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What You Deserve [F/F - Station 19, Marina]


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I’ve only ever seen a few Station 19 stories on here before so why not expand the collection! I haven’t written for these two in a while so hopefully you still enjoy!

(I’m pasting this from my phone so please excuse the formatting! <3) 


Carina had been having one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong. It started with a flat tire on her way to the hospital, followed by an unexpected emergency surgery that pushed her schedule back by hours. 


Not the mention that there was some bug sweeping through the wards, most of the residents had already passed it amongst themselves so almost every department was feeling the effects. Running on low staff meant by the time she finished, the sun had already dipped below the horizon, and the sky threatened an incoming downpour with ominous grey clouds.


The first drops of rain began to splatter against her windshield as Carina drove home, her wipers doing little to improve visibility. All she wanted was a nice, hot shower and a glass of wine - maybe a nice evening of cuddles and love from Maya to just top it all off. By the time she’d finished daydreaming, Carina had been pulling up their driveway.


She had to make a mad dash to the small bit of cover their porch provided as she reached into her pocket for- what? Where was it? Where was her house key?


"No, no, no," She muttered, jiggling the doorknob futilely. Rain pelted down, drenching her baby-pink scrubs in seconds.


A sinking feeling opened up in the doctor’s stomach as the dreadful realisation overheated her. She had the distinct memory of leaving them behind as Maya had come home to grab some paperwork and had promised to lock up when she left. 


Sure enough when Carina pressed her face to the small window in their door, she could see them sitting nearly on the hook, almost as if they were taunting her. She’d just have to go and wait in her car, there was nothing more to do.


Carina let out a frustrated sigh as she trudged back to her car, now thoroughly drenched. Reaching her vehicle, she tugged on the door handle, expecting the familiar click of it unlocking. Instead, the handle refused to budge.


"No! Please no! Not this too," She begged, fishing in her pocket for her car keys. Her fingers brushed against them, but when she pressed the unlock button, the car remained stubbornly locked. She tried again, pressing the button repeatedly, but nothing happened, “Oh you stupid, fuckin-“ Her curse was interrupted as a large gust blew her soaked hair into her face, cutting off her words.


"Are you kidding me?!” Carina yelled into the rain, her voice lost in the howling wind and the relentless downpour. There was no feeling of dread this time, her anger slowly faded into the lonely feeling of defeat. 


Pure, unrelenting defeat.


Accepting her fate, the OB sulked back to the porch, sitting down on the sodden ground with a small thud.  Fighting back the urge to shiver, Carina reached into her back pocket for her phone, only to find it dead - of course. Honestly what else was she expecting.  


God forbid anything go right for her today.


Maya wasn’t due to be home for a couple of hours yet, and thats at the minimum, if she was to get a last-minute call-out there’d be no telling how late home she’d be. So Carina sat barely sheltered in the pelting rain, letting her head drop into her knees as she waited for her wife to come back home.


The rain continued its assault, each drop feeling like a tiny needle against her soaked skin. She tried to think of anything but the biting cold that was creeping into her bones. Eventually though the minutes turned into hours until the shining glare of approaching headlights caught her attention.


The shining light cut through the darkness, offering a glimmer of hope. Her heart leapt as she recognised the familiar shape of Maya’s car. Finally.


It took Maya all of 2 minutes to park and come rushing out of the car, umbrella in hand as she ran to her wife, unable to keep the shock from her voice, “Carina! What the hell you doing out here?”


"Locked out," Carina explained miserably, her teeth chattering and too tired to go into detail, “Phone died. And now I'm soaked."


"Of course you are," Her tone a mix of concern and exasperation. Maya extended a hand to help her up and quickly guided Carina under the umbrella, unlocking the door quickly and ushering her inside, “God you must be freezing! How long have you been out here?”


Carina bit her lip. She debated lessening the impact and only saying 20 minutes or so but there really wasn’t a point in trying to save face here, “Since like 7ish?” She tried to keep her tone light, but the effect was lost when a shiver rippled through her body.


“Oh Carina, you silly- God, you should’ve just called me baby,” The blonde sighed, her frustration melting into concern, “Come on, let’s get you out of these wet clothes. You’re going to catch your death out there.”


“I’ll be okay I just- Hhih’tshhu! ‘iiisshoo!” Carina hitched bent forward to catch two sudden, wet sneezes into her barely cupped hands, “Gross…” She sniffled and hid a frown when it did nothing help with the runny feeling in her nose.


“Mhmm, sure you will,” Maya replied with a raised eyebrow, her tone layered with sarcasm. “Because sneezing everywhere is always a sign of someone healthy and clearly not someone who’s going to give herself pneumonia from sitting around in the pouring rain.”


“I sneezed twice Maya,” The OB shot her wife a look for her use of the hyperbole before sniffling again, scrubbing a knuckle beneath her nose, “I just need a hot shower that’s all.”


