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Sneeze Fetish Forum

You Make Me Feel Like Forever


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This is a spin off from my story Anyway Don't Be A Stranger. It's not essential to have read it but might be helpful. To be honest, I've no idea where this story is going to go but the idea wouldn't leave me alone. I hope you enjoy!

Basic info:

Daniel and Charlie have been a couple for about 6 months at this point. Charlie is from Canada, Daniel is from the UK. They live in the UK together. Charlie has the fetish, which Daniel knows about. Daniel sneezes a lot from various allergies, as well as being quite susceptible to colds. 


The announcement came over the tannoy and Daniel gritted his teeth as the plane juddered and began its final descent. He hated this part. This and the general turbulence during the flight really weren't helping his already nervous feelings. He glanced over at his girlfriend Charlie, who looked equally unrelaxed and was drumming her fingers restlessly on the armrest between them, seemingly lost in thought. Daniel looked at her fondly. He knew Charlie was a much better flier than him and therefore her nerves could be attributed to something else entirely. He had a feeling he knew what. Gently he rested his hand on hers. She met his steady gaze and offered a tight-lipped smile, the worry in her eyes evident despite her efforts to hide it.

"Don't worry," Daniel said, squeezing her hand and giving what he hoped was a convincing grin. "I'm sure we'll get on great. What's not to like after all?" 

He winked and Charlie give a slight laugh. But then her smile wavered. "I hope so. She can be... a bit much sometimes."

Daniel chuckled, though it was cut short by a sudden need to sneeze. "Suh... sorry," he muttered, fishing out a tissue from his pocket and letting go of her hand in order to bring both of his up to cup his nose and mouth. His eyelids fluttered and his head jerked forward to catch two sneezes in the tissue. "Huh... hssch! Hschmpf!

"Bless you," Charlie said, her concern momentarily shifting to his discomfort. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been... doing that... quite a bit." In spite of herself, she blushed.

"I'll be fine," he reassured her, rubbing his nose. "I always get like this on long flights. I'm so ready to get out of this plane. I need some fresh air!"

Charlie nodded, reassured, though she couldn't shake the nagging worry about what lay ahead in Canada. Her mother, with her eccentricities and unpredictable behavior, had a knack for making situations awkward. Not to mention the memories that lurked around every street corner, memories that still twisted her stomach in knots, however hard she tried to let go of them. But seeing Daniel's determined, albeit slightly tired and sneezy face, feeling the warm pressure of his hand on hers gave her a glimmer of hope. This trip was important, and despite the turbulence, both in the air and in their minds, they were in it together.

The airplane's tires screeched as they touched down on Canadian soil, jolting them in their seats. They disembarked quickly and made their way through to baggage claim. Unfortunately, in spite of his earlier assurances, Daniel’s allergies showed no sign of easing up. As they walked through the bustling airport, his sneezing fits seemed to intensify.

"Haschoo! Hah...aschoo! Huhaschoo! Huh... huh... huhASCHoo! Goddamn," Daniel muttered, rubbing his nose vigorously and stumbling a little with the force of the sneezes. Charlie gave him a sympathetic look, patting his back. "Nearly out of here," she whispered. 

They collected their bags and made their way to the arrivals hall. As they rounded the corner, Charlie immediately spotted her mother waving enthusiastically from the gate. She was wearing a brightly colored hat and wildly patterned outfit that made her easy to spot, even without her exuberant and oblivious waving. Daniel braced himself, hoping to make a good impression despite his red, watery eyes and persistent sneezing.

“Over here! Char! Sweetheart!” Her mother’s voice rang out, attracting more attention than necessary. Charlie cringed and rolled her eyes but couldn't help speeding up a little on seeing her, this slightly crazy, madly affectionate lady who she couldn't help but love intensely. Daniel walked along in her wake, suddenly feeling very bashful.

When they reached her, her mother enveloped Charlie in a bear hug and immediately burst into tears. 
"Mum... honestly," muttered Charlie, her voice muffled by her mother's enveloping embrace. She returned the hug and then carefully extracted herself with a wry look at Daniel, while her mother dabbed her eyes. "It's official... you're not allowed to leave again, I won't allow it," she said huskily. She sniffled and then sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head as if to pull herself together. Then she took a deep breath before turning to Daniel, who during all of this had looked on with increasingly blurry vision due to yet another oncoming sneeze. “You must be Daniel! Welcome to Canada!” she exclaimed, her voice full of warmth. Before Daniel knew it she had captured him in a hug too, which he awkwardly tried to return in spite of the hideous timing. After what he hoped was a decent interval he turned away from her and caught two sneezes in the crook of his elbow. “Huh...huschoo! Hah... aschoo! I'm s-so sorry, it’s... hah... j-just allergies,” he stuttered sheepishly, his nose still itching desperately.

“Oh, bless you, you poor thing!” Charlie’s mum said, her eyes filled with concern. “Travel can be so tough on the sinuses. Don’t - oh, bless you! Don't you worry about a thing. We’ll get you sorted in no time. Now let me see, I think I've got tissues here somewhere..."

Charlie felt her cheeks flush. “Mum, really, it's ok —”

“Nonsense!” Her mum interrupted, waving her hand dismissively. “We’ll get you some antihistamines and a nice cup of tea as soon as we get home. I've got essential oils, you can take a nice hot bath? Or..."

Daniel chuckled through another sneeze. “HuhASCHoo! Honestly, I'll be okay. Thank you though, it's very kind of you Mrs Adams." 

"Oh sweetheart, call me Diane, please! Come on then, we'd better get to the car."

As they trailed along in the wake of her mother's hurricane-like presence, Charlie’s embarrassment was evident, but Daniel suddenly felt calm. He put his arm round her, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Everything’s going to be just fine," he whispered soothingly.

As they made their way to the car, Charlotte’s mum chattering animatedly, Daniel’s words echoed in her mind. She took a deep breath, grateful for his reassurance, and allowed herself to relax. It felt good to be home.

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Omg I love this so much! The original stories is one of my favorites of all time as well

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On 7/16/2024 at 5:30 AM, Catsgotyourtounge said:

Omg I love this so much! The original stories is one of my favorites of all time as well


On 7/16/2024 at 8:44 AM, dude said:

Thank you for posting, good story! 

