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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Detective Detected (F/F, multichap)


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“Oh g’hhh! God…”

Detective Jasmine Allan scrubs at her nose, drawing another hitching breath and letting her eyes drift closed as if on the edge of a sneeze, but it never comes. Allergy season: a curse for her and a complication for her partner, Detective Audrey Newman.

“Does it have to be so dusty in here?”

“Yeah, well, just don’t sneeze. CSI hasn’t finished in here yet, and we’re not supposed to be in here anyway.” The detectives assigned to the case are downstairs, and if they catch wind of Audrey and Jasmine up here, there will be hell to pay.

Jasmine swipes at her nose again. “Don’t worry, I’m good at holding it back.”

“You’d better be.”

What Audrey hasn’t said, what lies unspoken and hopefully unnoticed between them, is the fact that Jasmine’s sneezing fits are the most erotic things Audrey has ever seen. Long, drawn-out buildups followed by rapid sets of desperate sneezes, a dozen or more at a time until at last, the tickle is cleared from her small, upturned nose. Audrey can’t get enough of them. Sometimes, with the way Jasmine lets her sneezes loose when it’s just the two of them, she wonders if Jasmine feels the same way.

“I’m so allergic to dust,” Jasmine moans a few minutes later as she rifles through a box of old clothes. “It’s so tickly.” Audrey doesn’t respond, just keeps examining the contents of the victim’s closet. “I wanna sneeze so bad,” Jasmine continues, and this time, Audrey turns and looks at her. To her surprise, Jasmine is looking right back, the mischievous look on her face marred only by the sneezy look in her eyes.

“Maybe if you stop talking about it, it’ll go away.”

“Maybe,” Jasmine says with a laugh, and comes over to look at the closet, too. Before Audrey can stop her, she stands up on her tiptoes and tries to pull a box off the top shelf.

“Wait,” Audrey cautions, but it’s too late. The box stays put, but the old clothes stacked on top of it come crashing down on Jasmine’s face in a cloud of dust and mildew. She cries out, stumbling backwards, and Audrey is about to ask if she’s been hurt when she starts frantically fanning her hand in front of her face.

“Oh, god, Audrey, it went right up my nose,” she gasps, voice catching on the beginnings of a sneeze. “I can’t, Audrey, I’m gonna— ahhh, h’hahh?!”

“Don’t you dare,” Audrey growls, and surges forward. Later, she’ll blame it on an unwillingness to get caught, to lose her job to Jasmine’s allergies, but in the moment, there is no conscious thought, only the need to stop Jasmine from sneezing at any possible cost. She bats Jasmine’s hands away from her face and pinches her nose shut.

Jasmine yelps in surprise. “What—!”

“Don’t sneeze,” Audrey commands her, and finally, Jazz’s hazy eyes focus on her.

“Audrey,” she says, and just that, leaning forward and tipping her head up to give Audrey a better angle. She’s almost six inches shorter than Audrey, and from this perspective, Audrey can see straight down the front of her shirt to her breasts, full and spilling over the top of her sports bra. She licks her lips.

“If I take my hand away, are you going to sneeze?” she asks.

Jasmine takes a shallow breath. “Yes.”

“Are you going to sneeze on my hand?” Jasmine’s breath is still hitching, and Audrey can feel her nostrils twitching against her fingers.

Jasmine huffs out a breath, half a laugh and half a hitch. “Maybe. Why?” Audrey says nothing, just watches her face as the need to sneeze overtakes her again, distracting her from whatever she was thinking.

Her dark eyes go unfocused again and her mouth falls open, lips brushing the palm of Audrey’s hand. Her nose twitches again and again, in time with her desperate, hitching breaths. “Audrey, I’m gonna-hhh, I’m gonna, it tickles, I can’t—”

“Tell me how it feels,” Audrey whispers, bringing her other hand up and placing it on Jasmine’s waist. She can feel the sneeze building there, too, in her trembling and her unsteady breathing.

“Fuck, Audrey, it ti-hiihhh! It tickles, huh, I’m gonnahhh sneeze!”

Just then, Audrey hears footsteps on the stairs.

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Very interesting premise. I love detective stories and would love to see where this goes and the trouble Jasmine’s sneezy nose might bring. Thanks for sharing!

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Ooooh please do continue this! I love it already!

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this is aoooo good i can’t wait for the sneezes and probably stifles cause theyre hiding!!!!!

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Wow! Fantastic start!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do very much enjoy sneezefics of this type - no filler, all about the sneezes. Reminds me (in a good way :D ) of some of the early sneezefics I remember finding online when I first got access to the internet. Would definitely be up for reading more

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  • 2 weeks later...

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