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Sneeze Fetish Forum

For those who are bisexual with the fetish: Blessing or Curse?

Bless you, Hi

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I know liking both M/F sneezes has been brought up a lot on here. I'm only interested in the fairer sex regarding both romantic interest and sneezes, but at times the fetish can be a big distraction. A love/hate thing. But I can only imagine how much more distracting it is to those would like M+F sneezes. Wouldn't that double the amount of time you are turned on? Maybe MORE than double it because of how genders tend to hang out far more often with the same gender. It's like yeah I  wasn't interested in anyone at the club during my boys/girls night out. But when me and my homie/girlfriend got back to the hotel, they had a sneezing fit and ooooooh who knew the sexiest person I'd see tonight was my own friend!

How you all deal with it?!?!

NOTE: I'm not saying I think liking both M/F sneezes means that your are turned on 24/7 I don't want to offend anyone. This is kind of a lighthearted topic I was exaggerating but I really am interested in your perspectives.

Edited by Bless you, Hi
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I'm bi and into male and female sneezes, though I prefer female I think.

For me it's actually not that hard, for two reasons I think:

1. My friends or the people I hang out with actually are not the sneeziest, excluding my boyfriend, but I don't mind being turned on by him obviously lol

2. I'm only into a specific kind of sneezes. I'm not that into stifles for example, which I think is the most common way people sneeze in public.

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Everything's very situational for me so maybe that's the defining thing but I've never really had an issue with this. But it might be different if I was like... generally more interested in people and what they do. Some "on topic" things catch my attention but for the most part I don't really care. I guess it also helps I don't really care about sneezing by itself.

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My sneeze predilection and interest is pretty layered and nuanced. Speaking outside of indulging in sneeze "fetish" content (wavs, vids, etc) a good percentage of the elements that elevate and influence my appeal towards a sneeze are extrinsic to the sneeze itself. Additionally, similar to what @AnnaSophie said, when it comes to sneezes alone, the types of sneezing I find pleasing are very specific and pretty narrow. (Though, I tend to have a broader range of what I find appealing when the sneezer is a woman). I would say that 95% of sneezes I encounter "in the wild", while I will always catalog them by nature of having this interest, they do absolutely nothing for me on a more visceral level. So for me, no, this is a non-issue. 

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I find that most types of female sneeze are enjoyable to me. However, with men it is only a few - but when I like a man’s sneeze, it can be really intense.

It’s a certain type of male sneeze that does it for me - generally a quiet guy trying to be polite, and attempting to contain big loud sneezes.

I’ve realised that handkerchiefs have become a particular thing for me too, with male sneezers of that type. I used to know a couple of handkerchief-using men who sneezed like this, and I have thought about them often over the years.

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I’m bisexual, I like both equally.. I guess, for me, it generally depends on how they sneeze or what they sound like or what they do, you know? Kind of like how some people are attracted to messy sneezers than non-messy sneezers.

I mean, stereotypically, Men have quite loud, maybe also messy sneezes and girls have quiet, dainty sneezes. But the thing is girls can also have loud, messy sneezes and Men can have quiet, dainty sneezes aswell.. so gender doesn’t really matter to me :)

So short answer, I don’t have a preference for gender.

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I probably wouldn't have even noticed that I'm probably bisexual if it hadn't been for the sneezing fetish and accompanying caretaking fantasies. The earliest crush on a real person I can vividly remember was at age 11 on my choir director, although most often I saw her cry and not sneeze, so my fantasies were about a bit of a different type of caretaking. But when she got a cold...oooh!

I tend to like older women (like, decades older than me) sneezing or being in distress, and younger men (close to my age), but it can vary. But yeah, being intrigued by EVERYONE'S public sneezing is...a lot. Sometimes I'm attracted, sometimes I'm repulsed, but I'm ALWAYS fascinated by the sound/sight of someone around me sneezing or blowing their nose. 

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