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funny incident involving my younger adopted sister lol


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I thought this was pretty funny so I thought I'd share I was talking with Suzan the youngest of my two adopted sisters a little bit ago. she was coming home from work and stopped at the store to get some bread, milk and a couple other things, Suzan is a left leg above the knee amputee. as she pulled into the handicapped parking space and shut down the engine this old bitty in her 70's? gets out of her car and starts storming over towards Suzan apparently to yell at her for parking in a handicapped zone (which she is legally allowed to do as an amputee btw) Suzan opens her car door, she doesn't like to drive with her prosthesis on, she turns sets it on the ground and the old bat without saying a word turns right back around and walks back to her car and gets in. Suzan was laughing about it and I can see the humor too. it's true from the bottom of the window Suzan looks like a typical healthy young woman until she opens the car door as she pointed out but I just to me it was so funny I couldn't help but laugh I hope some of you will get a laugh out of it to and maybe it'll brighten your day.

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  • 1 month later...

 UPDATE: ok Suzan is definitely a complete smartass! she has begun so sometimes take off her prosthesis and then wav her residual limb at people who stare at her. she's different because of being an amputee so people stare a bit. they don't mean it in a bad way but they do and she's used to it when she goes out. but like she'll be at a restaurant and someone will stare at her so she'll wav her residual at am smirking at their discomfort. I love Suzan to death as if she was my own flesh and blood. but have asked her not to do that when I'm around her. I don't think it's that funny and find it embarassing if she's alone and does it well so be it. to be fair like a lot of people I have a hard time talking with her about it she's no problem with talking bout it. she gets mad at people a lot for their attitudes like parents specifically, because parents will like try to stop their kids from asking questions and they try to keep their kids from even looking at her, she says she would rather they talk to her about it like not specifically about what happened to her but like how does the prosthesis attach or stuff like that, like general questions and she has gone over to little kids in front of their parents and talked to them about it.

because she feels the parents are creating a situation where it's singling people like her out because of their being different. the following are direct quotes from Suzan they are not me saying them. these are things SHE says when we talk "the little kids aren't the problem but, the parents are the worst!" "if a little kid's staring or is like "hey mom what is that?"  I don't have a problem with that or if they come up and are like " hey can you explain that to my child"  referring to my leg I'm cool with it,"" but like when the parents start being like "don't look at her, don't look that way" "the other day some bitch was threatening to spank her kid for staring at me, so I got down on the child's level and was like "it's ok your looking at me but lets talk about this and I'm staring up at the mom like "your a bitch for acting like that, you make it difficult because you create an aura of we're weird or scary to them because we're different!", "your create a like fear of people like us because like we're different." "I can't speak for all amputee's but I would rather you talk with me about it or ask me about like how does it attach or stuff like that rather then like shunning us or acting like being disabled in public is a bad thing."

generally though Suzan has a real sense of humor about it though. she's in fact over all a smart ass and often laughs and makes jokes. and is overall light hearted. she rides horses, rock climbs, snowboards and wants to go surfing (has a special foot for her prosthesis for it) is training for the Boston marathon, rides bicycles, drives a car. she's a licensed firearm instructor which actually is her job and loves it. she and her older sister Kelly are learning about their Maori ancestry. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Suzan has begun to do the Haka in this video every morning when she gets up, for those who wonder I have not had any objections to it because the translation and how to do it is shown clearly and in a way anyone could do it (it should still only be done by people who are actually of Maori ancestry, like my adopted sisters Kelly and Suzan) I think it's awesome she's doing it and feels empowered by it and I have no issues with my adopted sisters doing it. I don't think it's right for non-Maori people to do it and am not giving the video link with the intention non-Maori people do it but rather to show the one she's doing. 


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