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The Boss and I


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I hope that there will be more of this story soon! Been thinking about it recently!

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I have a little update to let you know I’m still here 😄


The next time there was movement from anybody in the apartment it was Christian tossing in his sleep, coming close to falling off of the couch yet still somehow managing to stay on. The blanket that covered him had been pulled up to shoulders but now it was a little past his waist. He shivered so hard he woke himself up enough to be barely lucid.

Still he was lucid enough to realize he could barely breathe and in that little part of him that was there, he was so annoyed that he couldn't breathe that he sniffled loud and hard. It only caused him to cough a couple of times, but didn't provide any relief.

He tried to reposition himself so he was at a better angle, believing that since his head wasn't up that was causing the annoyed blockage. Even with his head tilted more forward he still couldn't breathe too well. A sudden prickle formed in his sinuses and he took a couple of gasps, instinctively pulling something, anything to cover up what he knew was coming. He ended up pulling that blanket up enough to duck forward into it. "Hh'kshiew! Hh'tshiew!" He kept hitching, eyebrows furrowing and nostrils twitching. HUH'TSH'iew!"

He opened his eyes long enough to realize the room was spinning uncomfortably so he shut them quickly. He heard a door down the hall open and close as his breath hitched yet again. He didn't know who it was and for some reason he felt nervous because he didn't know.

He shouldn’t have even felt the urge to sneeze, having been through his usual single followed in quick succession by another to make up a not too uncommon double which was then followed up yet again to sum up the rare triple. Now there was a fourth brewing for some reason. He tried to stave it off but had no choice but to pitch forward yet again, "Hhh..Heh'KSHiew!"


Thank god it was Mandy again. He opened his mouth to speak but barely any sound had came out before he had to cough a few times, directing them into the poor blanket which had already been on the receiving end of so much of his germs in such a short time.

"You ok honeybun?"

"Ndo. I dond't think I'mb feeling all too well."

"Oh ok. What's wrong?" He felt her body against his feet. She felt his body tremor.

"Mby ndose, it's stuffed up," he sniffled as if he needed to give her evidence, "Mby throat is sore and I think I'mb a little dizzy."

He felt her weight shift and then it didn't take long for him to feel her palm on his forehead. "I don't think you have a fever, but you are feeling a bit warm. I'll go get the thermometer."

"I dond't get fevers."

She left the living room, ignoring his proclamation and went to the bathroom, searching the cabinets for the thermometer. She didn't come upon the device in there and it took her a brief second of wondering before she remembered to check with Sienna. She knocked on the door, "SiSi." No answer. "Sisi," a little louder.

The door opened and Sienna popped her head out, "What? Theo is asleep."

"Do you have the thermometer?"

"What? Yes. Why?"


"Oh," she sighed and disappeared from the doorway. When she reappeared, she walked out into the hallway and then closed the door behind herself. Her and Mandy walked back to living room. They saw Vivian emerging from her bedroom.

"What's going on," Vivian asked. Sienna held up the thermometer in response.

"Oh. Theo? Still?" She stopped in her tracks once she saw them gather around the figure that was lying on the couch. Light chestnut brown waves, the same shirt that was worn the day before coupled with the fact that there would only be one figure on the couch gave her enough context clues to pinpoint the figure as none other than Christian. She looked up from where she’d eyed the figure, or Christian, and her eyes met Sienna and Mandy’s faces confusedly.

Sienna nodded in his direction. Vivian walked around the couch to get a better look. "Christian," she sighed in a half cooing, half defeated kind of way. Christian gave a slight smile to them, opening his eyes to look at them. Sienna handed the thermometer to him, "Can you do this yourself?" He nodded.

He accepted it and stuck it in his mouth. When it whined, Sienna took it out. "99.4, I think that's the smallest inkling of a fever."

"It's very low grade," Vivian said.

"Hm so you don't get fevers," Mandy said.

"It's not a fever,” he argued.

"Yea I don't know it's only morning, I'm not so sure his fever won’t get worse later on," Vivian said. "You might want to stay home."

"I cand't, we have sombe big mbeetings today and if I dond't go mby mbumb will raise hell. She's already pissed that Theo isnd't going ind today, I dond't kndow what she'd do with herself if she found out I wasn't ind either. This Everett Adambs mbeeting is the biggest mbeeting from the group sindce Florendtindo.”

He paused to clear his throat which had gotten more and more raspy as he’d continued. “Mbost of the brands we have mbarketed for have beend established brands evend if they're smball businesses. Frederick and Adambs is just starting up and projected to be a big ndambe ind the winde and spirit industry.”

He sniffled thickly. “If we could take themb under our wing it'll make us syndonymbous. Whend other brands think of Frederick and Adambs and see what we have donde, they will not hesitate to think of us as a potential mbarketing partnder. This will put us on the mbap."

"Is this going to outshine Theo," Sienna felt bad for asking as soon as the question left her. For one Mandy didn't know about the Santa Fe-Seattle deal or any of the terms outlined. Then there was also the fact that Mandy and Christian had budding feelings and bringing up that of he did outside Theo then they would have the potential to explore said budding feelings. She just didn't want Theo going back to London.

Mandy's confusion did not miss a beat, eyebrows furrowing as she tried to figure out what Sienna had meant by that. She was about to open her mouth to ask why Sienna would even ask that when Christian rubbed her leg as if to assure her there was no need for confusion or anger.

"Florendtindo is mby mbumb's passiond project," Christian began. "Sindce mby parents started the compandy she's always dreamed of working with himb. I don't think anything could outshinde that." He gave a small smile and then directed at the group, "We should get going.” Another thick sniffle. “This is going to be a big day." Then to Sienna, he asked, "Are you combing with us or will you be staying with Theo?"

"Let me check on him and then I'll decide." She picked up the thermometer, washed it off, and headed for her room.

"What was that about," Mandy asked.

"Don't worry gorgeous.” Yet another sniffle but this time it seemed to trigger an itch in his sensitive sinuses. “Hh...HDT'tshiew! Hehh..HH'kshiew!" He kept his eyes closed as the room spun briefly.

"Bless you," Vivian and Mandy chorused.

"You sure you're up to going in," Vivian asked.

"As sure as mby ndambe's Christiand Holland," he flashed a smile.

“Hm, I didn’t know Christian was spelled with a D,” Mandy said with a smirk.

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This was such a cute chapter! Christian finally gave in, but is right back to being stubborn again. I wonder what’ll happen next! 

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Yaaaaay an update 🤩 I love this story sooooooo much 🥰

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Thank you guys for reading, I think there’s a few left


"You sure you're up to going in," Vivian asked.

"As sure as mby ndambe's Christiand Holland," he flashed a smile.

"I didn't know Christian was spelled with a D," Mandy said.

"Ouch what's with the friendly fire?"

"Keeping you on your toes."

"Ndice to kndow I'll always be able to count ond you to keep mbe ond mby toes," he said with a smile as he sat up.

"Sure while you're still in Santa Fe that is." Mandy's smile dropped.

"Oh." It got painfully and awkwardly silent.

"Oh shit I have to get started on my muffins," Vivian cried out, breaking the awkwardness that had settled around them. She wasn't even all too useful in the conversation they'd been having up until then so she definitely did not have to be subject to their...awkwardness.

She headed into the kitchen and being out all the kitchen utensils, mixing bowls, and ingredients she'd need before getting started. She watched from afar, seeing them both with sullen expressions.

She heard her bedroom door open and close and it wasn't too long before Jeremie emerged into the space that had led out from the hallway and right between kitchen and living room. She watched him look confusedly at Christian and Mandy. "Jeremie," she whispered, "Over here."

His head snapped in her direction and he walked over towards her. "What's going on over there?"

She whisked the ingredients she'd thrown together, "Can you please set the oven to 350?" He obeyed as he waited for her to answer his question. "I don't know it got really awkward so I came over here. He said something about her keeping him on his toes and then she said while he's still here. I don't know."

"Viv, sweetheart, calm down. You're beating up the batter."

She smiled, "Sorry their awkwardness just made me a bit anxious."

"I see that."

"You kndow just because I'mb going back to Londond doesn't mbeand we have to stop talking," they overheard Christian say.

"Yea," Mandy smiled, "I hadn't thought about that."

"It's just Londond gorgeous, the telephonde poles do still work over there."

Mandy giggled.

"Look they're talking, it's ok," Jeremie said to Vivian. She smiled as she finished mixing the batter.

Minutes earlier Sienna had walked into her room, thermometer in hand as she opened the door. She walked over to where Theo was still sleeping soundly. She hesitated a bit, but gently shook him awake. He opened his eyes, blinking rapidly as if trying to keep the sleepiness away. "I might go into work to help Christian out because he's got the meeting with Everett Adams and then another one with Matt Wilder."

"Oh those are today aren't they. I really wanted to be there for those." He broke out into coughs as his sentence ended.

"You still had a fever last night so you can't." Her firmness made him look at her in a way that just screamed that he was trying to be threatening. "Sorry. But also you still can't go. But to offer a sort of resolution, I'll give you all the details. I just have to make sure your fever is low enough that I can trust leaving you here." She raised the thermometer, "Say ah." He looked at her with a deadpan yet again but opened his mouth and then closed his lips around the thermometer. Once it beeped she took it out and read it aloud, "100.2, still a bit of a fever. That means you can't go tomorrow either. I probably should stay with you."

"I'll just sleep, I ndeed you to go ind-hh...to get indtel," he brought his arm up in anticipation but still dragged on with his orders, "..ohhhnd the mbeetings-Hng'tch! Hng'tch! Hng'tch!" He sniffled, "Ahhnd mbake sure they goohhh off without a hhh-hitch. HEH'tchoo! HUH'TCHoo!" Oh the irony.