Thank you! You're so kind. I'm enjoying being back with these two. Here's the next part:


Charlie and her mother chattered away for most of the journey to the house, for which Daniel felt thankful. Not the most verbose at the best of times, a 10 hour flight and an accompanying allergic reaction didn't put him on sparkling form. He rested gratefully in the back of the car and looked out the window at the unfamiliar yet beautiful landscape. His eyelids felt heavy but luckily the journey home was fairly short and they reached the house before he could doze off completely. They unloaded the car and entered the hallway, Diane still prattling on as they did so.

"Your room is right up top, I've made up the bed with the best sheets and there's an ensuite bathroom. It's nice and private, I'm far away downstairs so you kids have fun and don't worry about disturbing anyone - "

"Mum!" half-shrieked Charlie, turning bright red and looking at Diane with horror.

"Oh darling, do relax, we're all adults after all. You don't mind do you Daniel?"

"I... um... not at all," Daniel said, clearing his throat and trying not to sound too strangled as he struggled not laugh. Diane really was something else. He could see how she could be a nightmare as a parent on occasion but as a relative stranger he found her hilarious, not to mention warm and kind.

"Oh I do enjoy that accent of yours. One of Char's stepdads was Scottish and I have to admit it was a big part of the attraction... it still makes me tingle thinking about it now..."

Daniel was saved the bother of replying as Charlie announced very firmly that they were going to their room to unpack and freshen up before dinner. He followed her upstairs muttering curiously, "One of your stepdads?"
"Don't ask," she replied, rolling her eyes. 

After a hot shower and a short nap, Daniel was starting to feel more human again as they headed downstairs to join Diane for dinner. Once more, most of the conversation was taken up with Charlie and Diane catching up on news about relatives and friends and Charlie describing her new job as a fully qualified teacher. Occasionally Diane fixed Daniel with an inscrutable look which he found disarmingly similar to Charlie's, and asked him a penetrating question about himself, to which Daniel hoped he had supplied satisfactory answers. Judging by Diane's continued friendly demeanour towards him and Charlie's attitude, which was more serene than Daniel had seen it in days, he was doing alright.

As the evening wore on however, he started to feel a return of the itchiness in his eyes and nose, exacerbated perhaps by the strongly-scented candles Diane had lit or the sun setting on the summer flowers in the garden. Or maybe it was just the long flight still getting to him. All Daniel knew was that he needed to sneeze again and soon. This put him in something of a quandary. In the nervousness of meeting his girlfriend's mother and with the post-flight fatigue, he'd forgotten momentarily about Charlie's... liking for his sneezes, not to mention her embarrassment about it. He didn't particularly want to cause her any more discomfort or mortification... in front of her mother of all people. While he watched the 2 women engaged in deep conversation, he tried to subtly press his knuckles under his nose to stave off the tickles. It sort of worked. The itch ebbed away somewhat but he knew it wouldn't last forever. As soon as he moved his hand away the need to sneeze would return with a vengeance. He desperately wanted to pinch his nose shut but he couldn't exactly do that without looking totally rude. He wondered about excusing himself to escape to the bathroom but that too seemed fraught with difficulties. Oh god, but he needed to sneeze. He had to...

"So Daniel, tell me about your sister. Charlie tells me she's just had a baby, how exciting!" Diane fixed him again with her intense look of interest and he quickly withdrew his hand from his face as he attempted to formulate a reply.

"Yeah, she had a... ah... a b-baby g-girl... oh... excuse me... ah... haschoo! Haschoo! Hah... hahSCHOO! God, I'm sorry." He tried not to look at Charlie as he sniffled and searched desperately for a tissue on his person.

"Oh, bless you honey, here you go." Diane passed him a box with a concerned look. "Are you still feeling sneezy? You're not coming down with a cold are you?"

"Th-thanks. No, I'm OK, I think it's just from the... the... ahschoo! The flight and d-different scents and all that. I h-have... ah... ah... aschoo! My n-nose gets a bit sensitive. Oh, I'm so... sorry.... ah... hahhhh....?"  He sat for a minute feeling like a complete idiot, before sighing as the nagging feeling went away for the moment.

"Bless you. Please don't apologise, I just wish I could do more to help," said Diane concernedly. "There's definitely antihistamines in your bathroom upstairs - I'd take some before bed if I were you."

"I will - thanks," he said, smiling at her mothering instinct, before turning to the side and sneezing once again. "Huschoo! Heh... hehaschoo! HuhASCHoo!"  He sneaked a look at Charlie, who was staring resolutely at her plate, her cheeks flushed and her head bowed slightly. He tried desperately to find a way to change the subject. Luckily Diane asked him another question about his new baby niece and he was able to make it through the rest of the evening's conversation without incident. He felt, rather than heard Charlie's sigh, of relief, contentment or fatigue, he wasn’t sure which, but he was thankful when a moment later Diane suggested they head up to bed to sleep off the jetlag. They said goodnight and slowly made their way upstairs.

As soon as the door was closed, Daniel took Charlie in his arms and said seriously, "I'm so sorry Char, I couldn't help it and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable but..."

She stopped him with a finger over his lips and then stood on tiptoe to kiss him gently. "Please... I don't ever want you to suffer because of how it might make me feel," she said softly. "It's... embarrassing sometimes but I can handle it. I've... well I've had a lot of years of practice." She gave a wry laugh and ducked her head with a blush.

Daniel hadn't really considered that before. He thought back to awkward times when he had felt... well, hot and bothered, and had to hide it. It wasn't that often really. Finding something as every day as sneezing attractive though - it must take a lot of effort to conceal that. He opened his mouth to ask Charlie something, then hesitated. She caught his look however and pressed him. "What is it? Please tell me, whatever it is."

"No, it's nothing, I just wondered... if I could ask you... a bit about it? If that's ok," he added hurriedly, not wanting to overstep the mark. He knew she'd confided in others before, with horrible consequences, and almost immediately he regretted his display of curiosity.

"It's OK," she said quietly.

There was a pause while Daniel played idly with a loose thread on the duvet.

"I guess... when did you, uh, realise that you liked it?" He kept his eyes on the bed.

"I don't know really... I guess these things happen gradually don't they? I remember just feeling awkward whenever anyone... sneezed, when I was a kid. As I got older it became more obvious what it really was. Over time I got to understand it more." She blushed but smiled. "It's not as uncommon as you might think you know."

"I know," he replied, turning red himself. "I, um... I googled it."

