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Resting in peace


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Hi all, 

I have been thinking long and hard about if I should post this, where would be best to post it or if I should say anything at all … but I feel like the online space is so weird and we all come and go and no one ever knows what happens if someone drops off randomly. 

So with that said, I wanted to let the group know of the death of @Jeff this morning peacefully at his home. 

I “met” Jeff probably around two years ago because he posted publicly about a new diagnosis of esophageal cancer. He was asking for advice and support so I messaged him to check in and do what I could. We developed a really nice friendship, both being in similar life stages with similar things going on. Jeff was so enthusiastic and energetic - the man got his masters degree while going through cancer treatment. He never did anything halfway, and if he was into something then he was ALL IN. I learned so much about his life through the course of our friendship and really it’s one of those connections that truly and honestly feels nice. He was a real guy, and laid it all out on the table. I admired his honesty, his introspection, his drive and his love for his family. And I’ll miss my friend … but I’m glad he gave me the opportunity to say goodbye to him. 

I didn’t really have anywhere to vent this except to my (irl) best friend and some other closer friends in the community so it just feels like it helps me to share. So thanks for reading (if you made it this far haha) and letting me have space to process. May we all touch people in our lives the way he had the ability to. 💕

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My condolences. You seem like you were a very good friend to him and I am sure he was a good friend also.

I think it was important that this was shared, because he was a member of this community for nearly 20 years.

Reading just a some of his writings this evening, I could tell the enthusiasm, excitment and intelligence of Jeff. He also seemed to have quite a sense of humor also!

I have read a few of his posts before, but I read some tonight and he seemed like a very exciting and very positive person.



Edited by colorado198219
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I'm so sorry for your loss. He sounds like an extraordinary person and a wonderful friend. May he rest in peace and pride in a life well-lived, and may his memory be a blessing to all who knew him. 🤍

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I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't know him personally but I saw him posting about his project to document his experience a while back and I was struck by his determination and vivacity in the face of a truly awful situation. It sounds like he was a good person and a good friend and I'm sorry you are going through this.

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My condolences. And thank you for updating the community. I remember when he got his diagnosis and he seemed to approach it with such positive determination.

I'm so glad you got to say goodbye and that he had a peaceful end.

It sounds like he was an inspirational person and I'm sad he wasn't with us longer!


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Everything everyone else said, especially @colorado198219.

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  • 1 month later...

I've seen some of his posts. My condolences to those who knew him and his family.

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@Arvani My condolences to you, and to everyone who knew him.
I have to admit I can't remember having read any of his posts, but he seems to have been a truly special personality, and I realize he has been dear to many of you here, so he will be remembered with lots of love. ❤️

May his soul rest in peace.

Edited by kiku
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  • 2 weeks later...

It might be a small comfort for those left behind, but at least now he's truly resting an all his suffering is over. My condolences to you and to all who knew him.

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Condolences to you. My heart is heavy for you.

I can’t even imagine losing a friend like Jeff, an online friend from a forum like this (totally 100% a real solid friendship) and how it’s hard to explain that and the impact of his loss to the people around you. 

It sounds like he was a great person who inadvertently taught you a lot about life throughout the course of your friendship. I empathize with you and feel your grief of an unorthodox relationship (unorthodox in the sense that y’all weren’t physically proximity friends!). 

I hope you are caring for yourself during this time and allowing yourself the space to grieve this tragic loss. 

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