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Part 1:

"Good bordig everyode... oh, hi Bichelle!

I see there's odly you ad be today... sssnff!!" 

Said Sandra with a sigh, entering her office.

Her voice was stuffy and she sniffled again as she wiped her angry red, chapped nose with a crumpled tissue.

"Hi, Sandra! Good morning!" Exclaimed her coworker and friend Michelle.

"Haah... haaasshoo!!" Sandra sneezed forcefully and wetly into the crumpled tissue she was holding.

"Oh wow, bless you! Awww, are you all right?

You don't look too good... 

Did you catch that cold that's going around the office?" 

Michelle asked her friend, looking worried.

"Ugh, I sure did... sssnff!! I woke up with it yesterday ad it's... haaah... haaaassshoo!! Haasssheeww!! Haah... Haasssshoo!! Haaassshoo!! Ugh, it's killig be, I cad't stop sdeezig! Haah... haassshoo!!"

"Oh my, I can see that! Bless you, dear!"

"Thadgs... sssnff!!"

Sandra rubbed her crimson, cold-battered nostrils with the back of her hand and then blew her stuffy nose into a fresh tissue...

She was grateful for the tissue box she had on her desk!

"Awww, poor thing! You must be feeling awful!

I had it too two weeks ago and it wasn't a walk in the park! 

I had to take a few days off work and you know me, I never do!"

She exclaimed.

"Yeah... sssnff!! I'b so stuffed up ad by head is poundig, I feel all feverish ad... haaah... haaaakksssshoo!!! Haah... haaah... haaaassshoo!! HaAAAsssheeww!!

Ugh, sdeezy!"

"Oh my God, bless you! Poor thing, you should be in bed! Why didn't you call in sick?"

"You kndow how busy we are at work lately, I could't afford to... haassshoo!! To biss a day! Sssnff!!

Plus, half of the staff is hobe with this damn office cold so... sssnff!! Ugh, I just had to cobe id..."

Sandra sighed congestedly and blew her nose again, wincing at how sore and irritated her skin felt.

"Poor Sandra! Here, you can have my tissues... 

You definitely need them more than I do!"

Said Michelle, handing her friend a packet.

Sandra thanked her friend and immediately plucked a few fresh tissues out of the packet...

Her smile had quickly turned into a sneezy expression, which revealed how itchy her nose was...

"Haaaassshoo!! Haah... haaassheww!! Haasshoo!! Haaakksshoo!! Haaassshoo!! Haah... haaasssheww!! Haaakkssshoo!! Haah... haaaakksssheeww!! Haah... haah... haaaakksssh!! Ugh, sssnff!! I'b so sorry!"

"Oh wow, bless you again! 

Aww, that sounds exhausting! Have you taken anything for all the sneezing?

Maybe an antihistamine? I heard that works well when you have a cold!" 

Asked Michelle, looking worried.

Sandra sighed, looking up from the tissue she was holding up to her burgundy nose: "Trust be, I've tried everythig ad... haaasshoo!! Ugh, ssnff!! Dothig works!

Whedever I catch a cold like this I just... haaassheeww!! 

I just have to wait it out!" 

She exclaimed, blowing her nose again.

"Bless you! Oh, I see... well, I hope you'll feel better soon!"

Said Michelle, patting her friend's shoulder.


Sandra kept sneezing and blowing her abused nose throughout the work day, so Michelle kept blessing her and passing her tissues.


About 2 hours before the end of Sandra's shift her boss lady, Brianna Smith, entered the office to check on her employees.

She was a kind-hearted yet authoritative woman in her 50s and everyone in the office respected her.


"Good afternoon, Sandra and Michelle!

How is it going?"

Michelle was about to answer but she was interrupted by Sandra sneezing forcefully into the umpteenth tissue.


"Bless you, Sandra!" 

It sounded in unison from Brianna and Michelle.

Sandra thanked them with a forced smile and then blew her nose.

Brianna noticed Sandra's tired eyes, bright red nose and pale face, not to mention the fact that she was surrounded by crumpled, used tissues!

So she cleared her throat and asked:

"Sandra, are you ill?" 

Her voice was firm, but it betrayed a veil of worry too.

Sandra was a bit surprised by that utterly abrupt and direct question, so she didn't answer immediately...

"*sighs* Yeah, I ab... sssnff!! 

But dod't worry, I cad badage...

It's just a cold! Haah... hassshoo!! Haaasshoo!! Haaassshoo!! Haaaakksssh!!

