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Loss of a certain control (SF6/street fighter, M, JP)


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Something I typed recently based on the character JP from Street Fighter Six. For a better visual for those who care for those, imagine him in his ''skin two'' or ''outfit two'' from the game for this story. A bit of a fun but weird fact, I never found myself genuinely attracted to a nose until JP. I'd love to hear what you guys think of this one(good or bad). I'll stop yapping now and hope you guys enjoy the ride!
''Mmm...mhm. Yes, quite.''
He listened to the person speaking on the other end of the phone with disinterest that was mostly feigned. They spoke in an animated way, clearly trying to avoid whatever anger might come from him if they made the wrong choice of words. JP brushed off his suit, sniffling as he just barely listened to them speak. Their emotion was enough that he didn't particularly need to listen to what they were saying. It was all desperation and promises anyways. He was ready to end this conversation, but certainly not before doubling down on the fear he knew the person on the other end of the line was already feeling.
''Do ensure not to disappoint me.''
He could hear a frantic, relieved, almost frenzied sort of response, but he was beyond the point of caring what words came along with it. His message and intentions had been made more than clear. Hanging up now was just another nail in the coffin of fear his subordinate had to deal with. And besides-
He lowered his phone down and in the same motion, pulled a handkerchief urgently from his suit pocket with his free hand, nostrils flaring as he audibly inhaled. With a jerk, he sneezed hard into the soft fabric. He paused for a moment before doing it yet again. He then sighed and wiped his nose, sniffling as he tucked the handkerchief back into his pocket.
''Ahh...'' He gave a soft sigh, casually picking up his cane as he began to head towards his next destination.
However, before he could get more than a few steps, that itch deep in his nose returned. He reached into his suit pocket yet again, eyes rolling back in tune with a long inhale. His nostrils flared yet again, almost twitching as he gasped once, twice, and then sharply a third time before finally sneezing hard into the fabric he was holding. He sighed in relief, wiping his nose again. That itch was still there, but not strong enough to make him sneeze again. He gently rubbed at his nose while sniffling, trying to get it to go away but it wouldn't.
He tucked the cloth away yet again, deigning to ignore the sensation for now after seeing how clear it was that it wouldn't be going away. He sighed, rubbing his nose once more before grabbing his hat. Perhaps being outside would help. Dust was always a thing to irritate his nose more than pollen did after all. He sniffled softly before making his way outside. Though he dreaded to realize it, stepping into the sun quickly made it clear that being outside was not going to help. He was very suddenly reminded of a fact about himself that he usually forgets due to the fact that he rarely goes out during the day, and when he does, its mostly with sunglasses.
He raised his cane while closing one eye, surprised at how bright it is outside despite it being later into the evening. That itch that had been sitting there refusing to go away suddenly strengthened alongside the change in light. He was reaching for his pocket before the gasp even started.
''Ah-'' He froze, eyes half closing.
The sudden change in light, accompanied by the brightness of the sun made the itch spike and he gasped before sneezing hard into the soft fabric. Another sneeze came before he could even raise his head, and then another, and then another. Each one was separated only by either a short breath or a gasp. They happened in such quick succession that he hardly had time to breathe in between them. When he was finally done, he lowered the handkerchief back into his pocket.
''Ah...excuse me.'' He said while tucking the soft white fabric away.
He said so without thinking, a long since learned habitual action for if that ever happened with anyone nearby. In this case, it was the driver who was waiting for him a step or two away, standing near the open car door. The driver slightly bowed his head as he waited for JP to climb into the car. As he was about to do so, he couldn't help but notice a small residual itch still sitting deep in his nose. He hesitated at the door, shooing his driver away with his hand as he did so. As his driver jogged around the front of the car, JP gazed up at the sky. The itch worsened, just as he knew it would. His expression slowly changed the longer he looked up. Another moment or two was all it took before he sneezed once more, directly into the same silky soft cloth that he had been using all morning. He then sighed after sniffling, his nose twitching much like a rabbit's as he felt that residual tickle go mostly away. It was at least satisfied enough that he knew he wouldn't be spending the entire car ride waiting for a sneeze that might never come. He sniffled and wiped his nose once more before climbing calmly into the car, a picture of elegance and composure.
"Will we be stopping anywhere for a meal, sir?''
JP rested his chin on his fist as he contemplated his response. He wasn't particularly hungry, and much preferred to have one large, satisfying meal at the end of the day. However, something in his driver's voice, as well as the anticipatory look in his eyes as he gazed at JP through the mirror up front made it clear who was the more hungry of the two. He sighed disinterestedly, sniffling again while looking out the window.
''Wherever you'd like along the way if you can make it quick.''
His driver seemed to make every effort not to smile. It always seemed best not to ever look too pleased when in JP's presence. Even still, he ensured to give a heartfelt thank you, to which JP responded with a small flick of his hand.
''You are to remain quiet if I get a phone call. I don't care what we're doing or where we are.''
''Of course, sir.''
The driver understood the message loud and clear. Even if he were in the middle of placing an order, his instructions were to shut up. The car ride from that point on, thanks to the tinted windows, were relaxed and uneventful. JP had already completed the meeting he needed to attend earlier that day and outside of another errand or two, he was free to use his day to relax. He rested his chin comfortably on his fist, occasionally nudging his nose whenever it started to itch. He began to wonder if he was coming down with a cold. It was rare that his nose irritated him at all throughout the year as much as it had today. He sniffled yet again, feeling an inevitable fit coming on as that same itch from earlier settled in deep into his nose.
It was at that very moment that his phone rang. He answered it, having been expecting an update from another one of his subordinates right around this time. His driver turned down the AC so that the only sound it made was a soft hum and continued on driving. JP listened to the update he received in impartial silence, sniffling every once in awhile. His nose twitched as he scrunched it, trying to ward off the fit he felt coming for just awhile longer. However, the more he did that, the worse it seemed to grow.
''-so in that aspect, everything went perfectly boss.''
''Ah...'' He said, offering not much more than that sound as a response. ''Well done. And what of the issue with that one officer?''