"Ok. But you better be sleeping."

He nodded and settled himself in as proof. She left the room and closed the door before walking back out to the others. "I'm going in, Theo wants me to be his spy."

"Of course he does," Christian said, standing carefully. "Let's go before we're too late, I kndow I'mb your boss but I have to keep mby boss-and mbumb-off mby ass too."

"Aw I don't have muffins for you guys today," Vivian said sadly.

"It's ok Viv, you'll have some for us tomorrow," Sienna said.

"Plus this isn't the first time you've left us without muffins," Mandy said.

"Mandy," Sienna quickly scolded.

"What? I only meant that this is not the first time that our dear roommate and best friend...and sister had not graced our pallets with her delicious, scrumptious muffins." She started to walk towards the door.

"Way to sell it," Sienna joined her at the door.

"Your mbuffinds mbust be really good for her to be so upset that she doesn't have themb," Christian said to Vivian as he walked to the door.

"Sure, butter me up, I still haven't forgotten about the other morning."

"I told you-"

"Have a good day at work guys, I'll try to save some muffins so you can enjoy when you get back."

Sienna, Mandy, and Christian walked out the door and had gotten down the hall when Mandy asked, "What was that about?"

"The first mbornding after spending the ndight at yours she thought we had umb did sombething."

"Would she be wrong," Mandy asked.

Sienna threw her hands over her ears in a childish manor, "I don't want to hear about this."

"She would be wrong about us that ndight and that's all we should say ond the subject. Right gorgeous?" She smiled deviously. "Gorgeous."


Sienna dropped her hands and they engaged in light conversation as they made their way down to the lobby and outside the complex where they were met with heavy rain.

"You boys bring the worst luck on rain," Mandy pointed out, shaking her head and rolling her eyes dramatically.

"I'll get the umbrellas and ask for one of Jeremie's jackets," Sienna offered, "We really need to start checking the weather."

"I'll be finde without a jacket, a little raind won't hurt."

"Rain made Theo worse." Sienna argued.

"Ndo Theo made Theo worse, no timbe for umbrellas and jackets. We have to hurry. Mby mbumb will probably be calling whend we walk ind and that's if we leave right ndow."


"Ok. Ready to rund?"

"Ready," Mandy said.

Sienna unlocked her car, "Ready."

Christian ran to the car, screaming obnoxiously but not too loudly to lighten up the situation. He got to the passenger side back door as the girls were getting in. He yanked the handle to his door and jumped in as Sienna started the engine. Christian started laughing as Sienna began driving, the girls' laughs mixing in soon after. "That was kind of fund," Christian said, punctuating with a sniffle. Another sniffle followed the first and then he was left sniffling every few seconds.

"See you're getting worse," Sienna said.

Christian's retaliation came in the form of another sniffle. "Hh..Hh'tshiew!"

"Bless you."

"Thank you." He sniffled again.

"I don't have any tissues in here sorry," Sienna apologized.

"Oh it's ok."

About ten minutes and an unimaginable amount of sniffles later, his breath caught again. Shaky gasps filled all three pairs of ears as Christian raised his arm in anticipation. Eyes went to the top of eyelids, lip trembled, and nostrils quivered as the need to sneeze grew. One last breath and he ducked into the crook of his arm. "Heh'KSHiew!" It sounded a bit more congested as did the sniffle that followed.

"Bless you."


They were almost to the office when his breathing wavered again. His eyes watered as he geared up for yet another release, the germs that had waged war demanding more attention. HDT'tsh'iew!" He let out a groan and then sniffled again.

"Bless you honeybun."

"Thangk you gorgeous."

They had parked and made their way into the office building, walking across the first floor when yet again his breath stammered uncontrollably. He barely had enough of a warning this time and had enough time to bring up his arm as he sucked in gasp after gasp, gaining stamina before he pitched forward with so much power behind the sneeze to make him stumble a bit. "HH'TSHIEW!"

"Bless you."

Christian let out a sigh and then sniffled and rubber his watery eyes. "I'mb gonnda go find sombe tissues." His phone started ringing and he raised his phone to see whose name was on the screen. "Oh that's great."

He walked towards the office, trying to decide if he wanted to answer his mom or find the tissues first. He'd made it to the door and opened it as his phone stopped vibrating. Good, he'd get the tissues first and then he'd call his mom back. It didn't take long for his phone to begin vibrating again and he knew that she wasn't going to stop until he answered so that's exactly what he did.

"Why are you not clocked in yet? Christian," he tuned out of what she was saying, his attention turning to his nose and the subtle itch that was firing up. He tried rubbing it first, moving his index finger back and forth underneath his nostrils. When that did not work he wriggled his nose and then pressed his palm to his nose.

His breath started to hitch so he practically crushed his palm against his nose, willing himself not to sneeze. Instead of stopping, the hitching got stronger so he pressed his other hand on top of the one already on the offending appendage just in time to release, "HMP!" into his hand, shoulders flinching.

Disgusting, he thought as his eyes searched the office for the tissues. He didn't have much time before his eyes trailed upwards and his eyelids closed, breathing starting to hitch. One last big breath and he gripped his nose with his right index finger and thumb before the other hand came to reinforce the coverage. Shoulder flinched again as he sneezed. "HMP'mp!"

He could feel the wetness below his nostrils but reminded himself he needed to avoid sniffling too much. One sniffle shouldn't hurt, he thought and then carried it out. It didn't do any justice, just made his nose itch again. "Christian," his mom's voice came in the tone of a question, most likely because he hadn't been holding up his end of the conversation at all.



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Uh oh Christian's in trouble 😏. I really love this story and I hope you write more. 😁

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Uh oh! He is most definitely gonna get in trouble when his mom finds out he’s sick too! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

One last big breath and he gripped his nose with his right index finger and thumb before the other hand came to reinforce the coverage. Shoulder flinched again as he sneezed. "HMP'mp!"

He could feel the wetness below his nostrils but reminded himself he needed to avoid sniffling too much. One sniffle shouldn't hurt, he thought and then carried it out. It didn't do any justice, just made his nose itch again. "Christian," his mom's voice came in the tone of a question, most likely because he hadn't been holding up his end of the conversation at all.

"Yehhh-hh-yes?" He drew in a quick gasp, chest swelling and quickly brought his arm up before snapping forward with a, "HAH'KSHIEW! Excuse mbe." He sniffled thickly.

"Are you alright," was his mom's next question.

"Yes mbumb." Another sniffle.

"You sound sick."

"I'mb ndot sick."

"You sound-"

"Well I'mb ndot, don't worry. Combe ond and cheer up, we're going to crush this."

"Ok. Thank you."

"Ndo problemb at all. I gotta go..." Look for the tissues. "...Get ready for the mbeetings."

"Ok let me know how the meetings go and please keep me updated."

"HAH'tsh'huh! Hehh..Huh'tshiew!"

Mandy watched him flinch into his arm yet again, "I should find him some tissues." It took her a few minutes but once she found a box, she walked them to his office. "Hey honeybun, I have some tissues for you."

"Thank you gorgeous."

"You doing ok?"


"I guess that answers my question," she held the box out to him. He grabbed one out of the box and wiped his nose then sniffled.

"Hey Everett Adams will be here in an hour," Sienna said as he hung in the doorway. The 50 minute window they had before they had to make their way up to the meeting room went by quickly, a little too quickly for Christian who had his head in his arms when that time came.

"Christian fell asleep," Sienna told Mandy whose eyes darted to the office. "This is deja vu. Don't worry, I'll go wake him."

"No I'll go," Mandy offered.

She walked over to the office, opened the door, and closed it behind her. The sound of his heavy breathing filled the room as she walked over to Christian and laid a hand on his shoulder. When the breaths continued she gently shook his shoulder. He sat up with a start and immediately brought a hand up to cough into.

"Hey honeybun it's time to head up for the meeting."

"Ok."  He stood up and immediately he grew dizzy. "Oh hold ond a second."

"You ok?" He brought a hand up to his forehead. "Do you have a fever? Or does your fever feel worse?"

"I don't kndow. I dohhn't gehht fevers. Hh'kshiew!"

"Bless you and I know you don't get fevers. Let me feel your forehead." He dropped his hand. "Lean forward a bit." He did what he was told and Mandy raised her hand up and settled it on his forehead. "You feel warm, but I don't think it's any worse than this morning. Should I get a thermometer?"

"Ndo it's ok." He ducked into his arm to cough a couple of times. "I'mb going to be late if I don't get up there." He walked out to receptionist desk with Mandy following behind. "Are you ready to head up Siennda?"

"Yes I am." They walked up together and sat down. They were sat for about two minutes before she announced, "They're sending Mr. Adams up."

A man appeared in the doorway wearing a beanie, a gray graphic tee, dark blue jeans, vans, and tattoos covering both arms. Christian rose out of his chair. "You must be Mr. Adams-"

"Everett," he extended his hand.

Instead of taking it, Christian was too distracted by the involuntary gasps that he couldn't help but take, his chest expanding as he hitched. He brought his arm up, "Hah'kshiew! Huh'tsh'iew! Huh..HEH'TSH'huh! Probably ndot the best idea to shake hands, I'mb a tad bit under the weather."

"Bless you. We can reschedule if you need to."

"Ndo ndeed to reschedule. Please sit." He gestured to the chair across from himself and Sienna. Everett sat down and then Christian followed. "Everett, you and your partnder have onde of the mbost prombising futures ahead of you. I would like to create and advertisement to showcase the hard work you both have donde to put your brand on the mbap. Do you have andy products you are working ond that we cand center the advertisement ond?"