Ugh, sorry!"

Brianna blessed her and then said: "I heard this year's office cold is really bad... 

No wonder most of the staff is out sick!

So Sandra, I know you're a hard worker and that you always power through it...

But I'm sending you home for today, okay?

You look like you could use some rest...

Is that okay for you, Michelle?"

Michelle nodded and said: "Of course! The poor Sandra has been sneezing all day and yet she never stopped working! She deserves the rest!

Don't worry, I can manage!"

"Oh, thadg you, Bichelle! Ad thadg you too, ba... Haaah... haaassheww!! Haaasshoo!! Haah... haaasshoo!! Ugh, ba'ab..." 

Michelle and Brianna both blessed her and the poor, sick Sandra started packing her things.

A moment before she walked out the door, Brianna called her from behind: "Oh and Sandra!" 

"Yeah?" Sandra said in a raspy voice while wiping her nose with a tissue.

"Feel free to take tomorrow off as well if you're still under the weather.

Mark and Betty are feeling better so they'll be in tomorrow...

And feel better soon!"

She added with a smile.

Sandra felt so grateful, so she thanked her boss again, greeted her friend Michelle and walked out of the office.


That's it for today! Let me know what you think about it, part 2 is coming soon! 😃😃





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It's so good, I can't wait for next chapter. Thanks for sharing 

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Part 2:

Sandra got into her car and sniffled thickly at her stuffy nose.

She sighed...

All she wanted to do was to go to bed and try to sleep it off, but she couldn't do that...

She had promised her boyfriend she would pick him up at the airport after work.

They hadn't seen each other in 2 weeks and she missed him so much!

She really wanted to go straight home, but she couldn't do that to him!


As she was thinking about this, she suddenly realised she was freezing...

"Bbrrr!! I should turd the heatig up... ssnff!! Ssnff!! Hah... Haaassshoo!!! Haaah... haaassshoo!!"

She let out a wet double into her wrist.


When she got to the airport, she knew she was running a fever: she went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror...

Seeing her reflection confirmed her suspicions: her cheeks were flushed and were almost as red as her nose, which was also very chapped, while the rest of her face was pale as a sheet and she was shaking from the chills.

It was official: she looked as horrible as she felt.

She could see her expression turning sneezier and sneezier and then all of a sudden...

"Haaakksssshoo!!" An earth-shattering sneeze burst out of her nose into a fresh tissue.

She was glad she was alone in that bathroom, as that loud sneeze would have been terribly embarrassing!

She blew her nose productively into the tissue she had just sneezed into and then gave her nostrils a quick rub with her fingers.

She sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to relieve the horrible sinus pressure she was experiencing, which was causing a pounding headache too.

She was so congested that she couldn't breathe through her nose at all, no matter how many times she blew it.

She went back to her seat in the transit lounge (?) and blew her nose again, sighing as she felt a strong, burning itch take hold of her poor nose...

"Haaah... haaaakssshoo!!! Haah... haaasshoo!! Haaakkssshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Haah... haaakksssh!! Haaakksshoo!!" 

"Bless you!" Two female voices said in unison...

"Who was that?" Sandra thought, but didn't say.

She looked up and saw two young women standing in front of her: one of them looked 25 years old or so, while the other was her daughter and she was holding her mother's hand.

She must have been 4 or 5 years old.

And our young mother, Cara, looked like she had a cold too!

Sandra noticed that she was holding a tissue up to her nose, which looked slightly pink at the rims, she sounded very sniffly and her voice was stuffy.

"Hi, I'b sorry to bother you... sssnff!! Do you kndow where the bathroob is? I've beed lookig for it for a while but I cad't find it... 

Heeh... hiiisssheww!! Hiissshewww!! Sssnff!!

I'b so sorry, I thidk I cabe dowd with a cold! Ssnff!"

"Bless you, mummy!" Her daughter, Lily, exclaimed. 

"Dod't worry and bless you! Oh, you're sick too? 

I caught this dasty cold at work a few days ago ad dow... haaaassshoo!! Haah... haaasshoo!! Haah... haaasssh!! I cad't stop sdeezig! See?" Said Sandra. 

"Oh, bless you agaid!", exclaimed Cara.

"Bless you!", echoed Lily.

"By the way, the bathroob is just right there! See?

Follow those blue signs and you'll be there id do tibe, okay?"

Sandra said in a reassuring voice, smiling lightly.

