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What The Doctor Ordered (F)


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I'm resurrecting from the dead to post this entirely self-indulgent little ficlet that I wrote recently. I've had the idea in my head forever but only just recently managed to get it written down. 

The characters are my OC (Ronnie) and SterlingSilver's OC (Jed) and we have had a lot of fun writing them together over the years so I figured I'd share this with the forum and hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ^_^









There were very few things out there that could best Ronnie Hagin. Very few things. 

Growing up in a household with five brothers, two parents, a grandparent, six cats and three dogs, it was fair to say that she had overcome numerous obstacles in her life. 

Despite hardships, Ronnie Hagin had graduated from nursing school with distinction after distinction, and now held a very niche but enviable job working as nursing staff in a medium-security prison. Which, admittedly, brought along with it a whole new set of challenges that she hadn't quite anticipated. 

Though there was next to nothing that could best her. She had exceeded in every aspect of her life, coming out on top and beating her competitors down with ease. 

That wasn't to say, however, that nothing could best her, as that evening was beginning to prove. 

It was the time of year when the winter months were a dreary thing of the past and the warmer weather was truly settling in. The sun beat down, warming the skin of those who basked beneath it with its radiance. For many, it was a favourite time of year where the doldrums of winter were long forgotten and spring was truly underway, already steadily turning into summer. 

With the warmer weather, however, came the unavoidable blossoming of a whole new array of plant-life. Trees and flowers bloomed, as happy as everyone else to finally escape the bitterly cold months, spouting petals and leaves and pollen into the air on every warm breeze that would care to take them. The opportunity to scatter their seeds and decorate the ground with a blooming garden was rife and not single plant wanted to miss out. 

Of course, for people like Ronnie, this was something of a disaster. 

Ever since she could remember, Ronnie had suffered from hay fever. It was fairly mild, causing little more than a runny nose, a few rogue sneezes here and there, and that persistent itch that trickled along the palate and nestled gently behind the eyes. Luckily for Ronnie, it was nothing that popping a pill a day couldn't quell, controllable with simple over-the-counter medications which meant that most of the time, she could forget about it. 

Then there were days like the present when she most certainly could not forget about it. 

Sitting at her desk in her small, secluded office, Ronnie pushed a balled up tissue beneath her nostrils and crushed at them cruelly, sniffling heavily as she signed off patient form after patient form through slightly bleary eyes. The right side of her nose crinkled, her nostrils pulsing just once, before she sighed an exhale through parted lips and sniffled back into the defeated tissue once more. 

If there was one thing that could best Ronnie Hagin, it was a very high pollen count. 

She had awoken that morning to the delightful sight of rain pattering the bedroom window of her apartment. It was the first thing she saw upon flinging open the curtains to start another day. Falsely confident, she had forgone the daily allergy pill with a mind that it would not be needed; on cooler, rainy days, she barely felt a thing. To her dismay, the clouds had parted shortly after she left for work, opening up to reveal a pleasant sun and a warm, springtime breeze. After a brief period of rain, everything in sight seemed to be blossoming, sending the pollen count off the charts. 

For most of the day, she had managed just fine. A slight prickling in her nose had been an almost constant companion and there had been times where she had needed to lower her mask and blow her nose, but mostly it hadn't caused too much of an issue. Only now, with the setting sun nestling further and further into the horizon, was it becoming a real problem, one which she could no longer negate or ignore. 

For what felt like hours (which was actually more like twenty minutes) Ronnie had been fighting a losing battle with a tickle in her nose. It had started harmlessly enough, just a minor little flutter at the back of her nose which she assumed she could just sneeze out and forget about. But she had been naive. For whatever reason, her nose was being stubborn, refusing to sneeze even when she desperately begged for it. 

And she had tried everything. 

She had spent the last twenty minutes tilting her head back, squinting up at the buzzing fluorescent lights above her, she had tried pinching her nose and wiggling it to try to coax it out, she'd taken slow, long breaths in through her nose and out through her mouth to try to bring it on, and had even tried blowing her nose over and over again to try to blast out whatever harmless irritant was nestled there.. Despite her best efforts, nothing was working. 

