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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Telling me about their sneezes (2F)


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I haven’t posted in a long time but I have 2 observations from this week that I have to share! These were not the only sneezes I saw in the last week but 2 different women talked about their sneezing with me and I thought I should share those haha.

Yesterday at Target a woman probably in her 40s walking toward me in the aisle sneezed very loud into her hands.

HAAAAAH’SHHHHHHOOOOOOO! Wow! Allergies, right?” She looked right at me when she said that and I was probably blushing.

”Bless you! Haha yeah, they’re terrible this time of year.”

“Allergies make me sneeze all year. I can thank my dad for that. He gave me the genes…”

She pushed her cart with her sneezed on hands and walked away. I stood there blushing and surprised. I see strangers sneezing in public all the time but people don’t randomly explain why they sneeze. I didn’t see her again but I did hear her loud sneeze again a few minutes later somewhere near me.

My second sneezy observation is from a friend (N). I went to see her at her house on Saturday and when I got there she told me she was coming down with a little cold. Later the cold didn’t look little! I was there for 5 hours and could watch poor N getting worse. I made sure I had my phone out so I could write down any good obs before I forgot them and I’m happy I did because she was not shy about sneezing around me or talking about her cold.

N cooked dinner for us before I got there so I offered to help with dishes. She was drying them and I was washing, and she gasped and barely turned away to sneeze 2 times. She seemed like she didn’t expect them so she was still facing forward mostly, so it looks like got her germs all over the clean dishes. At least she lives alone so nobody else will use them haha. Her voice got really really congested in the 1st hour and she kept saying things all night that made me flustered like “Why can’t I stop sneezing tonight” or “How did I even catch this thing? Nobody’s sick!”. I was so happy we were in a kinda dark room because I was blushing so much every time she talked about her nose or her cold. Once after a sneezing fit she said something like “I hate sneezing but those felt so good. You know like…when your nose is all sneezy and you finally get it out?” and I wasn’t even sure what to say!

She had a tickly cough but not often since it looked like she was having more problems with her nose. She had a tissue box so she could wipe and blow her nose, but she sneezed by leaning over away from me and letting the sneeze out in the air instead of covering with tissues. N has been a friend for a while so I know she always sneezes in her elbow in public especially if she’s sick. If she’s with friends at her house or one of our places or if she’s outside and it’s not crowded, she usually doesn’t cover and will turn away from anyone for a random sneeze or allergies. I think it’s a habit and since she was in her own home she forgot to cover even though she admitted she was sick. It didn’t bother me though! I wasn’t sneezed on (Unfortunately haha) but I think she forgot sneezing away from me didn’t mean the germs wouldn’t find me eventually especially with how many times she sneezed all night. She would interrupt herself to sneeze a lot.

“And…and then I…I…I…hih-tshiew! ih-choo!…..hih-SHIIIEEW! Excuse me!”

N has girly sneezes that usually come in triples or sometimes more if they’re spread out over 1 or 2 minutes. I didn’t see spray because she turned away from me, but they had that wet cold sneeze sound so it’s likely there was. She apologized for being sick halfway through the night  

”Hih-chew! Heh…..hih-shew! ih-choo! Hih……heh-CHIEW! Excuse me!”

”Bless you!”

”Thanks…I…Hih-chooo! Bless me! (I bless her) Thank you! Sorry I keep sneezing. I bet it’s really annoying.”

”It’s not annoying, don’t worry about that. You have a cold, it’s not your fault!”

“Yeah, I didn’t want to…Hih-schiiiew! Excuse me! (I bless her) Thank you! I didn’t want to reschedule since you’re so busy and I wasn’t feeling this sneezy earlier!”

She has an average size freckley nose with a tip that turns up a little. Her cute nose was pink from the sneezing, blowing and rubbing. By the time I left she had a pile of used tissues on the couch next to her. We hugged before I left and I heard her sniffle a little next to my ear. She sneezed a lot when I was there and with how much she probably sneezed and coughed all over the house all day since she works from home, I won’t be surprised if I catch her cold. I woke up today with a dry throat and itchy nose and had to induce out a few sneezes. Since I saw her 2 days ago it makes sense that I would be getting sick today, but I don’t know if it’s my allergies or if she gave me her cold. I can update you on it if you want!


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Oooh, this is an amazing obvs! Hope that if you do end up coming down with her cold that it isn't too brutal for you. If you feel up to sharing updates in that event, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate it 😄 Either way, thanks so much for sharing it. 

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Great obs, thank you for sharing! Hope your friend gets better soon; I'd appreciate some update if there's any, too.

Do you remember by chance how the nose of the first woman looked like?


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Wowowow! I would definitely be flustered all night too! 🙈 I don’t know why I just sneezed writing this! Weird. ANYWAY! I hope you stay healthy!! Or, like the others have said, update if you don’t! 😝

also, looove your way of describing that she would bless or excuse herself and you would still bless her and she would thank you. Overall adorable interactions!! 😊

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On 9/3/2024 at 12:24 PM, snzer said:

I woke up today with a dry throat and itchy nose

I hope you feel okay *and* that you get some good sneezes. If I were there, I would make you tea. 

Ordinarily, I would say it was super inconsiderate of your friend to have you over when she was sick and contagious, but I guess we’re a special population. It sounds like you aren’t upset that she probably got you sick?


Is she a sneezy friend who could become more than a friend?

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On 9/3/2024 at 3:21 PM, treehouse said:

Oooh, this is an amazing obvs! Hope that if you do end up coming down with her cold that it isn't too brutal for you. If you feel up to sharing updates in that event, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate it 😄 Either way, thanks so much for sharing it. 

Thank you! I posted an update

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16 hours ago, Spinoza said:

Great obs, thank you for sharing! Hope your friend gets better soon; I'd appreciate some update if there's any, too.

Do you remember by chance how the nose of the first woman looked like?


Hopefully she’s better soon! I’ll ask her tomorrow how she’s feeling. I don’t remember a lot about the first woman’s nose since I was so surprised by the experience haha but I do remember that it was pretty big 

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1 minute ago, Mrs.Primrose said:

I hope you feel okay *and* that you get some good sneezes. If I were there, I would make you tea. 

Ordinarily, I would say it was super inconsiderate of your friend to have you over when she was sick and contagious, but I guess we’re a special population. It sounds like you aren’t upset that she probably got you sick?


Is she a sneezy friend who could become more than a friend?

I would love some tea right now!

It seemed like she didn’t feel that sick when I came over and it got worse than she expected that night maybe? She said she was starting to come down with it and I guess it would have been nice if she asked if I was ok with coming over even if she’s getting sick. I probably would’ve gone anyway but yeah I agree it’s not the best thing for her to do. I’ve always thought she was very pretty and we have good chemistry so I don’t think “more than friends” is impossible. Maybe one day!

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4 hours ago, bubbly said:

Wowowow! I would definitely be flustered all night too! 🙈 I don’t know why I just sneezed writing this! Weird. ANYWAY! I hope you stay healthy!! Or, like the others have said, update if you don’t! 😝

also, looove your way of describing that she would bless or excuse herself and you would still bless her and she would thank you. Overall adorable interactions!! 😊

Bless you! I am definitely not too healthy haha she gave me that cold very easily. I’m glad you like the obs! She’s very adorable

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On 9/4/2024 at 8:33 PM, snzer said:

I am definitely not too healthy haha she gave me that cold very easily.

How are you feeling?? I’m hoping not too bad. Is it mostly a head cold, or is it more involved?

Did you tell her you caught her cold? (And mayyybe ask her to tell you next time she’s sick 🙃)

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