JP could practically hear the smile in the voice of the person on the other end of the phone.
''All taken care of boss. Just like you asked.''
''Good. I-'' His eyes half close for a moment before snapping fully shut as he sneezed a hard, muffled sneeze into his handkerchief. ''I'm glad to hear that. And what of...oh...excuse me.''
He turned his head away from the phone and buried his nose into the soft fabric. Much as he had earlier that day, he sneezed upwards of three times, each one barely giving him time to breathe before the next one came. His driver glanced at him in the rearview mirror with a slight expression of shock. JP raised his head finally, prepared to put the phone back to his ear, but before he could raise it up, he felt that tell tale itch again. He could see his driver looking at him.
''Are you alright, sir?''
''Yes I-...oh...''
JP's nostrils flared and his eyes rolled up, and then closed as he sneezed hard yet again. Once, twice, a third and fourth time. Somewhere between the third and fourth, he reached the hand that was holding his phone out towards his driver, who grabbed it without skipping a beat. He turned his head towards the window after that, face still buried into that soft fabric as he delivered sneeze after sneeze into it, his large nostrils flaring every time he gasped.
''Yes, he will call you back later. Mhm. Goodbye.''
When the phone call had ended, the driver looked back at his boss through the rearview mirror in the center of the front seat.
''Sir...can I-'' He struggled to find words, unused to seeing his employer in such a state.
''Yes the-'' Another sneeze. ''my handkerchie-''
He stopped short, inhaling sharply. Despite that, the sneeze didn't come. A trace of breathlessness laced his voice as he quickly managed out the next few words.
''In my glovebox-''
He gasped loudly, audibly, before sneezing nice and hard yet again. That last one seemed to finally signal the end of the fit. Relieved, he began to wipe his nose.
''Excuse me...''
His driver had by this point, found a safe place to quietly pull over and was looking at him, holding out a soft leather pouch in JP's direction. He grabbed it, knowing that it was full of replacements. That in mind, feeling comfortable enough to do away with the one he'd been using, he closed his eyes and loudly blew his nose into it. It didn't exactly clear his sinuses, but his nose did feel much better after he was done. He dropped the sullied one into the trashcan near his feet before pulling off his gloves.
''A pair of gloves as well.'' He sniffled, feeling his head start to go a bit fuzzy and full.
Now he knew for sure that he was coming down a cold. When he finished sanitizing his hands, he dropped his gloves into the trashcan as well before pulling on the fresh pair offered to him by his driver. There was the soft sound of plastic as his leather gloves hit the bottom of the otherwise mostly empty trashcan. His nose crinkled and then twitched again as he sighed, relieved that he didn't feel that itch returning just yet. He pushed the trashcan away with his foot as he driver pulled back out onto the street.
''Straight home, sir?''
JP could already start to hear the difference in his own voice from the congestion starting to settle in. He sniffled softly, and then a bit louder before raising a fresh handkerchief to his nose and blowing his nose into it, an action that made his nose tickle again. He was already thinking of ideas to get on top of this cold before it got much worse than it was already starting to be. Fresh, homemade soup served to him by one of his private chefs. A hot cup of lemongrass ginger tea.
''Is there anywhere we should stop along the way?''
JP had already closed his eyes, preparing to save his energy; wanting to rest his body as much as possible before getting home. He let his lack of response be his answer as the soft sound of the cars engine, along with the very sudden sound of rain lulled him off to sleep.
He awoke on his own a few minutes before his driver pulled them into his driveway. By then, the rain had picked up considerably, though it wasn't too heavy to be annoying. He waited for his driver to open the door and stepped out into the rain, under an umbrella. He could already see the warm lights of his home waiting for him as the driver closed the door behind him. He had no umbrella of his own; it would be much too cumbersome to hold one of his own while also making sure that JP stayed completely dry. Though the sound of the rain was soothing, JP was looking forward to enjoying it inside of his house rather than out. As they walked up the long pathway, he reached his hand into his suit pocket, feeling that telltale itch return yet again.
''Is there something more I should do for you before leaving, sir? Anything you'd like me to bring back?''
''I-'' His voice trailed off. ''Ah...''
He had paused in walking, waiting for that irritating itch to either go away or make him sneeze. Neither thing was happening.
''Haa...ahh...'' His nostrils flared.
His driver stood there quietly as the pouring rain began to soak him through. JP looked up at one of the many rooms in his house, his eyes instinctively drawing to the brightest one. Finally, his eyes slipped shut and he turned away from his driver to sneeze into the soft fabric he was holding. There was a brief pause before it happened again. His driver, meanwhile, stood there and held the umbrella in place, not letting a drop of rain touch his employer. JP stood there a moment longer, making sure that he was finished before walking again. That itch was still there, so he gazed back up towards that same window, only needing to glance at it briefly before sneezing a final time, this one harder than the first two.
''Ahh...excuse me...'' He said while tucking that handkerchief away yet again.
He finally began to walk again, not bothering to  look at his driver as he did so. His thoughts were more focused on the cup of tea he was soon to enjoy. Perhaps he would even take a visit to the sauna. Something like that would be sure to clear his sinuses up as well. When he finally reached the doorway, two of his servants were waiting for him. His driver carefully pulled the umbrella back so that no water would get on the floor as JP stepped into his house. The suit wearing man was perfectly dry save for his shoes, and even they barely had a drop on them. His driver, meanwhile, was practically soaked to the bone. He covered himself with the umbrella he had been using to shield his employer, but at this point, for no reason that would help. JP softly massaged his wrist as his driver bid him farewell. He couldn't have been more disinterested if he tried.
''Welcome home, sir.''
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1 hour ago, AceOfSpades said:

Oh, this is lovely! Your descriptions are fantastic =]

Thanks so much I appreciate it! ^_^ I also actually do plan to continue this since I had a lot of fun typing this part 

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3 minutes ago, justlogan said:

Thanks so much I appreciate it! ^_^ I also actually do plan to continue this since I had a lot of fun typing this part 

Ooh! I’m excited to see where it goes!!