"You did not!" Charlie giggled in spite of herself and covered her face. "Oh lord, I bet that was an education." She dreaded to think how some of the content out there would seem to someone completely oblivious of the fetish.

"Yeah... it was enlightening," he acknowledged, grinning a little. "Do you, um... ever read any of that stuff?"

"I dip in and out of it," she admitted, her face more flushed than ever. "Sometimes I prefer my own imagination. Or reality. For me, it's as much about the person as anything else. I wouldn't feel this way about any random person who happened to sneeze. You know?"

"I get that," he assured her.

She sat up and wrapped her arms around his waist, looking up at him. "More recently, I can't say I've felt a need to."

"Oh really?" he murmured, brushing his lips over her forehead and then down behind her earlobe, causing her to shiver. "So glad I can oblige."

"You're more than satisfactory," she sighed, as their lips met. They began to kiss deeply, Daniel wrapping his hands into her hair and gently pulling her even closer to him. 

They remained like that for several minutes, until Daniel suddenly raised his head and lifted his eyes to the ceiling, his mouth opening slightly as he gave a knowing smirk.

Charlie looked up at him with a laugh of mock frustration. "Really? Now?"

"Suh... sorry," he gasped through hitching breaths. He didn't look sorry at all however. He fixed his eyes on her and attempted to focus through his fluttering lids and increasingly urgent need. He could just about make her out, watching him intently, her chest rising and falling and her eyes wide with longing. He loved seeing her react this way and he let out a moan which indicated not simply a desire to sneeze.

"Huh... huh... iiit's there, I can - f-feel it..." he stuttered, knowing how she loved it when he described the sensation. "G-god, just want it t-to come... hah... hah... oooh... hah... haschoo! Haheschoo! Hah... HASCHOO! HahESCHoo!" He sighed with relief and looked down at her, grinning. Wordlessly, she pressed her hands against his chest and he allowed himself to fall back on to the bed, where she lay on top of him. She caught his mouth in a hungry kiss, and grabbed his hair a little more forcefully than usual. He chuckled.

"I guess maybe the kids might have fun tonight huh?" he teased.

"Oh my god, shut up!" Charlie grabbed a pillow and hit him gleefully. She shook her head and rolled her eyes at the memory of Diane’s words. "My mother really is the limit."

"I liked her," Daniel replied, pulling Charlie down against his chest again. She rested her chin on her hands and looked at him, smiling. "She liked you too, I could tell."

"Told you. What's not to like? HehASCHOO!"

For once the sneeze came without warning, earning him another swipe with the pillow before he rolled over and all conversation ended for the night, save a few giggles which gave way to murmured sighs and low moans. 




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This was a really great read. Looking forwards to more :)

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Maybe her Ex comes around. Hope Daniel sneezes in his face lol 🤧

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11 hours ago, Sparklesparkle84 said:

Maybe her Ex comes around. Hope Daniel sneezes in his face lol 🤧

🤣🤣 Well possibly great minds think alike...!

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1 hour ago, lighthousegirl said:

🤣🤣 Well possibly great minds think alike...!

Plotting The Simpsons GIF

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Posted (edited)

A bit of fluff for now. 😉


It was 4am. The house was quiet, the only sound being the gentle ticking of a clock somewhere in the darkness. Daniel lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind suddenly too alert for sleep. His allergies had calmed somewhat, but every now and then, a tickle in his nose would force out another sneeze, which he reluctantly stifled into a pillow in order to avoid waking Charlie, who was dead to the world. Daniel sighed. Jetlag had taken hold, and he knew he wouldn’t be getting any rest soon.

Quietly, he slipped out of bed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. As he poured himself a glass of water, he heard a soft rustling behind him. Startled, he turned to see Diane standing in the doorway, wrapped in a robe, looking at him quizzically but not unkindly.

“Can’t sleep sweetheart?” she asked gently.

Aschoo! Yeah, something like that,” Daniel replied, embarrassed to be found wandering around a stranger's kitchen. 

Diane chuckled, her eyes filled with understanding. “The first night is always the hardest. Mind if I join you? I can make some tea.”

“Of course not,” Daniel said, taking a seat at the kitchen table. Diane busied herself with bags and mugs then sat across from him, her face soft in the dim light. Whether it was due to the late hour or the first excitement of seeing her daughter again being over, her presence was much more peaceful and for the first time, Daniel began to see Charlie's quiet, serious nature in her mother's demeanour. 

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment before Diane spoke again. “I hope you won't mind me being frank with you for a moment Daniel? It's just... Charlie seems so happy with you.”

Daniel smiled, though his heart ached at the mention of Charlie’s happiness. “She makes me happy too. I’m very lucky to have her.”

Diane sighed, a trace of sadness in her expression. “Charlie’s been through a lot. Her last relationship...it wasn’t good. She never told me all the details, but I know it left her scarred.”

Daniel felt a pang of sorrow. He knew of Charlie's past, what had happened the last time she shared the most intimate parts of herself with someone, but hearing it from her mother added a weight to the situation, to his own responsibility towards her. 

Typically, his nose decided to punctuate the serious moment. “Hah-aschoo! Excuse me,” he said, pausing to compose himself. “I know a bit about what happened. I hope you know I would never treat her that way. I - I love her."

There it was, out there in the silence of the dimly lit kitchen. It wasn't something Daniel had quite processed himself yet, let alone said out loud. Except he just had.

Diane reached across the table, placing her hand over Daniel’s. “I know, Daniel. I can see it in the way you look at her. And I'm so glad. For both of you."

Haschoo! Thank you, Diane. That means a lot,” Daniel said, suddenly feeling a surge of fierce determination to prove he meant what he said. 

Diane smiled fondly for a minute then drained her cup of tea and stood up to take it to the sink. As she turned back to face him, Daniel was thrown by a sudden change in her expression. "And you know if you ever do hurt her, I'll be tracking you down don't you?" Her tone was light and brisk, but Daniel didn't miss the cold threat contained in it. 

Daniel choked slightly on his tea. "W-wouldnt expect anything less," he gasped, coughing and wiping his eyes. For all her fluffy appearance, Diane was clearly hard as steel when she needed to be. 

After a little more slightly less terrifying conversation, they called it a night. By the time he headed back to bed, Daniel felt a sense of peace. As he climbed the stairs, his heart felt lighter, reassured by Diane’s words of welcome and the knowledge that, despite the sneezes and jetlag, he was exactly where he was supposed to be.


