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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Did you always have the fetish or did you develop it later?


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Not to keep repeating what others are saying, but definitely as long as I can remember I knew I liked it.

I have a memory of being super young and playing with my stuffed animals 🧸 and like let’s say having the bear sneeze, the cat say bless you, then the bear would say thank you, and then have them have conversations about sneezing. 

I also remember always hating when my family would sneeze or when they would bless my sneezes, but really reallyyy liking when my friends or classmates would sneeze in like elementary school and I would think about those instances late at night…not fully comprehending what I was doing. 😅

Now that I’m looking back, it makes me cringe that my large PC computer was in the family room at the time when I discovered sneeze videos, and I didn’t have headphones, so I would listen to them at night at a really low volume with my ear close to the speaker. But now I wonder if my mom monitored my internet usage and/or reviewed search history or maybe even heard it in passing. I want to crawl out of my skin just thinking about it!! 😖

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I can trace the start of my interest in sneezing to when I was around 7-8 and watched the Teen Titans episode where Starfire has an allergy to the metal of the bomb and has to use it to track its location. I had the whole episode recorded on the family dvd player and knew the exact timings of where the sneezing would occur.

My fetish at the time was quite 'innocent' now that I look back at it, just a very strong interest. It wasn't till I became much older that sneezing affected me in a 'deeper' level so the speak haha.

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I've had it ever since I can remember. When I was five or six my friends older sister would sometimes babysit me. She had bad allergies and sneezed A LOT. I remember thinking about it over and over and I was embarrassed so I never told anyone. Soon after that I started watching clips online and the rest is history.

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I believe I’ve always had it. Which doesn’t make sense to me because I was taught that fetishes are kinda like a Pavlov experience. I remember learning to read and seeing the word “cold” in a book and acting like I couldn’t read it because I was too embarrassed. I had to be 4 or 5 years old

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36 minutes ago, bearwax said:

I believe I’ve always had it. Which doesn’t make sense to me because I was taught that fetishes are kinda like a Pavlov experience. I remember learning to read and seeing the word “cold” in a book and acting like I couldn’t read it because I was too embarrassed. I had to be 4 or 5 years old

I forget where, but I read somewhere that there’s a theory that fetishes can also be “inherited” so I wonder if that can also be a reason why a lot of us feel like we always had the fetish vs pinpointing a specific root cause event.

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2 hours ago, DVO54 said:

I forget where, but I read somewhere that there’s a theory that fetishes can also be “inherited” so I wonder if that can also be a reason why a lot of us feel like we always had the fetish vs pinpointing a specific root cause event.

Tbh that makes me so uncomfortable to think about… anyone else?

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33 minutes ago, bearwax said:

Tbh that makes me so uncomfortable to think about… anyone else?

Extremely uncomfortable. Wanted to gouge my eyes out when I read it originally 😂

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2 hours ago, DVO54 said:

I forget where, but I read somewhere that there’s a theory that fetishes can also be “inherited” so I wonder if that can also be a reason why a lot of us feel like we always had the fetish vs pinpointing a specific root cause event.

@DVO54, Possibly. My Maternal Grandmother  go outside much. She was allergic to flowers and tree pollen. 

Mom and I were allergic to acacia tree, yellow pollen. Now there are Oak trees near my apartment. I'm not too sneezy at the moment, except for inducing😃.  Pretty sure the sneezes can be inherited. Not sure about the sensual part though.

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Like most of us, I have had it for as long as I can remember.. I used to listen to radio plays and would rewind the cassettes to listen to "certain parts" over and over again lol :) needless to say what new world opened up to me, when I learned how to use the internet lol

I also played with my Barbie dolls and would make up scenarios. What I also used to do was drawing pictures of people sneezing. I hid them under my pillow, so its likely my mom found them when she was changing the sheets.. she probably forgot about it though idk I must have been about 5 or 6 years old


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On 8/16/2024 at 11:53 AM, DVO54 said:

I forget where, but I read somewhere that there’s a theory that fetishes can also be “inherited” so I wonder if that can also be a reason why a lot of us feel like we always had the fetish vs pinpointing a specific root cause event.

Horrifying thought! 😖😫

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On 8/17/2024 at 2:37 PM, AnnaSophie said:

Like most of us, I have had it for as long as I can remember.. I used to listen to radio plays and would rewind the cassettes to listen to "certain parts" over and over again lol :) needless to say what new world opened up to me, when I learned how to use the internet lol

I also played with my Barbie dolls and would make up scenarios. What I also used to do was drawing pictures of people sneezing. I hid them under my pillow, so its likely my mom found them when she was changing the sheets.. she probably forgot about it though idk I must have been about 5 or 6 years old


Phew 😅 😂😂

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On 8/16/2024 at 5:50 PM, kathleenh4656 said:

@DVO54, Possibly. My Maternal Grandmother  go outside much. She was allergic to flowers and tree pollen. 

Mom and I were allergic to acacia tree, yellow pollen. Now there are Oak trees near my apartment. I'm not too sneezy at the moment, except for inducing😃.  Pretty sure the sneezes can be inherited. Not sure about the sensual part though.

That should have read, Grandmother didn't go outside much...not even to sit on the front porch.

Grandpa was the gardener who grew carnations, roses and had at least three apricot trees in his big back yard.

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I've had it for as long as i can remember though obviously I didn't understand what it was as a child. I think I had to have been four or five. Those are my earliest memories of the fascination and enjoyment of sneezes 😷

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I’ve had it as long as I can remember too. When I was like 4 I played with stuffed animals before bed and would always cover all of the animals with blankets but one was accidentally left unprotected from the wind and it would get a cold and the others would take care of it, it was always a very sneezy cold of course. I also had this made up scenario where there was a lot of snow and there was a line of people waiting to go to the doctors and the first patient would go in with his terrible cold but just before entering the building he would sneeze at the second patient and give him the cold. He would then come in the doctors office and would be healthy but as soon as he would come out, he would be sneezed at and would catch the cold right back again and would have to go to the end of the long line of sneezy people with colds and they would give it to each other eternally but would never be sick the minute they got to the doctors office so they wouldn’t be healed ever. 
also when I was still in kindergarten my father picked up a stopper on our way to cottage for Easter break as it was some kind of an old friend and the man was so sneezy, he was wet as it was pouring rain and he was sooo sneezy he couldn’t get a word out. I was soooo uncomfortable that I pretended like I couldn’t talk and my father got really angry with me for being rude. The man actually gave my father his cold and my father was sick the whole week and it was again very uncomfortable, but at least he wasn’t as sneezy as the guy, I would have probably camped out in the garden if he was lol 

When I was like 14 I would replay a sick episode of a random series I was watching with my family because I needed to see it alone and my friend would come over and as we were on the internet and episode accidentally started playing - just the audio of coughing and sneezing from another tab, I was mortified 🤦🏽‍♀️ I pretended like I was just randomly watching that series and she laughed at me but I camouflaged it as just watching that series, I believe she forgot it soon but for me it was like damn, I need to be more careful 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I found out about mine when I was a kid. You know how in kids cartoons there’s like atleast one episode where the character gets sick in every kids cartoon show (for some reason), those would always be my favourite episodes. And then id write my own stories of my favourite character getting a cold/sneezing.

I didn't know why until I learned the term lol 

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