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This is a much longer entry than I expected it to be but I hope you guys enjoy nonetheless! I will also likely continue this at some point. 
JP had made his way to his study, having instructed one of his servants to leave him a fresh pair of clothes outside of the sauna in case he decided to visit it tonight. Though he had planned to sit in his study and have dinner first, the wind chill he was still feeling from the rain outside was making him start to second guess that. It felt as though despite his best efforts, being out in the rain had made his incoming cold settle in even more fiercely. By the time he had made it to his study, his head was fuzzy and full, and he had sneezed another two times on the way there. He closed the door behind him, the handkerchief that he'd been using since disposing of his first one having been rendered useless at this point.
JP sat his cane by the door after tossing the sullied handkerchief into the trash. He couldn't remember if he had told any of his servants to bring him more of them, but assumed that either way, they likely would. He patted at his suit pockets after flicking on the light in his study, trying to see if he had put another one somewhere in his pocket. The leather case his driver had gotten for him from the glovebox was still sitting right in the backseat of the car, JP knew. He had been too tired to remember to grab it at the time. He was regretting that now as he frantically patted his jacket pockets, and then his actual pockets, the sudden brightness in his once dimly lit study bringing on what was sure to be another small fit.
''Oh...'' His voice was an almost breathy gasp.
His eyes slipped shut as he raised a gloved hand to his face, unable to help what was about to happen. He sneezed hard directly into it, body jerking in tune with the loud, muffled noise. He was grateful that none of the servants were around to see him like this. For some reason, sneezing into his own hand, despite wearing a glove, felt utterly uncivilized. He sneezed again powerfully, twice more, directly into the palm of his leather glove. The palm of his free hand was resting flat on his desk for support. He was almost sure that he had more handkerchiefs in his desk somewhere. It was just a matter of finding them.
''Ugh...'' He sniffled, his nose twitching.
He knew he wasn't finished, but hoped at the very least the rest of the fit would wait until he found what he needed. He pulled his gloves off and dropped them gingerly into the trash before pulling open one of the many desk drawers. He closed that one and opened another, and then another. A soft knock at the door made him pause what he was doing long enough to look up.
''Come in.''
In came one of his servants with a tray of everything he'd asked for, and then some. A fresh hot bowl of chicken noodle soup, a cup of hot tea, and on a smaller tray, some medicine. On the other tray was also what seemed to be an ice cold soda, as well as a few neatly folded white cloths with his initials on them, embroiled into the corner. Just what he needed. He resisted the urge to sniffle again, knowing that would only worsen the itch that was still sitting deep in his nose. The worker sat the tray down and gave a soft bow. JP could smell the chicken soup from where he was standing. The spices and the seasonings seemed even more prominent than normal.
''Your dinner, sir.''
''Mhm...thank you.''
JP gave a dismissive wave to his servant, already starting to feel the spices from his dinner irritate his nose in a way that made holding the rest of the fit off completely impossible. He could feel that itch settling deep in his nose in a way that couldn't be ignored. He reached for the white cloth on the tray nearest him.
''Get-'' His voice momentarily faltered with breathlessness. ''get out-''
His servant, while curiously surprised at JP's tone, did as he was told. JP sharply inhaled while closing his eyes as the door to his study clicked shut. He raised the clean cloth up to his nose just in time to catch the large sneeze he desperately needed to let out. After that one, came another two more. He could already tell, while sniffling loudly and resting his handkerchief on the table, that even with his soup and tea, this was going to be a long evening. He sighed, reaching for his cup of tea first. The handle felt much warmer against his hand than he was used to, which reminded him that he wasn't wearing his gloves anymore. He sniffled again, leaning back in his chair as he took a long, savoring sip of the lemongrass and ginger tea that he'd asked for. He had once learned during his travels that this type of tea in particular was good for clearing up congestion. He inhaled the aroma of the tea, but found to his annoyance that it was growing difficult to smell.
''Oh...'' He sniffled yet again, annoyance lacing his usually composed voice. ''Of course...''
He took another sip of tea, allowing himself to relax as the warmth of it traveled down his chest and into his stomach. At least he could still taste it. The strong flavors were a surprising relief. He sighed with contentment, contemplating the dinner before him. He still didn't have very much of an appetite. Besides that, he didn't think he'd be able to fully enjoy his meal with his sinuses bothering him as much as they were. At least the tea was nice. Fresh, hot, and flavorful. He allowed his eyes to slip shut as he savored the taste of it; relished in the relaxation and contentment that it bought him after the long day he'd had. Perhaps he really would end up visiting the sauna first. He took another long sip of tea, an audible sigh leaving him as he rested it back on the table in front of him. The relaxation he felt in this moment was the most he'd felt all day, but he knew that it would be increased ten fold the moment he stepped into the steamy expanse of his private sauna. And beyond that, of course, he could feel another fit rising every time the tea wasn't in his hands or at his lips.
He grabbed one of the fresh cloths on the table before him and turned his head away from his desk as he sneezed into it nice and hard. He could feel another coming. For a long while it just sat there, not worsening or going away. Annoyed, he closed his eyes before gazing at the brightest light in his room, nose occasionally twitching as his expression slowly changed. His breath hitched over and over, nostrils flaring as he waited for it to come.
''Come...on now...'' He breathed, eyes half closing as he waited before finally feeling that itch spike.
He gasped loudly before letting it out, directly into the soft fabric he was holding. He sneezed so hard that it irritated his nose enough to make him immediately do it again.
''Ahh...finally...'' He sighed while sniffling again before standing, grabbing his cane at the handle as he did so.
His nose was twitching in that rabbit-like way again as he stood from his desk. The congestion was starting to get more troublesome by the moment. He pulled his tie free while eyeing the remainder of his tea, as well as his untouched dinner. He grabbed the mug and finished off rest of his tea, nothing but thoughts of the sauna filling his mind as he grabbed the few handkerchiefs from the tray his servant bought and went on his way.
