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What is the most common way to sneeze?


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While reading through some threads a question popped up in my mind: What do you think, is the most common way to sneeze? I think, that most people stifle their sneezes, at least when in public.. 

Also what is the most common number of sneezes? I always sneeze twice, but most people just sneeze once, I guess?

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5 hours ago, AnnaSophie said:

Mientras leía algunos hilos, me surgió una pregunta: ¿cuál crees que es la forma más común de estornudar? Creo que la mayoría de las personas reprimen sus estornudos, al menos cuando están en público. 

Además, ¿cuál es el número más común de estornudos? Yo siempre estornudo dos veces, pero la mayoría de la gente solo estornuda una vez, supongo.

I always sneeze loud and strong, it comes out naturally and I can't stifle it. And my number most of the times is 1 or maximum 2. 

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I sneeze about a maximum of 3 times.

I don’t know how to stifle my sneezes, so I either turn away from people to sneeze, sneeze into my shirt or just downwards.

Most of the people i know just sneeze away from others or into their arm. 

I’m not sure, I’m a bit confused to what your asking 😅



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I always stifle in public, but at home my sneezes are strong and unrestrained. Generally one to three is my normal

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I tried stifling once and it gave me a headache. :angry:

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Just from casual observation (not taking notes), I think women tend to stifle and men tend to sneeze outright. I bet it’s part of how we’re brought up. I’m a woman though, and I don’t know how to stifle.

Wait, I take that back—I learned to sneeze silently when I was in a chorus that didn’t allow any sneezing or coughing onstage. But I gave that up FAST as soon as I was out of there. 

Oh, and for number of times, anywhere from one to three seems to be pretty normal. People start making uncomfortable jokes if the sneezer goes past three, in my experience. My husband’s happy number of sneezes is 13 😍

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On 8/30/2024 at 4:49 AM, Ignaciosneeze said:

I always sneeze loud and strong, it comes out naturally and I can't stifle it. And my number most of the times is 1 or maximum 2. 


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On 9/2/2024 at 3:01 AM, Mrs.Primrose said:

Just from casual observation (not taking notes), I think women tend to stifle and men tend to sneeze outright. I bet it’s part of how we’re brought up.

That is what I thought!

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