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Under the Mistletoe - SPN (Dean)


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So, because I'm still procrastinating on something else, I have written yet another spn sneezefic- this one's just a short oneshot.

Established destiel. Sam suggests Cas put up mistletoe, intending to prank Dean who he knows is allergic to it. This backfires for him when Cas turns out to be a sneeze fetishist, which Dean is more than happy to indulge.



It starts- well, as Dean finds out later, it starts well before he knows what's going on. But, noticing- that starts one morning in early December, when he doesn't yet know exactly what he's noticing. What he does know is that he wakes up next to Cas, a slight itch in his nose and a little bit of congestion to go with it. If god wasn't such an asshole, he'd pray to him he's not getting sick.

There's a bunch of things it could be. The bunker is forever coated in a thick layer of dust. There was that cat that insisted on rubbing against his ankles after the bar last night. The itch gets stronger as he walks towards the kitchen, but by the time he's finished his second cup of coffee it's mostly gone.

The rest of the morning and into the afternoon follows roughly that pattern- when he's walking from place to place, his nose starts to twitch, but once he's been settled for a while, it usually lessens or disappears entirely. It's certainly odd, but it doesn't seem like a cold. Just an itchy nose, really.

Mid-afternoon, he's walking through the halls, when Cas walks around a corner, and stops him with a hand on his arm. Cas smiles at him and says, "Dean-" clearly intending to continue, but the itch in Dean's nose is reaching a breaking point, and he holds up a finger as he turns away to sneeze into his elbow. htch'shhiew! et'shheww!

When he turns back, Cas is staring at him, concern on his face, along with an intense emotion Dean can't quite place. There's a moment of silence that stretches between them before Cas asks, "Are you... alright?" but there's something off in his voice.

He sniffs and says, "Yeah. Nose is just itchy today for some reason. What were you going to say?"

Cas stares at him, then seems to jolt slightly before pointing upwards, and there's the reason. Before Dean can say anything, though, Cas' lips are on his, and they're kissing under the mistletoe. The mistletoe Dean is allergic to, and it's not a particularly small bunch, either.

Cas doesn't seem inclined towards a particularly chaste kiss, either, but Dean breaks the kiss off. Before he can actually say anything to Cas, though, he has to turn away and lift his elbow back up. hheh- eh- heh'TSHEWW!

When he looks at Cas again, he's able to place the intensifying emotion: deer-caught-in-the-headlights arousal. Dean smirks, pretty sure he knows multiple things that are occurring here, and that he's winning both of them.

First: Cas is into sneezing, which is quickly confirmed- both by the look on his face when Dean asks, and the hesitant answer itself. Dean's been waiting to find out some more of Cas' interests in that department, just didn't want to push him, so he's happy to hear about it. And this is definitely something Dean can do, especially with all this mistletoe around.

Second, which Cas also confirms: Sam was the one to suggest the mistletoe to Cas. And Dean knows Sam knows he's allergic, and that Sam suggested it to mess with him. He also knows, given the first point, that this is going to backfire spectacularly for Sam.

Cas offers to take the mistletoe down, but Dean tells him to leave it up; he's more than happy to indulge Cas. And now that he's seen Dean's reaction to it, Cas says he doesn't care about Sam finding out, especially with the things Dean has planned.

Some of them will have to wait, though, because after he catches another htch'SHIEW! in his sleeve, Cas backs him into the wall, kissing him hard.




Later, when they all settle down for a movie in the Dean cave, Dean makes sure to sit on the side of the sofa closest to the entrance (and by extension, the large bunch of mistletoe hanging there), and pulls Cas down beside him when he arrives. He's pretty excited about this, actually; a way to please Cas and annoy Sam by having his dumb prank backfire? It's like Christmas came early.

For the first hour of the movie, nothing much happens; there's a persistent tickle and an occasional sniffle, but mostly it's just movie night like normal. Sam complains about him talking, he keeps talking anyway, and he's comfortably leaned up against Cas. Around halfway through the second act, though, he and Cas get a chance to put their plan in action.

When he feels the tickle building up in his nose, he taps Cas on the thigh to make sure he's paying attention, and a moment later turns his head to press his face deep into the trenchcoat covering Cas' collarbone. heh'SSHmmf!

He hears Sam say, "Dude, gross," but ignores him for the time being, just smiles at Cas before turning back to the movie. Fifteen more minutes go by before he sneezes again, a het'SSHIEWW! against the crook of his neck, where his collar gives way to bare skin.

Cas is staring at him with dark eyes, and after another eh'SHEW! a minute later, he's pretty sure it's time for phase two, given neither of them are really watching the movie anymore.

He says, "I'm gonna go make some more popcorn," and stands, letting Cas catch his wrist and say, "I'll go with you," and they walk together to the mistletoe-adorned arch. Sam is watching with poorly disguised amusement, completely unaware that his little plan is about to blow up in his face. In Cas' face, too, although that's in a way he's apparently pretty fond of.

Cas stops him in the doorway, and Dean turns to face him, silent while he pretends not to know what's happening. He can feel the sneeze coming, but his back is to Sam, so all the signs that Cas is watching with great interest are out of his line of sight.

Cas starts to say, "We're under the mistletoe," but only gets as far as 'under' before the 'SHHIEWW! sprays all over him.

He responds to Sam's mixture of disgust and amusement by letting an uncovered heh'shhieww! fall on Cas again, then moving forward to kiss Cas, who kisses him back deeply.

Cas' lips against his, his mouth falls open in preparation for the eh'TSHIEW! that comes out of him, and then they break apart.

Cas says to Sam, voice rough, "Dean and I won't be returning for the rest of the movie."

Dean turns around and says, "Thanks for giving Cas the idea for the mistletoe. I think we're gonna have a lot of fun," and winks before turning and leaving with Cas, though they don't get far before heh'TSHIEW! 'SHHIEWW!

When they come out of their room the next morning, Sam has rid the bunker of every single piece of mistletoe, excluding the one they had tucked away in a bag in their closet the day before.

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Haven't watched this show yet but this story is amazing. Great sneezes. Thanks. 

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