He was hoping to run into one of his servants on the way to the sauna in order to inform them to collect his uneaten meal but to leave everything else. As luck would have it, he noticed one of them dusting off a vase in the long hallway he'd been walking down. They paused to bow as he approached them.
''Ah, good evening, sir. How can I help you?''
''The food in my room is ready for collection. Inform Pierre to keep it warm for me unless otherwise stated. Everything-'' He cleared his throat and then sniffled, trying to ignore the dust particles he could tell were in the immediate area. ''everything else is to...''
His voice faltered, his nostrils flared, and he couldn't help but turn his head away and into the handkerchief as he sneezed.
''-remain just as it- ah-'' another sneeze. ''just as it is until...until...''
His eyes rolled up in a mixture of annoyance and acceptance as he turned his head away, not even bothering to keep talking. He sneezed hard. Once, twice, a third and fourth time, the dust irritating his nose much more than it usually ever would. He hardly had time to breathe in between each one. His worker stood there in surprised silence and waited for him to finish. Seeming to sense the cause of his issue, they put the feather duster behind their own back. However, the motion, while seemingly ideal, momentarily stirred up even more dust. JP completely turned his head away as he sneezed again and again, desperate for the fit to end.
''Sir might I-''
''Haa- ahh-'' An uncharacteristically desperate sounding noise left him as his nose itched, almost burning. ''Haah-''
He felt his eyes threatening to water. The sound of his own voice surprised him, but he didn't have the time or energy to think about that. Not with his nose tickling so bad. The noise he made transitioned itself into his hardest sneeze of the fit yet. His entire body jerked with the force of it, and the sound was only slightly muffled by the handkerchief he used. However, that last one had been enough to finally alleviate that itch.
''Ahh...'' He sighed in relief. ''Excuse me...''
His worker was gazing at him with an unreadable expression, unsure of what to say. JP began to blow his nose.
''A-apologies, sir. I had no idea that you would be down this way this evening. Much less that you had such an...um...sensitivity to dust.''
JP was wiping his nose still, and sniffled when he was finished, relieved when he could no longer feel the dust irritating his nose so vigorously.
''My instructions...?'' The word 'my' came out sounding very slightly like it had a B instead of an M.
''Ah. Yes sir. I'll inform chef Pierre to keep your meal warm for you.'' They paused before bowing. ''Right away, sir.''
JP nodded in approval, still wiping his nose as he began to walk away. He absolutely could not wait to get into the sauna and hopefully get this congestion finally dealt with. He noisily blew his nose once more while making his way down the hallway. His servant remained bowing until he disappeared from sight. The closest sauna in his massive home was located in his private gym, just a short walk away now.
When he finally got there, he didn't waste any time in removing the jacket to his suit before hanging it up on a wrack near the entrance. He then undid the buttons on each cuff of his wrist to make taking off his shirt an easier endeavour. After removing his vest, he hung that up with his suit jacket. JP was in the middle of unbuttoning his collar when his nose began to itch again. Whether it was from the residual dust or his incoming cold, he couldn't tell. He patted his pants before realizing that all of his handkerchiefs were still in his suit pocket. Though he reached for it, his nostrils flared and he gasped before sneezing hard into the air before he could stop it. The sound resonated slightly throughout the empty gym and in usual fashion, it happened again. And then once more.
He shook his head before continuing to unbutton his shirt, growing annoyed with his ever irritated nose. He hated sneezing into the air if he could help it. It felt, in his opinion, like an utterly uncouth thing to do. However, just now, he hadn't been able to help it. He crossed the room to the sauna, pulling his tie the rest of the way off as he went to turn it on. He sniffled softly, his nose twitching as his fingers undid the remaining buttons on his shirt before pulling it off, one arm after the other. He sniffled loudly yet again before crossing the room back to where his vest and suit jacket were hanging up.
He hung his shirt up as well before reaching into the pockets of his suit jacket to pull out a few handkerchiefs. He would be needing them in the sauna to blow his nose if need be. He sniffled again while lowering his hands down to the waist of his pants. He unbuckled his belt before opening and unzipping his pants to push them down. After stepping out of them, he folded them in half and hung those up as well. He grabbed the soft white cloths he had taken from his suit pocket and carried them with him over to the wooden shelf filled to the brim with freshly cleaned towels, all also with his initials etched into each corner. He opened the sauna door long enough to feel the inside with his hand. It was warming up nicely.
With that, he slid off his shoes and socks and then stepped inside to grab the bucket and large wooden spoon meant for creating steam. He left his handkerchiefs in there on the wooden bench, slinging his towel over his shoulder as he stepped back outside to go and fill it up. While resting the bucket in the sink that stood near one of the many weight machines, he felt his nose starting to itch yet again. He turned the water on, eyes rolling up in irritation at the fact that he'd left his handkerchief's sitting somewhere out of reach. He hadn't expected to need them again until he'd actually gotten inside the sauna.
As the water runs he stands there looking up towards the ceiling, his expression changing in its usual way while he's waiting for a sneeze. His brows furrow tightly together as he gives a long, slow, inhale. He feels much more comfortable to let that happen given that he's completely alone. His palm rests comfortably on the side of the sink, gripping it softly as he sneezes powerfully into the air. Some of the spray mists the air in front of him when he does so. He gasps and then does it again before doing it once more. His hand momentarily tightens on the side of the sink each time it happens. When he's all finished, he leans against it casually for balance while waiting until the bucket fills up; his nose occasionally twitching all the while. He reaches his free hand up and briefly grabs the bottom of his nose in between his thumb and first finger as the water continues to run.
He truly hates sneezing into the open air if he can help it, but finds that since he's alone, doing so is at least somewhat bearable. Certainly much more so than doing it into his own hand. He finds himself equal parts wishing that one of his servants was here to carry the bucket back for him, and happy for the solitude. His eyes drift over to one of his many weight machines and he half considers how much better the sauna would feel after a workout. However, his incoming head cold is leaving him with nothing more than fatigue. Working out would have to wait for another time. As the bucket reaches its halfway mark, he removes the towel from his shoulder and wraps it around his waist. With that, he walks back to the sauna. On a bench just outside of it lie the clothes he'd had his servants prepare for him ahead of time.