Edited by lighthousegirl
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Just read the last work and this one about them, and I like how the characters are really well developed. The plotline is interesting, and I'm definitely invested in seeing how everything progresses :)

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I love Daniel, he is a sweetie.❤️ I love seeing these characters grow. 

Thanks for the little update 👏 Looking so forward to see more of these two 

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More please!! I love these 2 already! 

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i loved their other story and this is also so good!!!!? can’t wait for more?!!

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Warning, this gets a little dark.

A suffocating silence seemed to press down on Charlie's chest. She found herself in a dimly lit room, the shadows crawling up the walls like sinister spectres. The air was thick, almost palpable, with an oppressive tension. She could hear the voice, that familiar, dreaded tone that made her stomach churn.

"Charlie," it sneered, before the owner stepped out from the darkness. His eyes glinted with malice, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. "Well, well, well."

Charlie tried to speak, but her voice caught in her throat. It was as if he had somehow stolen her ability to respond, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.

Somewhere, far off, her attention was caught by a distant sound. She couldn't think what it was, or who, but she knew it was important - a memory she had to hang on to or she would be lost to this darkness, whatever it was.

The man lingering in the shadows laughed as her eyes moved in the direction of the sound. "You and your little kink," he mocked, dragging out the word with a contemptuous drawl. "Did you really think anyone would want to be with someone as messed up as you?"

Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing like a drum in the silence. She wanted to run, to escape his vile words, but she was rooted to the spot. The room seemed to close in around her, the walls pressing closer, suffocating her.

The sound came again. What was it? She knew it was somehow her liberator but her mind was sluggish and confused.

"Look at you," he continued, his voice rising in a cruel crescendo. "So desperate for validation, for love. You're nothing but a joke, Charlie. A sad, pathetic joke."

Tears welled up in her eyes, hot and stinging, but they were of anger more than shame and she refused to let them fall. She had already wasted too many nights drowning in his toxicity. Even as the memory of his cruelty threatened to engulf her, she fought against his hold on her. This wasn't who she was anymore.


This time she recognised the far-off sound. In spite of the flush of embarrassment which once again prompted cruel laughter, she fixed her eyes on his in defiance.

"Heh... hehschoo!"

With a final, derisive sneer, the man faded from view and the room began to dissolve as Charlie found herself awakening from what she now knew was a dream.


She opened her eyes. Her room was bathed in the soft glow of early morning light, a stark contrast to the oppressive darkness of her nightmare. She turned over, taking deep, steadying breaths, trying to shake off the lingering dread. It was just a dream, she reminded herself, just a remnant of the past trying to claw its way back into her present. Next to her, Daniel was sitting up in the bed, and the glazed look of anticipation on his face made her realise what the sound had been which had invaded her sleep and pulled her out of the gloom. She felt a strong rush of affection for him as she watched, loving the sweet, innocent look that always preceded his sneezes.

He clearly felt another one coming on but it was taking its time. "Huh... hahhah... aaah...?"  Daniel's eyes were raised questioningly to the ceiling, as if to say, "Why me?" Charlie smiled indulgently and moved a little closer to him. He turned and met her gaze with the briefest of glances before his eyes snapped shut and -

"Ah... hah... haschoo! Haschoo! Haheschoo! HahESCHoo! Ugh... morning."

He looked exhausted, bleary eyed with dark shadows and an irritated nose from too many tissues.

"Bless you. Good morning," she replied, as he dropped back on the pillow next to her. She could still feel her heart beating rapidly and she let out a long sigh as she attempted to relax her restless body.

"Sorry," said Daniel, sniffling. "I didn't want to wake you, but holding those in was getting impossible."

"It's OK. I'm glad you did."

He looked down at her quizzically. "Bad dream?"

"Something like that." Suddenly Charlie was desperate to change the subject. 

"You sound rough. Allergies still kicking your ass?" she asked him, in the brisk tone Daniel was starting to recognise in Diane as well, which seemed to denote a desire to deflect from unwanted emotion. He was curious, but she also had a point. The allergies were driving him crazy, and he admitted as much.

"OK, I'll go get you some stronger meds. The drug store is just round the corner."

"Don't be daft, I'll be fine," Daniel demurred, pulling her closer. "The bed will get cold if you leave me here all alone," he pouted and she chuckled as she wriggled out of his grip.

"What about if I bring you back a cup of really good coffee from the shop across the street?" she whispered enticingly, bringing her face close to his and catching him in a quick, soft kiss.

"Mmm. I guess I could live with that."

He lay watching her as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. His smile betrayed a hint of confusion at her sudden desire to get up, and somewhat feverish demeanour. He was about to ask if she was OK, when he was overtaken by another sudden sneeze.

"Heh... hehESCHoo!"

"Bless you babe. I'll be back soon ok?" And she was gone before he had fully opened his eyes again.

Charlie silently padded down the stairs, feeling guilty for her swift exit and hating herself for not being honest. She couldn't seem to rid herself of the anxiety her dream had brought back to the surface, and for the first time in a long time, all she wanted to do was be by herself and shake off the restless feelings of shame and regret. With a resolute sigh, she stepped out into the morning sun and took a moment to bask in its warmth and allow some of the tension to drain away. She shook her head a little and set off determinedly towards the store.

The short walk did her some good and as she entered, the cool air and fluorescent lights brought her fully awake. She made her way to the pharmacy aisle, scanning the shelves for allergy medication. After selecting a couple of options, she turned to head to the cashier.

That’s when she saw him. Well, not him, but close enough. Tom, a friend of her ex Michael, was at the counter chatting with the cashier. Even as a cold panic surged through her veins there seemed an inevitability about it, like her dream had been a prophetic one.

Charlie ducked behind a display of over-the-counter vitamins, her heart pounding in her chest. She peered through a gap in the bottles, watching Tom laugh at something the cashier said. It brought back a flood of memories she’d worked hard to bury.

She waited, breathless, as Tom finally collected his purchase and left the store. She exhaled slowly, relief washing over her. But the ridiculousness of the situation and her own stupidity made her want to scream. After all, Tom wasn't really a bad guy, in spite of his unfortunate choice of friends. Even if he had been told things about her he'd be unlikely to shout them out in the middle of a store. But what if he told Michael he'd seen her? Worse still, what if Michael was in town?

