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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Can’t post snz art 😞

Sauce noggin

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I think this would go in this area? I’ve never actually posted anything. Ive wanted to make snz art for a fandom (and in general) but my art style is decently recognizable? And the fandom I usually draw it is somewhat niche/everyone knows everyone, there’s a good chance that someone would definitely recognize me, connecting the dots to my main acc + my snz acc (i never use it cause been too embarrassed to tbh but bwkajsk). IF anyone saw it


I have no clue if that makes sense tbh. Basically wanna post snz art for a fandom but don’t want anyone who sees it to know it’s ME. The fandom I usually draw for is Darkwing Duck/Ducktales btw, if that means anything

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Dude, from one person into a cartoon with a relatively smaller fan base to another, I say go for it. It's not outside the realm of possibility that two people on the vast Internet might have the same art style. It's also not outside the realm of possibility that someone might post here, but not participate in the main fandom. So, plausible deniability. All you need is a "You found a what? You found it where?? Dang, that's crazy!" ready to go and you're golden!

Of course this post right here might ruin that plausible deniability if you did post the art and your fandom friends found the art and looked at all the posts under this username, but I heard tell thats easily dealt with if you ask the right people nicely. 😉

So I say post it! The more art the merrier!

Or, when you're validated you can post it in the blogs because visitors and invalidated members don't have access to that section so its super private, then post an art board topic with a link to the blog.

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That IS true,, might try doing it once I’m validated then, thanks for the advice/reassurance!! 🫡

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