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Breakroom Blues (Criminal Minds - Jemily)


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Just a short Jemily fic with sick Emily, I hope you enjoy! Sorry about the formatting, I cannot figure out how to fix it 


JJ walked into the break room, walking quickly to get more coffee. It seemed that the paperwork would never end, they would never be home. They were all exhausted and more than a bit frustrated. She was surprised to see Emily lying at one of the tables, her eyes closed, breathing through slightly parted extremely chapped lips. 

The brunette's nose was tinged red and she was sniffling in her sleep, trying to get an uncongested breath. It had been clear that Emily had been getting sick since the middle of the plane ride home when the infrequent clearing of her throat turned into wet, raspy coughs. She’d denied it and ignored it and Hotch had let it happen. They had too much paperwork, if she said she could work, he’d let her. 

JJ felt her heart swell with sympathy at the sight of the miserably sick woman and she began to wish that she had pushed to send her home. She pulled up a chair beside Emily, forgetting her quest for coffee. She took a moment to study the brunette's face, wondering how she could look so uncomfortable in her sleep. Poor thing. 

Em, wake up honey,” JJ said softly, rubbing the woman's upper arm to wake her. The brunette’s eyes fluttered and she blinked at her fellow agent, her face a mask of confusion. Her nose was running now, but she seemed not to notice it. The poor things red-rimmed eyes were glassy and lacked their normal fire. 

JJ? What? Where ab I?” The sick woman mumbled, her voice thick with congestion and slurred with sleep. JJ offered her a gentle smile, doing everything she could to keep herself from whisking Emily away back to her home for medical care and cuddles. The two had been keeping everything on the down-low until Emily was ready, but it was hard seeing the woman she loved so sick

We’re at the BAU. How are you feeling?” The blonde pressed, wondering if she could get a real answer out of her feverish girlfriend. 

We’re at work?” She asked, frowning deeply. She lifted her head and glanced at her surroundings, her frown deepening as she struggled to process the visual information. JJ could imagine that everything was probably pretty blurry and being suddenly woken up couldn't have helped.

Mhm, we're at work,” She replied, bringing her palm up Emily’s forehead. “Aw Em, that’s a pretty bad fever. Let's get you home, okay?” The brunette gave her a dazed look but her face went slack and JJ watched in concern at the woman's odd expression. 

Ehhh… Hehh'kSHEW!! Hehh…hehh'kshHEWW!!”

The sneezes were powerful and wet, making her look even more pathetic. She made a quiet, unhappy sound and sniffled, which did absolutely nothing for the snot. 

Emily lifted a hand to her nose and wiped the snot on her fist in a completely unhygienic manner. JJ sighed softly at the behavior, mildly annoyed by her girlfriend's lack of caring for the spread of her germs. That could be dealt with later when Emily was less out of it. 

The blonde produced a few tissues from her pocket and cleaned up Emily's hand before doing the same with her red, runny nose. The worst part was that the senior profiler didn’t even protest. Her normally strong, confident demeanor was gone, she was a shell of herself. A feverish, drippy shell who was too tired to care about being ‘babied’ as she would put it. 

Alright, you stay put and I’m going to let Hotch know that I’m taking you home.” She said, tucking a strand of hair behind Emily’s ear. The brunette put her head back down on the table, a nod to just how bad she really felt. JJ leaned over and kissed the woman’s temple, her lips meeting hot, dry skin. 

She stood, silently hoping that Emily wouldn’t go anywhere, and left the room quickly to find her boss. 

Hotch was where she expected him to be, in his office, pouring over a pile of paperwork. He was muttering to himself, like he often did when he was focused and his brows were furrowed in annoyance. He was probably struggling to read Reid’s mess of handwriting.

Hotch?” She asked tentatively, unsure of his reaction. He grunted in response, not bothering to look up. “You probably noticed Emily was getting sick, but she’s really bad. I found her sleeping in the break room, and-” 

Take her home, don’t come back until her temperature has been normal for at least 48 hours.” He grumbled, delivering the standard answer that he would give to any of his agents. He sounded very much like a school nurse. 

Thank you, sir,” JJ said in a rush, turning to leave. She was pleased with how simple it had been to get her boss to agree, going into that room she had prepared herself for the throwdown of the century to get her ill girlfriend home but was pleasantly surprised by the automatic agreement. 

Alright Emily, let's go home.” The brunette was laying in the same spot as before, gurgling sniffles echoing off of the walls of the empty breakroom. She lifted her head and her nose crinkled up, an obvious sign that she was going to sneeze. 

"Heh‘Htschiew! Heh..Hi-Hehh'kSHEW! ugh..." Emily blew her nose but it did little to help with the wall of congestion that had settled in her sinuses. 

"Yeah. Hobe sou'ds good."

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Oh my days this is so cute!! Sweet simple caretaking, I love it!! 

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On 5/29/2024 at 7:13 AM, MIN said:

Oh my days this is so cute!! Sweet simple caretaking, I love it!! 

Thank you!! I'm so glad you liked it :D

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