Charlie quickly paid for the medication and rushed back outside. As she walked home, she tried to calm her racing heart, but the fear was hard to shake.

When she got home, Daniel was sitting on the couch reading a book while smells wafted from the kitchen where evidently Diane was making breakfast. He looked up as she entered, his brow quirked questioningly, clearly thrown a little by her overly bright smile. There was a pause as they looked at each other.

"Did you forget?" he asked, nodding towards her empty hands. "The coffee," he added, in response to her look of bewilderment.

"Oh! Shit! I am such an idiot, I was in my own world and it just went out of my head," she cried, clapping her hand to her forehead. "I'll go back and get some - "

"Hey, relax it's ok. Your mum says she's got some," said Daniel, chuckling a little. "C'mere." And he gestured to her to come sit next to him. With a feeling almost of surrender, Charlie sat down and laid her head on his shoulder, suddenly needing him in a way that was new and startling to her. This man who seemed to take things in his stride, didn't care what people thought and didn't hold grudges or try to mould her in his own image of what he thought she should be. God, she loved him.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, expressing regret about far more than just coffee. She passed him the pills she had bought and he squeezed her shoulder lightly and told her again that it was really ok. As Daniel took his medication and the sneezing subsided, she closed her eyes and knew that it was.

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Poor Charlie. Hope she lets Daniel know whats going on and he comforts her. 💞

I sense this Michael butt is going to come into the picture soon, and like I said before, I hope Daniel sneezes on him. Like, good and hard lol 

Was great to see an update, hope to see more soon! :D 

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Such a nice update! Excited for the next part!

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awww poor charlie!! i can’t wait for more though 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so this story has gone off on ALL sorts of unexpected tangents. Long update, some sneezes and lots of plot. 


After breakfast, they spent the morning exploring Charlie's hometown. As they walked hand in hand and shared childhood memories, the strange start to the morning and the awkwardness that had momentarily sprung up between them seemed to fade. Daniel wasn't stupid, he knew Charlie well enough now to know something had been bothering her, but he was patient enough to give her space to process and tell him in her own good time, if she felt she needed to. As she chattered away he could feel her relaxing and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, loving being able to know more about what had made this amazing woman who she was.

They stopped for lunch at one of her favourite restaurants where the staff greeted her warmly and looked at him with unapologetic curiosity. Self-consciously, he took out a packet of tissues and extracted one, giving his nose a quick rub. The meds had mostly worked, but there was still a vague itchy feeling at the back of his nose and behind his eyes. Charlie smiled fondly at him.

"How are you doing? Not fed up of me going on and on I hope?"
He grinned back. "Not at all. I love listening to you. And this place is beautiful. You're lucky to have grown up somewhere so special."

"Well we didn't actually move here until I was 12. Diane was on her third marriage by then." Charlie rolled her eyes. "But even after they divorced, I begged her to let us stay here. I fell in love with it."
Daniel hesitated then asked a question that had bothered him for some time.
"You've never talked much about your stepdads... or dad for that matter. I don't want to pry..." he added hurriedly.
"No, I know. It's ok. It's not painful. It's just... not really anything. My dad left when I was a baby. I don't even really remember him. He used to call on my birthday for a few years but then we moved and he never really bothered to keep in touch. My stepdads were fine. They were nice enough guys. But they didn't really know how to be dads. I never really got close to either of them. And both times they got divorced before we could really develop a relationship." Charlie sighed. "Diane... gets bored easily. It's not her fault but her mind goes at 100 miles an hour all the time and it's hard for anyone else to keep up."

Daniel pondered this as they ate. He could see how Charlie's practical, caretaking nature had developed.
"I'm sorry you never really had a proper father figure," he said quietly.
Charlie placed a hand over his and looked at him softly. "Please don't feel bad for me. I know I'm luckier than many, many other people. I've never felt like I've missed out. And as much as Diane drives me crazy, she was always an amazing mum."

Daniel smiled and then began to blink rapidly, hurriedly extracting his hand to bring up to his nose along with the other hand holding the tissue.
"Hschoo!" He gave a somewhat stifled sneeze, then rubbed his nose a little more vigorously. Charlie took the opportunity to briskly change the subject.
"Bless you. Anyway... speaking of crazy. I hope you're ready for this afternoon."
"Huh... hsch! Snf. Why?"
"You're about to meet my best friend Chris and if you think Diane is mad, just you wait."


Daniel's stomach clenched and he tugged at the collar of his shirt as he followed Charlie through the front door of the house. He felt almost more nervous about this meeting than he did with Diane. Not just because he was pretty certain he and Chris were very different people, but because Chris had been around for a lot more of the darkest moments of Charlie’s previous relationship and would be ensuring they were not about to be repeated. And from what Charlie had said, he would not be the type to stand by silently if anything met with his disapproval.

The scent of fresh flowers in the hallway hit him immediately, making his already itchy nose twitch. He tried to suppress the tickle in his sinuses, but it was no use.
"Aschoo!" He sneezed into the crook of his arm, his cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment.
"Bless you!" a voice exclaimed, brimming with enthusiasm. Daniel looked up to see Diane coming towards him accompanied by a tall, slender man with perfectly styled hair and a bright smile that practically screamed confidence. He was dressed in an elegant suit, looking like something out of Mad Men, and Daniel instantly felt scruffy and underdressed.

The man immediately enveloped Charlie in a huge hug, following it up with a kiss on both cheeks before turning his attention back to him.
"You must be Daniel!" he said, extending his hand dramatically. "I'm Chris, Charlie's best friend in the entire world. And if I may say so, you’re even cuter than she described."

Daniel felt his cheeks flush anew. "Uh, hi," he managed to stammer, trying to avoid sneezing again. He could feel another one building, and it was making it hard to focus. "N-nice to meet you." He took Chris's hand in a brief, somewhat awkward shake before quickly turning away. Another sneeze followed, and he fumbled for a tissue.

"My goodness, darling," Chris said, watching him with amusement. "I hope you're not allergic to me. I have a habit of driving men crazy but not usually in that way."

Daniel chuckled nervously, rubbing at his nose.
"Just allergies. P-pollen, I... I... huh... th-think..." he stammered, before giving in to another sneeze. "Haschoo!"
"Bless you, sweetheart," Chris said, patting Daniel on the shoulder. "If I'd known you had such sensitive sinuses, I would've brought some antihistamines as a welcome gift."

