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Sharing the Germs


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Larissa tied her long dark brown hair back in a ponytail, sniffled, and then pulling her green sweater sleeve over her hand used it to wipe her nose. 

"God I feel like crap today", she said to Jane, her roommate, as they shared a car ride into the city centre where they both worked. 

"Yeah it fully sounds like you're getting sick", Jane said, itching her own nose with the back of her hand as she pushed her sunglasses back up her face. "I guess it's that time of year". 

SNRRFF, sniffled Larrisa again. "I wish that time of year never came. I hate getting sick, it's so gross, and I feel so miserable". 

"Yeah I guess it's no fun for anyone really", Jane replied, nonchalantly. 

"HEHSHOOO!!!" sneezed Larissa loudly into her sweater covered elbow. She was certainly not someone with polite girly sneezes. SNNRRRFFF. 

"HEHSHOOO!!!" she sneezed again. This time into her sweater covered palm. SNRRFFF. She sniffled wetly, wiping her nose roughly with her sweater sleeve again. 

"Bless you", said Jane. "There's some tissues in the back seat I think if you need to blow your nose". 

"Ew no, I'm fide", Larissa said, with a bit of obvious congestion. "I don't wadda gross you out". 

"Seriously", said Jane. "I honestly couldn't care less. I grew up with five brothers, I've seen all the gross there is to see". 

"It's okay anyway", Larissa said, sniffling wetly again at her runny nose. She pinched it between her fingers and sniffed hard, wiping the end of her nose on her palm in the process. 

"I bet I caught this thing from that stupid Rachel who I work with", carried on Larissa. "She was all sneezes and sniffles and coughs before the weekend". 

She pulled out some gum from her pocket and popped a piece in her mouth. "Gum?" She offered Jane. 


Jane took the piece of gum. 

"Yeah it's hard to avoid catching those colds when you work with someone whose sick", Jane replied. 

Larissa nodded in reply. She was trying to fight another sneeze. 

"A load of people in my office are off sick this week as well", continued Jane. 

Larissa's phone began to buzz, distracting her from her fight with the looming sneeze. She fished one hand into her handbag to grab it. 

Then suddenly, "HYUHH-UHHSHOO!!!" she sneezed violently, uncovered, away from her roommate but still spraying the car with cold germs. SNRRRRFFFF. 

"Ugh gross, I'mb sorry", she said as she wiped her nose with her sleeve again. "Maybe I should call in sick tomorrow". 

"Yeah you sound like you need to be in bed", Jane said sympathetically. "Anyway here's your stop". She pulled over right near Larissa's work. "Take care of that cold today". 

Larissa climbed out of the car, sniffling wetly as she did so. Today was going to be a pain, her stupid nose just wouldn't stop. She fished a crumpled mens handkerchief with a striped border out of her handbag and now that she was out of sight of anyone she knew, blew her nose wetly. 


Back in the car, Jane pulled up three blocks away at her own workplace. Pulling her cardigan sleeve over her fingers she pinched her nose, "Hit-chk! Hit-chk!" She stifled twice. 

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Very intriguing. Eagerly awaiting an update. :)

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Oh man, I can tell this is going to be a good one 😈❤️

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Please continue with this wonderful story 

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Larissa entered the store she worked in, sniffling wetly as her nose ran from the cold breeze outside. She had just blown her nose and the stupid thing was dripping again already. 

"HEH-SHOOO!!" Larissa sneezed suddenly into her elbow, wiping her nose on the green fabric of her sweater sleeve. 

"Ew gross, are you sick?" 

She was working with Kelly and Natalie, her two least favourite coworkers. Both very unpleasant in their own way. Kelly was mid-40s and looked down on most people younger than herself. Natalie was only 18 and acted like she knew better than everyone else on the planet. 

That last line had come from Natalie's mouth. 

"There's always one of you bringing something nasty into this shop with all your partying and not taking care of yourselves", added Kelly. "And I have to listen to your disgusting sniffles and coughs all day long". 

"You should literally be in bed. Why would you even come in like this?" Natalie continued. "You're going to give us all the plague". 

"Life doesn't end when you catch a cold Ndatalie", Larissa snapped through a congested sniffle. She covered her hand in her sleeve and wiped her nose again. "Sombe of us have bills to pay". 

"HEHH-SHOOO!!" she sneezed again. "Snrrfff. I'll be back". 

Larissa disappeared to the staff room to put her bag away. Once inside she shut the door, pulling out her damp handkerchief. She really had to blow her nose. And she already needed to sneeze again. She could feel it. 

Her coworkers words played around in her head. "I wish I did give themb both the plague". She lamented. The sneeze was building inside her, her nose dropped visibly onto her face, she hadn't blown it yet and this was going to be a productive sneeze. Larissa folded over her handkerchief to double layer the fabric and readied it for her sneeze. 


Then at the last second, she realised. "I can give them the plague. Well this cold anyway". 

She balled up her handkerchief down by her side, suppressing every natural instinct to cover her sneezes. Her elbow, hand, arm, hanky, even stifling were all better than an open sneeze normally. 

"HEHH-SHOOO!!!" she sneezed, spraying the bags and coats of her coworkers in the small confines of the staff bag room. 

"Ewwww, that was so gross", she moaned to herself as she desperately buried her dripping face in the damp cotton and blew her nose wetly. 

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Love the contagion!! I think Natalie should get it next :>

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I absolutely love all of the contagion I would love it if Jane caught the head cold next

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Oooh wow..... this is great. Please continue

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In her office, Jane shut her eyes for a moment and pinched the bridge of her nose between her finger and thumb. The aspirin she'd taken an hour ago had done nothing to help her growing headache. It was already midday and she'd gotten so little work done. 

She shivered a little, the air conditioning inside the office was always set too cold. That was probably why her nose kept running. Jane sniffed, and dabbed her nose with her sleeve covered hand. She could feel the drips on the end of her nostrils. 

She probably needed to blow her nose, but she never remembered to bring any tissues to the office. She needed to sneeze anyway. 

'Hit-Chk! Hit-Chngk!" She stifled, spraying a bit of her runny nose between her fingers. She sniffled again. 

"You sound like your coming down with something", her colleague Todd said from not far away. He was always staying the obvious like that. 

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