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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Friend with a cold


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I was hanging out with one of my friends the other day. She is medium height, dark blonde hair, late 20s, and that day had a bit of a cold. 

From what she told me she's been on and off sick for a couple of weeks, never too major just recurring mild symptoms but that day and the day before had settled in her nose (which she found really annoying)

She kept sniffling a lot the whole time we were hanging out, and then after about half an hour she pinched her nose and stifled two sneezes. She sniffed a bit more. 

Maybe twenty minutes later she stifled another two sneezes. But then her nose seemed to get very runny. She was still sniffing but began to wipe it frequently with the sleeve of her hoodie while we were sitting down having a coffee. 

When we finally got up from the table to go somewhere else she reached in her handbag and pulled a very small folded floral hanky and gave her nose a big wet blow, quickly tucking the hanky in her jeans pocket afterwards. 

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I wonder if she thought it was more polite (by many people's standards) not to give that messy blow while you were still having coffee? Sounds like a nice handkerchief: I guess it didn't get re-folded, instead getting crumpled, as it was tucked into the jeans pocket

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I love that she used a hanky! She’s bringing hankies back.. 🎶🎼🎵

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Bless her! Though I don't get why she'd use her sleeve when she had a hankie all along 😅 anyway thanks for the obs:)

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13 hours ago, AnnaSophie said:

Bless her! Though I don't get why she'd use her sleeve when she had a hankie all along 😅 anyway thanks for the obs:)

From knowing her several years shes much more of a sniffer/wipe nose with hand/sleeve type so I guess just habit

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21 hours ago, CharliesGirl said:

I love that she used a hanky! She’s bringing hankies back.. 🎶🎼🎵

Yeah I've seen her use them a few times when she's had colds or allergies

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