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Hey guys!  I should start with bragging (😇) about how my gf is extremely supportive of me. I’m not 100% sure if she just loves me enough to deal with it or if she’s one of us, but I ain’t complaining. We were doin farm work for a friend a few days ago which involved stacking hay bales into a trailer. Neither of us are allergic or anything, but all that hay dust was bound to make anyone sneeze. Fuck was it itchy! We could literally see the little greenish-yellow particles floating around in the air and the push/pull of our breath on it. This itch had been teasing me for a good like 20 minutes, I couldn’t stop rubbing my nose. She was facing away from me and I could feel my sinuses start to vibrate with that familiar tingling, so I dropped the hay bale I was lugging (which only sent more dust up into the air) and buried my face in her shoulder to sneeze. And l I sneezed. 7. Damn. Times. 

she cooed to me and turned around after the first two, pulling my face closer to her neck. *called me her poor boy*. DIED!!! We had to go back to work soon after but oh my LORD that will forever be burned into my memory. 

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9 minutes ago, terro said:

ÂĄHola, chicos! DeberĂ­a empezar por presumir ( 😇 ) de lo mucho que mi novia me apoya. No estoy 100% seguro de si me quiere lo suficiente como para lidiar con esto o si es una de nosotros, pero no me quejo. Hace unos dĂ­as estĂĄbamos haciendo un trabajo agrĂ­cola para un amigo que implicaba apilar fardos de heno en un remolque. Ninguno de los dos es alĂ©rgico ni nada, pero todo ese polvo de heno seguramente harĂ­a estornudar a cualquiera. ÂĄJoder, cĂłmo picaba! PodĂ­amos ver literalmente las pequeñas partĂ­culas de color amarillo verdoso flotando en el aire y el empuje/tirĂłn de nuestra respiraciĂłn sobre ellas. Esta picazĂłn me habĂ­a estado molestando durante unos 20 minutos, no podĂ­a dejar de frotarme la nariz. Ella estaba de espaldas a mĂ­ y podĂ­a sentir que mis senos nasales empezaban a vibrar con ese hormigueo familiar, asĂ­ que dejĂ© caer el fardo de heno que estaba arrastrando (lo que solo enviĂł mĂĄs polvo al aire) y enterrĂ© mi cara en su hombro para estornudar. Y yo estornudĂ©. 7. Malditos. Tiempos. 

Me arrullĂł y se dio la vuelta despuĂ©s de los dos primeros, acercando mi cara a su cuello. *Me llamĂł su pobre niño*. ÂĄMURIÓ! Tuvimos que volver a trabajar poco despuĂ©s, pero, oh, Dios mĂ­o, eso quedarĂĄ grabado para siempre en mi memoria. 

Wow, what a magnificent observation. Is she also a fetishist or does she know about your fetish?

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5 minutes ago, Ignaciosneeze said:

Wow, what a magnificent observation. Is she also a fetishist or does she know about your fetish?

Oh she knows about me 100%, but I’m not sure if she’s just happy to please me or if she’s a fetishist herself. 

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2 minutes ago, terro said:

Oh she knows about me 100%, but I’m not sure if she’s just happy to please me or if she’s a fetishist herself. 

Oh it's great that your girlfriend knows, and even cooler that she wants to please you. From which country do you come from?

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23 minutes ago, terro said:



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Maybe. I don’t think you need the specifics, don’t really want to share that’s 

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Omg that’s super sweet! I like how brazen she was about covering your sneezes haha. It’s my dream to cover an SO’s sneezes like that and I’m glad she got the opportunity to do that for you. Bless you so much and thanks for sharing! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

It’s such a blessing when your significant other knows and is supportive of our fetish!! 

My bf lets me induce him and I indulge him in his fetish. 
It’s definitely more of a “I love you and want to please you” when you don’t share the same fetish 

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On 7/23/2024 at 11:48 AM, terro said:

buried my face in her shoulder to sneeze. And l I sneezed. 7. Damn. Times. 

she cooed to me and turned around after the first two, pulling my face closer to her neck. *called me her poor boy*. DIED!!! We had to go back to work soon after but oh my LORD that will forever be burned into my memory. 

I would have died too! A literal dream. Just reading this I’m đŸ« 

it’s just such a mixture of super sweet and endearing and super sensual and hot. I don’t think I would’ve been able to go back to work 😅

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Wow that sounds like a dream.. congrats on having such a supportive girlfriend - all I can say is keep her! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/19/2024 at 12:07 AM, AnnaSophie said:

Wow that sounds like a dream.. congrats on having such a supportive girlfriend - all I can say is keep her! lol

Oh i definitely plan on it!!! 

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