"Yes actually it's called Sunrise. It's coconut rum with hints of passion fruit, pineapple, strawberry, orange and mango. When I think of a sunrise, I'm thinking of yellows, oranges, and reds as well as the atmosphere of serenity. When my customers drink Frederick and Adams Sunrise I want them to feel like they're on vacation.

Picture this: You're on the sands somewhere, waves rushing ashore. You've been there for some time, watching the day roll in and the newborn sun has brought with it the beauty of a colorful sunrise that kisses the sprinkling of clouds in the sky."

"Wow that's so beautiful," Sienna said.

"As are you," he said back.

"Whend do you pland ond having this product ready for release?" His question came directly after Everett's declaration of admiration and Sienna couldn't help but smile, deciding that Christian's move was most likely because of Theo and/or because he'd somehow knew that Everett's words had made her uncomfortable.

"In a couple of weeks, our first couple of successful batches are already ready so we were thinking of-"


"Bless you." Everett looked like he was going to continue, but his eyes stayed locked on Christian whose hand had flown to his nose to shield himself from the embarrassment of just how messy the sneeze was. Christian sniffled in an attempt to keep the stream from continuing, but it only made his breathing hitch again. He sucked in a breath and cupped his hand more tightly around his mouth and nose. "Heh'tshiew!"

"Bless you."

"I'll be back," Christian announced. He kept his hand loosely around his mouth and nose as he rose and walked out of the meeting room.

"Sounds like a pretty bad cold," Everett said after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Yea I don't think he's used to feeling like that."

"Poor guy." A couple of seconds went by before he attempted to start another topic of conversation. "Are you seeing anybody by chance?"

"Not right now, but I do have feelings for someone already."

"They're lucky to have the eyes of such a beautiful woman. Let me know if it doesn't work out."

Sienna settled on a soft smile, unaware of how else to respond. On one hand Everett wasn't bad looking but on the other hand Theo was painfully handsome and she didn't think she could get over how painfully handsome he was.

"I'mb so sorry for that interruption," Christian said as he walked back in and sat down. "You were saying?"

"I was saying that we were thinking about doing a pop-up for Sunrise before the official release."

"Oh yes that is a good idea. I'mb thinking we can do a soft advertisement for the soft release or as you call it a pop up and thend we cand do sombething big for the official release."

"That sounds good."

"Andy ideas?"

"You tell me, you're one of the brains of this company. Are you not?"

"I amb. We should do sombething to foreshadow the official release. Maybe like daylight is combing. Or hhh...the suhhn is almbuhh-almbost upond uhhs. HAH'KSHiew!"

"Bless you," Sienna and Everett said together.

Christian sniffled and then continued, "Sombething along those lindes."

"Here Comes the Sun: A Frederick and Adams Pop Up," Sienna said aloud though she'd meant for it to stay inside her mind.

"I love that idea."

"Yes and we cand indcorporate the colors you are indvisionding." He sniffled and then ducked into his arm to release a few coughs.

"Amazing idea. I'm excited to see what you create." Everett stood up and reflexively extended his hand again.

"I'mb excited to showcase our abilities," Christian said, eyeing Everett's extended hand. Sienna reached out and shook his hand for Christian. "Siennda here and mby brother Theo should be ind touch ind the upcoming days. Thank you for combing and showing interest ind a condtract with us."

"Thank you for having me."


"Bless you. Take care of yourself Mr. Holland." Everett left the room.

It was quiet for a moment, that was until Christian's stomach grumbled. "Hungry?"

"I guess so, mbaybe I'mb up for sombething small perhaps." He stood and they started walking back towards the elevator.

"Something small," she thought, "Ok."

They got back downstairs and to the receptionist desk.

"How'd it go honeybun."

"It went good, I think we cand score this condtract with the right mbove." He sniffled and cleared his throat.

"I think we can do it."

"Ohhh. I'mb so sndeezy today. Excuhh-use mbe gorgeous." He tried to stave off the sneeze until he got to the office but he had no choice but to duck into his arm, snapping at the waist with a powerful, "HAH'TSHIEW!" He sniffled thickly as he opened his office door. He walked over to the tissue box and grabbed one. He brought it up to his nose and blew productively easily enough as he wasn't too badly congested.

"Christian's hungry, he requested something small," Sienna told Mandy.

"We should probably get him some soup." She opened her phone and ordered some chicken noodle soup for delivery. "Do you want anything from Carly's?"

"The ultimate grilled cheese and tomato soup."

"Ok." She added Sienna's order and then her own before placing their order. "It'll be here in like 20 minutes."

10 minutes later Sienna interrupted the silence that had fallen in the air, "Theo said he's down to 98.4, officially fever free."

Edited by jai_is_bae?
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Theos doing better, but Christian is getting sneezier! I’m surprised that Christian was able to hold up the meeting (mostly) well! I’m excited for the next part! 

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Sienna interrupted the silence that had fallen in the air, "Theo said he's down to 98.4, officially fever free."

"That's awesome." She watched Christian's body shake with what she assumed were coughs. "That means Christian can get some rest tomorrow."

"Yea Theo can be in by...," she trailed off as she eyed the time, "12:30."

"12:30? Who is going to be here in the morning?"

"We can ask Christian."

"No because he'll say yes."


"And Christian's sick, he needs rest."

"Theo needs to be fever free for 24 hours, I don't know if you forgot but he had a really bad fever."

"Christian's going to get a fever if he doesn't rest."

"He'll be fine, he's just extra sneezy according to him."

"Whatever but if he gets worse because you don't want to let your crush come back a few hours early then I'm gonna be pissed."

Silence overtook the best friends until the food came, then they were separating the orders. "Go give Christian his food. Do you want anything from the vending machine?"

"I'll take some juice." She grabbed Christian's soup and a pack of plastic utensils before heading towards his office. He was on the phone so she knocked and then waited for a sign from him. He waved her in and she stepped inside.

"No Christian, I've scheduled your flight for Wednesday. I already received the confirmation that Theo's fever is gone so there's no need for you to be there any longer."

Mandy's heart felt like it'd dropped to her butt. She knew this was coming but still somehow she didn't expect him to leave so soon. She swallowed hard and put the soup in front of him. He gave a soft smile.

"How do we kndow that it'll stay gonde this timbe?"

"I already have your first project planned for Thursday so whether or not his fever comes back it doesn't matter."

"Yes it duhh..excuse mbe. Heh'KSHiew!"

"It does not, he needs to get back to work so he can take back control over Santa Fe's projects."


"Bless you," Mandy said. He gave her a tired smile.

"Who is that," his mom asked.

"It's Mbandy."

"Isn't the assistant's name Sienna?"

"It is."

"Then what is Mandy doing in your office?"

"Sorry Ms. Holland, Sienna went to the bathroom and I didn't want Christian's lunch getting cold."

"I guess that's fine. Christian, call me back after the meeting with Matt Wilder."

"Ok." He coughed into his arm and then coughed harder a few more times.

"You should take something," his mom said.

"I'mb ndot sick."

"I said that there's no sick days not that you can't be sick."

"I'mb-," he broke off into more coughs.

"Drink some of the broth," Mandy told him. He did as he was told and the coughs lightened up.

"You don't sound too good."

"I'mb finde." He sniffled. "I'll call you back after the mbeeting with Matt Wilder."


Christian's mom hung up and Mandy expected him to say something to brighten the atmosphere in the room, but instead he just coughed.

"You need anything else?"

He shook his head and then sipped on the soup. She stood there for a few more seconds, still half expecting him to at least attempt a joke. When the joke didn't come, she exited the office and sat back at the receptionist's desk. Sienna noticed after a while that Mandy still hadn't taken a bite of her food.

"What's wrong?"

"He didn't even try to crack a joke."

Sienna looked up at Christian who took a bite of soup and then wiped his nose with a tissue. "Maybe he'll make a joke later," she tried to reason, "He might be a bit too stressed right now."

"Ok." Mandy frowned and then took a bite of her food.

Sienna's phone vibrated so she picked it up and read it. It was the first floor receptionist letting Sienna know that she was sending Matt Wilder up. Sienna rose up so quick that her chair rolled backward and slammed into the wall. "Shit!"

She fast walked over to the office and walked in without knocking. "They're sending Matt Wilder up, we have to go." Christian blinked slowly. "You can nap after but we have to get upstairs now."

Christian stood up and they started making their way upstairs. They made it off the elevator and saw a man waiting outside of meeting room# 3. As soon as the man heard Sienna and Christian's footsteps, he turned to them. "Hi I'm supposed to be meeting with Christian Holland in place of Theo Thorne. Nobody seems to be in here."

"Yes I'm Christian Holland, I sincerely apologize."

"Oh no need."

Christian gestured for Matt to head inside, "Please have a seat." All three of them sat around the same time.

"My name is Matt Wilder and I own Say Cheese. I make various innovative cheeses. You might be familiar with my honey fig goat cheese or my lemon blueberry brie. I also have yogurt and other dairy products. Well today I am bringing to your attention my peaches and cream stuffed french toast yogurt."

"Oh," Christian said, though it came out more in the form of a question, and punctuated with a thick sniffle.

"Yes I know what you are thinking. It's busy however that's what I'm known for. Again I make various innovative cheeses and more."

Christian took a sharp intake of breath that was barely loud enough for Sienna to hear and apparently not loud enough for Matt to register because he started to ramble awkwardly. "Don't think about it too much. It would be good, I know it doesn't sound like it but I'm known for pulling off busy flavors or flavors that might not even sound like they'd pair well at all."