To make matters worse, the constantly fluttering irritation was making her nose not only run persistently, but become slightly stuffy. She could feel a gentle pressure building in her sinuses, each sniffle growing deeper and wetter than the last. There was a crumpled mound of tissues which lay in defeat in and around the metal trashcan beside her desk, another one landing in there as Ronnie plucked a fresh one from the box and immediately pinned it to her trickling nose. She tented it to her nose, pinch-rubbing up and down the length of her septum in hope that she would be granted at least some form of relief. 

The deft, gentle movements of her fingers up and down seemed to spark something, and Ronnie felt the tickle finally begin to surge. It grew deeper, heavier, stronger, weighing down her eyes as they blearily drifted shut. Her nose, blushing pink by this point, flared beneath her fingers as her breath caught in a shaky, “hhH-...” 

This was it. It was finally coming, and Ronnie did absolutely nothing but welcome it. She lowered the tissue to hover just in front of her face as the tickle pulsed, her breath catching needily as her nostrils now pulsed rhythmically. A single tear, born from pure irritation, beaded and spilled down her cheek as her nose crinkled, nostrils flared wide, chest heaved with a deep breath and she–!


There was a click of the door and the sound of a familiar voice, both distractions enough to startle Ronnie… and the sneeze. 

It was gone, leaving a painless crackle in her nose which left her disappointed and unsatisfied. Her eyes cracked open, her expression still stuck helplessly as the last tendrils of hope that she would sneeze disappeared entirely, leaving behind the faint remnants of a dissipating tickle. Pinching the tissue back to her nose, Ronnie blew mightily, as hard as she could, before lowering it down and settling her eyes on the man before her. 

She would have loved to have been angry with him, but she didn't think there was a single thing this man could do which would make her truly angry. She adored everything about him; his tussled red-brown hair, his unironed shirt, his crumpled lab coat. Everything about this man was helplessly endearing, and Ronnie couldn't help the smile that crept onto her lips as she sighed and binned the tissue, returning her gaze back to her work. 

“Hi, love,” she said gently, her voice unmistakably heavier than usual with impending sinus pressure and congestion. She continued to scribble as she heard footsteps creeping closer, her eyes staying lowered down on her work. She could feel the stare from the man boring into her, sending faintly pleasant shivers down her spine. 

“Ronnie?” the man asked again. “Are you okay?” 

Finally lifting her gaze, Ronnie settled on the man before her. The man in question was the lead doctor at the prison, and her loving partner since med-school: Jed Doogle. Their love had started when they had barely been out of their teens and had blossomed into the most beautiful relationship Ronnie had ever known. Enviable to those around them, really. People often commented on how they hoped to one day find a love like theirs and Ronnie considered herself truly blessed to have such a wonderful man at her side each and every day. 

Smiling up at him, Ronnie sniffled again, the sound laden with congestion as she tucked her head back down and started scribbling once more. “Yes, I’m fine,” she answered, though the weight in her words belied her statement. She could feel Jed’s eyes blazing into her though she chose to ignore him, adamant to get this stack of papers finished before clocking out. Though Jed was relentless, and she felt warm fingers beneath her chin as it was gently tilted upwards, leaving her no other choice but to look directly into Jed’s eyes. 

“Have you been crying?” he asked, his concern increasing more by the second. In their line of work, it was not uncommon to receive poisonous words and abuse from the inmates when treating them. His concern was not unfounded, but it touched Ronnie in a way which made her insides squirm pleasantly, touched at his adoration for her. 

“No, no, nothing like that,” she assured him, unable to stop herself sniffling again as the left side of her nose crinkled up a little. The tickle was creeping back in, up the left side this time, and Ronnie was helpless to try to stave it off. Though it did nothing to help her case and Jed’s eyes narrowed as he studied her features. 

“Then…?” He let the question hang in the air a moment before Ronnie had no choice but to concede defeat. She sighed heavily, the smile still snagging at the corners of her mouth. 

“I forgot my meds this morning,” she admitted, watching as the corcern eased away from Jed’s features and began to morph into something much more scorning. It was right at that moment that her nose chose to betray her entirely and the tickle suddenly pulsed, forcing her features to slacken as a short, sharp hitching breath was drawn inwards, her chin still rested in Jed’s hand. The pulse lasted merely a second before easing back again into a mere harmless tickle, and Ronnie could have sworn it had done it on purpose to get her in trouble. Reaching for another tissue, Ronnie quickly snatched it to her nose and dabbed at it gently, giving up the ghost and seeing no point in continuing with any charade she had hoped to build. 

