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You've Gotta Consider How the Germs Feel!


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(I know I have some people waiting to hear the next part of "One Extremely Contagious Day", which you can read here, but I had an idea I really wanted to get out! I promise the next one I make'll be the con-tissue-ation of that, but for now I hope you enjoy! Once again, every character is 18+ and always will be for my stories.)




You've Gotta Consider How the Germs Feel!
By dudeguy

In a big city, germs travel quite quickly. There's so many out there and millions upon millions spread them every day. There's one particular germ who loves going from person to person more than most, however, and has had an amazing track record. She's here to tell her story!

Hi, viewing audience! I'm a cold germ, but you can just call me Calie! I've been in the business of spreading myself from person-to-person since the very beginning of my life outside the body, so I'll recount that now:

It all started a month ago inside the nose of a woman named Emma. She'd been running late for a hang-out with her friend Lily and she really needed to make it out the door. I'd been living inside her mucus for a good few days now and I was getting quite comfortable, but some dust particles came in and had other plans! They triggered her nose hairs and she started to feel a tickle, which resulted in her starting those cute pre-sneeze gasps we love! All the germs rejoiced! We knew we were about to take a trip out of her nose and find a new human, but where were we gonna end up? Well, I had a few theories.

I'd heard horror stories from other germs of all the people that sneezed into tissues and elbows and left us to die in them, it was truly sick (Pun intended lol). As germs, we just wanted to spread and multiply in peace, so the more humans could help us along the more we'd be grateful. There were a few ways that we really approved of, however, such as out into the air! We could meet so many more friends that way and we'd get to keep living! Our favorite, the one that really let us infect, was DEFINITELY the hands of our germy friend. Just as we'd heard the stories about tissue sneezers and how they were hated among us, we always embraced the contact potential of a hand-sneezer! Each hand felt a little bit different but they were all equally perfect at letting us couch surf until we could find a new warm human to infect!

After a few buildup gasps, Emma let out a big wet “Hehh-aATSCHIEW!!” I was shot right out of her nose and met a bunch of other germs on the way! There were millions of friends, some I'd never met that were in the mouth, but we all had the goal of being contagious little cold germs. The one question left was how Emma covered, since I personally didn't know and we never did until we could see where we'd land. Thankfully, since Emma had been in such a rush and was so careless, she forgot to bring tissues! We also learned she'd also never learned about sneezing into your elbow, and we really appreciated that. She'd been taught to use her hand by all the authority figures in her life and got in the habit of using both hands just to cover better.

Just before the “Hehh-aATSCHIEW!!”, she'd cupped both her hands over her nose and mouth, and caught us right in her palms and fingers. They felt so soft and nice, they were perfect for us! She was even wearing rings and we LOVED hiding on those, she'd take them off when hand washing just so we could reinfect her cute little fingers without her even knowing!
In the aftermath of her helping us in our quest, she didn't even look down to greet us! She just left us on her palms and fingers and, thankfully, didn't smudge us off on her dress. We need to all be together, her hands are the perfect place to localize and she doesn't even know it!

Once the sneeze was done and she’d been too busy to do anything about us, she finally hopped in her car and started driving on over to Lily’s house. We loved getting a ride on the steering wheel, the constant rotation was so fun! That ended pretty quickly though, as she got out of the car and put her germy mitts all over the doorknob so we can hitch a ride and infect Lily later! Such a thoughtful woman :)

She gets inside and greets her with our favorite move yet, a high-five! Way to go Emma, great palm-to-palm contact! Thousands of us, including myself, made the jump over that way, and we’ll be infecting Emma in no time. Both of them sit inside and Emma starts having a drink. Having been thirsty previously, Lily asks for a sip from her bottle and we get even more contact!! It's like she willingly trying to get infected, some people just don't care at all.


Hours go by and Emma's gotta go, it's so sad to see such a helpful spreader have to leave! No matter though, we've got our new friend Lily now and she'll be sure to give us many more new homes as the next day or two goes by. Surely enough, as just as Emma leaves, Lily scratches and rubs her nose! It's like she can almost predict some sniffles are about to come and she's trying to let us in the door. All of Emma's friends are so thoughtful, I can't believe it.


Lily wakes up 2 days later and is starting to feel miserable, achy throat and runny sniffles galore! I love how easy it was to infect her, humans never figure out how we get around so easily but they let it happen. Even though she's miserable, she still needs to go to the ATM and get some money! Gee, I wonder how money and germs might mix....


She puts on a few clothes and goes out to the nearest ATM, just a mile or two away and is consistently rubbing her nose as we get to take another journey on the wheel! It's fun but it stops pretty soon as she slams the car door shut and goes over to the ATM. Just as she puts in her card and is about to touch the number pad that lots and lots of people touch with their fingers, Lily has a snotty, messy sneeze coming on! Oh boy, how's she gonna cover this?....


Given that her friend that was just at her house covered the way she did and Lily wasn't too careful around someone harboring then-secret cold germs, I think I know where I'm gonna end up...


She'd sprayed us all over her palms and fingers twice! It feels so amazing to be on her hands too, and not too be outdone by someone who just ignores without washing like Emma, she rubs her pretty hands together to "dry" them! Even though her fingers are still so wet and infectious she just doesn't care with her massively snotty cold. There's no way any human could be this careless!

She brings her hand over to the number pad and starts touching all the buttons, leaving millions of us on them as she has to graze her germy little fingers by each one. She leaves by rubbing her nose with her finger and having more of us as germ-spreading ammo! What a time to be a cold germ!



(I might not continue this quite yet given that I wanna finish my other story, but I really liked taking this from a different perspective and saw it as an interesting idea! I might go for something like this more often, having more of a passive role in the infection as the cold germ herself.)

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Very nice story. Hope it continues

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I have an oc who’s this same concept!!! Except he’s a man!!

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9 hours ago, Sneeezymedic said:

I have an oc who’s this same concept!!! Except he’s a man!!

I was wondering why there hadn't been that many other stories like this! Nice see I'm not alone in wanting this concept lol

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The germ perspective is definitely an interesting one. Calie's feelings and inner rankings on each of "vessels" and their methods of sneezing is definitely amusing.

On 7/15/2024 at 11:41 AM, dudeguy said:

There's no way any human could be this careless!

And I find this statement to be hilariously mean spirited haha.

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