he waited for her to finish up the phone call. JJ was relieved when she was able to get off the phone and turn her full attention to her boss. 


“What did you find at the dump site?” She asked, wanting to ask how he was feeling and if he needed anything, but forcing herself to focus on the task at hand. Hotch shook his head. 


“Not much. I’m going to fill the team in now. How restless is the media?” 


“They’re anxious for an update.” JJ replied. “They’re sending someone over to get a statement within the next half hour. I don’t have much to tell them, but I guess anything is better than nothing.” She looked at him closely, noticing an odd expression on his features but unable to place it. Hotch gave a tight nod when she finished talking, opened his mouth to say something, and abruptly turned to the side, knuckling into his fist with a harsh series of stifled sneezes.


“Hhhh’gggtsch! Hhhh’nnnxgt! Hhhh’nnngxcht! Hhhh’gggsch’uh! Hhhhh’nnhsch’uh!” The last two were only partially stifled, soft gasps coming at the end of the releases. JJ could see his nostrils flare just before each sneeze, could see the way his eyebrows knit together with the effort of containing the explosions before lifting up as his jaw went slack, how his body shuddered with the force of each contained sneeze…he looked miserable and she felt awful for him. When he lifted his head, his eyes were damp and so were his nostrils, though he quickly wiped away any moisture there with the handkerchief.


“Bless you Hotch.” JJ said, her voice caring. 


“Thank you. I’m so sorry about this.” He said ruefully, the frustration evident on his face. 


“You can’t help being sick.” JJ assured him before changing the subject back to work. 


By the end of the day, Hotch was exhausted, and more than ready to go back to the hotel and get a few previous hours of sleep before their six o’clock call time the next morning. 


“Can we stop somewhere for dinner on the way back?” Prentiss asked as she pulled on her winter coat. “I know it’s late but I’m starving.”


“Me too.” Morgan said emphatically, and Reid nodded in agreement. JJ watched the resigned expression flit across Hotch’s face briefly before he nodded, and turned to him with what she hoped was an innocent gaze. 


“Honestly, I’m wiped. Any chance we can just head back to the hotel and get something from room service?” The relief in his eyes was evident as he nodded, clearing his throat before speaking. 


“You four enjoy your dinner. JJ and I will see you in the morning.” The hungry profilers scrambled out the door, Rossi giving JJ a knowing wink as he did so, leaving JJ and Hotch alone as they finished packing up their bags. “You didn’t have to do that, you know.” JJ gave him a gentle smile. 


“I know.” 


“Room service probably won’t have too many options this time of night.” JJ could hear his internal conflict: he wanted to take care of her, but he was also fading fast. 


“I’ll find something. C’mon, I’m driving.” Hotch handed her the keys without a fight and JJ felt a jolt of alarm as she realized how easily he’d given in-he was feeling worse than he was letting on. 


Stepping into the cold air outside triggered a coughing fit for Hotch, one that he couldn’t seem to get under control. They were urgent, barking coughs and JJ found herself worrying even more as she listened to them. He finally managed to catch his breath and leaned back in the passenger seat, letting his eyes close for a moment before straightening up again. 


“Why don’t you close your eyes on the way back?” JJ asked, starting the car and pulling out onto the road. He looked at her with an almost wary expression that made her heart clench-he had such a hard time trusting that it was okay to let his guard down. 


“I…” He didn’t have a good rebuttal, and truthfully he was struggling to keep his eyes open as it was, so he nodded and rested his head against the back of the seat again, eyes closed. 


JJ was struggling to keep her mouth shut as she drove. Everything in her wanted to bombard Hotch with questions: how was he feeling? Had he taken anything? Did he have a fever? Did he need to see a doctor? She was smart enough to stay quiet though, knowing none of those questions would be received well and would just put him on guard. 


“Hhh’gggxcht! Hhhh’nnnsch! Hhhh’gggtschuh!” She glanced over at her boss sympathetically as his body rocked with three forceful stifles that caused his seatbelt to lock. He sniffed hard following the last sneeze, leaning back and placing a hand over his eyes as if he were in pain. 


“Bless you. Headache?” JJ asked sympathetically. Hotch didn’t answer, tensing as his breath caught and the next round of sneezes overtook him. 


“Hhh’nnxgt! Hhh’hggxt! Hhh’nnxcht! Hhh’gggsht! Hhhhh’eesshuh!” The last sneeze refused to be stifled, but was quiet and restrained. Still, Hotch blushed furiously, pulling a tissue from his pocket and blowing his near-dripping nose. “I’mb so sorry JJ.”


“Hotch, it’s okay. You’re sick. Doesn’t it hurt to hold them in like that though?” Hotch chuckled wryly, which turned into a cough that he quickly got under control. 




“Just sneeze like a normal person, at least when it’s just the two of us. I won’t tell.” Hotch blushed again. 


“That’s not what I’mb worried about.” 


“Yeah yeah, being proper and all that.” That made him laugh out loud. They pulled up to the hotel and started inside without another word, the silence comfortable. Hotch’s head felt full and fuzzy and he was eager to take some ibuprofen and lay down. Everything ached. JJ unlocked the door and Hotch went right to the sofa, sitting down on the still-made-up bed. It was as if being in the hotel room had signaled his body that it was okay to feel terrible, because all of a sudden his symptoms were hitting him like a ton of bricks. Leaning forward, he put his head in his hands, grateful for the sudden darkness covering his eyes provided. JJ watched him with worry, taking off her coat and setting her bag down before sitting on the edge of her bed facing him. 


“Hey, Hotch, are you okay?” He lifted his head with effort and tried to muster up a smile. 


“Just tired.” JJ handed him the menu for room service, looking doubtful. He scanned it, stomach turning slightly at the thought of food, and settled on a sandwich. He wasn’t nauseous, but he wasn’t hungry in the slightest. JJ picked up the phone, preparing to dial room service, and noticed Hotch staring blankly at the ground. He looked ready to fall asleep sitting up.   


“Why don’t you change into something more conducive to being sick?” JJ asked dryly, hoping a joking tone might make the request less awkward. Hotch hummed in agreement and stood, grabbing his sweats and stepping into the bathroom to change. He could hear JJ ordering two sandwiches in the other room as he pulled on a sweatshirt overtop of his undershirt, but she was off the phone by the time he entered the bedroom again. “The food will be here any minute. I’m going to change.” She announced, and took her turn in the bathroom. 


Hotch leaned back against the pillows and let his eyes drift shut. He couldn’t tell if he was actually running a temperature, but he felt feverish and sore and more than anything, completely drained of energy. He heard JJ come out of the bathroom but couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes-he was too tired and his head hurt too much. 


JJ winced as room service knocked loudly on the door, causing Hotch to startle and his eyes to open. She tipped the staff member and then closed the door, relieved they’d have no more interruptions. As she handed Hotch his sandwich, she thought he looked paler than he had just a few minutes ago but forced herself not to ask him again if he was alright. They ate in silence…well, JJ ate and Hotch picked at his food before standing up with effort and placing it in the fridge. 


“I’m going to bed.” He said quietly, laying back down and pulling the covers around him. JJ gave him a soft look and put her plate aside before doing the same, turning off the light as she did so. 


“Sleep well.” She murmured, but she doubted Hotch was still awake to hear her. 

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Oh my, I'm such a sucker for sick and sneezy Aaron Hotchner. He's my favourite! Stoic Bossman who refuses to admit he's sick is everything!!!! Not the biggest fan of JJ but I admit that I like the way she cares, I would do the same. 

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