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boyfriend sneeze fantasy moments (m)


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It's been a minute since I posted any obs, I think after he found my little observation journal I got a bit nervous but I've figured out how to do locked notes on my phone and we're back in business (I mean, business never really stopped but sometimes I get a little lazy to post here if I'm honest!) ... in the last few months I've had some moments happen that I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams so I thought I'd share them with y'all.

So let's skip back to Valentine's Day, or maybe it was the day after Valentine's Day? We had put a mattress in between the sofa and the TV like you do when you're having a sleepover when you're like 8-years-old, and we were watching TV and he was spooning me from behind while holding my hand and I kind of felt him itch his face against the pillow after he tucking my hair away and out of his face. Unconsciously, I think he tried to pull the hand that was holding mine away and almost as a reflex, I gripped onto his hand tighter and not a second later he turned to the side and sneezed a loud, uncovered "ha-ASSHhhiewww!" then saying "baby why didn't you let go of my hand, I needed it to sneeze into!" and then a split second later he inhaled again and exploded with another "ha-ASSHHIOO!" then paused for a moment before saying "ugh, shit!" He'd also sneezed twice that morning, a stifle in bed and in the car so I was pretty chuffed I got 4 sneezes in one day outside of allergy season!

The following week we were at a cafe and suddenly, without even an inhale, he leaned to the side and stifled a squelchy sounding sneeze into his fist. He sniffled for a bit after that then looked around and said "I need a napkin for my nose", then after finding a few he used two to blow and wipe his nose :wub: 

Okay but, we went away for the Easter weekend and I don't know what it is about going to stay at my sister's house if it's because she lives in a foresty area or has a fluffy cat, but the last few times by the end of the trip he is always super stuffy and sniffly. On Sunday he woke up super clogged and congested and was sniffling a bunch, then at breakfast we were sitting at the table opposite each other and I watched as he fell silent all of a sudden and his nostrils flared in and out as he took a big breath in and as his eyes fluttered shut I could tell he was trying to figure out whether to reach for the paper towel before or after and he ended up turning to the side to stifle a sneeze uncovered into the air, and then ripped off a piece of paper towel to blow his nose. I wish I could've watched that on repeat over and over. Later that night we were watching TV and I had my head rested on his shoulder and just as I looked up at him, I saw his nostrils flare about one and a half inches from my face and a quick inhale before he snapped forward, half taking me along with him as he didn't even push me away or lean away from me. He then immediately began vigorously rubbing his nose so I could hear it squelch a little bit. In bed that night he said, "I'm all clogged and congested, I think it's hay fever" even though it's absolutely not the season for it in Australia. 

The next day (Monday) we were driving into the city and mid-conversation he held up his left index finger and paused before inhaling sharply and his nostrils flared open as his eyes fluttered shut and he stifled a sneeze towards his right shoulder and excused himself for the first time in ages!

Later that night, he was complaining the bedroom was hot and I offered to turn on the fan and he said "No baby, there's so much dust on the fan my hay fever will go ballistic!" And I just said "oh" and he said "You haven't seen my big hay fever attacks!" and then I asked innocently, "Do you get asthma?" and he replied with "No, but like so much sneezing and I just want to rip my nose off from all the dust and pollen!" :wub: :wub: :wub:  I literally wanted to tell him right then and there he was my soulmate and how much I loved him but I bit my tongue and felt my heart grow warm.

The following morning, was the ultimate fantasy moment. I was sitting on his hips as we were reminiscing about the trip and I was telling him how sad I was to leave when I first noticed his brow furrow slightly, then his nostrils flared evenly in and out and his eyes widened before fluttering shut as he brought his right hand over his nose and mouth to stifle a sneeze to the side. I felt like I was dreaming, I felt the whole sneeze course through his body and it was absolutely freaking incredible. He also stifled another five times throughout the day, a few times in the car and out to lunch and it was just so flipping cute.

I feel so lucky.   

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Oh my, thanks for sharing! All of these sound like a dream

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is so goooddd! Thanks for the precision! How did he respond to the notes? 

On 4/3/2024 at 5:30 AM, marip0sa said:

I could tell he was trying to figure out whether to reach for the paper towel before or after


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Bless him!

Btw, it may not seem that way, but actually seasonal hay fever is possible at almost any time of year.

I’ve installed the Pollen app created for WA and it says what the months various allergens are primarily active.

Grass (doesn’t specify which kind): Oct, Nov & Dec.

Alternaria mould: Oct, Nov, Dec & Jan.

Birch: Sep & Oct.

Cypress: July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov & Dec.

Myrtle: Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb & March.

Olive: Sep & Oct.

Plane trees: Sep & Oct.

Plantain weeds: Oct, Nov, Dec & Jan.

So 9 months out of 12. And that’s just the basics of what’s been recorded, which is very little because Australia is way behind in actually tracking allergens compared to other countries. It was only the Victorian thunderstorm asthma event of 2016 that really kicked their arses into gear. (And many of the states are still lacking in spending the money to give a damn. WA only has one pollen tracking station for the whole state!)

Anyway, ASCIA (Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy) has a record of the 25 major allergenic plants and what months they flower in each state and territory.


Some plants flower most of the year, like Australian Pine/She Oak: 11 months of the year for NSW & ACT; Canary Grass: 11 months of the year in QLD; and Plantain: 10 months of the year in SA & 7 months in VIC.


Clinicians discuss the concept of the total allergen load, where multiple factors can come together to create a reaction when they normally wouldn’t, or a more intense reaction than is typical:


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  • 2 months later...
On 4/3/2024 at 2:30 AM, marip0sa said:

and mid-conversation he held up his left index finger and paused before inhaling sharply and his nostrils flared open as his eyes fluttered shut and he stifled a sneeze towards his right shoulder and excused himself for the first time in ages!

Okay THIS is hot. Love when they have to stop and hold the finger up to let you know. And also the “excuse me” makes me melt 🫠

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/3/2024 at 11:30 AM, marip0sa said:

The following morning, was the ultimate fantasy moment. I was sitting on his hips as we were reminiscing about the trip and I was telling him how sad I was to leave when I first noticed his brow furrow slightly, then his nostrils flared evenly in and out and his eyes widened before fluttering shut as he brought his right hand over his nose and mouth to stifle a sneeze to the side. I felt like I was dreaming, I felt the whole sneeze course through his body and it was absolutely freaking incredible. He also stifled another five times throughout the day, a few times in the car and out to lunch and it was just so flipping cute.

I feel so lucky.   

Wow that really does sounds like the stuff that dreams are made of lol

I think I would have melted haha :D

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