"Oh thadk you... biss...?"

"You're welcobe, by dabe is Sandra! Dice to beet you!" 

She held out her hand for a handshake, but then hesitated a bit...

She knew she was probably really contagious.

Cara noticed that and said: "Oh dod't worry, we cad shake hands! I'b already sick adyway!" 

She said and chuckled, then coughed lightly.

Her throat was irritated from her cold.

"I'b Cara by the way, dice to beet you! Sssnff!!"

The two women shook hands and then Cara introduced Lily to Sandra.

Mother and daughter went to the bathroom, but when they came back they thanked Sandra for her help and kept talking for a bit.

"Hi, Sandra! Thadk you for your help agaid... hhhiiisssheeww!! Hhih... hhiissshoo!! Sorry! Ugh, this cold!"

"Tell be about it... I've beed sdeezig all day! Ssnff!! Haah... haah... Haaassshoo!!"

Cara and Lily promptly blessed her and she thanked them.

"Yeah, sssnff! Yesterday I just had a ruddy dose but today... hhiiissshewww!!! Heeeh... hiiisssheww!! 

I cad't stop doig this... uugh, ssnff!"

She blew her nose.

"Bless you again, mummy! Wow, your nose is all red now! 

Is it itchy?" 

Cara rubbed her nose and nodded.

"Yes, sweetie... 

Bubby has a cold so her dose is very itchy right dow... heeeh... hhiisshoo!! Heeh... Hissshheeww!!"

Sandra blessed her again, then they started talking about what they were doing there.

"So what bridgs you two here? Sssnff!!"

Sandra asked Cara.

"We have to get a flight to go visit by cousid who lives far away... sssnff!!

Hhissshoo!! Hheeh... hiisshoo!!

Uugh, I hope by cold wod't get id the way...

What bad timing!"

"Yeah, I hope you'll feel better sood! Haaah... haaassshoo!! Haaasssh!! Haaakksssh!! Haaakksssh!! Uugh, ssnff!! Ssnff!!"

"Bless you! Thadg you ad I hope you'll feel better sood too!

Hissshoo!! Ugh, sssnff!!

Well, dow we have to go...

Let's keep id touch!"

The two women had exchanged their phone numbers and they both knew they'd found a new friend!

Sandra waved them goodbye as the young mum sneezed again into her cupped hands, then she watched the two walk away until they disappeared.


That pleasant encounter had distracted the poor Sandra from her misery, but now that they were gone she felt sick and lonely once again.

She was looking forward to seeing and hugging her boyfriend again.






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Oooh wow... what a great story so far. Loving the cold spelling too. Can't wait for more.

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Love this. Can't wait her boyfriend to appear and took care of his poor girl 

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It's quite nice how, for the lack of a better word, positive everyone is being in the story. First Sandra's coworker and boss offering help and a day off, then bonding with the mother over their shared suffering haha. Hopefully the good vibes can keep going when she sees her boyfriend.

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Part 3:

2 hours later Sandra sneezed for the 100th time, when she heard a familiar voice saying "Bless you!" 

She turned around and saw her boyfriend, Jim, standing in front of her.

He could hear her violent sneezes from miles away, so he simply had to follow the sound to find her.

As he approached Sandra, he spotted her glowing red nose from miles away!

"Hi, honey!" Jim exclaimed as he hugged and kissed her.

"Hi, baby! Oh, it's so dice to see you agaid!

I bissed you... but dod't hug be! You'll catch by... haaasssheww!!! Haaakksssh!! Uugh, by cold..."

"Awwww, honey! Poor thing!

Why didn't you tell me you were sick? I could've gotten a taxi!"

He told her, looking sad and worried.

"I just... haah... haaakkssshoo!! Haaakkssshoo!! Haaakksssshoo!! Ugh, ssnff!! Sssnff!! I just didn't wadt you to worry about be... sssnff!!" 

"Awwww, honey! Bless you! Poor dear, you're sneezing up a storm!" 

"Haah... haaakkssshoo!! Haaaassshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Yeah, I've beed sdeezig like this all day! Ssnff...

Uugh, sssnff! I'b very stuffed up and I'b sdifflig like crazy! Ssnff! Do batter how buch I blow by dose, I'b still so congested! Oh do, I deed to sdee... sdeeze! 

Uugh, haaah... haaaakkkssshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Haaakkssshoo!! Haaakkssh!! Haaah... haaaakkssshoo!! Uugh, ssnff!"

