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After a long Hiatus I have been kissed by pathos again and wrote a new small sneeze fic. This chapter is more of an introduction, with a little sneezing to make things go down easier. Stay tuned for more in the future... or don't seeing how finicky my muse can be.

Agent 1926


The year was 2168 and the united world government in their pursuit to eradicate all disease from planet earth had put their focus on the common cold. Special task forces tracking potential infection vectors had been established and citizens experiencing cold symptoms were being forcefully quarantined. Sneezing in public had become a punishable offense, which could in a worst case scenario result in charges of bioterrorism, with the exception of those bearing allergy passes. Proof of their allergies and allergic triggers.

However, despite or perhaps due to the UWG’s draconian legislations against the common cold, a black market for those seeking to spread the illness to their adversaries had formed. Professional infectors would offer their services in exchange for large sums of money and infect their targets with the common cold.

Isabell was one of them, a cold assassin as she liked to call herself. At the moment the green eyed brunette was sitting in a pure white room at a round black marble table. Next to her sat her handler Samantha. A dark skinned woman with amber eyes and beautiful dreads she wore in a casual pony tail. The two were waiting in the conference room of their headquarters, ironically located beneath the office of a general practitioner. Their boss was supposed to show up any minute now giving them intel on their next target. Isabell sniffed, grabbing a tissue from the box on the table before carefully inserting it into her nostrils patting any excess snot that might threaten to drip out up without ruining her impeccable makeup concealing for pink her nose actually was. To anyone less skilled such a move would have surely resulted in a sneeze, however she was very much used to this procedure. Samantha glanced over to her partner and smiled. Isabell was truly a master at suppressing the itching that was surely buzzing through her cold ridden nostrils right now. To the untrained eye the tickle was invisible but she noticed the miniscule flares, the subtle irregularities in her breathing. She would intervene if she had to but it wasn’t like Isabell had to hold her nose back here. It was more of a habit the infector had picked up.


“You know you don’t need to hold back in here right? The room is soundproof after all.”


Isabell gave her handler a playful look as she removed the tissue from her nose.


“What you want to see an innocent girl sneeze that badly? I have class my dear Samantha, I am afraid that if you wish to see me explode you will have to be the one to ignite the fuse~”


Her tone carried no trace of genuine offense, this was her playfully bratty way to say “Make me”.


“If you insist…”

Samantha leaned forward put a hand on Isabells chin, producing a small feather from the shirt cuff of her other arm. Slowly she brought the feather to her nose. This was no ordinary feather, it belonged to a very special bird known as the bristle ball. Their feathers were known for two things, for one they were unbelievably soft due to their high number of bristles, and secondly the majority of humans were highly allergic to them. Isabell was one of those humans. The effects of the feather were immediately noticeable upon the feather touching the rims of the infectors nostrils. They flared out noticeably even though Isabell, stubborn as she was, still tried her hardest to keep herself composed. Samantha in response started to trace the feather along the rims of the infectors nose. Shivers went up and down her body as she felt the feather tease her nostrils the constant dull itch evolving into a sharp need. She was not about to give in that easily however.


“Someone’s being stubborn huh?”


“Y-you will ha…HA…have to d-d-doooooh… bett…ah…ahhhhhh, than that dear…”


Samantha merely chuckled in response before finally inserting the feather into her partners nostril fully whirling and twisting it within. Isabell was swiftly approaching the end of her rope.


“I haaaaahhh… heeeeee… I neeh-haaaah…haaaah…haaaaaaaaaaaah…”


Finally the handler pulled the now glistening feather out of her partners nose turning their head towards the table as it reared back her nose finally giving in.



The infector sneezed out a gigantic cloud of highly infectious spray glistening and shimmering in the light as the cloud sank towards the table.


“Bravo dear.”


Isabell sniffled and grabbed another tissue this time to lightly blow her nose. Just in this moment the sliding doors of the room parted and in stepped a Person in a suit wearing an ornate mask depicting an ancient god of pestilence.


“I see we are already hard at work, though next time I would appreciate it if you saved these for your targets agent 1926.”


Their superiors tone was calm as they sat themselves down on the opposite end of the table slowly gliding one of their gloved fingers along the misted table.


“After all we are immune to your particular ailment, so sneezing here only wastes valuable nasal fluids.”


The two women straightened themselves up and bowed slightly before speaking in unison.


“Apologize sir, it won’t happen again.”


“Good good now shall we get on with this meeting and discuss your new target?”


The masked superior asked as he inserted small data chip into a port underneath the table. The room turned dark and a hologram projector buzzed to life.

AAAAAAAAAAND that concludes part 1 of this little sneeze fic project. As always constructive criticism and feedback are highly encouraged.

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Ooh, this looks fun. I can't wait to see what else you do with it ; )

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I'm truly LOOOVING the idea and concept of this particular story. Sneezing is a public offense, and has become a very notable thing in the black market. Loving the details of sneeze spray and clouds too, I'm so exctied to hear more of this ❤️

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This is genuinely fantastic. Such a huge fan of green eyed brunettes, feather inducing, the wlw undertones, infection as a career, the holdbacks, use of tissues, the whole piece is just captivating. Incredible job. VERY excited to see the next installment. Hopefully it will involve some seductive, up close and personal infection, maybe even some more tissues and feathers 🤤

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3 hours ago, jamesdear1 said:

This is genuinely fantastic. Such a huge fan of green eyed brunettes, feather inducing, the wlw undertones, infection as a career, the holdbacks, use of tissues, the whole piece is just captivating. Incredible job. VERY excited to see the next installment. Hopefully it will involve some seductive, up close and personal infection, maybe even some more tissues and feathers 🤤

hehe I think you will enjoy the coming chapters in that case~

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Absolutely love this. The holding back and the announcing. This is amazing.

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Always love the scenario where a sneeze is being teased out of a reluctant sneezer! So many sneezefics are set in the past, so its always great to read one set in the future :D 

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