"Oh. Bless you."

"Thank you."

"Yes well last time we worked together was Thanksgiving and that's when I came out with cranberry sweet potato marshmallow ice cream. I know it's sounds weird but it was actually really delightful. At first it wasn't really selling but the previous manager put together a really nice ad and it ended up selling quicker than I could stock it."


"Bless you again. So I was thinking of having a peach colored backdrop with peaches falling onto whipped cream."

"Ok yes we cand do that. Theo Thornde, mby brother and the director of the Santa Fe branch, will be back ind sombetimbe either tomborrow or Wednesday. He cand give you a call whend we have sombething ready. For ndow if you cand send in sombe pictures of the product or a physical product we cand get started."

"Sounds good. Thank you for your time." Matt walked out of the office and then Christian and Sienna followed behind after a few minutes.

"Are you gonna want some time to nap," Sienna asked.

"I believe so, I'mb quite tired," he punctuated with a sniffle.

"I was kind of joking, that desk can't be too comfortable to sleep on."

"It didn't feel undcombfortable."

"If you want you can head back to the office, but I think I might have to follow up with the sound department to check on Kate Arquette's strawberry shortcake shoes."

"I should probably combe with you to view it too. I have to mbake sure it's ready to go by 3."

"Ok floor 2 it is."

"Heh'tschiew!" Sienna's eyes snapped over to Christian, her body jerking from being startled.

"Bless you."

"Huh...HDT'tschuh! UHT'TSCH! HEHDT'TSCH'iew!"

"Bless you."

He sniffled hard, a thick crinkling noise being produced. "Ond second thought-hhh," he cupped his hand around his mouth and nose. "UH'TSCHUH! I think I ndeed sombe tissues. Heht'tschff!"

She nodded and pressed floor 4. She followed Christian off the elevator. "I shouldn't be too long, just ndeed to blow mby ndose. Thend we cand go look."

She nodded and sat down at the receptionist's desk.

"Everything ok?"

"Yes he said he had to come blow his nose and then we're going to go look at the Kate Arquette ad."

"Oh ok. Remember my sister Mya?"

"Of course I do. She's the one that's dating that basketball player...."

"Armando Trujillo."

"Yes him."

"They're engaged."

"What? Isn't she like 20?"

"22, Armando is 25."

"Oh ok. When's the wedding?"

"I don't know, I have to call her up to tell her congratulations. They've been dating for like 2 years, I honestly thought with how young she is they would wait a bit more."

"Yea my thoughts exactly. Is he asleep?"

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I feel so bad for Mandy that Christian will be leaving soon. Christian is not getting a break at all, poor guy! 

loved this chapter and can’t wait for the next one!! 

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This was so good. Can't wait to see what happens next. Maybe Theo to the rescue? 🤔☺️

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Posted (edited)

@RipleyToo Thank you for the love, I definitely feel bad for Mands too

@2SHY222 Glad you are enjoying, Theo’s not coming to save Christian….yet

“Is he asleep?"

"Huh," Mandy asked and looked at Sienna's eyes, following them to Christian who had his head in his arms. "Yea it looks like it."

"We have to go look at the ad."

"Can't you just go look at the ad?"

"Yea I guess."

She spent the next couple of hours down in sound, watching the final touches fall into place and then getting into some small talk with a lot of people she hadn't met before. Well except for Carla who immediately asked, "How is Theo? I've heard he hasn't been here for a couple of days."

"He's doing much better, he should be back in tomorrow."

"That's good." She dragged her away by her arm, leading her away from any other ears that may have been open. "Did anything happen between the two of you?"

"What? No."

"That's a shame, Sheila and I had a bet going."

"Interesting." She looked at the time on her phone. "I should head upstairs so Christian can get ready for the presentation. Thank you so much."

"Oh I'm sorry if I overstepped or weirded you out."

"Oh no it's fine. So you know where to send the advertisement to. I'll catch you next time."

She headed back up to the fourth floor unable to stop thinking about the fact that there was a bet about her and Theo's nonexistent relationship. Her phone vibrated. 15 minutes until Kate was supposed to arrive. She got off the elevator and sat down beside Mandy.

"How's the ad?"

"It's really cute, I have a good feeling that Kate's going to like it."

"Good." Something seemed a bit off with Sienna and Mandy tried to search for it. "SiSi, you ok?"

"Carla and Sheila from sound had a bet on Theo and I getting together."

Mandy had to stop herself from laughing, "That's what's causing you distress?"

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

"Yes because I don't even know those people, I don't know of one time where they've seen how Theo and I'd relationship is. Also if they did then there would be no reason for that bet, there's no reason anyway. Don't they know about the policy?"

"Most women here don't catch the eye of a higher up."

"I have not caught-," she stopped talking when she saw the look on Mandy's face.

"Yea so Theo would let anybody take care of him and actually better yet he would stay over at that person's place."

"He had no choice."

"You gave him no choice and because it was you that gave him no choice, he had no choice."

"Stop gaslighting me Mandy."

"I'm not, he does like you." A lightbulb went off in her head, "He kissed you for fuck's sake."

Hearing the volume of the last sentence, Sienna's eyes widened. "Mandy!"

Mandy put her hands over her mouth and looked around to see if anybody's attention was on them. If anybody had been paying attention, they were good at acting like they hadn't been.

"My bad," Mandy said.

"It's fine, I'm gonna go wake Christian so we can get this last meeting over with." She got up and slipped into the office. Slightly congested snores continuously escaped from Christian. She placed a hand on his shoulder and gently shook it. "Hey it's time for the last meeting, then we can get you back to the apartment and you can sleep for the rest of the night."

He nodded and sat up. Then he was immediately reaching for the tissues as he sucked in a few shaky breaths. "Heht'tschiew!"

"Bless you."

"Thank you. You don't mbind if I?"

The context of the tissues still pressed to his face clued her into the question at hand. "I don't mind."

He blew his nose, a very slight crinkling sound being produced as he did so. He coughed a couple of times and then wiped his nose and threw the tissue away.

"You feeling alright?"

He smiled, "Fit as a fiddle."

"Ok yea that was a dumb question. Are you feeling ok enough to go to this meeting?"

"I amb here until Theo gets here." He stood and made his way out of the room with Sienna in tow.

"Oh honeybun," Mandy cooed as she watched him walk towards her.

"What happened?"

"You don't look too well."

"Don't worry gorgeous, I'mb ok."

She sighed, not even beginning to believe him. As Sienna and Christian made their way up to the meeting room, her phone vibrated. "They're sending Kate up."

He nodded and they continued up to the meeting room and sat down. Christian set up the laptop to play Kate Arquette's ad and it wasn't long before Kate made her way into the room. "Hi you must be Christian." She made kisses at both of his cheeks. "I'm so excited to see what you have for me."

"Let's get started shall we," Christian said with a small smile. He pressed play on the laptop and they all watched the advertisement. Christian lasted a couple of seconds in before he started coughing. It started off with just a few coughs and then he had to take a breath and bring his arm closer as he coughed harder.

"Excuse-," he broke off into more coughs as he stood up and left the room. The advertisement was finishing by the time he came back.

"Wow I love it. When can we get this thing going?"

"We'll get it aired starting ndext week."

"Perfect, thanks babe."

He was definitely not used to being called babe and it caught him a little off guard but he played it cool. "Of course, andytime."

"Should I be looking for you or Theo? It's become a bit confusing on who is the director since I was first told about Joey Clark's exit."

"I apologize for the confusion, Theo will be back in after lunch tomorrow and I will be here until then."

"Ok. Thank you for meeting with me." She went to give him kisses again but he quickly turned away from her. He sucked in a few hitching breaths, nostrils twitching as he brought his shirt up to his nose. "Hh'kschiew! Excuse mbe."

"Bless you," Sienna and Kate said together before Kate added, "You and Theo are close, yes?"

"We are brothers," Christian answered. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just that I remember telling Theo to dry his hair when we met and it's because my mother always told me not to walk around with wet hair as it could make you sick. Looks like somebody didn't listen to me and then gave it to you, you poor thing."

"What? Ndo I'mb finde."

"Mhm so both brothers are stubborn," she half asked and half stated to Sienna who smiled in agreement before Kate turned and left.

"I amb finde."

"It's time to go home."

"I'mb finde."

Sienna ignored his repetitiveness on the way down to their floor.

"Gorgeous," he looked at Mandy as he called her and when she lifted her head he continued, "You kndow I'mb finde right?"

She stood and turned her computer off, "You aren't pronouncing your words correctly, you sound very congested."

"Plus you have been sneezing and coughing all day," Sienna added.

"I'mb finde," he said slowly and carefully so he wouldn't add the congested syllables into his words, but they still came out at the end.

Mandy smiled.

"What? I..mmm...b fi...nnn....de." He smiled as well. "Gorgeous, I'm..b fin..de. I believe that I look to be healthy." Ok so we just weren't going to be saying our n's or m's at all now, Mandy thought to herself. No problem, now we definitely sound healthy. His breath caught. "Huh'TSCH'huh!"

"Healthy as can be," Mandy said.

"I amb. Amb. Ammm..b. Amb. AM..b."

Mandy chuckled and started walking towards the exit of the building, Sienna joining in so she was beside her and Christian in close tow, trying to correctly pronounce "am".

"Honeybun, no matter how hard you try you won't be able to pronounce it right until your sinuses aren't so swollen." She climbed into the car.

"I was close."

"So close."

