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Blows were not what you expected

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Have y’all ever had a moment where you imagined someone blow their nose a certain way but when you actually hear them blow their nose, it’s the exact opposite of what you expected?


I have an example. I had heard my friend blow their nose maybe a few times and they were either soft or were the sound of there’s something in my nose but not a lot.
Well I was in for a shock.

For whatever reason we were talking about nose blows because we were kind of sick and they mentioned how they have two different sounds. Normal and loud. I was confused because I didn’t think they were loud. Then one night we hang out and I noticed their nose was running. I offered them a tissue and to my shock, they are a honker and that was their most common blows when sick, allergies, or something bugging nose. My response was “wow you were not kidding”. 

What’s your story?

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A female counselor I had in college. All through school, I always thought teachers and basically anyone in the school system had a pact that none should ever honk. I had never heard any teacher, professor, any adult in school honk. This counselor changed it all. It turns out that she decided to make her own rule about it. She was a very soft spoken, small but rounder woman, small button nose, so I never thought anything of her. Until one day she had a cold with me and her in her small cubicle, with me right next to her basically touching elbows, she let out 3-4 deep booming buzzing honks like it was nothing during one of our sessions. She never seemed apprehensive, never apologized for being loud, leaving me in shock that I couldn't show in any way. She was a proud two handed blower.  I still think about that moment all these years later.

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