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Okay, so I’ve been looking around and found no wings of fire sneezefics that feature canon characters! And I was like, yeah okay time to change that 😁.

Anyways, this contains a bit of Qinterwatcher, but I feature them as more of close friends than lovers. No Moonbli this time round!

One last bit: this is an AU where there is no Darkstalker and no prophecy, although they did go and save Winter’s bro. A few years later, and they are now 10 dragon years(which is about 18 human years) and almost done at JMA.

Ok, away with the lengthy explanations now, let’s go!

Part 1:

The Jade Winglet had been having a great time. They were nearly graduated, and they had grown close over all their adventures.

Now the originals sat on the prey centre together: Moon, Winter, Qibli, Kinkajou and Turtle.

”I can’t believe we’re 10 already! Mature adults!” piped Kinkajou, practically bouncing around as bolts of shocking pink streaked through her scales.

”Yes. You are very mature,” said Qibli, smiling.

”The only thing you can’t be is mature,” retorted Winter, directed to both of them.


The next morning, Winter woke early, sitting up and glancing over at his ‘idiot clawmate’ sleeping. He was just getting comfortable when he had to turn away from Qibli as he felt an infuriating tickle in his snout. In fact, it had crept up in him so that he barely had time to turn away. “Ah- Hakshiew!” he sneezed.

”Bless you,” Qibli replied, sitting up and yawning. “You okay?”

”Yeah, I’m fine. It was just a- hah- sn- hakshiew!” he sneezed again, wetly, this time into his shoulder. “Just a sneeze. Nothing a quick bathe in the lake won’t fix,” he finished.

”Alright,” Qibli said, doubtfully. “I’ll be in the prey centre, grabbing a lizard. Just ask me if you need anything.”


Winter followed Qibli out before taking off to get to the river, but as he dipped in, he barely held back a cry of surprise, flapping his wings to get out. The water was so cold

Cold? I’m an Icewing! We don’t feel coldWinter thought. He tentatively dipped a talon in, but it still felt too cold to be comfortable. He finally settled to just wash his face, but some of the rushing, freezing water made its way up his snout. “Ah- ah-hakshiew! Hakshiew! Ah- ackshiew!” He sneezed a wet triple, wiping at his dripping snout with his wrist. He tried to sniffle the remaining back up, but the phlegm going to his throat just made him cough.

He blew his snout, sneezed one more “ackshiew!” before going to meet Qibli at the prey centre.

”What took you so long?” asked Qibli, noticing that his clawmate’s scales didn’t have that silvery sheen they usually had after bathing.

”Decided to take my time. I take it the nephew if queen Glacier and cousin of Queen Snowfall is allowed to bathe as long as he wants,” said Winter with a haughty tone, before the two of them burst out laughing at the old joke, Winter ending with a short, quiet coughing fit.

”Are you sure you’re alright?” Qibli asked, the note of concern now obvious in his voice.

”Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he replied as all the other dragonets streamed into to prey centre for breakfast.

Phew! I honestly think that wasn’t bad for my first sneeze fix and fanfic. I’ll try to post part 2 soon!

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I have patiently waited for one week as random ideas bounced around in my head, and now I am back!!

Oh, and I forgot to put this in.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Tui T. Sutherland, not me(🥲) and I do not make money out of any of them.

Laaast thing: the discovery of skyfire went same as in the book(just minus Darkstalker)

Part 2

Moon and Kinkajou had found their way to where Qibli and Winter were sitting. As soon as they landed, Kinkajou unfurled her wings and let a whirlwind of colours spill over them, letting Turtle know where they were, and soon they had all of the [original] Jade Winglet together.

”So what classes do we have today?” asked Turtle, joining the others.

”Umm... History, Music, and then...” Qibli began, before pausing.

”Herbs and healing,” finished Moon.


“So just three today?” Winter practically summarised their entire conversation.

”Yep! Should we go get food now?” Kinkajou suggested.

”Yeah, sure. Want anything, Moon?” Winter asked when she said she’d stay for a bit.

”Just something small, or I’ll share fruit with Kinkajou.”

While the others dispersed, Moon nudged Qibli.

”Something on your mind?” she asked.

”Winter. He doesn’t seem... Well, he seems different, in a ways. He says he’s fine, but I think he’s sick.”

”Maybe, but I’ve never seen him-“ she cut off as they came back with food.

”Here Moon, I got a small shee- heh- hah- he-akshiew!” Winter sneezed, rubbing at his snout with the back of his wrist.

”Bless. And thank you.” Moon replied. Qibli might be right, she thought, worried.


Phew! I might do a filler in the next part with one of the other characters sneezing from dust or smt

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