Edited by jai_is_bae?
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Christian trying to pronounce words while congested is just sooo cute! I love how him and Mandy always pick fun on each other. Can’t wait for the next chapter and to see where you take it! 

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"Healthy as can be," Mandy said.

"I amb. Amb. Ammm..b. Amb. AM..b."

Mandy chuckled and started walking towards the exit of the building, Sienna joining in so she was beside her and Christian in close tow, trying to correctly pronounce "am".

"Honeybun, no matter how hard you try you won't be able to pronounce it right until your sinuses aren't so swollen." She climbed into the car.

"I was close."

"So close."

Halfway into the ride Christian's swollen sinuses started producing small snores so Mandy turned the radio down a bit so there was no chance of him being woken up. They pulled into the apartment complex and turned the car off.

"Honeybun, we're here." Christian's eyes stayed closed. Mandy shook his leg. "Honeybun." Still no movement besides the rising and falling of his chest.

Sienna shook him harder and his breath crackled in his chest before he shot up and coughed crackly into the crook of his arm. "That doesn't sound good," Mandy frowned.

"Doesn't feel good either," he rubbed his chest. "Cand I get sombe tea?"

"Sure if you get out of the car," Sienna answered.

Mandy shot daggers at Sienna before reiterating, "Gotta get up to the apartment first."


"Ok we'll get you some tea and then you can sleep."

"Deal." He climbed out and they started walking inside.

Sienna opened the door to the apartment and Mandy closed it behind them.

"I saved muffins," Vivian said excitedly.

"Oh yay," Mandy exclaimed and walked over to where they were.

"Forgetting something Mands," Sienna asked.

Mandy looked over as she took a bite out of the muffin just in time for Christian to bring his shirt over his mouth and nose as he started coughing again, coming out crackled and taking way too much energy. Vivian winced, "Oh you sound terrible." She poured a glass of water for him.

"Oh tea," Mandy said and then she looked for an open eye on the stove.

"I got it," Vivian said as she handed the glass to Christian who still hadn't completely stopped coughing.

He sipped at it until the coughs fizzled out completely and then rasped, "Thanks."

"You go lay down, I'll get started on your tea."

Christian gave a tired smile of appreciation and then laid down on the couch as he was told. The water was starting to steam when Christian started snoring. Every few minutes, as the water came to a boil, Christian’s breath would catch and he would cough once or twice.

"He definitely sounds worse than this morning," Vivian said. "Have you checked his temperature?"

"No," Mandy answered.

"I'll go get the-"

"Still fever free," Theo said as he appeared.

"That's good," Sienna said as she slipped past him.

"That's it," Theo asked, looking at the other two women for any clues as to why he was met with such little attention.

Mandy met his gaze and then her eyes went over to Christian, who was sleeping abnormally, to answer Theo's curiosity. His eyes followed the trail hers made over to his brother.

Snores filled the air along with labored breaths as Christian exhaled, lips were parted, and a small collection of liquid at the bottom of his nostrils signaled how he must have been feeling. Even sleeping he looked worse for wear.

"Oh. Is he ok?"

"He's fine, just tired and congested," Mandy answered.

Vivian took the tea bag she'd placed into the boiling water out and then squirted some honey into the pot. "Should I add some rum or keep it like this?"

"Keep it like that."

"Tea," Theo asked.

"Yea his coughs are coming out crackly," Sienna answered as she came back.

Theo's breath hitched and he brought his arm up in preparation. "Hdt'chuh! Hdt'chuh! Udt'chuh! Huh-uh'TCHoo! HDT'tshyoo!"

"Go lay down," Sienna told Theo.

"Ndo I'mb finde."

"I can't deal with your stubbornness right now." Her reply came out raised in volume and harsh sounding. You could hear the stress in her voice.

Theo's eyes widened a bit and then he sat down beside Christian's feet. "Does this work?"

"Yes thank you." She slightly shook Christian, "Can I take your temperature? Sorry we forgot while you were awake."

Christian nodded and closed his lips around the device once it was under his tongue. It beeped and Sienna looked at it before announcing, "99.7. Still not a full blown fever but it's definitely risen."

"I should probably go," he broke off into crackly coughs, rubbing his throat, "pack, I go back to Londond ond Wednesday.”

"You aren't going anywhere," Vivian said and then brought the tea over.

"Wednesday," Theo questioned.

"Mbumb called earlier.” He sat up. “I have to start a project ond Thursday so I'mb leaving Wednesday." He sniffled thickly a few times.

"You're sick."

"I'mb-," he started to say.

"Finde," Theo said with him and then squinted his eyes in disbelief. "We have mbuch we've learned fromb mbumb."

"I don't have mbuch of a choice ond the mbatter I'mb afraid."

"You could just stand up to her," Vivian said.

"Madelyn Holland's not the kind of woman you can stand up to," Sienna argued.

"Undless your ndambe is Theo Thornde and you change your persondahhlity hh..to playboy. HH'kschiew!"

"Bless you."

"Even your jokes have taken a turn for the worse," Mandy said.

"Ouch thy fair maidend doth wound mby mbost hondorable, virtuous reputations."

"Thy lord doth not make clear what he speaks. This fair maiden doth not understand thy lord when he speaks with a blocked appendage."

"What is this," Vivian asked. "What are y'all doing?"

"They are being cute I believe," Theo said. Everyone turned their attention from Mandy and Christian to Theo. "What?"

"Theo the asshole speaks of cuteness," Mandy answered.

"Mandy," Sienna and Vivian scolded. She threw her arms up in surrender.

"It's ok," Theo said, "The first few days were rocky I admbit. There's a lot of learnding to do and I kndow I'mb going to take sombe getting used to, I'll work ond it." His little speech earned smiles from the women.

"Well ndow you're just being a sap," Christian joked.

"Go back to sleep Hollandaise."

"Whatever Thorndebush."

"Somebody must be feeling a bit better," Sienna said, "Mandy said she's missed your joking today."

"Aw I'mb sorry gorgeous, I wasn't quite feeling mbyself earlier." He rushed through the last couple of words as if he was losing his breath or in his case trying to get through what he was saying before coughing a couple of times. He winced and then drank the rest of his tea.

"You should listen to your brother and get some more sleep," Vivian said, "If you're truly feeling better that's good but I wouldn't want you getting worse again if you don't get enough rest."

He nodded and laid his head down. 

By the time Vivian was done cooking dinner soft snores had reprised their role in resonating in everybody's ears.

"Ok guys dinner is ready," Vivian called loud enough for Sienna, Theo, and Mandy to hear yet soft enough that she didn't wake Christian.

"Ooh orange chicken," Mandy enthused as she Vivian put the food out. 

They all got their plates out and started dishing food for themselves.

"You feel up to eating regular food," Sienna asked Theo as he scooped some rice onto his plate.

"I've beend eating soup for days ndow, I'mb quite sure I feel up to eating andything but soup." He scooped some chicken on top of the rice with what Sienna could've swore was a smile or at least what a smile would be from Theo. No it wasn't the enthusiastic smile that Kate Arquette had received but it also wasn't a tension filled stare so she felt like she'd placed his facial expression fine enough.

They all sat down and started eating, going a couple of minutes between a conversation of agreeing on the food being good before moving onto Mandy who said, "Oh I talked to Mya, they are getting married next year at the end of July."

"Oh ok," Sienna said.

"Mya," Vivian asked, "As in your little sister?" Mandy nodded so Vivian asked a follow up question, "Isn't she like 20 something?"

"22," Mandy corrected, "She said they just got engaged and that the matron or maid of honor is between me, Imogen and Iris."

"Isn't Iris-," Sienna started.

"Yes Iris is 17," Mandy finished for her. "Which is why it really doesn't make sense to have her as the matron of honor, she's closer in age to being a flower girl."

"She's only a year from being an adult," Vivian said before taking another bite from her food.

"Still that's a whole other year when we're almost in our thirties."

"I thought a matron of honor was best so she could give good advice from her perspective on marriage," Sienna said.

"Ngt! Ngt! Ngt!" Theo brought up a hand to muffle the stifles, not wanting to disrupt the conversation. He managed to not draw any attention, the three women still carrying on the conversation about maid/matron of honor and who would be the most suitable. Theo's breath hitched again. "Hgt! HUH'TCHoo!"

Three pairs of eyes darted over to Theo, three hearts raced from being startled, and two bodies jumped an inch out of their seats. Three blessings were spoken once the fear had settled. "Sorry," he blushed, "Excuse mbe." He got out of his chair and escaped to the bathroom.

When he came back from the bathroom, he walked in to Vivian asking, "Hold on, who is Mya even marrying?"

"Armando Trujillo."

"Armbando Trujillo," Theo asked as he sat down, "Fromb the Minndesota Timberwolves?" They looked at him confusedly. "Basketball was ond ind mby hotel and they had the Timberwolves versus the Oklahomba City Thunders. Usually I'mb ndot into sports but it was quite and interesting gambe."

"How did she meet him again," Vivian asked.

"As you know she lives in Saint Paul and this girl she's friends with took her to one of the games and had like tickets where they could meet the players or something like that and then she saw him again in the supermarket and she needed something off the top shelf-cliche I know.

Anyway he got it for her and she made some kind of lame joke and he laughed at it and then asked her out. It was like something out of a romance novel."

"That's such a sweet story," Theo said.

"If you want to hear a sweet story," Vivian began and then recounted how her and Jeremie met. Then they took turns telling romantic stories until they were finished with dinner.

"If you're such a romantic, we could watch some romcoms," Mandy said.

"Let's do it," Theo said.

