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Matt’s got a cold | Sturniolo Triplets


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A/n : I hope you enjoy this fandom does not have enough work in it! 

((This is just a random one shot I wrote please don’t judge to harshly it’s been a few years since I’ve written anything!))


A single cough is what awoke the young man. Matt sad up covering his mouth as the cough continued for a few seconds until he regained his breath. He didn’t think anything of his cough grabbed a sip of water from the bottle on the night stand. 

A few hours later, Matt, Chris and Nick were in a parking lot about to film a video and right before the began filming Matt felt a tickle in his nose. Bringing his right hand under his nostrils giving it a quick scrub hoping to ease the slight uncomfortable feeling in his nasal cavity. The tickle disappeared, Matt sighed a sigh of relief as Chris hit record on the camera. Unfortunately the tickle in Matt’s nose came back with a vengeance.

“…heh… HHHEeehXngt! HHEEETTsscHUU!” Matt tried to stifle hoping they would go unoticed unfortunately they were more powerful than he had intended. 

“WHAT THE HELL MATT!?” Nick screamed from the back seat “We just started filming and you had to ruin it!” 

Matt ignored his words, he knew Nick enough to know the other man wasn’t really mad just annoyed he’d have to crop that part out of the video. The video was going well enough, they were laughing and all having a good time. Matt starred off for a minutes as his brothers rambled, he could feel that pesky tickle coming back and was trying to fend it off. Not even three minutes later he lost the fight. 

“Hehhh’XXZNT! HihhxGN! Hehhh…” Stifling wasn’t satisfying the tickle but luckily his brothers had been to busy arguing to notice his predicament. Luckily the pestering sneeze had disappeared for the time being. The boys finished their video and were ready to start the drive home. 

Halfway home Matt felt a tickle in his throat, he grabbed his water and took a few sips thinking maybe his throat was dry. However it didn’t get rid of the itch, Matt cleared his throat and gave a few small coughs. Nick looked over at his brother sceptically keeping an eye on him for a few minutes before turning back to his phone. Nick would definitely be keeping an eye on his younger brother. 

Once they arrived home it was late the three young men decided to part their separate ways. Chris and Nick went upstairs to their respected bedrooms while Matt went to his one the main floor. Once in his room the tingling in his sinuses from earlier arrived with no warning. He only had time to bring his hands up to his face. 

“heeehtchUU! HerrschOO! Haahhchhou! HEEHHSHOO!” The sneezes were wet, leaving his hands covered in a sticky spray. Matt looked in disgust as he removed his hands from his face and went to his bathroom to grab a tissue and clean up. 

As he finished drying off his hands on the towel his nostrils flared tingling and twitching. Matt grabbed a tissue from the box bringing it to his face.

“HEHHRSCHOO! HHHUHHSHOO” Matt give a thick blow into the tissue, he didn’t remember being stuffed up earlier but he just chalked it up to allergies and went back to his room ready to enter the realm of sleep suddenly feeling exhausted. 


The next morning Matt opened his eyes to sun gently peeking in through the curtains. He tried to breath through his nose but all he could accomplish was a thick sounding snort as his sinuses were full to the brim. The snort sent a tingle into his throat sending him into a harsh coughing fit. Once it had subsided Matt decided he should get up and start the day, they had promo events and a few interviews scheduled for today. As he sat up he could begin to take in how he really felt. His throat felt as though he swallowed nails all night. His face filled with concrete from the amount of mucus stuck in his nose and sinuses. A dull throbbing headache to keep him on his toes and the utter exhaustion he felt just sitting up, he wasn’t sure he’d make it through the day. A knock on his door pulls him out of thought.

“Matt we’re gonna be late if you don’t get up in 3…” “2…”  The door flings open and Chris is standing there dressed and ready his instantly stops when his eyes land on Matt. “1… Jeez bro you look awful you okay?” Matt could hear the wave of concern in Chris voice.

“I’mb fibned” Matt rasped out, he could tell Chris wasn’t convinced and he’ll he wasn’t either he could barely talk due to his throat and the congestion in his nose made it hard to understand what he was saying at all 

“HERHHXNG! HUHHHZNT! AARCCHNG!” Stifling the three sneezed made Matt’s head pound but he couldn’t trust letting them go, not with no tissues and Chris standing infront of him. 

“NIIIIICK! We have a problem!” Chris yelled through the house not helping Matt’s current situation. Heidi slowly pinches the bridge of his nose trying to give himself any sort of relief. 

“What’s the issue we’re gonna be la-“ Nick cuts himself off as he saunters into the room jacket in hand. “Yeah we’re not going anywhere let me make a few phone calls” Nick turned and left the room. 

“When did this start Matty?” Chris slowly sits on the side of bed bringing Matt close gently running his fingers through Matt’s hair. Half checking fever half comforting his brother. The whole family knew Matt’s immune system wasn’t quite as strong as his brothers and all ailments tend to hit him a little harder. Chris silently sighed feeling slight heat coming from his older brother. Chris knew a mild fever was something to be happy with as it could be a lot worse. Matt had his face tucked in the crook of Chris neck soaking up his heat. Matt pulls back quickly pinching his nose shut to stifle a quick sneeze, Chris could tell every stifle was pain for his older brother. 

“I feltd itd cobimg ob lasd nighd” Matt slumped against Chris exhausted from just trying to talk. 

“Awe Matty, you should’ve said something…. And don’t apologize let’s just try to get you feeling better.” Chris says assisting him back down into bed, as Nick comes back arms full of supplies. 

“We got the day off and I got Matt some stuff to make him feel better.” Nick pulled out some medicine, tissues, bottle of juice and few other bits and bobs. As Chris and Nick were getting things organized Matt could the same tingle again, this time though it raged in his nostrils. 

“T-t-tiss-tiss…hehhh…” Nick looked over and saw Matt struggling and ripped a few tissues out of the fresh box trying to set them in his hand but Matt couldn’t grab it properly so Nick brought one up to his face.

“It’s okay Matty let them out” Nick knew his younger brother enough to know there was a flurry of sneezes coming, this wasn’t the first time Nick had taken care of his sick younger brother. 

“HEEEHTCHOO! HURSCHOO! HEEPSHYU! Hehhh…. HEH-HEHCOO! HHIASCHOU! HIEESHUU! Heh…. Heh…. HEEEEEAASHHUUU!” Nick could see the exhaustion on Matt’s face from the fit he could feel the dampness from the tissue he quickly threw it away before ripping another from the box and putting it around Matt’s nose.

“Blow” Nick said as Matt gave a gurgling blow not even making a dent in the congestion in his face. Nick quickly threw away that tissue as well before getting in beside Matt on the bed, Chris was already on the other side of Matt. 

“Let’s watch a movie” Chris said putting on Finding Nemo their comfort movie and spent the night doing anything Matt needed to try and feel better. 

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OMG THANK YOU!! I was hoping someone would write stuff on the triplets, there isn't a single one and I've been searching since I became a fan last year! ❤️

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