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Sneeze Fetish Forum

can sneezes change as you age? (self-obvs, m)


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Long time no post! At first this was because my brain wasn't doing so hot; then it was because I'd kept the login info for this site so secret that it accidentally became a secret even to me; then I found the login info, but felt a little awkward about how long I'd been gone (see my initial point about how sometimes my brain isn't doing so hot, lol). But, I am having an experience that I think only this community will truly appreciate, so I'm doing something I never thought I would and posting a self-obvs.


Some context before I get into what's changed: I hadn't really thought about it that much before sitting down to write this ob, but I suppose I'm a fairly sneezy person, and I always appreciate detail in others' obs, lol. I figured, in exchange for your thoughts on my question, the least I could do is be generous in my descriptions. I do have allergies (grass, dust, ragweed, cats; the usual suspects) and I sneeze at least a couple times in any given day, more during the allergenic months. I have a bit of a mental block around other people, so most of the time I can avoid sneezing in public, but in the morning before the allergy meds kick in, or at night when they're wearing off, the sneezes tend to strike. I don't mind -- I don't get the same joy from my own sneezing I do other people's, but I do find it enjoyable, especially if I'm by myself. My allergies also aren't generally too punishing; the sneezes are mostly dry and don't typically leave me snotty/congested, and unless the pollen count is insanely high or I'm in a small space with multiple cats, my eyes usually don't itch/water. Most of the time, it really is like the powers that govern my nose just sort of hit the EJECT button really hard 3-5 times a day, and otherwise I'm free to go about my life.


When I do sneeze, it usually goes one of two ways. The first way: I feel the burning in my nose in time to grab a tissue or handkerchief, and I have to kind of sit and wait for it. When it does come, I typically sneeze more than once; one sharp indrawn breath (HUH) and then the harsh, almost barking ehkSHOO of a big sneeze, repeated 2-3 times. I have def blown holes in tissues this way, lol. But, I can usually hold off this kind of sneeze if I have to -- the warning gives me time to rub my nose, twitch my face, and get the impulse under control, if I really try. The other way it can go is that the sneezes sneak up on me out of nowhere, giving me a second's itchy warning before I'm in it. Those are almost always fits; it can be as few as three or as many as eight, but again, it's a sharp indrawn breath followed by a series of smaller but more desperate sneezes, and then usually a last bigger sneeze. The exact cadence is obviously a little different every time, but something like, "HuH-itchoo itchoo itchoo! Itchoo! Itchoo! Huh-ITCHOO!" in the span of about 20 seconds. Usually I'm stuck doing these into my sleeve, lol, because I don't have enough warning to reach a tissue, but luckily they're rarely snotty, and they usually clear the itch away pretty thoroughly. 


Okay, context given, I take you to the other night. I'm getting ready for bed, and the window's open in the bathroom, which to be clear is usually fine; normally I sneeze about the same amount whether the windows are open or shut, and an extra little fit or two doesn't bother me enough to sacrifice the fresh air and ambient noise. But the wind is blowing, and I feel my nose start to itch. No worries; I grab a tissue, unfold it between my hands, tip my head back, wait for a few seconds as the itch burns and builds, and then, as expected: "Huh-eHkSHOO! HUh-EHkShoo! HuHh-EKHShOo!" Three sneezes, one sharp indrawn breath before each one, same as always. I wipe my nose, fold up the tissue, throw it out. Normal. But there is, at the very back of my nose, the very faintest little tingling sensation. I ignore it as the aftermath of one of those less-urgent, but bigger sneezes; that does sometimes happen, as for whatever reason they don't always feel as satisfying as the longer fits of smaller sneezes do.


But then I'm walking down the hall, barely three minutes later, and I'm struck by one of those fits: "HuhITCHOO! Itchoo ITCHOO! Huh-itCHOO! Huh-ITCHOO!" This is odd -- there's usually a lot more time for me between sneeze attacks, if you want to call them that. The three big sneezes in the bathroom typically wouldn't be followed by a second act for at least 45 minutes, and usually not for a few hours. Weirder still, this fit also does not seem to completely satisfy the itch, which that many sneezes in a row usually would. I blow my nose to see if that does anything, and it doesn't, so I get into bed and put it out of my mind. 


And then, about a minute later, it happens. The echo of the itch in my nose begins to burn in earnest. It intensifies very quickly, leading me to expect another fit; I lift my arm to cover my face. I take a sharp breath -- HUH -- and all my muscles seize up to sneeze. But then, like a hiccup -- HUH -- another sharp breath. And then -- HUH? -- another, this one sounding slightly confused, because this has never happened to me before, and I was increasingly desperate to let the sneeze out. Finally: "HuH-ECKSHIEWWW," a single huge, wet, barking sneeze that made my normally implacable partner ask if I was all right. I was, of course; in fact I was great, as this completely cleared out the itch, and was easily the most satisfying sneeze of my life.