"This is way out of character, I don't know if I can get used to this," Mandy said.


I believe I have a couple more chapters left, we’re nearing the end🥲

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Oh no not the end! Hopefully you’ll be able to use these characters again with another story 😊 

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I most definitely do plan to use these characters again😇


"If you're such a romantic, we could watch some romcoms," Mandy said.

"Let's do it," Theo said.

"This is way out of character, I don't know if I can get used to this," Mandy said.

"See it's not all bad having me here," Theo said as they started putting their dishes in the dishwasher.

"It wouldn't be that bad if Christian didn't have to go. It's not like I hated you, I just hate the idea of Christian moving back to London." Silence fell on the group and Mandy looked around to be met with faces laced with pity. "Let's just get on with our movie marathon."

They started with She's All That and Sienna couldn't help but steal looks at Theo to see his expressions as they watched the most romantic scenes. She felt her heart strings tug at every look of endearment that he wore to match the scenes unfolding in front of them. She felt a smile grow on her lips as she watched his curl up. She never would've took him for a romantic, but then again playboys did have to have some kind of charm.

During Love Actually he knew he’d needed to sneeze but didn’t want to distract anybody from the movie or distract his own ears from listening to what was going on so he decided to pinch his nose. “Hg’gt! Gt! Gt! Hg’tch! Heh..HG’gt!” His eyes were immediately back on the movie as soon as his eyes opened back up.

During Pride and Prejudice, Theo caught Sienna staring at him as his heart strings were tugged by Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. His smile dropped and then they quickly looked away from each other. By the time Titanic came on, Sienna was asleep so she didn't see Theo get a little teary eyed when Rose was calling for Jack.

During The Notebook, Mandy caught a soft moan from Christian before he turned away from the TV to face the back of the couch and let out a few coughs. She reached up and rubbed his back for a few seconds until he started snoring again.

After The Notebook, Vivian yawned and looked around to see that Theo and her were the only ones still awake. Mandy had fallen asleep on Sienna's shoulder and Sienna had fallen asleep on Mandy's head. "I think it's time we all went to bed."

"Indeed I cand wake Siennda." He got up and shook her shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked at Theo blearily. "Timbe to go to bed." She nodded and shook Mandy before getting up.

"What," Mandy asked.

"Bed," Sienna told her.

Mandy looked over at Christian to see he was still sleeping soundly and then she got up. They all split up and went to their respective rooms with Theo following Sienna and fell asleep. The next time Christian opened his eyes it was because there was involuntary movement to his right arm.

When there was no signs of it stopping, he groaned which made his breath catch in his throat and he had to bring the arm that was being tampered with to cover his mouth as he began coughing.

"That really doesn't sound good," Vivian said with a frown that he couldn't see. That's not Mandy, he thought. A hand rests on his forehead, "A little warm yes." He must not have heard or perhaps registered the question that preceded the answer.

The next thing he hears is, "Ok honeybun, say ah."

He goes to say it, but as soon as he opens his mouth he's taking a breathy gasp and then he ducks back into his right arm again. "Hh'kschiew!"

"I said say ah," she jokes and he opens his eyes and gives an exhausted half smile.

Then he's allowed an, "Ah." She places the thermometer under his tongue and he closes his lips around the thermometer.

It beeped and Mandy took it out, "99 even."

"Wow he's kicking this better than Theo."

"Has anyone seen the thermometer," Sienna asked as she walked into the living room.

"Really Sienna," Vivian asked.

"It's not my fault!"

"Well of course I know that. What happened now?"

"He feels hot." Mandy held out the thermometer and Sienna took it. "What was he at?"

"99 even."

"Glad to see somebody's actually getting better. Let me check Theo and then we can go." She washed off the thermometer and then walked to her room.

"Siennda I told you I'mb finde."

"So you've said this whole entire time and oh now you're brother says the same thing. I'm starting to hate those words. Now open your mouth." He rolled his eyes but still opened his mouth for her to stick the thermometer under his tongue. He waited for the beeping and she took it out. "99.2, low grade."

"I have to go ind at sombe point today, I've beend good ond trying to stay and not be so stubbornd. I'mb going ind."

The look on his face couldn't have been more serious. Still she hadn't seen him like this since he'd had to be brought to the apartment. So she poked him a bit more, "Fever free."

"Would you rather mbe fever free or would you rather mbe have a job?"

Her heart dropped, "I-I."

She looked at how his eyebrows knitted, not completely but just enough to show how irritated he was and his eyes bore through her. "Well are you going to say sombething?" She felt something well up inside her and her heart rate increased along with her breathing.

Then she realized the look on his face was morphing into a different kind of tension. "Siennda I prombise I'mb ok, I rund warmb ind the mbornding. I feel finde, ndot evend too condgested andymore." His breath started hitching and he turned away from her. “Hg’tch! Hg’tch! HG’tch!” She waited a couple of seconds to hear his breath hitch again. “HG’tchoo! HGT’TCHoo! Yes I amb still a bit sndeezy but I’mb feeling mbuch better.”


"I'mb going ind."


"I'll see you this afterndoond."

She nodded and walked out into the living room. Christian and Mandy were waiting near the door, the latter with a muffin in hand.

"Ok guys have a good day," Vivian said.

"Thank you," Sienna said.

"Thanks, you too," Mandy said as she opened the door.

"Thangk you," Christian and then sniffled thickly. They filed through the door and made their way through the complex and down to the lobby. Christian sniffled again and seconds later his breath started hitching. He quickly brought his arm up. "Huh'KSCHuh! Heht'TSCH'iew!"

"Bless you."

He sniffled, "Thangk you."

He kept sniffling every few seconds all the way to the car.

"You okay," Mandy asked as they climbed in.

"Mby ndose is stuffy, but I'mb ok." He sniffled again.

Sienna had started driving and her and Mandy were listening to music when he sneezed a loud, "HUHdt'KSCHiew!" He followed with, "Ugh pardond mbe."

"Bless you," they both said, shocked at how sudden the sneeze was. A couple of seconds went by and then Sienna and Mandy went back to listening to the music and singing along to it. Minutes later, another, "HDT'TSCH!"

"Bless you," both women said. Sienna went back to singing along to the music while Mandy stole periodic glances at Christian. They were minutes from the office and it'd been some time since Mandy had checked on Christian, getting carried away with singing with the latest being "As It Was", when she looked to see he had fallen asleep, head lulled to the left.

Mandy reached for the volume to the radio and turned it down.

"What did you do that for," Sienna asked.

"He's asleep. He's been so tired."

"Well yea Mandy he's sick."

Sienna pulled into the parking lot to their building and parked. "I'll wake him," Mandy said as they got out. She opened the door and reached to shake his shoulder not even coming anywhere close to it when his breath hitched and she withdrew her hand.

"Hih," he quickly brought his hand up and cupped it over his mouth as he finished the sneeze, "tschff!" He lowered his hand and blinked as he looked around confusedly, trying to get his bearings.

"We're at the office, I don't think we have any meetings so you should be able to go back to sleep when we get in," Mandy said, trying to offer some reassurance.

He nodded and then looked at his right hand which had just been on the receiving end of his germs. He made it a point to not touch anything until he sanitized his hand so he didn't spread those germs and started with not touching the door as he got out.

He reached for the door to the building with his left hand and then waved his hand in front of the hand sanitizer dispenser that was to the side of the door. He spread the sanitizer on both of his hands and made sure to get in between his fingers.

They made it up to the fourth floor and Sienna and Mandy sat at their desk while Christian went straight to his office. He couldn't wait to get back to sleep, fatigue pulling at his eyelids and making his body feel heavy and a bit achy. He sat down in his chair and immediately his head was in his arms. Then he felt moisture around the bottom of his nostrils so he sniffled.

Seconds later it came back so he sniffled again. Then he resorted to sniffling every couple of seconds. Tiredly he reached for a tissue and then blew his nose, wincing as the gurgling his nose mad resonated in his eardrums.

He threw the tissues away and then laid his head back in his arms. What felt like mere seconds later his nose tickled and his breath hitched a couple of times, not giving him nearly enough time to even lift his head to attempt to cover, instead his chest swelled and then his head pitched forward. "Hih'KSCH!" He groaned and then reached for another tissue and blew his nose again before crumbling it in his right hand.

He settled for placing his left elbow on the table and holding his head in his left hand at an angle so his nose was upwards and his ear was down towards the table. He closed his eyes, forgetting the tissue was still crumbled in his hand, and was asleep in minutes.

The phone to the fourth floor receptionist's desk rang and Sienna picked it up, "Holland-Thorne Marketing Group Santa Fe, you've reached Sienna."

"This is Everett Adams from Fred-"

"Frederick and Adams," Sienna said with him before continuing, "Yes Mr. Adams. What can I do for you?"

"I would like to meet with Theo."

"When can I pencil you in?"

"Does 10:30 work?"


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Christian sounds like he’s miserable! Hopefully Theo isn’t regressing and can actually get some work done. 

Thank you for this wonderful update!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The last chapter is upon us, but I wanted to make it a bit longer as a thank you for reading ^_^

I’m hoping and planning to make 8 more stories with these characters and I hope you will take the time to read those too

Again thank you

@RipleyToo Theo definitely is needed at the office


The phone to the fourth floor receptionist's desk rang and Sienna picked it up, "Holland-Thorne Marketing Group Santa Fe, you've reached Sienna."

"This is Everett Adams from Fred-"

"Frederick and Adams," Sienna said with him before continuing, "Yes Mr. Adams. What can I do for you?"

"I would like to meet with Theo."

"When can I pencil you in?"

