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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wordy Car Wash OBS(M and F)


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I was at a volunteer car wash today with a friend of mine and after sitting my bag down somewhere near the lift gate and walking back towards where the sponges and stuff are, there was a guy about mid twenties with a medium build. Its odd for me to notice but I did notice later on that he had very nice hands and it seemed like he worked with them a lot, or worked out at least a little. Anyways I was walking towards him, maybe three or so feet away when he suddenly sneezed towards the ground(more like straight into the air with his head only aimed very slightly downwards). If I was a few steps closer I'm almost sure he would have gotten me with it. I didn't hear the inhale since it seemed to come up really suddenly but it sounded something like ''Heh-AH-SHEW!''. 
It was so surprising I couldn't help but watch as it happened since I'm really into uncovered sneezes. It didn't sound particularly wet and there was no spray but it did sound and look satisfying. Once he raised his head I was still looking at him but hopefully managed to only seem like I was looking towards the sudden noise xD I said bless you and he responded with a quick (albeit kind of breathy) thank you while walking past me. He also pinched his nose a little right after it happened which makes me wonder if his nose was still feeling itchy. A double would have been so nice but I guess that one was enough to get the job done. It can be rare that I actually get worked up from sneezes in the wild but something about how sudden it was and the way he just let it out was really hot. I actually felt my face getting hot while walking over towards the sponges and everything and my friend asked why I was covering my mouth(which i hadn't noticed i was doing) and I said I was thinking about something, which he bought since covering my mouth with my hand is something I often do when deep in thought. The conversation pretty smoothly transitioned into a chat about how many cars were signed up for the first time block, which I was grateful for since not just the sneeze but also blessing the guy after was particularly arousing for some reason.
Another obs that happened a few minutes later was from a female. She seemed to be late twenties maybe early thirties and had brown hair and a ponytail. Hers was also uncovered, aimed towards the ground as she was walking towards the soapy water buckets. It was a loud but very girly sounding ''he-CHOO!''. She was too far away for blessing without more or less shouting it so I didn't bother but I likely would have if I was closer. I didn't enjoy it very much personally but I thought some of you guys might. I guess all the chemicals we were using just irritated their noses. I even got the urge to sneeze a few times throughout the day, especially when cleaning the interiors of a few cars but unfortunately it never came. 
Another random thing that happened when I was wiping down the dashboard inside one of the cars while the guy who'd sneezed earlier was working on windexing the back windows was that he got really really sniffly(but without another sneeze, unfortunately). It makes me wonder if he has a dust allergy since for the most part he seemed to avoid cleaning inside the cars and preferred to work on the outside, rinsing them, cleaning tires, etc. I also at one point asked if he needed a paper towel(no tissues on hand unfortunately) and he quickly said ''Yes, please.'' which I just found really adorable. I couldn't help melting a little at the idea of him letting another sneeze out while in the car with me but I suppose that's what daydreams are for xD
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22 hours ago, justlogan said:
It was so surprising I couldn't help but watch as it happened since I'm really into uncovered sneezes. It didn't sound particularly wet and there was no spray but it did sound and look satisfying. Once he raised his head I was still looking at him but hopefully managed to only seem like I was looking towards the sudden noise xD 

Haha I think we all were in that situation before xD that awkward moment, when you look in their direction and your eyes meet.. 

Thank you for this wonderful observation:)

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2 hours ago, AnnaSophie said:

Haha I think we all were in that situation before xD that awkward moment, when you look in their direction and your eyes meet.. 

Thank you for this wonderful observation:)

Yes exactly! That moment when you're ''caught'' looking even though it likely seems you're just noticing what happened XD I got this little feeling of nervousness when that happened like oh god do they suddenly know everything I'm thinking? 😅 I'm also glad you enjoyed the obs!

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On 8/17/2024 at 2:41 PM, justlogan said:

not just the sneeze but also blessing the guy after was particularly arousing for some reason.

I find that to be the case too, like it adds to it! 

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On 8/17/2024 at 2:41 PM, justlogan said:

I also at one point asked if he needed a paper towel(no tissues on hand unfortunately) and he quickly said ''Yes, please.'' which I just found really adorable. I couldn't help melting a little at the idea of him letting another sneeze out while in the car with me

I’m not into nose blowing really but I also would find this super cute, maybe the caretaking aspect of it!

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6 hours ago, bubbly said:

I find that to be the case too, like it adds to it! 

It was interesting for me because I don't recall a time where that ever happened to me before just from blessing someone so I was definitely a bit jump scared by the sensation as I was walking away from him 😅 

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