"Awww, bless you! Ooooh, my poor darling! That sounds awful! How did you catch such a bad cold?"

"Uuugh, sssnff! I caught it at work a few days ago...

Ode of by coworkers, Betty, had it ad her desk is right dext to bide... haaaakkssshoo!! Haaaakkssh!! Haakksssh!!" 

"Bless you again! Oh no, babe! You finally caught that office cold you were trying so hard to dodge, huh? 

I'm sorry, honey..." 

He said, spreading his arms out, signalling he wanted to hug her.

Sandra was surprised: she looked and sounded gross, full of cold as she was, but Jim didn't seem to be fazed by that.

"Awww, hodey! Sssnnff!! I would love to hug you dow, you kndow that... haaaakkssshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Haaakkssshoo!! Uugh, ssnff!! But look at be! By dose is all red, ssnff!! And I'b a sdeezy, sdiffly bess! 

Besides, you don't wadt this cold, trust be... ssnff!!"

"Oh, honey... I'll gladly catch that sneezy, sniffly cold off you if that's the price I have to pay to kiss and hug you!

In sickness and in health, remember?"

Jim and Sandra weren't married yet, but they were planning to celebrate their marriage in a few months.

"Oh, babe... sssnff! you're so sweet! I love you!"

The two kissed each other passionately, but at one point Sandra's cold-filled nose started tickling uncontrollably again and she turned away to let out 3 wet sneezes in a row into her elbow: "Haah... sorry, hodey... I'b godda sdee... haaaassshoo!!! Haaakkssshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Uugh, sdeeze agaid! Sssnff!!

Uugh, babe, I feel biserable... ssnff!!"

Jim's sympathetic smile suddenly turned into a worried frown as he noticed how sick and tired his poor girlfriend looked.

He nodded, muttering a sad, concerned-sounding: "Oh, bless you!"

Gently, he patted his girlfriend's shoulder and said: "Let's get you home, honey...

You need to be in bed and rest!

Don't worry, I'll drive!"

And so, after a short and sneezy car ride, the two finally got home.

Jim helped his sick girlfriend to go climb the stairs and tucked her up in bed.

Jim saw the poor Sandra couldn't stop shivering and noticed her flushed cheeks, so he felt her forehead: "Oh, no! You're running a fever, honey! No wonder you're shivering like that..." 

He rushed to the bathroom to go get a thermometer and he checked her temperature.

Sandra dreaded she would sneeze while the thermometer was still her mouth, but she manage to hold back.

However, as soon as he got the thermometer out of her mouth, the urge to sneeze got even stronger and Sandra muffled 4 wet sneezes into the blanket: "Haah... haaah... haaaappssh!! Haammffssh!! Haaassh!! Haah... haassshh!! Uugh, ssnff!! Ssnff!!

Oh, do! I bade a bess!"

"Oh, don't worry, honey! And bless you! I'll just wash the blanket and it'll be as good as new!

By the way, you have a fever... it's at 38.2 °C. My poor dear, you're so sick!"

"Ugh I ab... ssnff!! Uugh, I deed a tissue, sssnff!!" 

He could see her nose was running profusely now, so he got up and grabbed a fresh hankie from his girlfriend's wardrobe.

He sat on the bed next to his beloved sneezy woman and gently started wiping her nose with the hankie. 

"I bet that feels nicer on your poor, irritated nose than those disposable tissues, right?"

She nodded and said: "Oooh, yes! It feels buch softer! Haah... haaakkssshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Haaakkssh!! Haaakkssshoo!! Uugh, ssnff!! Sorry, hodey! They caught be by surprise!" 

Jim caught her sneezing bout into the hankie he had wrapped around her nose just in time.

"Bless you! It's okay, honey! You don't need to apologise! Awww, your poor nose is all red and chapped! 

I bet it's all sore too, huh?"

"Oh, it is... ssnff!! It hurts to touch it and blow it... that's why I'b sdifflig so buch! Ssnff!! Haah... haah... haaakksshoo!!"

"Bless you! Awww, poor dear!! I'll get you some more hankies if you like! And try to blow your nose as gently as you can, okay?" 

"Oh, thadg you, darling! Ssnnff!! 

He got up and placed a pile of clean hankies on her bedside table.

Then, he squeezed her hand and said: "You stay here and rest. Whatever you need, just call me! I'll be downstairs making dinner" He said, kissing her forehead gently.