Daniel couldn't help but laugh. In spite of his nerves, he found he liked Chris immediately.
"Chris, stop torturing him," Charlie scolded playfully, though she was grinning too. "Dan, don't let him get to you. He's harmless, I promise."
"Oh, don't lie to him," Chris teased, throwing a hand over his heart. "I'm absolutely dangerous... just not to him." He winked again, this time at Diane, who rolled her eyes playfully.
"I'm going to make some coffee and leave you kids to catch up for a while," she said, retreating to the kitchen. Charlie elbowed Chris affectionately and he gasped in mock offense.
"What?! Come on Char, I’m just helping him acclimate to our wild and wonderful world, darling."
Charlie sighed and shook her head good-humouredly. "I’m going to the bathroom. Can I trust you alone with him for 5 minutes?"
Chris put a hand over his heart. "I’ll be a perfect angel. Scout’s honor." He then looked at Daniel and mouthed, "Not really."

Daniel laughed again, feeling the initial tension in his chest ease. There was something undeniably charming about Chris and Daniel soon found himself relaxing. The guy was outrageous, sure, but he was also funny, and his energy was infectious. They bantered back and forth, Chris making naughty jokes that had Daniel blushing and laughing all at once.

After a few minutes of lighthearted chat, Chris gave Daniel a sidelong glance.
"So, tell me," he said, his tone more serious now, "how are you handling the whole 'meeting the family' thing? I know it can be nerve-wracking."

Daniel hesitated, surprised by the shift in Chris's demeanor. "It's… a little stressful," he admitted, "but it's going okay. Your jokes help, actually."

Chris grinned. "Good to hear. I like you, Daniel. You seem... sweet."

Daniel smiled back, grateful for the unexpected camaraderie. "Thanks, Chris. I like you too."

Chris regarded him thoughtfully. "That's good to hear. It's not always been the case as I guess you know."
Daniel nodded and tried to formulate the right words in response.
"I'm just... glad that she had you as friend during all that, you know?"
Chris looked relieved, as if pleased to find that Daniel understood what he was referring to. He looked like he wanted to say more but the sound of Charlie's step on the stairs made him change the subject.

Charlie re-entered to find them both deep in conversation, laughing like they'd known each other for years, and heaved an inward sigh of relief. As the afternoon wore on, she could see Chris seemed to have taken a genuine liking to Daniel, occasionally giving Charlie approving nods when her boyfriend wasn’t looking. Diane made dinner and the four of them shared stories, jokes, and memories, with Chris keeping them all roaring with laughter and Diane keeping the wine glasses permanently topped up. By late evening Charlie felt pleasantly tipsy and relaxed, but still couldn't quite escape the nagging worry at the back of her mind. When she saw Daniel get up to help her mother in the kitchen, Charlie seized the opportunity to pull Chris aside.

"Hey, can we talk for a second?" she asked, her voice low. Chris raised an eyebrow, sensing the seriousness in her tone. "Of course, hon. What's up?"

Charlie led him into the hallway, away from the others. She hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "Have you heard anything about Michael being back in town?"

Chris's playful demeanor shifted, his expression growing more serious. "Yeah... he is. He'd been away for work but now he's back. How did you know?"

Charlie's heart sank. "I saw Tom at the drug store and it made me wonder."

Chris said nothing but suddenly looked... sheepish? Embarrassed? Charlie pressed him further.

"Have you seen him? Michael?"

"Sadly yes, at the bar being loud and obnoxious as usual. Asshole - loud and obnoxious is supposed to be my thing."

"Did he see you?"

"He did," Chris admitted. "But he didn't say anything to me. Just gave me that same old glare. You know the one."

Charlie shuddered at the memory of Michael's cold, mocking stare. "And Tom? Was he with him?"

Chris hesitated, a flicker of something—guilt, maybe?—crossing his face. "Yeah, Tom was there too. We, uh, had a bit of a chat."

"A chat?" Charlie repeated, surprised. Tom had been Michael’s best friend, and as far as she knew Chris had never really liked him. "What did you talk about?"

Chris hesitated, his expression suddenly unreadable. "Nothing important. Just... caught up a bit."

Charlie frowned, sensing that there was more to the story. "Chris, come on. You and Tom never got along. Why would you be catching up?"

Chris avoided her gaze, suddenly uncharacteristically coy. "People change," he muttered, shrugging. "Let’s just say we had an... interesting conversation."

"Interesting how?" Charlie pressed, but Chris just shook his head.

"Look, it’s not important right now," he said, his tone evasive.

Charlie studied him for a moment. Chris, who was usually an open book, was being unusually cagey. There was something more here, but she knew better than to push him too hard.

"Fine," she said, though her mind was still racing. "But Chris, promise me you won't tell Daniel about Michael. I don't want him worrying."

Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You sure that's a good idea?"

"I just... I don't want to ruin this trip for him," Charlie said quietly. "It's the first time he's meeting everyone, and I want it to be perfect."

Chris nodded slowly. "Alright, I won't say anything. But it shouldn't ruin your trip either Char. Nothing he does or says defines you anymore, you know that right?"

She sighed. "I know. And I wish it didn't scare me to think I might bump into him anytime but... it does."

"I get that," said Chris kindly. "And I'm here for you, whatever happens. You know that right?"

She pulled him in for a hug. "Of course I do. You're the best."

"I know," he quipped, returning the conversation to its previous lighthearted tone. To add to this shift in atmosphere, Daniel emerged from the kitchen and immediately bent over with two harsh sneezes, causing the two of them to giggle, somewhat to his consternation.

"Haschoo! Hah... HASCHOO! Glad I amuse you," he muttered, wriggling his nose a little.
"Oh bless you honey, we're not really laughing at you. Charlie's just drunk that's all," Chris began, before being swatted at playfully by his friend. Daniel raised an amused eyebrow and went to grab more tissues. Chris watched him thoughtfully.

"He's a sweetheart you know."

"I know."

"He is one handsome man. And more importantly, he's a good one. You're a lucky girl Char."

"You don’t have to tell me," she said softly, regarding her boyfriend with sudden raw emotion.

Chris gave her shoulders a quick squeeze. "You deserve him hun. I miss you like crazy but I'm so glad you met him."