“I won’t argue with that.” Maya wrapped an arm around Carina, guiding her toward their bathroom. She carefully helped her wife unwind her plaits which had come loose and tangled in the wind, apologising whenever she pulled a little too hard.


Carina reached over to start the shower, steam slowly filling the room as she grabbed her shampoo and soap from the cabinet.


“I’ll make a start on some dinner, take as long as you need love. There’s a towel already in the dryer getting nice and warm for you.” Maya smiled, giving her wife a soft kiss before leaving her alone to take her shower.


“You’re the best.” Carina gave a relieved sigh, as Maya closed the door behind herself.


As she stepped beneath the water, the warmth instantly soothed her, helping to ease the shivers that had been wracking her frame. She tilted her head back, letting the water wash over her face, the steam loosening the tightness in her chest. Despite the brave face she’d been wearing, Carina couldn’t deny just how good the water felt.


She closed her eyes and let the water cascade over her, her fingers massaging her scalp as she worked the shampoo into a lather.


Just as she began to wash her hair, an itch started to tickle at the back of her nose. She wrinkled it, trying to shake off the sensation, but it only grew stronger. Carina's breath hitched involuntarily.


“Hih’tschh! Hhh’iishhu!” She sneezed into her hands and grimaced, not daring to look before quickly washing them beneath the hot water. “Ugh, damn it,” The brunette muttered to herself, sweeping a few strands of hair that had fallen in front of her face before blinking through the steam as she rubbed a knuckle roughly beneath her nose.


By the time she had finished the growing heat had made her a little dizzy. Swiping a hand over the fogged-up mirror Carina could make out the sight of her reflection - her cheeks crimson and sinuses puffy. She stifled a groan and instead chose to splash some cold water on her face, sure it ruined the point of getting warm, but anything was better than this.


A little while later, she had gotten dried and changed and heard Maya calling from the kitchen that the food was almost ready, Carina   tried to call back but her voice cracked, she cleared her throat before trying again and she made sure to grab Maya’s college sweatshirt from the back of the door as she headed  towards the kitchen.


Hearing subtle footsteps approaching, Maya turned around and her face lit up as she saw Carina padding into the kitchen complete with fluffy socks and slippers, her hair held up in a loose bun, “You all nice and warmed up now love?”


Carina nodded, though she didn’t entirely feel it. “Much better now.”


“Good,” Maya replied, planting a quick kiss on Carina’s forehead. “Dinner’s almost ready. I made us some spaghetti carbonara, I know it’s one of your favourites.” Her hand came to rub the top of her wife’s damp hair before nudging her towards the table.


Carina’s stomach grumbled in response, though she realised she wasn’t as hungry as she expected. “It smells amazing, grazie bella.”


They sat down to eat, and Carina forced herself to take a few bites. The food was delicious, but she found her appetite lacking. She pushed the pasta around her plate, trying to hide her discomfort. She’d already worried her wife enough for one evening, the last thing she wanted to do was make a fuss about a dinner she’d worked hard to cook.


“Does it taste bad? You don’t have to eat it if I does- I can make you something else.” Maya began to ramble, apparently, she’d noticed the way Carina had been avoiding her food.


“No, no, it’s perfect. Really. I’m just… not feeling all that hungry tonight.” She hated lying, especially to Maya, but she also didn’t want to make her feel guilty. She opened her mouth to continue, but the moment she did, a faint tickle in her throat made her wince. She cleared it again, but the action did little to stop the irritation, and she instinctively brought a hand to her mouth. Her breath hitched again, and before she could even register what was happening, she sneezed sharply, this time stifling it against her palm. “Hih-ngxt!” She barely managed to contain it, but the force of it left her head spinning. “S’cuse-


“Bless you.” Maya cut her off, frowning a little as she studied her wife’s face, her own face scrunching as she tried to determine what was wrong, “You sure you’re feeling okay?” She asked sceptically.


“I’m fine.”  Carina’s eyes fluttered closed as she fought the urge to sneeze again, her breath hitching slightly before she managed to suppress it… or so she thought.


“Hih… hih’ktschh!” The sneeze came out of nowhere and far more forcefully than she would’ve liked, Carina winced as a sharp pain shot through her sinuses. Luckily her hand had been in the way to take the brunt of the damage. “Scusa again,” She sniffled damply, her facade slowly crumbling as exhaustion began to creep over her.


Maya murmured another blessing as she handed Carina a napkin, she took another look at her wife’s face, finally noticing the way her cheeks were unusually flushed, “Oh sweetheart…” Everything seemed to click into place now. “I knew that rain would be bad for you.”” She sympathised, reaching out to run a hand down her back, slowly rubbing comforting circles.


