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Unwelcome Company (Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer)


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Hey y'all!

I've been slamming out some short Hazbin fics recently and noticed there wasn't any on here yet, so figured I'd post them here as well!!

Crossposted on AO3 and Tumblr, enjoy!



“HihHH-HiihHISHU!! Fuck, that’s like the twentieth time-” Lucifer groans, scrubbing furiously at his face, nose a shade of red not dissimilar to the red of his cheeks.

“That was only the seventeenth, don't be dramatic.” A voice carries through the air, and Lucifer doesn't even have to turn to know who it is, scowling with an eye roll.

“Oh, fuck off Alastor, you’d be complaining too if you had to deal with this shit-” He punctuates the sentence with a sharp sniff, the back of his sweater clad wrist still pressed to his face. There's a static laugh from the doorway, and before Lucifer even has a chance to look back at the source, Alastor is rounding the couch and sitting in the armchair across from him.

“I can promise you I wouldn't, but if lying to yourself makes you feel better about you pitiful circumstances, then go ahead!” Alastor’s ever present grin feels especially mocking in the flickering light from the fireplace. Lucifer groans, drawing his legs up against his body and leaning against the back of the ornate couch. 

“Why are you even here? There's an en-entihh-hiihHISHHU!! Ugh, fuck- entire hotel for you to be creepy in, why do you have to bother me?” Another harsh rub at his face with the cuff of his sleeve, Lucifer could really care less about appearances right now. Clad in a thick cream colored sweater and pajama pants that may or may not have had tiny ducks printed on them, he was really going for more comfort and warmth than sophistication. Alastor, meanwhile still in his day-to-day suit, does nothing but continue to grin, watching the other man.

“Well, sire,” The sarcasm is not lost on Lucifer, even with his cold-muddled mind, and he scoffs before Alastor continues, “you're decidedly looking quite miserable right now, and if I do say so myself, there is nearly no better entertainment than that!” Alastor finishes with a flourish of his hands, and Lucifer just looks lost.

“Why the fuck is everyone down here insane?” He asks himself under his breath, and Alastor’s expression visibly drops in annoyance, but he never loses the smile, continuing on regardless.

“So! Tell me, how does a divine being such as yourself end up like this anyway?” Almost every word the Radio Demon says has a mocking tone over it, but Lucifer is way too fucking tired to get into another fast paced musical argument, so he just shrugs.

“It's Hell. ‘Sposed to suck, makes sense that evenhH-hHiHISHH!! ISHEWW!!” The King of Hell buries his face in the crook of his elbow, whole body jolting with the force of each sneeze. When Lucifer groans, likely from the pain of his over-abused nose, Alastor tsks, false sympathy on his face.

“Oh, poor thing. Now that was twenty.” His grin is unbothered by the decorative pillow thrown at him, simply stepping right to avoid it. Lucifer practically growls at him and his stupid smug face and his stupid hair and stupid clothes- besides the point. The demon takes a step forwards, head tilted like a dog eyeing a squirrel. 

“Just fuck off, Alastor. I'm not in thhhH’ISHUU!! In the mood t-tohHH-hiHISHH!! To deal withhH-ohforfuckssakEH’SHEWW!! ISHEWW!! hHI-ISHHEW!!” Lucifer ducks back into his elbow, eyes screwed shut as each outburst wracks his body. The itch finally, finally seems to have stopped, at least temporarily, and when Lucifer cautiously blinks open, moisture damp eyes, Alastor is standing in front of him, holding out a folded square of dark red fabric, pointedly not making eye contact.

An offering, he supposes.

Lucifer tentatively accepts the handkerchief, pressing it to his much abused nose, the soft cotton fabric feeling significantly better than his sleeve already. It smells like fresh air, woodsy like a forest after rain. Alastor clears his throat, before fixing his sleeves, still refusing eye contact, though his smile is ever present as always. 

“I would recommend getting some rest before you get worse.”

And with that Alastor turns towards the door making his way out, before stopping and glancing back, his usual expression back.

“After all, if you die, then it's just me to raise our dear Charlie.” 

He disappears before another pillow can connect with his head.

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OMG YES!!! I've been stalking the fanfic page just waiting for Hazbin Hotel fics 🥰🥰🥰 

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OMG Finally something of Hazbin Hotel!! More please!! One with Alastor please 🥺

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Thank you all for the kind words!!!! No new chapter yet unfortunately, but it is in the works!! I'll be posting another little fic in a moment of Vox and Val to tide y'all over in the meantime! <333

Speaking of, I am taking requests if there's anything in particular y'all would be interested in!


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