But despite everything, as they returned to the living room, Charlie couldn't shake the unease that had settled in her stomach. The night continued, with more laughter and conversation, but a part of her mind remained distracted, replaying Chris's words and wondering what he wasn't telling her.


So a whole subplot came into my head about Chris and the as yet unseen Tom while I was writing this. Would you like me to include it? Don't worry - Daniel and Charlie's story will also continue and Michael will (eventually) get his comeuppance! 

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Cool to see another part of this story! :D 

YES, please include as many parts of the story as possible. It all adds to the story, and makes it more interesting :) 

Cant wait to read more 👍

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I just found this story and its predecessor, and I LOVE them! I’m trying to wean myself off of playing stupid phone games at bedtime. This is so so much better than stupid phone games. 😉

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On 7/17/2024 at 8:08 AM, lighthousegirl said:

Oh I do enjoy that accent of yours. One of Char's stepdads was Scottish and I have to admit it was a big part of the attraction... it still makes me tingle thinking about it now...

He’s Scottish??! Even better! A tall, sneezy man with warm brown eyes and a Scottish accent…I melt. 😍

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Ohhh the angst of it all. 🫣 Apologies for this random interlude but I suddenly really fell in love with these characters and their possible back story. We'll be back to our regularly scheduled Daniel/Charlie fluff very soon!

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, it means a lot truly! ❤️ 



Chris was in good spirits. It was Friday, his vacation time had officially begun and in a couple of days he'd be seeing his closest friend for the first time in months. Tonight though, he was out with some work colleagues, celebrating someone's retiral. The bar was not Chris's scene in the slightest - too stuffy, and the playlist of old rock ballads felt like it was trying too hard to create an atmosphere that wasn't quite there. Still, he was determined to make the best of it. Linda, who was retiring after nearly three decades at the company, had always been kind to him, so the least he could do was show up for her farewell. So he smiled and nodded, made all the dirty jokes that he knew they always enjoyed and supplied the office gossip they always expected, all the while keeping an eye on the door, wondering how early an exit he could make without appearing totally rude.

After several gin and tonics (seriously, had these people heard of any other drink?) his attention was caught by a loud bunch of guys who had just entered the bar. Before he even looked at them properly he was rolling his eyes. He could tell already they were the rowdy jock-type crowd that he generally made it his mission to avoid. He sighed inwardly and tried to ignore them.

But then he heard a voice that made his heart drop. He turned his head slowly, praying he was mistaken, but there he was. Michael. Charlie's ex. Gaslighter, emotional abuser and purveyor of many, many homophobic insults, most of which had been spit out at him like poison the last time they had met. Taking in the rest of the crowd, Chris almost had to laugh at how unevolved the guy still was. It was the same old crowd of sheep that had always followed Michael wherever he went.

And on the edge, looking slightly less at ease, was Tom.

Tom - always the quiet guy in the background, never saying much, but always hanging around the wrong crowd. Specifically, Michael's crowd. Tom, with his hair that fell into his eyes when he laughed, his tall, broad-shouldered frame that had always been Chris’s secret weakness, and those hazel eyes, in which Chris had always seen kindness, despite the dubious company he kept.

Chris's stomach clenched with a mix of irritation at himself for being such a cliché, and something else, something he had no desire to name.

“Chris?” Linda’s voice broke through his thoughts, bringing him back to the present.

“Sorry, what was that?” he asked, forcing himself to focus.

“I was just asking if you’re alright. You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she said with a chuckle.

Chris managed a tight smile. “No, I’m fine. Just…thought I recognized someone.”

As if on cue, Michael spotted him. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, Chris saw a flicker of recognition in his expression. A sneer spread across Michael's face, and Chris braced himself for a snide comment or worse. But Michael simply glared, his expression hardening before he turned his attention back to his friends, dismissing Chris as if he were nothing more than a bothersome fly. Much as he longed to go and throw his drink in the guy's face, Chris contented himself with a look that he hoped conveyed both boredom and contempt then let his gaze wander back to Tom, who to his astonishment met his eyes and gave him a tentative wave and a smile before his lip quivered a little and he twisted away, his head snapping forward with what Chris presumed was a sneeze. Michael said something that was clearly intended to mock and the rest of them guffawed loudly. Tom smiled faintly but Chris thought he could detect a flush to his skin. He looked almost exactly the same as he had done at university but - something was different. Maybe it was the way he carried himself now. He seemed sure of himself ... more burdened, worn down.

Chris gave himself a little mental shake. Get it together, he told himself. OK, the guy had proven that he was a tiny bit politer than his Neanderthal friends, but that didn't mean Chris should be gazing at him across a bar as if he'd known him intimately for years. They were only ever casual acquaintances, thrown together occasionally in the early days of Michael and Charlie's relationship, before Michael had shown his true colours quite so clearly. They'd spoken at some parties, had a few drinks, that was it.

With a mixture of anticlimax and relief, Chris watched the group head away to the back room part of the bar. He forced himself to refocus on the conversation at his own table, downing his drink and becoming louder and more flamboyant, as he always did when he felt uncomfortable.

Another half hour passed before he finally felt able to leave.
"Darlings, the time has come for us to part," he announced, spreading his arms wide and waving off protestations. "I shall see you all in a couple of weeks." He gave Linda a hug. "You behave yourself now, I know what you're like," he said with a wink, before scampering out the door.

He came to an abrupt halt as to his surprise he was suddenly face to face with Tom, bent over in the throes of a sneezing fit.

"Hschuh! Tschuh! Hh...hschuh!"

Tom straightened up to see Chris standing there and gave a slight start of surprise.

“Hey Chris, it’s uh... been a while,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yeah, it has,” Chris replied, noting the slight rasp in Tom’s voice. “Um, bless you, by the way. You alright?"

Tom coughed a little and gave a smile that looked more like a grimace. "Thanks. Getting a cold I think."

You think? thought Chris. Up close, Tom looked exhausted, his eyes slightly red-rimmed, and he was sniffling.

They stood there in awkward silence for a moment, the sounds of the city fading into the background. Chris could see that Tom was struggling with something, his posture tense, and his eyes darting around as if searching for an escape route. Suddenly Chris felt utterly fed up. If the guy was that uncomfortable, he wasn't going to stick around to watch.

"Well... have a good night," he said with forced mildness, before starting to walk away.

It was another sneeze from Tom that changed his mind.