“There’s been something going round the hospital.” Carina sniffled, knowing there was no point in trying to deny it now, “Getting caught in the rain was just bad luck.”


 The firefighter sighed, moving to cup her wife’s face in her hands gently, “Why didn’t you say so earlier love?”


“I don’t know, I just feel bad.” Carina’s eyes fell to the floor, “You work so hard everyday, you don’t need to be worrying about me when you’re meant to be relaxing after work.”


The blonde smiled and leaned up, placing a soft kiss on Carina’s lips. “You don’t ever need to feel bad about that. Taking care of you is one of my favourite things to do.” She stood up and gently pulled Carina to her feet, “Come, let’s get you cosy in bed.”




Fevers tended to go two ways for Carina, she’d either get really emotional and begin tearing up at any little thing or they’d make her a little loopy and loose lipped. 


After cuddling up for a few hours it became clear that this was going to be the latter and now that her temperature was really setting in, Maya knew she was in for a ride.


“Mayaaaa.” Carina rasped out her wife’s name and looked up at her with glassy eyes before pawing clumsily at her running nose, her efforts to hold back an itchy sneeze becoming useless as she ducked her head into Maya’s shirt.


“Yes, my love?”


“Do you think little bambinas know they’re little?” The OB mumbled feverishly, sniffling wetly against her wrist before the blonde gently lifted her face to hold a tissue to her nose.


“I’d like to think so.” She hummed after a second, “Blow.” Maya instructed, holding the tissue as Carina gave a weak little blow, only really serving to make herself more congested than get any actual relief.


She made a tsk sound and shook her head fondly, “You’re not going to feel any better if don’t get rid of some of this yucky congestion, c’mon have another go.”


This time Carina actually managed to get some relief, and Maya gently wiped her nose clean before throwing the tissue away, “Much better.” She smiled before kissing Carina’s forehead, “Ooh ouch, you’re feeling pretty warm here, poor thing.”


It wasn’t a surprise, she’d been feeling her head get gradually foggier and her muscles slowly feeling heavier, but she didn’t want to worry her anymore than she already was.

“S’probably just because I’m in bed.” Carina tried to mumble but Maya was already heading to the bathroom.


“Have you seen the thermometer anywhere?” Maya called out a few moments later as she looked in the cabinet and noticed it missing from its usual spot.


Carina coughed and took a sip of water as she tried to remember the last time she’d seen it. “Didn’t we lend it to Vic when she and Travis both got the flu last month?” She recalled, realising that they’d probably forgotten to ask for it back.


“Oh shit, yeah we did.” Maya groaned as she came to the same realisation, “I’ll see if we’ve got another.” She decided before kneeling down to search through the cabinet under the sinks where they usually kept stuff they didn’t use.


After some clattering and muttering Maya eventually poked her head out of the bathroom with a defeated expression, “This is the best we’ve got on hand.” She grumbled, looking at the instrument with distaste, “It’s better than nothing I suppose.” 


She held an older style of thermometer as she came back to towards the bed, the glass kind with the liquid at the bottom. Truthfully, she’d never remembered ever actually buying or even using it in the past but there was a first time for everything she supposed. Carina tried to sit up a little, giving her an odd look when she spotted the object.


“Can I check your temperature sweet girl?” Maya murmured as she reached for a pillow to put support her wife’s back as she pushed herself to sit up properly, “Okay, say ‘aaahh’.”


Carina shook her head fondly but regardless she opened her mouth just enough for her to slide the thermometer inside.


“Now we wait?” Maya asked, she wasn’t really sure how long these things would take to give an accurate reading.


“I forgot how strange this feels,” Carina mumbled around the thermometer, her voice muffled.


“Yeah, I can’t believe we’re actually using this relic,” The blonde agreed with a chuckle, “But hush, you’re not meant to speak with it in.”


She listened and It was quiet for another few moments before a small sniffle broke the silence. It was hard to breathe through her congestion - Carina’s brows furrowed as she breathed through her nose, trying to get comfortable, but she could already feel an itch building in the back of her throat. She sniffled another time, then again, trying to stave off the inevitable.


shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the tickle that was growing stronger by the second. Her nose twitched again, and she squeezed her eyes shut briefly, willing the sensation away. But it was no use. The itch was relentless, creeping up the back of her throat and pushing at her sinuses until she could no longer fight it off.


"Mmmph," she tried to signal Maya, but the sound came out muffled, barely a warning before her breath hitched uncontrollably.


"Hhh... hhh—" Carina's chest rose as she took in a sharp breath, her body tensing as she tried to hold back. But it was too late


“Hh'ehttschoo!… hH’iiishooo!”


She barely had time to rip the thermometer out of her mouth before she caught two thick, messy sneezes into her cupped hands. Her eyes widened a little as she kept one hand around her nose as she reached for a tissue to clean herself up with.


