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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How common IS swh??


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I was idly turning some story ideas over in my head, and one of them involves a sneezing while hiding scenario.

While thinking more about it, I started to wonder how common it actually is. We all know it as a fictional trope, and I love it as a fictional trope, but is it actually a scenario that plays out in the real world? That seems like a bit of a clueless question, I’m sure it had to have come from somewhere, though obviously it’s been amplified into likely much more common of a trope* than is actually accurate.

I’m curious to know if any of you all have heard any stories of that happening before, and honestly they’d be fun to hear if they are out there.

Do you know anything about someone actually blowing some sort of cover with a sneeze?

* (There’s a great many tropes that I’m curious about the origins/reality of them, actually— I’m just sticking with swh because it was the one to kick off this thought process. If others are interested in learning as well I may make a more broad post asking about more tropes like this!)

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This is definitely something that I have wondered about, and I would also be very interested of any real life stories that anyone is aware of

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I've definitely heard people tell stories of accidentally waking a housemate up with their unstiflably loud sneezes.  Not exactly hiding, but the same kind of idea. 

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I can't think of anything; I'd also be interested in hearing about it. Part of it might be like... how often do people actually hide in real life? Could be more widespread than I think, but to blow a cover you have to have a cover to blow. Excluding like, playing games as small children, I can't think of any circumstance where I or anyone I knew was in that position. Maybe we should start hiding more often 🤔

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The only scenario that comes to my mind is either a surprise party or wanting to prank someone by scaring them lol

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