“Do you not check the pollen count?” Jed asked, incredulous. He watched his girlfriend helplessly tend to her nose as he pulled his hand back, her features pink and slightly puffy at the edges with an air of exasperation. She wilted slightly under his scorn. “It’s been really high today. Even I’ve felt it a little,” he commented, sniffing dryly as if to prove a point. 

“I’m fine, honestly,” Ronnie insisted, lowering the tissue to reveal her pink, irritated features. “It’s just a sneeze that’s stuck, is all. It’s been bothering me all evening.” She said it with as much nonchalance as possible, even shrugging to prove it was nothing. Her eyes lifted back up to settle on Jed’s, piercing into him. “I’ve tried everything but it just won’t come. That’s the only reason I look like -” Here, she gestured in a circle around her face. “ -this.” 

Watching as Jed lifted a hand to his chin, he surveyed Ronnie with a serious look, and for a minute she thought he didn’t believe her. There had been times in the past when inmates had upset her and Jed had found her in her office crying by herself. She wondered if that’s what was crossing his mind this time. 

“Hmm..” Jed pondered. “I don’t like the sound of that.” 

Ronnie’s head tilted in confusion, Jed’s concern for a stuck sneeze being far greater than she would have anticipated. Though it was one of the banes of dating a doctor; any minor little thing and he was all over it like white on rice. Leaning around her desk, Jed gently took Ronnie’s wrist and began guiding her up, speaking as he did. 

“I think I need to check that out,” he said, making Ronnie groan in feigned exasperation. Much as she claimed to find Jed’s smothering-doctor routine exhausting, she secretly loved it when he doted on her like this, especially when she wasn’t feeling well. Not that she was exactly sick right now, but having someone caring for her when there was something medically going on - regardless of how minor - sent silly little quivers inside of her. 

Feigning resistance, Ronnie allowed Jed to lead her over to the patient bed beside the wall, flopping her arms limply as they went dramatically. He coaxed her up to sit on the edge of the bed as he pulled on a pair of surgical gloves before pulling out a little torch, tilting her head back as he shone it up inside her nose. 

“Now, let me take a look here,” Jed was saying, his tone exceedingly professional, mostly to himself. Ronnie huffed, but despite her silent protesting, she played along. She sat perfectly still as Jed held her chin, tilting it up and back before placing a thumb delicately at the tip of her nose, pushing it up so he could get a better view inside. 

“Hmmm…” he commentated to himself, moving the torch this way and that, his thumb occasionally shifting against the soft, plushy skin of her nose. “Nasal membranes are red and inflamed,” he began listing. “Increase in mucosal production… Slight swelling of the nasal and sinus cavity…” 

Clicking the torch off, Jed snapped off both his gloves as he dumped them in the bin, both of them bouncing off the mound of used tissues inside it and dropping down harmlessly to the floor. He turned back to Ronnie and gave her a big smile, clapping his hands together gently. 

“I have some good news and I have some bad news, Ms. Hagin,” he said, truly taking on the doctor-patient role. “Which would you like first?” 

Rolling her eyes, Ronnie uttered a stuffy sniffle before crushing the back of her wrist against her nose, scrunching her eyes closed and she rubbed in circles in a bid to quell the itch. “Give me the bad news, doc,” she said, playing along just as much as Jed was. 

“The bad news is that your allergies have flared up, causing significant irritation to your nasal passages,” he said, a thoughtful look spread across his face. He was saying it like it was brand new information to Ronnie, which made her open her eyes and blink at him. 

“And the good news?” she asked, and at the question, Jed visibly perked up, a wide smile erupting on his face in a way that made his eyes crinkle a little at the corners.  

“Ah, yes! The good news!” he exclaimed, wandering over to one of the filing cabinets beside the wall and opening one of the drawers before beginning to rummage inside. Ronnie frowned as she watched him, wondering what he was up to. Knowing Jed, it could be absolutely anything. 

“The good news, Ms. Hagin, is that I have just the cure!” The statement confused Ronnie even more, especially as she could only see his back so didn’t know what in the world he was planning. Maybe some strong medication or a peg to clip a tissue to her nose or something. Though what she saw when he turned around was definitely not what she was expecting. 