He had never actually heard what Michael's threats to Charlie were specifically, but she'd told him enough and he had surmised enough to put it together. He'd never humiliate Charlie by letting her know, but he'd been her friend since they were 13 and he was a keen observer of human behaviour. He knew.

He could only imagine how Michael would have taunted her tonight in view of Tom's display.
Michael was charming on the outside but a master of manipulation and cruelty behind closed doors. Charlie had been through hell with him, and Chris had done everything he could to help her get away from his toxic influence. The sight of Tom now brought back all those memories, and with them, a surge of anger.

As he saw Chris turn back to face him again, Tom seemed to brace himself for an expected onslaught. Chris looked at him with frustration. The man seemed to have a perpetual air of discomfort about him, like he was constantly battling with something unseen. Chris almost felt a vague twinge of something like pity, but pushed it aside. He had things to say, and he wasn’t about to hold back.

"You know, Charlie’s doing better now," he said, his voice hardening. "But she went through hell because of him. And you—his so-called friend—stood by and did nothing."

Tom’s face paled, his hands tightening into fists. "Chris, I—"

"No," Chris interrupted, his voice rising slightly. "You don’t get to brush this off. You were there, Tom. You lived with him for god's sake. You saw what he did to her. You watched her suffer, and you still chose to be his friend. Do you have any idea what that’s like? To see someone you love become a shell of who they were and know that the people who could’ve helped chose not to?"

Tom’s eyes finally met Chris’s, and what Chris saw in them stopped him short. There was no anger there, no defensiveness—just a deep, hollow pain.

"You think I don’t hate myself for that?" Tom’s voice was low, almost a whisper. "You think I don’t replay things I heard him say to her over and over in my head, wishing I’d had the guts to say something, do something? But Michael... Michael's been my best friend my whole life. He protected me when we were kids and I was getting beaten up every day. He was like my brother. And over time, I saw him change, I saw his controlling side. But, I dunno it was like Stockholm Syndrome or something. I believed in him. I thought he was a good person but now I know he's not. But I don't know who I am without him." He suddenly brushed something that looked a lot like a tear from his eye.

"I was scared, Chris," he said flatly. "Scared of Michael, scared of what he’d say about me if I crossed him. He knows everything about me and... and I—" Tom broke off, his breath hitching as he fought back another sneeze. "Hh... hh... hschuh! Well I’m not like you, okay? I’m not... brave."

The rawness in Tom’s voice made Chris’s chest tighten. He had expected a confrontation, a battle of words, but instead, he was faced with a man who was clearly broken by his own inaction. It was disarming, and Chris found himself softening more than he’d anticipated. Tom was laying bare his own self-loathing, his own failures. It was a level of honesty Chris hadn’t expected.

"Tom," Chris said softly, "you didn’t have to... be like me. You just had to be a friend to Charlie when she needed one."

Tom stared at the ground. "I know. And I’m sorry, Chris. I’m so sorry I wasn’t."

There was a long pause as Chris considered him. Then, to his own surprise, he sighed and leaned back against the wall next to Tom. "Look, it’s not me you need to apologize to. But… I get it. Being scared isn’t an excuse, but it’s real. And it messes with you."

Tom looked up at that, his expression shifting from one of guilt to something more uncertain as he looked at the other man. "How do you do it, Chris?" he asked softly.

"Do what?"

"How do you just… be yourself? No matter what? I mean... you walk into a room and own it. You don’t give a damn what anyone thinks. I’ve never been like that. I’ve always been the guy who stays quiet, who goes along with whatever to avoid conflict."

Trying hard to conceal his surprise and delight at this glowing character reference, Chris gave a small, humorless laugh. "Sweetheart, you think it’s easy? Being myself has cost me a lot. I’ve lost friends, family, opportunities. But it’s also the only way I can live with myself. No matter how hard it is."

Tom nodded, looking down at the ground again. Chris’s heart suddenly felt sore as he saw the pain in his eyes. It was clear that this wasn’t just about Michael and Charlie — Tom was wrestling with something much deeper. “What are you so afraid of, Tom?” he asked more gently.

Tom hesitated, as if he were on the verge of revealing a secret he had kept buried for a long time. “I guess I’m afraid of being judged, of being rejected,” he confessed, his voice trembling. "I’ve spent my whole life hiding, pretending to be someone I’m not and I'm sick of it. But I worry about what people will think.”

Chris pondered this. He understood that fear only too well. At last he said, "Well is this the real you speaking to me now? Because he seems alright to me." And he gave Tom a playful nudge. Tom gave an uncertain but happier grin in response.

There was a long pause as they stood there, the tension between them shifting into something else—something softer, more vulnerable. Tom’s breath suddenly hitched as he fought back another sneeze, and Chris couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “Bless you.”

Hah... hschuh! Hsschuh! Thanks,” Tom murmured, his cheeks flushing slightly. He wiped his nose with a tissue he’d pulled from his pocket, looking embarrassed but somehow lighter, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"You should go home and take care of that cold."

"Tschuh! Ugh... yeah, you might be right." Tom sighed.

"Sweetheart, I'm always right," joked Chris.

Tom laughed. He left his spot against the wall and turned to face Chris, a new light sparking in his eyes. "Well, thank you. I wish I'd heard your sage wisdom years ago," he said with a smile.

For a moment, they just looked at each other, each sensing the growth of a strange, unexpected connection. Then Tom leaned forward, his face inches from Chris’s. Before Chris could react, Tom closed the gap between them and kissed him—softly, tentatively, as if he wasn’t quite sure if this was okay but needed to do it anyway. Chris froze, taken aback by the suddenness of it, but he didn’t pull away. Then he found himself kissing Tom back, latent desire from years ago urgently making itself felt.

It ended as suddenly as it began when Tom drew back, his face was flushed, his eyes wide with consternation. "I—" he started, but then he shook his head abruptly. "I’m sorry, Chris. I shouldn’t have…"

Chris reached out, grabbing Tom’s wrist before he could leave. "Tom, wait—"

But Tom shook his head again, gently pulling free from Chris’s grasp. "I'm sorry," he said again, his voice a shaky whisper. His eyes fluttered closed and he turned to the side with one more "tschuh!" And then he was gone, just like that.

Chris watched him go, still somewhat breathless. He stood there for a moment, stunned, before letting out a long sigh. The encounter had been nothing like he’d expected, and now he was left with more questions than answers.

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