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Miyo's Misfortune (My Happy Marriage)


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Part One

Miyo woke up in her bed shivering. She pulled the blankets up around her letting out a harsh dry cough. She'd been feeling a bit off for a few days now but this is the first time she'd actually felt sick. Lord Kudo had left for work a few days ago and would be returning soon. He'd been working himself to the bone as of late and she didn't want to worry him with something as trivial as an oncoming cold so she decided not to mention it when he called. She had planned to spend the day resting and preparing for Lord Kudo's return but there was a loud knock at the door “Miyo, it's Hazuki! Would you like to accompany me into town this morning?” She couldn't miss an opportunity to spend time with Ms.Hazuki. “Yes I would be honored to accompany you.” She replied “Splendid, meet me by the front door in half an hour.” Miyo scrambled to get out of bed and put on her favorite cherry blossom kimono. She fixed her hair in the mirror and put a few handkerchiefs in her pockets for good measure. She walked down to the front door and opened it to see Ms.Hazuki inside a carriage. “Miyo get in, we've got to go!” She bustled up her kimono and hurried over to the carriage. “I'm so glad you came! Shopping is so boring by yourself.”and she smiled that warm smile that made you feel like you're the most special person in the world. “The pleasure is all mine.” Miyo said. Ms.Hazuki began to chatter excitedly about the type of dress she hoped to buy today but all Miyo could do was try her best not to sneeze. “I mustn't sneeze in front of Ms.Hazuki. It wouldn't be polite.” She thought to herself. She used the back of her hand to scrub at her nose while Ms.Hazuki looked out the window, but it didn't help much. She tried holding her breath but that only made her dizzy. “Miyo are you alright?” The sudden question broke her concentration. “Yes I'm fi…hiitchu itchu hh..hiitchu” Miyo stared at Ms.Hazuki’s surprised expression as a look of embarrassment crossed her face. “Forgive me, I'm terribly sorry!” Ms.Hazuki smiled “No need to apologize, everyone sneezes from time to time.” Miyo sighed relieved. She was afraid Ms.Hazuki would suspect she was sick but it seemed like she truly didn't think much of it. After what seemed like an eternity they arrived at the dress shop. Miyo followed Ms.Hazuki around as she pulled out dresses to try on and they walked back to the dressing room. She wished she could pay attention as Ms.Hazuki waxed poetically about how important it was for a lady to be properly dressed but all she could focus on was the ache in her throat and the tickle in her nose. She managed to stifle a few sneezes while Ms.Hazuki was changing and luckily she didn't seem to notice. After much debate Ms.Hazuki decided on a blue dress with white trim and they went off to lunch. By this time Miyo was feeling well and truly horrid. Her head was pounding, she was completely stopped up, and she was freezing. As soon as they arrived at the restaurant Miyo excused herself and ran to the restroom. She blew her nose hard into her handkerchief and let out a few coughs before returning to the table. “Here's the menu sweetie. The fish is really good here.” She took the menu and settled on a small bowl of soup with some hot tea. Ms.Hazuki looked at her inquisitively. “It's the middle of summer Miyo, are you sure you want soup?” She cringed internally. Of course that order choice would make her suspicious. “I'm just in a soup kind of mood I suppose.” Ms.Hazuki shrugged and began talking to her about next week's lesson. She listened intently until “hitchuu hitchuu itchu…excuse me.” She held her now snot covered hand over her face as she desperately fumbled for her handkerchief. She blew her nose before apologizing again. “Bless you my dear!” Miyo nodded in appreciation before stifling an oncoming cough. “Miyo, are you feeling alright?” That question hit her in the gut. She was supposed to be able to handle this by herself. “Yes I feel fine! Sorry I'm not sure why that happened.” Ms.Hazuki eyed her seemingly unconvinced but she didn't press any further. She managed to make it through the rest of lunch without incident. At long last they were ready to return home. “Miyo, you go ahead and get in the carriage. I have to pop over to one more shop before we leave. I won't be long!” Miyo sat down on the comfortable carriage seat and stared out the window. 

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