“Jed, you can’t be serious,” she said flatly, her expression matching her tone. She watched as Jed proudly presented what he had been searching for, his smile so wide and confident that it was almost impossible not to trust in him. But Ronnie didn’t trust in this because it was ridiculous. Her eyes were locked onto what he had in his hands, staring in disbelief. 

“This isn’t going to work,” she protested, watching as he began to creep closer. “This isn’t a cartoon, no way will this do anything-..”

“Shh, shh,” Jed shushed quietly, now standing beside the bed and twirling his prize between his fingers. What he had found in the filing cabinet, and was now brandishing proudly to his girlfriend, was a single feather. Its plumage was long and deft with soft, downy tendrils fluffing around the bottom of the stem. Where it had come from and why it was in here were questions which escaped Ronnie’s mind as she fixated upon it, barely able to believe that her doctor-boyfriend’s magic cure for her allergies was to stick a feather up her nose. 

“Jed, no, I’m not-..” As she protested, Jed was already easing her down to lay flat on the bed, propping the headrest up so her head and shoulders would be slightly elevated. Despite her protests, Ronnie complied and was soon laid down on the bed, looking up at her partner in utter disbelief. She opened her mouth to inform Jed once more that this was a stupid idea, but before a sound could escape, she felt the soft, warm pressure of lips against hers as Jed ducked down to kiss her, lingering a moment before pulling away gently with a soft noise. 

“Trust me,” he whispered, his tone gentle as the breezes that rustled the trees outside the window, sending those squirmy feelings back inside Ronnie’s stomach as she recovered slowly from the kiss. When he treated her this way and spoke to her like this, there was absolutely no way she could resist him. Whatever he said to her, she would comply with no questions asked, and this was no exception. 

“Fine,” she whispered, laying back so she was flat on her back, head and neck elevated as she gazed up at the ceiling. Her eyes darted briefly to the side to lock onto Jed. “Though I’m telling you, this isn’t going to work,” she insisted. 

“Oh, ye of little faith,” Jed mused, his eyes catching Ronnie’s before she stared back at the ceiling, her complete trust laid in Jed’s hands as she lay there vulnerable beneath him. 

At first, there was nothing, and for a second Ronnie wondered if this was a set-up and Jed had just been winding her up. She was about to speak when she heard movement beside her, felt Jed’s proximity grow closer, and then something brushed against the underside of her nose. 

It was soft, gentle, everything one would expect a feather to be. It grazed beneath her nostrils and Ronnie couldn’t deny that it tickled, but not in the way that she needed it to. Her fingers twitched, arm desperate to reach up and brush the feather away so she could rub at her nose. Jed must have noticed her reaction because a hand very gently pressed down against her wrist to keep it in place as he began to slide the feather back and forth, back and forth beneath her nostrils, his movements slow and meditated. 

“I told you,” Ronnie said to him, feeling arguably less sneezy than she had before they even began. “This is stupid.” 

“Patience,” Jed assured her, catching her eyes briefly as she looked to the side. His smile was wider than ever as he repeated, “Trust me.” 

Sighing heavily, Ronnie had no choice. Jed had never given her reason not to trust him before and this was no exception. Shaking away her doubt, she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on nothing but her nose, able to feel the slight tickle but little else irritating inside of it. 

After a few more swipes beneath her nostrils, Ronnie was surprised when she felt the delicate plumes breach past the shores of her left nostril and dip inside. It barely went in at all, but there was a very distinctive feeling that Ronnie recognised immediately; tickling. 

It was enough to make her draw in a deep breath through her mouth, though she resolved to maintain her composure. Her eyes remained shut as the feather just barely grazed past the wall of her septum, causing her nostrils to pulse out strongly just once. 

Another few seconds of barely anything more than a faint tickle and something unexpected happened. Ronnie felt the feather reach further into her nose, high up near the back where she was the most sensitive, and she couldn’t help but fling her eyes open and stare up at the ceiling. That… really was starting to tickle. The sensation surged, swelled, filling the entire left side of her nose with a sensation so strong that she couldn’t stop the helpless, “hHH-!” hitch that escaped past her lips. The feather was really delved deep in her nose, tickling fiercely, but it was still not enough to make her sneeze. Impatient, her nostrils pulsed again, wider this time, fluid beginning to collect around the shores of both nostrils as her body attempted to flush out the irritant. 

