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Sims2 Any modders here??


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I have been diving into Sims2 and decided to make some snzfucker mods for the game, buuuuut I am not a programmer (just amateur) and totally need some help lol. Any snzfucker programmers or Sims 2 modders interested in helping me? (Pleaaaase! I really don't want to go on the forums and ask the awkward question on how to make my characters WANT to get sick vs fearing sickness lol)

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Perhaps you could be a bit more specific about what you're looking for?

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When I was playing there were some animation boxes I had used for seasons and base game i think that had the sneezes in them...also sims 2 plantsims were thebest you can actually make other sims sneeze by blowing pollen at them XD

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@webmeistro Sure! So I am trying to do a few mods to the game: 

- I created a makeup skin that would give a character a pink nose and fever blush on their cheeks. I am able to turn that on with any of the mirror - Change Appearance Behavior functions but what I'd like to do is trigger the change automatically when a Sim gets a cold or the flu. 
- I want to be able to create a 'fever' by creating a behavior function that will raise the Sim's temperature but make them shiver as if they are cold. 
- I would also like to increase their chances of getting sick outside of using the mod menus: like if they are outside in the rain or snow for more than an hour and are underdressed, they catch a cold. 

- I would like to add modifications to the cold and flu illness controllers, such as giving a Sim a mild fever or increasing the chances of sneezing vs coughing. 
- adding a particle effect to mimic spray when a character sneezes

- modding Sim reactions to react with disgust on their faces when sneezed or coughed on

- creating a snzfcker mod that will flip the wants and fears around illness (like a character wants to get sick or wants to get others sick). I was able to kind of change this using the wants and fears menu in SimModder, but then the game would crash and I'd have to reset it with a backup. 

There are a few other ideas, but that's the start of it. I have done a few tutorials and played with the Sim coding, but am getting stuck with the hexadecimal language and figuring out which behavior functions to modify and how. If there's someone with more experience who can help me… well, I would appreciate it!

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On 7/11/2024 at 1:56 PM, MikiSan said:

When I was playing there were some animation boxes I had used for seasons and base game i think that had the sneezes in them...also sims 2 plantsims were thebest you can actually make other sims sneeze by blowing pollen at them XD

Yup, you can definitely do that lol! I am trying to create modifications to apply to the game so that you don't have to use the menus to do all of these things — the Sims do them on their own lol. 

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On 7/14/2024 at 12:33 AM, Gallatea said:

Yup, you can definitely do that lol! I am trying to create modifications to apply to the game so that you don't have to use the menus to do all of these things — the Sims do them on their own lol. 

I remember in ts2 if you get the insimenator you can make them get sick (it looks like the giant bio lap machine) i used to play with it a lot giving them a cold...(even though if they end up dying sometimes)

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13 hours ago, MikiSan said:

I remember in ts2 if you get the insimenator you can make them get sick (it looks like the giant bio lap machine) i used to play with it a lot giving them a cold...(even though if they end up dying sometimes)

Haha yup, the insimenator is no longer supported, so that's tough to keep using. But again, trying to make mods that you can add before you start the game and will function on their own, so we don't need to request them to make a character sick.

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On 7/18/2024 at 3:05 AM, Gallatea said:

Haha yup, the insimenator is no longer supported, so that's tough to keep using. But again, trying to make mods that you can add before you start the game and will function on their own, so we don't need to request them to make a character sick.

I guess but the sims 2 isnt updating anymore...all the updates are going towards the sims 4...so if you can find a version it'll still work

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Yes, but the point is that I want to automate some of these actions so that I don't have to trigger them every time. :) There's no mod that currently does what I want it to, hence the request for help because I'm having trouble with the coding.

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On 7/21/2024 at 11:02 PM, Gallatea said:

Yes, but the point is that I want to automate some of these actions so that I don't have to trigger them every time. :) There's no mod that currently does what I want it to, hence the request for help because I'm having trouble with the coding.

unfortunately no...same with sims 4...you'll have to manually look for the poses/animations 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/17/2024 at 6:06 PM, MikiSan said:

I remember in ts2 if you get the insimenator you can make them get sick (it looks like the giant bio lap machine) i used to play with it a lot giving them a cold...(even though if they end up dying sometimes)

I am not a modder myself, but there is a mod to fix this now! Kestrellyn's pneumonia fix on modthesims will stop sims from dying of the common cold (instead causing the cold to evolve into pneumonia if it reaches maximum severity, as was originally intended by Maxis but bugged). Simler90's disease mod or episims' disease mod edit include the same functionality plus a number of other tweaks.

Other mods that may be fun: Nopke's cold disease fix increases the chance of sims catching a cold from being cold, and the beestew's immersive rain will cause sims left out in the rain to start sneezing (with the "GetRainedOn" optional package) and potentially catch a cold from being wet (with the "WetController")

You also don't need any mods to make a sim sick: just bring up the cheats console (using Ctrl+Shift+C), enter "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" (with no quotation marks) and hit enter. Then shift-click on any sim and choose "Spawn..." followed by "MakeMeSickTester", which will spawn in a yellow box. With the sim you want to make sick selected, click on this box & you'll see a whole bunch of options to give them an illness of your choosing.

For others like me still clinging on to this very old game: enjoy; and @Gallatea, please let us know if you do get your mod attempts working! Some of your questions might be awkward to ask on the forums, but you could definitely ask a more general "how do I tune what wants and fears show up for a sim?", and "how do I make something that is usually a fear into a want, or vice-versa?" (you could use the example of romance sims fearing marriage, or knowledge sims wanting to be abducted by aliens, to be specific without tipping your hand), and use the answers to get where you want to be. There is still a very active modding community that I imagine would be happy to help.

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