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self obs (f, illness)


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it’s been a minute since i posted, not because of lack of observations, but simply because i’ve been busy. so while i’m going to be posting more boyfriend obs soon, here’s a rare self obs! 

for the record, i rarely sneeze. i used to have a mental block but i’ve found it’s something that has mostly gone away with age, and now i’m not so bothered anymore but am just generally not a sneezy person - unless i’m sick, which is what happened a few weeks ago now! (for those who like descriptions i’m 24, about 5’9 built like a spaghetti noodle dressed like 90s kate moss, and half italian which gives me both a tan and a relatively big nose - long but straight. long dark hair, very curly.)

myself and the bf recently went over to my parents city to attend a tiny little concert. the afternoon we were going down i started feeling my nose itch as i was getting dressed - i was alone upstairs and had to just let them out as i tried to rush to put my clothes on, literally halfway through getting my shirt on “h’itscheeew!” and then as i was putting my boots on “h’itsch!” 

i didn’t think anything of it and felt fine for much of the drive and then the gig, but as it went on i did notice i was starting to get more and more snotty. i was also starting to get very drunk so it kind of didn’t cross my mind until i suddenly just sneezed out of nowhere - normally i have a build up but this time it just sprung up on me and all i could do was stifle “h’mmpCH!” into my hands and it was so audibly wet. i could feel the snot go and i think i just laughed and went “that was so gross” to bf and then went to the bathroom to clean up. 

next morning i woke up, we were staying in a tent outside and the light woke me early and i was so snotty. like audibly just sniffling, such thick congestion. rolled over on top of bf to wake him up, i’m laying on his chest and he goes “you’re ill.” i don’t normally make a big fuss of it so i think i just agreed but then as we were getting ready i felt the strongest itch yet, i couldn’t even talk all i could do was wait it out until it hit and i sneezed a rare (for me) multiple - “h’itschEW! h’itSCHEEW! h’itSCHEW!” he was tickling my sides making fun of me and i think i just laughed it off. 

we’d agreed to go out for the day but honestly as the day went on i was feeling worse and worse, but tried to push through. i luckily had some tissues in my bag - which i usually keep for him - and i just kept having to blow my nose, every 10 minutes as i was so snotty! also, every 5-10 minutes i’d be letting out another single “h’ITSCHEW!” all incredibly wet sounding. genuinely felt disgusting and towards the end even bf was suggesting we stop off for lemsip and telling me to get some rest ahaha. 

apologies if these are boring obs! i’m simply not a very sneezy person but thought it’d be worth sharing anyway haha. 

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Definitely not a boring obs! Bless you and hope you feel better soon!

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@ameraboo Bless you. I hope you're better now.

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How is this boring?! It's an amazing obs, so thank you! I hope, you're feeling better <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not boring at all it's a great story thanks for sharing... Why don't you like to sneeze, you seem to have a really nice sneeze so just let them all out and enjoy 

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On 8/19/2024 at 7:24 AM, ameraboo said:

i luckily had some tissues in my bag - which i usually keep for him - and i just kept having to blow my nose, every 10 minutes as i was so snotty! also, every 5-10 minutes i’d be letting out another single “h’ITSCHEW!” all incredibly wet sounding.

How are you feeling now? I hope better. What were your symptoms like for the rest of your cold?

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