“Jed, I-.. th.. that tickles..” Ronnie managed to breathe out, though she was too overcome to open her eyes and look over to him. She could only imagine the smug look he had on his face now, his confidence soaring and the air of I-told-you-so strong within him. 

At her words, Ronnie felt Jed do the unthinkable; the feather swept in deeper still, and his wrist began to jerk ever-so-slightly up and down, up and down, forcing the feather to practically vibrate inside her nose. There was one spot, high up at the back near her sinuses, which seemed to be The Spot, and Jed’s feather was grazing past it ferociously. It was impossible to resist. 

That was it. As typically composed and in-control Ronnie Hagin was, she lost all control. The insurmountable tickle that she felt inside her nose was like no other, and she was helpless to do anything but lay there and let her entire body be overcome. Her eyes were lightly closed, brows arched, mouth slightly agape as she hitched in tandem with the pulsating tickle inside her nose. Her nasal walls quivered, desperate, her nostrils pulsing spasmically with each shaky, erratic breath she drew. The sensation filled her nose, a tickle unlike anything she had ever felt before, swelling and expanding until it felt like her entire face was aflame with it. With one last, quick jolt from Jed’s wrist, Ronnie drew in a high, needy inhale, nostrils blown wide as they could, before she-...


An exceedingly powerful double shot forth, as though expelled right from Ronnie’s core. Her head and shoulders lifted up from the bed as she bent at the waist from the sheer force of them. She was so overcome that she couldn’t even attempt to cover them, and for a brief second she panicked that she had sneezed openly directly in front of her into the open air of the office. It was only after a couple of seconds in recovery that she felt something soft against her nose and mouth, and was able to crack her eyes open just enough to see Jed standing there pinning a wad of tissues to her nose. 

The feather was no longer inside her, having been removed by Jed at the last second before the sneezes erupted. Though despite it no longer being in her nose, and despite the two huge sneezes she had already expelled, she still felt the tickle surging its way closer and closer, brimming from the inner shores of her sinuses to the very tip of her nose. She was sitting up now, thrust upwards by the force of those last two sneezes, and was so overcome by another that she could do nothing but sit there and wait as another began to build, her nose alive with twitches and flares beneath Jed’s fingers, her chest heaving with breaths as she hitched towards completion. It only took another second or two before her nose scrunched up completely, and she rocked forwards explosively into the tissues Jed was holding. 

“hH’TYSSCH’iu!... HH’TCHHSH’IU-!... ugh..” 

There was a stuffy sound of defeat after those two, slightly less aggressive than the first, as Ronnie finally, finally, felt the tickle begin to subside. She was stuck in a daze for a moment, able to do nothing but sit there on the bed while Jed continued to hold the tissues to her nose, feeling the relieving sensation of a completed sneeze fizzle and crackle away into nothing inside her nose. She was a little breathless, lost in her own little world for a moment before a soft, familiar voice roused her back. 

“Bless you, sweetheart.” It was Jed, of course, and Ronnie lifted damp eyes to look up at him. His expression was soft, loving, doting, with a hint of… something else Ronnie couldn’t quite put her finger on. He wriggled his fingers a little around her nose, chuckling to himself. “Here, blow,” he said, but Ronnie resolutely refused to have her boyfriend hold the tissues to her nose while she blew into them. She lifted her hands, took the tissues and blew as hard as she could. It was productive, the sweet relief of a finished tickle and loosened congestion filling her with satisfaction. She sighed, completely sated, lowering the tissues to reveal a very pink but contented expression. Fingers lifted her chin, and she once more felt the warm, soft pressure of lips against hers. 

“See?” Jed whispered against her mouth, and she could feel his smile against her lips. “I told you it would work.” 

“It’s a good job I love you,” Ronnie whispered back, unable to keep her own smile off her lips. Jed deepened the kiss, lips parting just slightly before he leaned back to stare softly, lovingly, into her eyes. 

“I love you too.” 

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5 hours ago, Snakebyte said:

Absolutely fantastic!

Took the words out of my mouth. 

Thank you for sharing this great story with us!

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@anna @Snakebyte @kiku @Demosthenes @terro 

Thank you all for showing some love, it's much appreciated! It's been a long time (years!) since I wrote anything fetish-related so it's so nice to know that people enjoyed it! :heart:

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Oh, this was so good! I love stuck sneezes, and I love feathers, so it was great to see them BOTH in one awesome story. Thank you for writing this!

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