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Nose hair


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yoHello everyone, I don't know if this has ever been talked about before, but I love seeing nose hair on women, I don't know if anyone else experiences this, both with women and men.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven’t ever experienced this but I’m interested to see how common this is. I always pluck mine, even though I know it only makes people sneeze more to allergens since that layer of “protection” is gone. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, outdagamee said:

Sí, a mí también me encanta el vello en la nariz. Cuanto más, mejor.

Oh that's good, what do you like in men or women?

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1 hour ago, Ignaciosneeze said:

Oh that's good, what do you like in men or women?

I like it in men. Long or short. More or less. Either way I find that nose hairs sort of make the nose itself more intriguing. Especially if they have larger nostrils. 

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3 hours ago, outdagamee said:

Me gusta en los hombres. Largo o corto. Más o menos. De cualquier manera, creo que los pelos de la nariz hacen que la nariz en sí sea más intrigante. Especialmente si tienen fosas nasales más grandes. 

I like them on women. I have a lot of hair on my nose. 

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