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connection between fear and fetish?


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The main aspect of what I like in sneeze fetish fiction is gross contagious cold like illness being spread between people but in real life it’s my greatest fear. My greatest anxiety surrounds becoming sick and causing someone else to become sick also. I almost never get sick but when I do I go into full denial and hide it from showing while also making sure nobody around me gets sick. The thought of catching an illness and people knowing fills me with such dread and despair it’s unbearable. So it’s so strange that in fiction I get turned on by my greatest fear. I feel that it must be somehow related in my psyche and I’m wondering if anyone else has a connection between their fetish and fears. 

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That's interesting, because a huge part of my fetish is the embarrassment that someone with loud and uncontrollable sneezes suffers when they have to sneeze in public, but (you guessed it) I have a massive phobia of being embarrassed or having attention drawn to myself in public. So yes, I supposed I am getting turned on by someone suffering one of my greatest fears. Maybe someone knows more about the psychology behind this?

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Same, I'm into sneezing, but a huge germophobe lol 

I also hate it to be ill.. I either deny it or lock me in my room for days until its over. The thought about anyone knowing (especially family) makes me feel unconfortable, but I don't know why. I guess its about losing control and being vulnerabel.

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I don't really know if there's a scientific explanation to this kind of connection, but this reminds me the connection Eros-Thanatos (Love/Arousal and Death) that Sigmund Freud theorised as the two main forces that carry on the human life: basically he thought that libido and sense of guilt were strictly bound, because the impulse to death and the aggression related to Thanatos need to be hidden in society; so maybe, specifically regarding the fetish, these can be showed precisely as a fear that allows us to escape some kinds of thought (and clearly the possibility of being infected, concerning the survival instinct provided by Eros).

Maybe (probably) there's somebody who is better prepared on Freud than me and can correct me, I tried to expand his reasoning as personally I see sexuality as something that contains contradictions in itself.

Fun fact: did you know that one of the expression to convey the consequences of orgasm in french is "le petit mort" (the little death)? I find it very fascinating and consistent with Freud's thought.

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I kinda get this.. is it like, for example, someone being interested in insects but also having a phobia of them?


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