Obviously, I know what I experienced was a build up, and it felt wild and confusing because it's never happened to me before. I've always wondered what it would be like, and I would have just written it off as a happy coincidence -- maybe I inhaled a particularly persistent grain of pollen -- except that the next day, it happened again. This time it was just two breaths, not four -- "Huhhh-HUH-ECKSHIEW!" but again, it was wildly satisfying. I've sneezed a number of times since then, though, all in my more normal patterns. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting sick, because my body is not usually subtle about that, and it's been several days now with no changes or other symptoms. Also, though I know this might sound insane: they felt like allergy sneezes, the itchy, sharp sensation somehow distinct from duller, more prolonged irritation of illness. Idk. 


Anyway, with all that said: I'm wondering if any of you have experienced a change in your sneezes as you've aged? I want to know if I should write this off as a fluke or if I can hold out hope for a sea change towards these big gasping build-ups. I have lived with cats and know what my allergies look like at a 10; this isn't that, and even then this never happened. It's always been one breath and then a sneeze, all my life. But I'm in my mid-30s, and discovering that many things are different than they once were lol, so I thought this might be one of those things. And I figured if I could ask anyone, it was you folks! Okay, that's it; hope you're all well.

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Wow. This was a really really nice self obs and a very enjoyable read! Specifically and especially the big one that happened once you got back in bed but the fits leading up to that one were great to read as well. Thanks so much for sharing. If you don't mind me asking, was the one with build up at the end of that night uncovered or did you sneeze into something?


As far as your question, personally I haven't had much experience with sneezes changing due to age but the idea that they could over time or due to different circumstances honestly makes perfect sense. I for example never usually have fits and mostly sneeze in satisfying singles but once the other day I felt the need to sneeze and stifled it, which I usually never do but I was in the middle of writing something and it came on so suddenly I stifled so as to not make a mess on my notebook. Almost immediately I gasped really shakily and did it again, unstifled that time, and then once more a few seconds after. That was the first time something like that ever happened to me and took me completely off guard. I'm not sure if its due to age or not, but I have noticed on occasion that even after I do my usual single sneeze, my nose will still itch as if I need to do it again(but it doesn't happen unfortunately), which is totally new for me. All that being said, I think its safe to hold out hope for change, especially if it happened again the next day. Thanks again for sharing this amazing obs! Take care 

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As someone who also takes breaks from the forum when their brain isn't doing so hot, I'm happy you're back (for as long or as little time as feels comfortable to you!) and hope you're doing ok. And oof, passwords becoming secret even to yourself is a phenomenon I know too well. 😂

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@justlogan Haha, I am a little embarrassed to say that it was essentially entirely uncovered; I lifted my arm to cover my face before the buildup started, but dropped it in confusion after the second hitch because I wasn't sure what was happening -- if I was ever going to sneeze or if it was some kind of weird false start or what. So when I did finally sneeze after the fourth (!) hitch, I wasn't quite expecting it, and it was genuinely all I could do to just direct it down at the comforter 😅

Stifling ALSO makes me sneeze more, if that data is useful at all! I'm admittedly not very good at stifling lol, so I don't usually risk it -- the only situation where I'd bother trying to stifle is in public, and the like 1/4 chance that in trying to stifle I'd produce a MUCH louder/harsher noise than the sneezes would have been just isn't worth it. But if I do manage to stifle a sneeze, even if it's one of the big sneezes that I have a warning for, a series of smaller sneezes always follows. I guess the irritant has to get out somehow? Either way, thanks for the encouragement -- holding out hope we both age into exactly the sneezes we want 😎

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2 hours ago, treehouse said:

@justlogan Haha, I am a little embarrassed to say that it was essentially entirely uncovered; I lifted my arm to cover my face before the buildup started, but dropped it in confusion after the second hitch because I wasn't sure what was happening -- if I was ever going to sneeze or if it was some kind of weird false start or what. So when I did finally sneeze after the fourth (!) hitch, I wasn't quite expecting it, and it was genuinely all I could do to just direct it down at the comforter 😅


Aww I understand the embarrassment but its honestly completely understandable! At least it came out and wasn't actually a false start. It sounds like it felt really relieving and satisfying to finally let out after all that time 😷 Thanks so much for answering it definitely adds to the obs even more ^_^


2 hours ago, treehouse said:

But if I do manage to stifle a sneeze, even if it's one of the big sneezes that I have a warning for, a series of smaller sneezes always follows. I guess the irritant has to get out somehow? Either way, thanks for the encouragement -- holding out hope we both age into exactly the sneezes we want 😎

Also yeah it definitely sounds that way which is probably why it happened like three times that once for me 😅 But yes, here is to holding out hope- 