Near that bench, between it and the towel rack, is a small wooden shelf filled with essential oils. He sniffles softly while looking them over, trying to recall which one is best for clearing up sinuses. That or one for promoting easier relaxation. Lavender in that case, would be the obvious answer. He vaguely recalls the idea that peppermint was good for clearing sinuses as well, but wasn't a particularly large fan of that scent. He strokes his chin absentmindedly for a few moments before finally settling on lavender. He was almost certain that it would help in more ways than one. He needed to be relaxed right now. Finally, he steps into the sauna, the wood warm beneath his feet as he closes the door behind him. He sits the bucket down, fills a large spoonful of water, and lets just a few drops of lavender oil fall into the spoon. Though he loves the smell of lavender, the strong scent of this particularly high quality bottle irritates his nose just long enough to make it itch. He pours the spoonful of water onto the rocks in the corner of the room just before turning his head away, spoon still in hand, and sneezing hard into the rapidly steam filling air of the sauna.
''Ugh...ah-...'' He sits the spoon down alongside the bottle of lavender oil, his nostrils flaring and twitching as he sits down. ''Ahh-haa-EH-CHOO!''
He sneezes hard yet again, right into the air. Oddly enough, despite the itch still being there, he can feel the congestion already starting to clear up. Able to at least take comfort in that, as well as in his solitude, he lets another one out. One of his hands grips the edge of the bench he's sitting on. The veins cording down his forearm seem momentarily more prominent beneath his skin as he sneezes again, and then again, and then again. He raises his head to gasp in between almost each one, his large nostrils flaring each time he's about to release another one. He doesn't bother to hold them back now, knowing he likely needs to let this happen if he has any chance of feeling better. He leans his head back, letting the scented air fill and tickle his nose before letting another hard sneeze out, and then another, and then a much harder one. The mist from each powerful spray disappears rather quickly in the thick fog of the lavender scented steam. He sniffles, closes his eyes, and sneezes yet again. Doing so like this, without worry of being seen or heard, without worry of manners or civility. It felt oddly good. He finally grabbed one of his handkerchiefs, just long enough to noisily blow his nose into it. Doing so both tickled and relieved his nose all at once.
He didn't bother to keep holding onto it when he was done. He simply sat there, relishing in the heat of the sauna, in the sweat starting to drip down his face; in the freedom of solitude. In the- he gasped and sneezed again, nice and hard. His nose crinkled as he sat there, leaning back, completely relaxing as the scent of lavender overtook him alongside the way too pleasurable heat of the steam. He stretched his large arms out on the bench above and behind him. The comfort was almost too deep for words. His bare legs felt comfortably warm against the bench and he spread them while sighing. He felt another sneeze coming and decided to simply let it go, sneezing hard into the steamed up air in front of him. It felt good to let it out. He could feel his sinuses clearing more and more with each moment that passed. He leaned his head back and moaned softly, soaking in the feeling of the heat as it comfortably covered him from head to toe. Whenever he felt a sneeze come he just let it out, large nostrils shamelessly flaring wide whenever he was about to do so. Occasionally he would just sit there, expression mostly frozen as he waited for one to come out. Whenever it finally did come he would either sigh afterwards in relief or briefly grab the bottom of his nose between his thumb and first finger.
The scent of the lavender coated steam was so relaxing. JP leaned his head back, feeling as sweat dripped past his face, down onto his shoulders; past his chest. Down his stomach. He sighed in absolute contentment. This was just what he needed. His nose didn't even feel irritated anymore. His sinuses were completely cleared up. The last fit he had must have done exactly what it was meant to do. He leaned his head even further back, relaxing himself completely as sweat dripped down various parts of his body. He stretched out his fingers, curled them into a fist and then stretched them out again, a relaxed moan of contentment leaving his closed lips as he fully sunk in to how it felt.
''Mmm...this feels good...''
He sighed. The relaxation he felt in this moment was unlike any he'd felt in the entire week, much less the entire day. The longer he sat there, the better he felt. JP spread his legs a bit wider and leaned his head even further back as he inhaled the sweet lavender scented steam while sweat dripped down his body to the wooden bench below. He felt completely and utterly at peace. He found himself thinking that he never wanted to leave. Which was his signal that he likely should soon. It wouldn't do for him to fall asleep here after all. Though, the sauna did have safety features for such a case. And he did deserve this, didn't he? JP inhaled deeply, held it, and then released it in the form of a long sigh. He was in heaven.
He completely relaxed into the bench, sinking into it, mind filling with thoughts of nothing but how good it felt to be relaxing in this sauna. The pleasure he was experiencing felt almost sinful. He caught himself thinking of the legalities of bliss. Anything that felt this good should certainly be illegal. He moaned softly, relishing in the heat of the sauna, in the soft yet thick and heady scent of lavender. He found himself wanting to feel even more of it so after a little while longer of sitting there relishing in it all, he stood, allowing his towel to fall by the wayside as he filled the wooden spoon with more water and a few more drops of the lavender oil. The fresh oil straight from the bottle slightly tickled his nose. He turned his head away from it and sneezed freely into the air. Only once this time. He sniffled while refreshing the steam, grateful that it was doing just the job he'd intended it to do. He picked his towel back up and relocated to one of the higher benches so that he could feel the steam more thoroughly. He recovered his lap with the towel while sitting back down and leaned comfortably back, contentment much too tame a word for the all encompassing satisfaction that he was feeling in that moment.
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  • 2 weeks later...
This entry ended up being much longer than I expected it to be but I still wanted to share and hope you guys enjoy it (and my feral enjoyment of JP) nonetheless!
Time passed. How much time couldn't be said. JP had dozed off and was now being woken up by the sound of a soft knock outside the sauna door. He sat up, feeling nothing more than the comfortably warm temperature that the sauna had cooled down to. After wrapping the towel around himself, he stood and stepped down until he was at the door, which he pushed open. One of his servants stood out of the way just as he did so and bowed.
''I came to check on you, sire.''