"Ok, hodey... sssnff!! Thadgs..."


Here's part 3! Thanks everyone for the lovely comments! 🥰🥰

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Part 4:

The next day, Sandra woke up feeling even worse: somehow, she was even more blocked up than the day before and her nose felt sore and inflamed.

Her head felt heavy and she felt like she was running a fever still...

One thing was for certain: her cold had no intention of leaving her alone any time soon! 

"Sssnff... uuugh!" She groaned as she swung her legs out of bed, sniffling wetly.

She sighed deeply as she tried to get up...

Her head felt like it was full of cotton because of the terrible congestion in her nasal passages, her ears were clogged and sore and she could feel the exhaustion seeping into her tired, sick body.

She felt so bad that there was no way she could get out of bed, so she got back under the covers.

She groaned again as she rubbed her itchy nose.

"Haah... haaah..." Her breath started hitching, but the sneeze just wouldn't come out!

Her nasal cavities were so stuffed up that she could barely even sneeze!

She rubbed her nose again, trying to quell the excruciating tickle raging in her nose but to no avail...

She sniffled thickly and winced at how horribly and totally congested she felt: damn, she'd really caught a nasty bug!  

Sighing deeply, she grabbed a fresh hankie from the pile on her bedside table and blew her nose as hard as she could.

Unfortunately, that mighty blow didn't do much to rid her of the overwhelming congestion but it definitely helped her sneeze!

Soon, the vicious tickle in her blocked sinuses got even worse and a few seconds later she finally had a loud, wet sneezing fit, that she caught into her hankie: "Haaah.... Haaakksssh!! Haaakksssh!! Haah... haaah... haaakkssh!! Haaasssh!! Haasssh!! Haaassshoo!! Haaassshoo!! Uugh, ssnff!! Ssnff!!" 

She groaned, sniffling wetly and wiping her now dripping nose with the hankie she was still pressing to her inflamed, stuffed nose.

Jim heard the sneezing and went upstairs to check on his sick girlfriend and bring her a nice cup of tea.

"Good morning, honey! And bless you! 

Awww, poor dear! You're still sneezing like crazy, aren't you?"

Sandra blew her nose and sniffled again, then she said: "Good bordig, dear... uuugh, sssnff!! Yeah, that's true... Uugh, I'b so tired of havig to sdeeze all the tibe! Haah... haaakksssh!! Haaakksshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Sssnff!! Uuugh, this is ode of the worst colds I've had id a... haaaakksssh!! Haakkssshoo!! Ugh, id a while... sssnff!!"

She sniffled again and then lowered the hankie from her face.

Jim noticed her cold-ridden nose looked bright red now, even redder than it was the day before! It was so red it was bordering on crimson!

"Awww, honey! Your nose is all red! Poor thing!"

"It is... sssnff! Well, it's do wonder! Sssnff... I've beed sdeezig and blowig so buch I'b surprised by dose hasn't fallen off yet! Haah... haah... haaakkssshoo!! Haaakkssshoo! HAAAAKKSSSHOO!!"

"Bless you, dear! It sounds like your poor nose just can't catch a break! Anyway, I brought you a hot cup of tea, I'm sure it will help a bit..." 

"Awwww thadgs, babe! Sssnff!! Haaah... haaakkssshoo!!"

Sandra sipped the tea and sighed in relief as the honey in it soothed her scratchy throat and the steam slightly opened up her nasal passages...

After that, her nose started running and tickling like crazy!

"Sssnff!! Sssnff!!" She kept sniffling, until an earth-shaking "HAAAAKKSSSHOO!!" burst out of her nose and she inevitably had to blow it; that sneezy, drippy cycle went on for a few hours.

By lunchtime, Sandra had used up all of her hankies and had to use Jim's.

She was so tired of blowing her nose all the time that she just resorted to simply sniffling and wiping.

Now her nose was totally stuffed up once again and her sinuses felt heavy and sore.

Jim walked past his girlfriend's room to check on her again and she heard her whining and groaning while she was massaging her own head.

"What's wrong, honey?"

"Oh hi, hodey! Ssnff... uuugh, I'b so codgested odce agaid so dow by head... haah... haaakkssshoo!!! Haaakkssshoo!! Ugh, ssnff!! By head is poundig and by siduses hurt so bad..." 

"Awwww, honey! It sounds like you need a sinus massage!" 

"Oh, sssnff!! That would be dice! Thadgs, hodey! Ssnff..."