"Does 10:30 work?"


"Yes, it's important."

Sienna peered into the office to see how Christian was faring. "Is he asleep," she whispered to Mandy.

"I think so."

"Um Theo isn't back yet, he's due back around 1."

"Who is there now? Christian?"


"Can I meet with him please?"

"Yes. Where would you like to meet with him?"

"Uh your meeting room works just fine."

"Ok see you in an hour." She hung up the phone and got up to go to the office.

"Where you going," Mandy asked.

"That was Everett Adams, he wants to meet with Christian at 9:30."

"I'll go tell him."


Mandy got up and walked into his office. Her heart sunk at the sight in front of her. She could hear how congested he was from his heavy breathing. She glanced over him and settled on his right hand, more specifically what was in his right hand. A crumpled tissue, he must've been so drop dead tired he hadn't even mustered up the willpower to throw it away. She stopped in her tracks and turned back, closing the office door behind herself softly.

"Can't Theo do the meeting?"


"He looks exhausted."

"He has to be fever free for 24 hours."

"It's a few hours short."

"Exactly. Go tell him or I will."

Mandy rolled her eyes and walked into his office again. She reluctantly reached out and shook his arm. He groaned and opened his eyes for a few seconds before closing them again. She shook him again.

"I'b up," he sniffled, sounding thoroughly blocked and his voice coming out raspy. His body shook harshly and he sniffled again, his breath catching in his throat. He brought the crumpled up tissue to cover his mouth as he coughed. Then he groaned before stating, "It's kind of cold."

"Oh honeybun I think you might have an actual fever, look at me."

He raised his head to look her in the eyes. She caught a glimpse of his watery eyes before his breath hitched. He brought the tissue back up as his breath kept hitching. The hitches stopped and his chest deflated.

Seconds later the hitching came back and then stopped again. The cycle repeated one more time before Mandy decided to hand him another tissue so he didn't have to use the used one. One more cycle and he apologized with a blush.


He opened his mouth to speak but gasped and quickly cupped the tissue around his mouth and nose. "Hiht'tsch!"

"Bless you."

His head swam and he placed his hand on his forehead, "You deeded be for sobethi'g."

She winced at the congestion but continued, "Everett Adams wants to meet with you in an hour."

"Ok." His hand stayed on his forehead which made Mandy frown.

"You alright honeybun?"

"Fide gorgeous." He sniffled and opened his eyes to look at her.

"You look miserable. Why didn't you just stay home?"

"Theo has to be fever free for 24 hours, I wasd't goi'g to chadce adythi'g."

"And you don't think we would've been fine for 5 hours?"

"You thi'k I should've taked a chadce like that wihh-with by hh bub? I'b goi'g to sdeeze, excuse be." He rushed his warning, using the hand that had been on his forehead to quickly grab a tissue and then bringing his other hand up so he had both hands cupped around his mouth and nose. "HUH'TSH'iew! Ugh dod't adswer that."

Mandy fought back a giggle until his breath caught again.

"HUH'tsh'iew! Hh'KSCH'yu! Huht'tsch'hh! Tsch! Tcsh! Tcsh! Tsch! Tsch! Huh-HAHT'KSCH!"

"Bless you," she said dramatically. His hand was immediately back on his forehead, hoping the dizziness would subside. He placed his elbow on the desk to stabilize his head. "Maybe I should try again to get Theo in here."

"Doh he deeds to rest."

"And so do you."

"I dod't deed hib getti'g his fever back."

"And what about your fever?"

"We dod't kdow if I have a fever and eved if I do it's dothi'g I cad't ha'dle. We deed to bake sure Theo is completely recovered."

His eyes remained closed and it looked like he was struggling to stay awake. "Do you want to go back to sleep?"

"I thi'k I should try."

"Ok I'll get you in about 45 minutes."

"Tha'k you." She gave a soft smile and left the office, closing the door lightly behind her.

"I'm almost certain Christian has a fever."

"Aww poor thing."

"He won't leave until Theo gets here."

"It's only a few hours."

"Exactly it'd only be a few hours early if Theo came."

"The doctor said he needed to be fever free, we really need to listen to the doctor."

45 minutes later, Mandy got up and went into the office. She shook Christian's arm, "It's time to go to the meeting."

He lifted his head and blinked a few times. Then his eyes furrowed and his nostrils flared as his breath hitched. He brought his arm up and pitched forward with a sneeze. "Huh'khh!" It was so unlike his typical sneezes, only the beginning audible plus it was pretty harsh.

"Bless you."

"Tha'k youhh," his breath hitched again, "Huh'khh!"

"Bless you."

He sniffled, not getting much air through his nostrils. A couple of seconds later his breath hitched again. "Huh'tch'iew!" The ending of the sneeze was in the form of a breath, no sound coming out.

"Bless you," she rubbed his back.

A few seconds later, she felt the muscles in his back tense and release as his breath hitched. "HEH'khh! Ow."

"Bless you again."

There was a few seconds of silence before he had to gear up for yet another sneeze, "Hyehh-heh-heh-heh-HUH'TCH'uhh!" The ending of the sneeze was again basically just a breath. He sniffled again and rubbed his face.

"Jeez bless you."

He shook his head, starting to hitch, "I cad't stop sdeezehh-HAH'KTCH! Ow."

"Bless you."

Another attempt to sniffle launched him into yet another build up, eyes watering and heat building up, "HAHT'tch'eugh!"

"Bless you. Maybe you should blow your nose."

He nodded and plucked a couple of tissues as his breath began hitching again. "Heh," he started but attempted to blow his nose instead. Nothing came out and on his next inhale the hitching came back. He tried blowing again and the first blow produced nothing so he blew a bit harder.

Something gave way and a thick gurgle was heard as he blew. His nose and its content felt hot. He also noted his breath felt very hot and his eyes watered as he drew in a breath. He blew again, trying to get rid of the nastiness in his nasal cavities.

"I'b drowdi'g id by owd bucus. That's so gross, I'b sorry I said that." He threw the tissue away.

"No it definitely sounds like you are. Are you sure you want to go to the meeting?"

He nodded and then stood. He took one step before he had to catch himself on the desk, eyes closing in an attempt to minimize the spinning of the room and right hand coming up to brace himself as he tried to maintain consciousness. His heart was racing.


"I'b ok." He stayed there for a minute, starting to feel a bit of nausea. The wave subsided and he swallowed hard. "I should eat whed we get back to the office."

"Ok. Soup?"

"Defidit-," he broke off into rough coughs that racked his body and seemed to make every single bone in his body rattle, muscles tensing in pain. "Defiditely." It came out hoarse and he had to clear his throat. He started walking out of the office, Mandy in close tow in case anything happened.

"We should'dt be late," Christian said hoarsely to Sienna when he was in front of the receptionist desk.

Sienna nodded and got up as he continued walking.

"Stay close to him, he almost passed out," Mandy whispered to Sienna. She nodded and did a slight jog to close the gap Christian had left between them. They got into the elevator and Sienna quickly moved past Christian to press the button.

He looked at her confusedly to which she replied, "Germs."

The germs that currently resided in his nose must've heard themselves mentioned because he felt a sneeze build up in his nose. He twitched his nose but was still forced to suck in hitching breaths. "Hah'khh!"

"Bless you."

He sniffled.

"We should get you some DayQuil or something, here I'll text Mandy." She got out her phone and shot her a text. She heard his breath hitch and out of the corner of her eye she saw him turn away from her and bring his arm up.

"Hih'ktch!" This was followed up by a barely audible moan.

"You okay?"


He nodded. He was lent back against the wall of the elevator, eyes closed. A slight red tint was evident on his cheeks. Is that a feverish blush? Without warning she brought the back of her hand to his forehead. Her eyes widened at the heat that she felt.

"You're burning up."

He shook his head. The elevator dinged and he got off leaving her no room to protest his argument. It wasn't like he even had one, just because he decided to shake his head doesn't mean that the heat was not there.

He had to pause outside the meeting room, bringing his arm up to catch a harsh, desperate sneeze. "HYEH'KHHiew!" The ending was again barely audible, heavy congestion getting in the way of the sound.

He walked into the meeting room and he was preparing to speak when Everett beat him to it, "Bless you. I'm starting to think you might be allergic to me."

Christian chuckled and then coughed a couple of times before clearing his throat. "Fortudately for our busidess relatiodship it is dot allergies." He sniffled, congestion evident in the sound it made.

"You sound horribly stuffed up."

"Yes, but I'b ok. I still do prefer to sit as far away as possible so I doh'dt subject you to by gerbs." He took a seat at the furthest chair from Everett and Sienna sat beside him.

"Thank you," Everett said with a small smile. Christian eyed what was on the table in front of him: three shot glasses and a blank bottle. "Still a work in progress," Everett said, "But the purpose of this meeting was to share how Sunrise has progressed with a tasting. Though I'm not sure if that's possible with-"

"HIH'ktch! Huh...HIH'KTCH! Idt'TCH! Eugh excuse be. I'b so sorry."

"Nonsense though I don't know if you'll be able to," he trailed off, thinking before he asked, "How are your tastebuds?"

"I doh'dt kdow I have'dt tried tasti'g adythi'g of recedt."

"Wanna try," he gestured to the glasses in front of him."

"Ok." A shiver coursed through him and he brought his arms up around himself as Everett poured. Once Everett was done pouring, he looked up to see Christian's arms wrapped around himself and immediately he felt sympathy for him.

"You know maybe Sienna can try, I think I can trust her opinion." He gave a smile. "You sound like you need some rest."