''Mmm.'' JP made little more than a sound of acknowledgement as he covered a yawn behind his large hand.
The faint scent of lavender hung in the air; from his very person. The servant dared to smile.
''Rest well, sir?''
JP didn't notice his servants expression as he went to gather the clothes that had been laid out for him. He dressed himself in a pair of soft pinstripe slacks, ideal for nightwear. Alongside it he pulled on a long sleeve plaid button up that matched the blue of his pants. He sighed in absolute contentment, the smell of lavender still sitting gently on his skin. His servant had meanwhile been inside the sauna, set to work on cleaning it right away. JP fastened the buttons on the cuffs of his sleeves before silencing another yawn behind his hand.
''Have my meal sent up to my room. I want it waiting there for me by the time I get upstairs.''
The servant stopped what they were doing right away. After exiting the sauna and giving a swift bow, they quickly made their way out of the gym to follow the instructions he'd been given. JP fixed the collar of his night shirt, sniffled softly and began to make his way to his bedroom. He didn't bother with the suit he'd left hanging up, nor the towel he'd allowed to fall before getting dressed. His servants would naturally be handling that for him. Though he did grab a pair of slippers from a cabinet near the gym's exit. One that was blue enough to match his night clothes, and made his way slowly to his bedroom.
Once he arrived there, his soup and tea were waiting for him on a tray beneath a silver platter. He could see the steam rising from it even from where he stood in his doorway. He closed the door behind him and removed his slippers before crossing the soft carpet of his bedroom. His massive bed looked even more appealing than usual. As did, once he removed the lid, his dinner. He sat down on the chair in front of the small table that had been set up for him, lifted a silver spoon from one of the cloths it'd been sitting on, and begins to finally eat his meal. Though he felt a bit uneasy at the fact that the seasonings still slightly irritated his nose, they also smelled good. Their scent was like an added flavoring all its own; a sentiment that one who loves sampling cuisine would be able to easily understand. He took a long sip of water before sitting it down with a contented sigh. He could even see steam rising from a fresh cup of tea that'd been prepared for him. Chamomile or lavender no doubt; something to help him pass the rest of the evening in particularly relaxed fashion.
He sipped at it slowly, savoring the flavor, the scent. He sniffled softly. Annoyingly, he could tell that the sauna's affects were seeming to start to wear off. Though he was still just as relaxed and content as he had been earlier, if not more so now because of the hot meal prepared for him by his own private chef, it seemed his sinuses were irritated by the lack of constant steam he'd been getting earlier. He softly patted at the pockets of his night pants before looking at the table, already feeling what was about to happen. He grabbed the only cloth that was there, so urgently that the silver sitting on it clanged audibly to the table as he raised it to his nose before turning his head from the table.
He sneezed into it hard, paused for a moment, and then did it once more. Though thankful that it hadn't been an entire fit, he was mildly annoyed that aesthetic of his dinner table had been ruined. Though he supposed it wasn't particularly horrible. He readjusted the silver and decided that it didn't look so bad resting on the white table cloth. He sniffled softly, making a mental note to tell the servant that came to collect his tray to bring him enough handkerchiefs to last him through the evening. He noted with a bit of annoyance that he would likely be needing them.
He sniffled once more, nose twitching gently as he began to finish his dinner. Despite everything, the soup was superb and he enjoyed the rest of it. Just as he was finishing up, a familiar servant entered his room. When she came to collect his tray, JP instructed her to bring him a small stack of handkerchiefs, enough to last him through the night. As he spoke, he gently dabbed his mouth with one he had found in his bedside dresser. As she rested all of his things on the silver cart meant for transporting everything back to the kitchen, JP had started sniffling yet again. She looked at his expression for but a moment.
''Is there anything else I can bring you, sir?''
''Just make haste with what I asked for. I'll nee-'' His voice faltered for a moment as he breath hitched. ''need them- oh...''
His eyes left hers as he turned his head away. She noticed the slightly faraway look in his expression just before he did so. He made obvious at least three times why he would be needing them. The servant could feel her brows pulling together in shock. It was a rarity to see her employer in such a state, if she ever had before. He paused to look at her, to attempt to finish his sentence, but his eyes got that same tell tale look in them just as he turned his head away into the handkerchief yet again.
''I'll get on that right away, sir. Along with a fresh cup of tea...if you'll permit me?''
He answered with another loud, muffled sneeze.
''Ginger may help clear your sinuses...and soothe your throat as well.''
He gave a quick, frantic nod before sneezing again. Her hands tightened on the handle of the cart as she gave it a soft pull, spun it around, and then pushed it from the room, ensuring to be back as soon as possible. JP sighed and sniffled again before loudly blowing his nose. When he was finished, he tossed the soft cloth into a nearby trashcan before going to the bathroom to wash his hands. He believed that servant would be back as soon as possible, and was hoping he could hold off another fit until then. As he stepped into his colossal bathroom, he considered taking a shower. The steam from it would likely help almost as much as the sauna did. However, as the comfortably hot water ran over his hands, rinsing them clean, he felt another wave of exhaustion wash through him that was strong enough to make his eyes lid half shut. He was tired. The shower would very likely have to wait until morning.
Hopefully, he thought, a nice full deep nights rest would be just the thing his body needed to properly recover from the cold he could feel settling in. Perhaps his sickness was aiding in his exhaustion. It would make perfect sense. He sniffled again, nose twitching as he clicked off the bathroom light and made his way to bed. He pulled open the bedside dresser drawer on the opposite side of the one he'd already checked and was disappointed to find it empty.
''Oh my...''
He raised his hand to his face and softly stroked his chin while losing himself in thought. It was best not to dwell on an issue that would soon be fixed. He collapsed gently onto his back, into his soft silken sheets. His nose grew exceptionally irritated as he lay there, hoping that his servant would return soon with what he needed. He thinks, while lying there, that perhaps he should have asked her to bring him some medicine as well. The tea would likely work just as well though, if he even had the energy to drink it. Each blink seemed to grow heavier and heavier as he felt himself sinking into his bed's exceptionally comfortable and warm embrace. The peace and contentment was only ever interrupted by an itch in his nose, or a sniffle. He could tell from the way his nose felt that he likely wouldn't be able to actually fall asleep until he had whatever fit he could feel coming.