Jim sat on the bed and delicately laid his fingers on his beloved's forehead, just above the bridge of her nose, then he started massaging it gently.

"Oooh, that feels very dice!" 

Jim's slender fingers slowly made their way right to the tip of her nose.

Soon, Sandra's breath started hitching and her nostrils started flaring uncontrollably.

"Haah... haaaakkssshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Haaakksssh!! Haaakkssshoo!!! Haaakksssh!! Oh, Jim... sssnff!! That tickles so buch! Haah... haaakkssshoo!!"

"Awww, honey! Bless you! I'm so sorry I made you sneeze!"

"It's okay, your massage was very dice! Dow by head and siduses feel a bit better... sssnff!!" 

She smiled at him and he couldn't resist, so he kissed her on the lips.

She kissed him back but then she had to turn away and sneeze into a fresh hankie: "Haah.. haaakksshoo!!! Haakksssh!! Haaakkssshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Haaakkssh!! Haaasssshoo!! Uugh, ssnff!! Uuugh, I cad't stop sdeezig... ssnff!! Ssnff!! And I'b all stuffed up... uuuugh, what a bad cold!"

"Awww poor dear! It seems like it is, but you know what? I made some chicken noodle soup for lunch just for you, are you hungry?"

"Dot at all, sssnff!! But thadgs adyway, hodey!" 

"You have to eat, dear! Just a few spoonfuls?" 

He looked at her with his signature puppy eyes, so she said: "Ok, I'll try to eat a few spoonfuls... ssnff!!"

A few minutes later, Jim came back to the bedroom with a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup in his hands.

Sandra tried to smell the delicious-looking soup, but her nose was just too full...

Then she grabbed a spoon and ate some of it: it tasted like cardboard!

"Uugh, I'b so stuffed up that I cad't sbell or taste adything... sssnff!! Sssnff!! I'b sure your soup is delicious though!" 

"Awwww, honey! You must feel so blocked up! Hopefully the steam coming from the soup will help with the congestion!"

Soon, Sandra's nose started running like crazy and her sniffles became more and more frequent...

Jim saw that and he approached his cold-stricken but still beautiful girlfriend.

He grabbed a fresh hankie and said: "May I wipe your sniffly nose for you, honey?"

"Awww, of course you cad, dear! Sssnff!!" 

Jim wrapped the hankie around her red, irritated nose and wiped away all the wetness that was trickling out of her burgundy nostrils.

The liquid flowing in her nose made it tickle like mad once again, so our poor Sandra launched into the umpteenth powerful sneezing fit of the day: "Haaah... haaakkssshoo!! Haaakksssh!! Haaakksssh!! Haah... haaah... haaakkkssshoo!! Ugh, ssnff!! Haah... haaakksshoo!! Haassshoo!! Haaasssh!! Haaakksssh!! Ssnff!!"

She sighed congestedly as she energetically rubbed her nose...

"Uuugh, I'b exhausted... sssnff! Ad I deed to blow by... haaakksssh!! Haaakksssh!! Uugh, ssnff! Dose..."

Jim looked at her beloved girlfriend and noticed how tired and sick she looked.

She wrapped the hankie around her sniffly nose and said: "Go ahead and blow..."

She did and said: "Thadgs, hodey... what would I do without you? You're doig such a great job to take care of be... sssnff!! I caught such ad awful cold! Uuugh, ssnff!! But with your help I feel better!" 

Jim was moved by his girlfriend's tender words, so he started stroking her hair gently while still holding the fresh hankie up to her nose with the other hand.

"I love you..." he muttered.

"I love you too, ssnff!" she muttered in response.



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Always nice to see some caretaking, though can't say I expected the nose massage haha. A nice ending to a sweet story.

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@Italiangirl Oooohh, I just noticed I haven't commented on your lovely story yet! 😃 Very nicely written, and the caretaking just makes my heart melt... 🫠 (Especially the nose massage - surprise, surprise, LOL - but everything else too!)

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6 hours ago, kiku said:

@Italiangirl Oooohh, I just noticed I haven't commented on your lovely story yet! 😃 Very nicely written, and the caretaking just makes my heart melt... 🫠 (Especially the nose massage - surprise, surprise, LOL - but everything else too!)

Thank you, dear @kiku! 🥰🥰

I'm glad you enjoyed my story so much! 🥰🥰

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A sneezy cold that keeps on getting worse! Great story, great writing!

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