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On 8/20/2024 at 11:16 PM, treehouse said:

Stifling ALSO makes me sneeze more, if that data is useful at all! I'm admittedly not very good at stifling lol, so I don't usually risk it

Bless you! I’m the same way once I start to stifle the sneezes just seems to multiply 

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My sneezing patterns have definitely changed over time… and I would love to give a bit more detail but honestly, I am just a puddle after reading all that 🥵🫠

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This is a wonderful obs, thanks for sharing!

it’s nice you get to experience a new kinda sneeze, and better that it feels satisfying!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little update here! My work life has abruptly (and hopefully temporarily) ratcheted up in intensity recently, so I've had way less time to work on stuff for this forum than I would like, but! This hitching has continued to happen. It's definitely not every sneeze, but I'd say once every other day or so I get one with at a hitch or two in advance. I'm sneezing more than usual the last few weeks, and I also find myself waking up each morning needing a tissue, and then having to blow my nose on and off for the first hour or two of the morning before my sinuses get it together for the day. I think the fact that it's ragweed season in my area must be to blame, but it's also possible it's just my neighbor, who has been doing a ton of yard work.

Regardless of cause, last night I had the most satisfying experience yet! I felt the burn of a sneeze with plenty of advance notice while standing next to my desk. At first I wasn't sure if it even was a sneeze, or just a distant itch. But I wrinkled my nose and felt it grow, so I grabbed a tissue from the box I keep on my desk and stood there holding it in front of my face, waiting for the sneeze to come. The itch intensified into a pretty wild burn, and I expected my usual 1-3 big sneezes from a buildup like this, but to my delight, instead I hitched four times and then sneezed twice into the tissue! The sneezes were crazy, too, huge and really harsh, and there was no buildup breath on the second one at all, so it sort of felt/sounded like one sneeze that was so big it cut itself in two partway through? It was like, "hUh-heHH-HeHhh-Hehh-HAEHHHHCHIEWWW ESSSSSSHIEW!" Really unusual as an experience, but like I said, incredibly satisfying. 

I started a post about this last night after that happened but got pulled away, and tbh I would likely have forgotten about it with everything currently going on. But just now, I had another build-up sneeze, stranger than last night's but almost as enjoyable in the end. This time I felt the sneeze coming while I was sitting in my office chair. It felt like a fit that was going to come on quickly, so I snatched for a tissue and lifted it as fast as possible only to hitch two huge "hAhhh-hAAAAAAH"s and... stop. The itch completely vanished, and I just kind of sat there, confusedly holding up the tissue, like "What the heck?" Typically if I'm going to lose a sneeze it's like an "itch that never delivers" sort of situation, not two big hitches and then nothing. But then like five seconds later, very abruptly and with literally no warning at all: "AAAAAASHIEW!" It was this big, wet, breathy sneeze that I'll admit I sort of directed... at the tissue... in the vague general direction of the tissue... as opposed to into the tissue, because I was so surprised. My laptop will forgive me, probably. Anyway, it felt incredibly good to get out, especially after I thought I'd lost it, and I figured it was as good a sign as any to take a few minutes and type up this update.

Also, just want to say thanks for your thoughts, and for all the kind words!! Glad y'all have enjoyed reading about this --- it's been more fun than I expected to write up. This hitching thing does seem to be sticking for me, so fingers crossed I have more updates for you in future; if nothing else, I've got at least another month or two of ragweed season to go 😅

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Sheeeesh. I didn't think you'd post an obs that would make one MORE red faced than your last one did 😅 thanks so much for sharing. The descriptions of both were absolutely amazing. It seems it's possible to hold out hope for new sneezes yet 😷 Here's to more obs in the coming months ^_^ I'm also very sure your laptop will likely forgive you xD hopefully anyways 😶‍🌫️ 

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On 9/3/2024 at 4:12 PM, treehouse said:

I'm sneezing more than usual the last few weeks, and I also find myself waking up each morning needing a tissue, and then having to blow my nose on and off for the first hour or two of the morning before my sinuses get it together for the day.

I’m not sure whether to say that I’m sorry to hear that or I’m happy to hear that. Either way, I hope you feel better / feel good in whatever way you like!

I love your descriptions of your buildups and sneezing—such good spelling out of the sensations and sounds. If you were ever able/willing to make a recording, I’d enjoy hearing that too!

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Omggg you are quite sneezy! 
My sneeze has changed as I’ve gotten older, and I might be a little more sensitive too.

I used to barely sneeze maybe once, maybe a double in a day, the most like 5 on a bad day when I was growing up until early 20s.

now from mid to late 20s I’ll have a little fit in the morning of like 2-5 sneezes once in a while , and a few doubles through out the day if my nose feels sensitive

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