He sniffled again before gasping softly, his breath hitching. As if on queue, he heard a soft knocking at his door.
''Come...'' he softly gasped again. ''-come in.''
She entered, a stack of handkerchiefs in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. He waved her over, signaling urgency. She crossed the room as quickly as she could without spilling the tea. Jp's eyes slipped shut as she sat it down, his breath hitching over and over as he felt himself on the brink of a sneeze that wouldn't come. Though she moved to hold the stack out to him, the expression on his face as well as his already closed eyes told her that he likely wouldn't even be able to grab them if he needed to. He gasped again, nostrils flaring.
''Haa- ahh-''
To her surprise, his eyes opened briefly, just long enough to glance at a bright light over head. Just as he did, he gasped sharply, and without thinking, she held one of the cloths up to his nose. He sneezed hard, directly into it. She hardly had time to process the bit of spray she felt splattering against her palm before he did it again, and then once more, hardly having enough time to breathe in between each one. There was a brief pause before a fourth one happened. As he gasped again, he pulled the cloth from her hand and sneezed a loud, muffled sneeze into it.
''Ahh...do excuse me.'' He sniffled, voice full of all the exhaustion he felt.
She sat down the remaining stack of cloths on his bedside dresser, within arms reach. Surprise at what had just happened hadn't yet settled in.
''My apologies...'' His voice sounded every bit like he was in need of the tea she had just bought him. He began wiping his nose again as he spoke. ''You can wash your hands in the bathroom.''
She nodded. Despite his exhaustion being tangible, she still couldn't help but feel surprised at the casualness of his reaction. Though she was indeed one of his most trusted servants-
''Oh, and one more thing.''
She was halfway to the bathroom when she'd heard his voice and turned to look at him. He looked as sleepy as he sounded, and was reaching for the cup of tea she'd left there for him.
''Thank you.''
''You're- um...most welcome, sir...''
He waved her away with a quick flick of his hand after that, towards the bathroom. She heard him sneeze again when she stepped inside. The lights clicked on on their own, and she marveled at the size of it. She'd never been in his own personal bathroom before. Huge was an understatement; she should have expected as much given how tall and wide the door was. In the far corner, but still near the center of the room stood a tub, large enough to hold at least three people comfortably. Her brows furrowed as she contemplated the size before remembering just how large of a man JP is. Even still, she thought, while walking over to the white marbled counter that held the sink, she could likely fit in there alongside him and they'd both have enough space to stretch out and still not touch. Her employer sneezed again as she turned on the sink and began washing her hands beneath the warm stream of water.
In the other room, JP had been sipping his tea. The ginger was soothing to his throat, which had been starting to grow sore sometime in the last few minutes. He heard the sound of water turning off, and then the soft barely audible rustling of a towel. Irritatingly, that itch deep in his nose had not only returned, but worsened. He moved to set his cup of tea down and reached for a clean handkerchief all in the same motion. However, upon doing so, in his urgency, he knocked almost the entire stack to the floor. His servant had seen this happen, and rushed over to pick them up for him. The cleanest one, directly on top, which had not yet touched the floor was still viable for use. She held it out to him, but his cup of tea was still in one hand, posed to spill if he made any sudden movements.
''If I may-'' He gasped softly, holding the cup out to her. ''trouble you to-to...''
She removed the cup from his hand as his breath hitched, words leaving him. His large nostrils flared over and over as he gasped softly and then sharply. She hadn't the time to push the handkerchief into his free hand, so once again, she held it up to his nose for him. His hand instinctively wrapped around hers, holding it firmly in place as he sneezed hard into it. He gasped softly and then did it again. And then once more. After that it happened upwards of three times, nearly each one causing a familiar sensation in her palm that let her know she'd likely be needing to wash her hands again. She stood there in silence until he was done, the desperate sounds mostly muffled by the soft fabric he was sneezing into. The last one of the fit was preluded by a loud gasp. When he was finished, he finally let go of her hand, eyes opening slowly as he sighed in relief before sniffling softly.
''Oh...do excuse me...''
JP seemed almost embarrassed as he took the handkerchief she'd been holding up and used it to noisily blow his nose. ''I'll need more of these...and...''
''I'll... see if there's any medicine in the bathroom, sir. There should be some more of your handkerchiefs in there as well if...I'm not mistaken.'' Her hand felt equal parts warm from where his palm had been on hers and- she decided not to think of how her own palm felt. ''I'll um. Bring them to you right away.''
He nodded in approval before blowing his nose again as she made her way into his private bathroom for the second time. His voice, despite the obvious exhaustion and need for more steam, still held that edge of undeniable command as he called out to her again the second she walked into his bathroom.
''Do ensure to wash your hands, first!''
His servant was in the middle of washing her hands for the second time when a thought came to her. She'd been told in passing that her master had just recently left the sauna and was enjoying dinner back when she was instructed to collect his finished tray. If the steam had helped him, perhaps another dose of it before bed time would be just what he needed. She called out to him, mid scrub of her hands.
''Master Petrovic?''
''What is it?''
''Did your trip to the sauna help to clear your sinuses?''
JP sniffled as he considered her question. He thought back to the huge fit he'd had while sitting in the sauna but how ultimately yes, the steam had rather helped him quite a bit. He nodded while gazing towards the bathroom.
''Yes, it did...why?''
''Shall I draw you a bath, then? Or a nice steamy shower?''
''Mmm...yes, the shower.''
He didn't actually plan on taking one. He was much too exhausted for that. The shower, however, his exceptionally high end one in particular, should steam up the bathroom quite nicely. Not even a full thirty seconds had passed before he heard the sound of the water running. He sighed, wiping his nose on his nearly unusable handkerchief while climbing out of bed. He could always sit on the edge of the tub, or somewhere near the shower as the steam turned his bathroom into a make shift sauna. He could feel his head threatening to throb as he made his way to the bathroom and called out to his servant while grabbing a bottle of water from one of the small fridges in his room.
