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How to make my husband sneeze?


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This might sound really silly, but my husband used to be super sneezy, and now he's NOT as sneezy, and I'm sad. Can you please give me ideas of ways I can make him sneeze??

Things that have triggered his sneezing:

  • Living in California (which we don't, anymore)
  • Going to nature preserves in California
  • Being near the ocean (in California...ugh, why did we move?), especially a cool ocean breeze and damp air. 
  • A moldy mattress at his grandmother's house in--you guessed it--California. (She died, and the family sold the house, so there's not even a chance of visiting her to find that mattress again. 😢)
  • Timothy hay. (This one still works, but we only buy Orchard hay now. We have pet bunnies.)
  • Him plucking his own eyebrow hairs--or like, between his eyebrows. This one probably still works, but he doesn't do it anymore.
  • Sticking my finger in his nose (sorry if that's gross). This is one of the ONLY two that still work. 
  • Him slicing onions. (It's very silly. He sneezes instead of crying. But onions make my eyes sting ridiculously, with *no* tears, and then I just can't open them to see anything, so that's not helpful.)

Any ideas for what else to try? I looked on my computer but can't find his allergy test results. I mean, I know he's anaphylactic to peanuts, but that's obviously NOT the kind of reaction I'm trying to cause. I haven't succeeded at using scents to make him sneeze, because he can't smell much of anything, because his nose is always stuffy. 


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6 hours ago, Mrs.Primrose said:

This might sound really silly, but my husband used to be super sneezy, and now he's NOT as sneezy, and I'm sad. Can you please give me ideas of ways I can make him sneeze??

Things that have triggered his sneezing:

  • Living in California (which we don't, anymore)
  • Going to nature preserves in California
  • Being near the ocean (in California...ugh, why did we move?), especially a cool ocean breeze and damp air. 
  • A moldy mattress at his grandmother's house in--you guessed it--California. 

Is he just super-allergic to mold? Sounds like a common theme that high humidity and moldy environments cause him to sneeze.

Sometimes moving from a humid climate to arid climate or arid climate and humid climate can completely change a sneezing pattern.

With California, there is another micro-climate every few miles. I don't think it's a particularly allergenic state, but there are areas there that are very allergenic. It seems like the highest pollen areas there are typically near the coast, but not on the beach but not too far inland either.

I have known many who have moved to a different climate and supposedly they go from lots of allergies to none or vice versa.

Edited by colorado198219
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Mold is part of it, but also different plants, and wind. Cold wind makes his nose run and makes him sneezy. Any wind carries pollen. We have almost no wind here. And some molds don’t bother him at all! I don’t know what had gotten into (literally) his grandmother’s mattress. 

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7 hours ago, Mrs.Primrose said:

Mold is part of it, but also different plants, and wind. Cold wind makes his nose run and makes him sneezy. Any wind carries pollen. We have almost no wind here. And some molds don’t bother him at all! I don’t know what had gotten into (literally) his grandmother’s mattress. 

uh oh, sounds like you may need to move back to California 😅. Just kidding. You mentioned wind and damp air were triggers. Maybe a fan and humidifier could help produce some sneezes? 

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9 hours ago, jc475 said:

Maybe a fan and humidifier

Ooh, I like how you think. Maybe I’ll spray some sea salt in the air to recreate an ocean breeze. 😂

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I read an obs on here before about how another member began plucking her boyfriend's eyebrows as a way of being intimate and just caring for one another. If your husband is up for it, that might be something cute you could do together!

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On 9/3/2024 at 12:03 AM, MidnightCatK said:

another member began plucking her boyfriend's eyebrows

I'd have to be careful not to get carried away and remove his eyebrows entirely!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/4/2024 at 9:26 AM, Mrs.Primrose said:

I'd have to be careful not to get carried away and remove his eyebrows entirely!

HAHA this just gave me a really good laugh omg

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