Maya sighed sympathetically as she blessed her wife softly. Reaching to take the thermometer from where it had fallen onto the bed.


“I—huh—hh’CHH!" Carina sneezed again, this time catching it in the crook of her elbow. She let out a frustrated sigh afterward


“Sorry Mai,” She sniffled from behind her tissue. The Italian blew her nose, an attempt at relieving the thick congestion but it only served to tickle her further. Her head shook as she tried to physically fight the itch but proved useless when she ducked back into the already soaked tissue with another messy, “Hhih’tshuu!”


Maya’s smile didn’t fade, “You don’t need to apologise sweetheart, bless you again.” Her hand came to gently swap out her wife’s far overused tissue for a fresh, clean one instead, “Here love.”


“Grazie.” She croaked, her voice cracking as it gave way to a rough sounding cough making Maya wince in sympathy as she stood up to grab a fresh bottle of water.


“Do you know if we have anything else we can use to check your temp’, I don’t think we can use this with you unable to breathe through your nose.” Maya sighed, she had been about to set the thermometer down when her eyes glowed mischievously, “Well, I mean- I suppose there are other ways I could check your temperature…”


Her eyes wandered down the sheets where her wife was sitting cross legged in a pair of pyjama shorts that shed borrowed (stolen) from Maya’s drawer. Carina wiped at her nose cluelessly for a moment, her foggy brain not quite registering what she had meant until her entire face changed into a shocked expression.


She playfully slapped her arm, “Maya Bishop!” Carina somehow managed to get her failing voice loud enough to convey her surprise, “You are not putting that thing inside of me.”


“That’s what she said.” Maya couldn’t hold back a series of laughter, holding her sides as Carina gave her an unamused glare. Eventually she gained a hold of herself, fanning her face and wiping away a stray tear before she threw her hands up in defeat and set the device down on the nightstand, “I guess we’re doing this the old fashioned way.” She swiftly moved, her lips lingering as they pressed gently against Carina’s hot, damp skin.


Carina's expression softened as she looked into her caring wife’s eyes, her lips curving into a small smile.


She leaned in, her lips just inches from Maya's, ready to reciprocate the tender kiss. But before she could close the gap, a sudden tickle in her nose became impossible to ignore. Her breath hitched, barely able to duck her head down before-


“Hhup’sssh! Hih’tsssu! Huh’iisSSHHIEW!”


Good news was that she’d managed to avoid sneezing in her wife’s face. Bad news…? Well, she hadn’t quite avoided Maya’s very open and exposed pyjama shirt…


The firefighter yelped, more out of surprise than disgust, her eyes wide as she processed what had just happened. Carina's cheeks flushed a deep crimson, her hands flying to her face in mortification. She had just sneezed on her wife’s boobs?! Oh, she’d never live this down.


"Oh my god, bambina, I'm so sorry!" Carina’s voice was muffled by her hands as she sniffled thickly at her running nose, “I didn’t feel-“


“It’s okay- Just, don’t worry about it.” Maya managed to spill out before her wife fell into a frenzy of apologising. She knew the doctor hadn’t meant too after all. Honestly Maya was just grateful she received a chest-full of cold rather than a face-full. “You should probably blow your nose though.” She added, reaching over to hand her a handful of tissues.


Carina did as she was told, her face burning with embarrassment.


“Well, I suppose I should thank you for the impromptu shower sweetie, real nice of you to show your gratitude.” Maya continued after Carina had blown her nose, not missing an opportunity to tease her just a little before shaking her head in amusement whilst grabbing another tissue to wipe down her chest with.


Carina groaned, burying her flushed face in her hands. "You are never going to let me live this down, are you?" Her voice was muffled, but Maya could hear the mortification laced in her tone.


"Probably not," Maya teased, though her smile was soft as she gently nudged Carina’s shoulder.


"Only you would find a way to make this less humiliating." She sighed, dropping her hands and shaking her head, a small smile finally tugging at her lips. “Are you sure you’re okay? I don’t want you catching this, I didn’t get any... you know, on your face?”


Maya shook her head, her grin widening. "Nope. Just my shirt. Which I can easily wash, so don’t worry about it."


That made her feel a little better at least but truthfully Maya knew she had likely already been exposed enough and there wasn’t a chance in hell she was going to spend the night in the spare room and let her wife sleep alone.


“How about you try and get some sleep?” She suggested, taking off her top to reveal her sports bra beneath, “Maybe some skin to skin will make you feel better?” Maya smiled at the excited glow that seemed to sparkle in Carina’s eyes at the idea.


“I think that’d be perfect.” She murmured, opening her arms out to let Maya crawl in bed beside her, “You’re too good to me yknow.” She whispered once the blonde had climbed next to her.


“It’s what you deserve.”


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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this! All the Marina all the time, please! Super sweet. Thanks so much for sharing!

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