''Tell me there's aspirin in the cabinet...or any other sort of cold medicine.'' He hated to say it, hated to even ask because the very concept of needing medicine was enough to cement the fact that he'd been trying to deny all night. He was coming down with a cold. A bad one.
''I'll check, right away sir.''
JP sighed with all the discontentment he felt. He wished he hadn't, however, because the inhale he'd made before letting the sigh out triggered a tickle deep in his nose. His eyes rolled up in annoyance as he held the handkerchief up to his nose. He gasped before sneezing hard into it. There was a brief pause before he did it once more.
''Bless you, sir.''
JP ignored her, needing to blow his nose again. Once he did, the soft cloth he'd been using was rendered officially useless. He dropped it into a trashcan on his way to the bathroom which, to his relief, was already nearly completely full of steam. He closed the door behind him and walked straight over to the shower, wanting to be as close to it as possible. His servant was at his side quickly after that, offering him two white pills.
''Tylenol, sir. PM so it should help you sleep...as well as with any pain or congestion you might feel.''
''Thank you.'' His voice was starting to sound more and more congested.
He raised his palm to his lips, dropping both pills inside and washing them down with the bottle of water he'd been holding. Thankfully, swallowing didn't hurt and his throat didn't feel that sore. Not yet, anyway. He might be able to get on top of this cold yet.
''Should I grab a towel for you?''
''No but I-'' He paused, nose twitching as he felt that irritating itch settling deep in his nose yet again. ''I certainly...need...oh...''
She gazed up at him, at that tell tale expression, at his hands empty of the usual cloths he needed so much. His nostrils flared wide as his brows furrowed together. He could already tell how big of a fit this was going to be and didn't even have the time or wherewith all to excuse himself first. His lips parted as he gasped, hating the idea of releasing it into the air but not wanting to potentially sully his own hands, or his sleeve with the resulting spray he knew he was about to let out. His breath hitched desperately once more and his servant, after quickly glancing around to see if there was anything nearby to use held her hand up to his nose just in time to cover the powerful sneeze he needed to let out. She could feel the spray of it splattering directly against her bare palm.
JP inhaled loudly, an uncharacteristically vulnerable sound leaving him before doing it again. Almost instinctively, so as to not accidentally make a mess, he once again wrapped his large hand around hers and held it firmly in place in front of his before he gasped again, nostrils flaring and twitching beneath her fingers. A second later he sneezed hard yet again, head jerking forward from the force of it. He wanted to speak, to pause for even a moment; to excuse himself for doing this. But all he could manage was yet another sharp inhale before his head jerked forward yet again, nose so deeply and thoroughly irritated he knew he had no chance of stopping this fit until it was over. He could hardly breathe in between each one unless he forced it.
He took yet another shuddering inhale, eyes threatening to well with tears from the stinging itch deep in his nose before surrendering to the fit he knew he wouldn't be able to fight off, grateful that he had her hand to cover it for him. He sneezed hard, once, twice, a third time after a sharp gasp and then a fourth; occasionally the sound of his voice would slip through upon the exhale. For the first time the entire evening, he could feel his face flushing with heat. However, if it was from embarrassment at this loss of control or at an incoming fever, he had no clue.
His servant meanwhile, sat there in dutiful silence, watching as her employer lost all semblance of control all over her hand. Her palm was growing wet with spray of the sneezes that he clearly hadn't even considered stifling. Each sneeze was powerful and desperate, obviously needing to be let out. Without the handkerchief to muffle the sounds, she could hear and feel just how strong they were; could feel the slight warmth of his breath every time he released another one. Finally, JP gave a loud, long inhale before sneezing nice and hard a final time, directly into her palm. He sighed in tangible relief when it was over, sniffling and looking up towards the ceiling as he finally released her hand, allowing her to pull it away from his nose. His head felt warm and full.
''Oh...excuse me...'' He sniffled again, nose twitching, face positively flushed with warmth. ''Do excuse me....''
That fit, alongside the steam filling the bathroom, had finally seemed to alleviate that desperate itch. As awful as it might have sounded, he was glad that he hadn't needed to get his own hands(or his clothes) dirty. Even still...that heat in his face persisted. JP's eyes had a look of absolute exhaustion in them as he sat shakily down on the edge of the tub. He was so tired and his head felt so miserably full. He could almost be forgiven for the desire to lay on one of his many soft carpets and take a nap on any one of them, not even bothering to make it back to bed.
His servant meanwhile, walked over to a linen closet and had thankfully, found a stack full of those handkerchiefs he never usually found himself without. She grabbed three of them with her clean hand and quickly walked them back over to her employer who at this point, clearly needed to blow his nose. And take a nap. He took them from her with a look of gratefulness as well as something else that she couldn't quite place. It was obvious to both of them that she'd be needing to wash her hands yet again and beyond that, would at this point, very likely be catching his cold.
''By apologies...'' He said again, genuinely, before burying his nose into the soft fabric of one of the hankies she'd bought him. ''I didn't intend for that to happen...but I couldn't stop it either.''
He blew his nose loudly, relieved to feel that that itch was genuinely for the moment, well and truly gone. His servant was meanwhile, washing her hands for the third time now, thanks to her employers utter loss of control. Something about his energy was radiating a vulnerable sense of...dare she say shame? He wasn't ever one to feel the need to explain himself and yet he'd actually just done so after apologizing twice.
''It...it's...quite alright sir. I know you couldn't help it.''
The sigh he released sounded equal parts congested and relieved.
''Ahh...by sinuses are feeling much better now at least.'' He sniffled softly, large nose twitching before he wiped it again. His face flushed with yet another wave of heat as he continued. ''Thank you...I apologize again. That was quite disgrac-hih-...disgraceful of be.''
''Rest here awhile sir... I'll go get your tea.''
JP could do nothing but nod before releasing a genuinely exhausted sigh. A bit more tea along some more time in this steam filled bathroom was likely just what he needed. That, and a good night's rest.
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