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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sleepover Cold Obs


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As I’ve just now become active on the forum, I’ve thought about yet another obs I’ve experienced in my life. 

A couple years ago, I was having a sleepover with a friend (we’re both F- college aged back then). I was in town visiting her, so the fact that she had a cold couldn’t really change anything. She was congested yet had a runny nose, and every time she sneezed it was so big and powerful. She blew her nose with the honking sound so many times that weekend. 

specifically, I remember laying in her bed, and she was sneezing her head off. She already had to sleep at an incline with extra pillows so she wouldn’t be so congested or cough so much. Poor girl was MISERABLE.


at one point, she had no tissues left and didn’t have the energy to get up to find a new box (it was late at night too and we were trying to sleep). So she says “screw it,” and takes the pillowcase off of her pillow and proceeds to sneeze and blow simultaneously into it. 

I remember being right there next to her and giggling while saying something like, “seriously?! Pillowcase?” and she congestedly told me she’d wash it later. That pillowcase was her hanky for the rest of that night. 

A few days later, after I had returned home from my trip, I caught her cold, although a much milder version. 

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Also, she was an absolute trooper that weekend, even though I know her body ached and all she should’ve done was lay in bed. We were active and did the things we’d normally do, except she was sneezing and honking every 10-15 minutes. 

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This obs is pure gold, thanks for sharing! Clearly bless your friend, poor thing, it can't have been fun for her... But a scenario like this is everything I've ever wanted ahah. Using pillowcase as a hanky... 🥵

Also her willpower to carry on and to be active despite her terrible cold is absolutely enviable.

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Honestly with how you described that cold, I’m surprised your friend had the energy to remove the pillow case to begin with haha.

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20 hours ago, Paul said:

Aw were you into her? I would hope so with all those sneezes and germs in close contact.

No, I was/am not! We are both girls and I’m straight— but still great sneezes! I don’t recall getting sick after which was very surprising. I remember her eventually falling asleep, at an inclined angle, with tissues shoved up each nostril. 

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On 8/13/2024 at 5:22 AM, Bloogap said:

Honestly with how you described that cold, I’m surprised your friend had the energy to remove the pillow case to begin with haha.

It was definitely a last-ditch effort as an attempt to sleep, especially after having a very active day. Poor thing was miserable 

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Aww poor girl.. I almost feel bad for saying this but what an amazing ob xD

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Could you describe her sneezes 🙂 ? Were they loud apart from wet? Also, how does her nose looks like

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