At first the question was entertained in Christian's mind. He was starting to feel an unusual mix of hot and cold, his muscles were sore, and he just wanted to sleep if his stuffy nose could let him. Then he remembered yesterday and how Everett was with Sienna. "That woh'dt be decessary."

Everett handed one of the glasses to him, one to Sienna, and kept one for himself. "Cheers."

They all took the shot and Christian hurriedly put the glass back down. He quickly drew his arm up and started coughing, his throat and chest burning. Every cough made it worse and he started rubbing his throat. Tears lined his eyes and then he felt thumping on his back. The coughing fit finally died down and he cleared his throat. He felt hot, way too hot. He just wanted to sleep again.

"I cad't eved taste it. I'b sorry but I'b feeli'g quite poorly after all. I thi'k I should head back dowd to by office and let Siedda ha'dle it frob here." He looked to Sienna for approval, making sure she felt comfortable being alone in the room with him.

There was a slight hesitation so he texted Mandy to send somebody up to be in there with her and Everett before he got up. He'd almost made it to the door when he stumbled but caught himself.

Sienna was to him by the time he'd caught himself. "Here let me get him back to his office and then I'll be back up. It'll only take me a few minutes."

"No problem. I hope you get better quick Christian."

Sienna helped him back down to the fourth floor and she already knew Mandy was going to freak once she saw the state he was in coupled with the fact that he was back from the meeting early. No sooner had they made it past the receptionist desk did Mandy say, "Hey. Hey, what's going on?"

"He's not doing so hot or actually that's kind of the problem," she said as she continued helping him towards the office. Mandy got up and had the office door open by the time they came to it. Sienna helped him to the chair and sat him down.

He immediately put his head in his hands, muffling, "I'b okay, go fidish the beeti'g."

"Yea I got Aspen to meet you up there," Mandy said.

Sienna nodded and headed back up to the meeting room. Aspen was sat where Christian had been and she took the seat beside him.

"Did he make it down ok," Everett asked Sienna.


"Your colleague Aspen has joined us and he brought his own glass so he could try. Do you need to try it again or do you remember how it tasted?"

"I believe I remember how it tasted."

"Well here," he poured some more into the shot glass she'd had, "Just in case."

Meanwhile Christian had finally fallen asleep in his office, snoring lightly. Mandy had been listening to the snores as she sat with her laptop. She'd pulled up a chair to his desk and tapped into the receptionist phone and almost all of the systems on the desktop.

She was making an appointment for Copper Valley, a home decor company who were to share a preview of their fall collection on Thursday, when she heard some moaning coming from Christian.

She got up and rubbed his back, finding his shirt wet with sweat, "It's ok honeybun, you're ok." She palmed his forehead finding him unbelievably warm especially for someone who doesn't get fevers.

His phone started ringing and she tried to locate it to silence it before it woke him. It kept ringing and he dug for the phone, barely awake. Once he found it he answered it.

"Christian," his mom's voice came through the phone.

"Hellohh-hehh," he quickly reached for the tissues with his other hand and used that hand to cup the tissues around his mouth and nose. "TCH! TCH! TCH! TCH! IDT'TCH! IDT'TCH! Hhh-hh-hh...HIDT'TCH'uh!" He'd flinched into the tissues, an intensely irritated look spread across his face as he sneezed rapidly. Eyebrows creased and together with how hard his shoulders flinched and his hands shook showed the sheer force of the sneezes.

"Bless you."

"Dot duhh...heh-heh-heh-heh..HAHT'ktch! KTCH! KTCH! KTCH! KTCH! Eugh-HAH'KTCH'uh! His eyes were warm and watery again, he didn't even need to open them to feel how warm and wet they were.

"Bless you. You sound horrible."

As if she needed to be proved any more correct, he blew into the tissues furiously and then coughed before he drew in a shaky breath and repeated it.

"You sound like you should be at home."

"Who are you a'd what have you dode with by bub?"

"Is Theo back in the office?"

"Dot yet but sood." He coughed into the tissues and then threw them away.

"I can't believe you're going to be sick on your first day back to work in London."

"You're still baki'g be go?"

"You thought I wouldn't?"

"You just said I sou'd like I belo'g at hobe."

"Well you should get some rest before your flight is all I'm saying."

"You have to be joki'g."


"I doh'dt wadda talk to you adybore right dow."

"Christian you better be on that flight tomorrow."

He hung up on her and placed his head back in his hand.

"What happened," Mandy asked.

"She wadts be to get od the plade a'd start work od Thursday still."

"What a bitch. Sorry, sorry. I just can't believe her."

"It's ok."

"No it isn't. You're sick as a dog right now and cooped up in an office instead of resting and now you have to get on a plane and go to work."

"It wodt be so bad, I just deed to sleep this off as buch as I cad." She didn't have anything to say to him, not anything he'd listen to anyways so she just kept her ears out in case she was needed.

She heard the door to the office open and looked up to see Sienna. She immediately put a finger to her lips and gestured to Christian with her eyes.

"How is he," Sienna whispered.

"Terrible. Can Theo come now?"

"Almost. He should be here in a couple of hours."

"Hours," she whisper yelled.


"You're being super unfair, Christian is really sick and you won't tell Theo to get in here a couple hours early."

"Fever free-"

"And what about Christian?"

"It's only a few more hours Mandy."

"You're being selfish, I never thought you would be like this."


She looked away from Sienna. Sienna sighed and closed the door behind her. Mandy picked up her phone and called Vivian.

“Hey Mands.”

“Viv, are you home?”

“Yes, why?”

“I need you to tell Theo to come in.”

“He’s under orders not to go in until 24 hours is up, he’s still got a few more hours to go.”

“Ok and Christian is really sick and Sienna isn’t listening.”

“You think Theo or Christian will? What if Theo comes in and gets worse? What if Christian gets mad when he finds out Theo came in or even worse: What if Theo gets worse because he went in and Christian found out?”

“Sure I guess you’re right.”

“It’ll be ok Mands.”

“I hope you’re right.”

After their conversation ended, Sienna’s phone rang. “Hey.”

“Hey, Mandy’s worried about Christian and Theo was ok last time I checked on him. You think it’d be ok if Theo ended his 24 hours early?”

“Are you serious? Damn Mandy I can’t believe she called you.”

“She’s just worried, kind of like you were worried about Theo.”

“It’s different. That’s my job to care.”

“Sure keep telling yourself it’s only because of your job. You’re right it is different, Mandy actually likes this guy and has had relations with him. Their bond is deeper so it makes sense for her to be worried.” Sienna stayed quiet. “Right. Ok just keep an open mind SiSi.” No words from Sienna again. “I’ve got a cake to ice, see you when you guys get home.”






About an hour later Sienna and Mandy still hadn't spoken a word to each other and Mandy nor Christian had moved from their spots. Christian suddenly began to whimper. Mandy's heart dropped and she got up to try to soothe him again. Suddenly his eyes shot open, heart racing. He had to swallow hard multiple times as he reached for the trash can.

Once he'd gotten a good grip on it, he let the contents of his stomach spill into the can before coughing rough and wet. Mandy kept rubbing his back, unsure of what else to do. He started shaking and she could hear him sob thought it was near silent. "It's ok honeybun. Shh, shh." After a minute, she asked, "Better?" He shook his head as he coughed.

"Stobach," he rasped hoarsely, "Feels weird." He took one hand of the trashcan and snaked that arm around his stomach. He put the trashcan down and then leaned back in his chair, eyes closed and arm around his stomach.

"Think you're done?"

"Doh'dt kdow," he breaths came out heavy. "Hot."

"Yea I know," she rubbed his arm.

"I really doh'dt feel good Ma'dy. I'b c-cold and hot. By head is cobpletely blocked a'd by stobach. I've dever beed dauseous like that, I-I-I've dever beed sick like this."

"Have you ever had the flu before?"

"I cadt say that I have." He sniffled. "Ohhh ndot dow. Hh-hh-hh-hh..HIH'tch!" He'd cupped the hand that wasn't currently resting by his stomach around his nose.

"Bless you."


"Bless you."


"Bless you."

"Tha'k you."

He was asleep within minutes, arm still not letting up from around his stomach. Mandy took this time to go talk to Sienna. This time, she decided, she was going to be unrelenting.

"Tell Theo to come now."

"No," Sienna's eyes didn't drift from the computer screen she was looking at.

"I'm not playing Sienna, Christian needs to go home. He just threw up."

"Mandy." She'd forgotten about how panicked Sienna got around the topic. She grinned and then started going in full detail. "Ok Mandy, please stop."

"Theo. Here. Now."

"What has gotten into you?" She picked up her phone and called Theo.

"Hello," came Theo's voice.

"Hey I need you to get over here, Christian is super sick and he needs to go home."

"Is he ok?"

"I believe so. Bring the thermometer and some DayQuil with you."

"Ok, I'll be there soon."

He hung up and Sienna told Mandy, "He's on his way."

Mandy nodded and headed back into the office. She changed the trash bag in his trashcan as quietly as she could and then sat down and got back on her laptop. She listened to the snores that came from him as he slept, making sure there was no interruption in them.

Sure enough his snores stopped abruptly and Mandy's eyes snapped to Christian who shot up, "Theo. Is Theo ok?" Worry was evident in his watery eyes.

"He's fine honeybun, go back to sleep. He's on his way here so we can get you home."

"24 hours."

"Fuck that 24 hours."

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Oh no! Christian seems that he’s taken a turn for the worse! Poor guy! Hopefully Theo is well enough to move forward!

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Wow your writing is incredible. Looking forward to what happens next 🥰

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