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Do you like snot?


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23 minutes ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Yes, I recall my favorite observation of her was on day five. She came into the kitchen just after she woke up and said good morning in an extremely congested voice. Even saying that much caused her to sniffle, a great big slurping sound. That made her start a coughing fit which went on for about a minute and sounded like she was almost gagging on her mucus. She finished by spitting phlegm into a tissue then getting another and blowing her nose. Her nose sounded so full, she just poured mucus into the tissue but it didn't seem to stop. She blew again and then a third time and by the end her nose sounded emptier but when she sniffled it already sounded a little bit snotty again.

This sounds like such an amazing thing to see. First thing in the morning, full of snot and phlegm. I would love to see something like that.

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41 minutes ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Yes, I recall my favorite observation of her was on day five. She came into the kitchen just after she woke up and said good morning in an extremely congested voice. Even saying that much caused her to sniffle, a great big slurping sound. That made her start a coughing fit which went on for about a minute and sounded like she was almost gagging on her mucus. She finished by spitting phlegm into a tissue then getting another and blowing her nose. Her nose sounded so full, she just poured mucus into the tissue but it didn't seem to stop. She blew again and then a third time and by the end her nose sounded emptier but when she sniffled it already sounded a little bit snotty again.

How has allergy season been for you? It has been quite disappointing over here, lots of rain keeping the pollen count down.

I would have liked to be there listenting at that gurgling sound... her boyfriend is a lucky person if he took care of her! Her room must have been literally covered with used tissues.

I didn't see anything interesting, then I prefer colds to allergies.

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Just now, TomNatworthy said:

I would have liked to be there listenting at that gurgling sound... her boyfriend is a lucky person if he took care of her! Her room must have been literally covered with used tissues.

I didn't see anything interesting, then I prefer colds to allergies.

Yeah me too but I will take what I can get. This recent episode aside I never get to see colds in the summer, allergies are my consolation prize.

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22 minutes ago, djm4991 said:

This sounds like such an amazing thing to see. First thing in the morning, full of snot and phlegm. I would love to see something like that.

True! It would be a miracle to wake up with a girl so full of snot and phlegm blowing her nose and coughing in front of you. A dream would be to be able to blow her nose and feel all that warm snot on your hand😍

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6 minutes ago, TomNatworthy said:

I would have liked to be there listenting at that gurgling sound... her boyfriend is a lucky person if he took care of her! Her room must have been literally covered with used tissues.

I didn't see anything interesting, then I prefer colds to allergies.

She did spend a lot of her time in the house in his room but I don't go in there so I didn't get to check out what she might have left in there...

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2 minutes ago, TomNatworthy said:

True! It would be a miracle to wake up with a girl so full of snot and phlegm blowing her nose and coughing in front of you. A dream would be to be able to blow her nose and feel all that warm snot on your hand😍

Her boyfriend is certainly one lucky man. I can only imagine what it was like when she actually first woke up, with all her mucus collecting overnight.

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2 minutes ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Lei trascorreva molto tempo in casa, nella sua stanza, ma io non ci entro e quindi non ho potuto controllare cosa potrebbe aver lasciato lì dentro...

Probably there were the best tissues there, the ones she used when she woke up with all the mucus accumulated during the night...

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1 minute ago, TomNatworthy said:

Probably there were the best tissues there, the ones she used when she woke up with all the mucus accumulated during the night...

Sadly lost forever. My own girlfriend so rarely gets colds as well and when she does her snot is always clear and thin.

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2 minutes ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Sadly lost forever. My own girlfriend so rarely gets colds as well and when she does her snot is always clear and thin.

Same thing for my ex girlfriend, at least you saw the snot of your roommate's girlfriend.

Does your girlfriend know about the fetish?

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1 minute ago, TomNatworthy said:

Same thing for my ex girlfriend, at least you saw the snot of your roommate's girlfriend.

Does your girlfriend know about the fetish?

No, she does not. Have you told anyone in your life?

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1 minute ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

No, she does not. Have you told anyone in your life?

Yes to my girlfriend, but we never talked about it again.

Have somebody ever seen you looking into tissues?

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Just now, TomNatworthy said:

Yes to my girlfriend, but we never talked about it again.

Have somebody ever seen you looking into tissues?

Oh no I am always very careful to make sure nobody could see me. This limits the tissues I get to see but better safe than sorry. What about you?

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2 minutes ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Oh no, sto sempre molto attento a fare in modo che nessuno possa vedermi. Questo limita i tessuti che vedo, ma meglio prevenire che curare. E tu?

Same thing. How was your best experience with tissues? I had already wrote mine but you often had better occasions.

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3 minutes ago, TomNatworthy said:

Same thing. How was your best experience with tissues? I had already wrote mine but you often had better occasions.

Probably the day 7 experience when she cleared her airways with steam. Though I didn't have the best obs of her actually blowing her nose, finding 6 tissues of nasty cold snot, ranging from filled to the brim to only a little bit of mucus, showing how she progressively emptied her sinuses, was simply just marvelous.

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Just now, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Probably the day 7 experience when she cleared her airways with steam. Though I didn't have the best obs of her actually blowing her nose, finding 6 tissues of nasty cold snot, ranging from filled to the brim to only a little bit of mucus, showing how she progressively emptied her sinuses, was simply just marvelous.

I think summer colds are typically worse than winter colds, it would make sense only the worst viruses would infect people in those conditions. Do you have any good experiences with observing summer colds?

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2 minutes ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Probabilmente l'esperienza del settimo giorno, quando si è liberata le vie respiratorie con il vapore. Sebbene non abbia avuto le migliori osservazioni di quando si è soffiata il naso, trovare 6 fazzoletti di moccio freddo e disgustoso, che andavano da pieno fino all'orlo a solo un po' di muco, a dimostrazione di come si fosse progressivamente svuotata i seni nasali, è stato semplicemente meraviglioso.

Disgustingly beautiful, I wanted to touch that snot.

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4 minutes ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Penso che i raffreddori estivi siano in genere peggiori di quelli invernali, avrebbe senso che solo i virus peggiori contagiassero le persone in quelle condizioni. Hai avuto esperienze positive osservando i raffreddori estivi?

Once I was at the Prado museum and I noticed a girl with short red hair and a really red and chapped nose. I heard her sniffle and she walked around the rooms with a used tissue in her hand and every now and then she passed it under her nose, preferring to sniff instead of blowing, she breathed through her mouth and she looked tired.

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1 minute ago, TomNatworthy said:

Once I was at the Prado museum and I noticed a girl with short red hair and a really red and chapped nose. I heard her sniffle and she walked around the rooms with a used tissue in her hand and every now and then she passed it under her nose, preferring to sniff instead of blowing, she breathed through her mouth and she looked tired.

Very nice, have you got any other good cold observations you haven't mentioned yet?

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2 minutes ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

Molto bello, hai altre belle osservazioni a freddo che non hai ancora menzionato?

Only once my girlfriend who often got sick was sitting down and blew her nose and from above in front of her I saw all the mucus going into the tissue, but it was transparent.

Did you have some other great experiences with snot?

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Just now, TomNatworthy said:

Only once my girlfriend who often got sick was sitting down and blew her nose and from above in front of her I saw all the mucus going into the tissue, but it was transparent.

Did you have some other great experiences with snot?

I never saw something like that! I will have to think about it, I believe I have posted all my best observations so far.

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5 minutes ago, TomNatworthy said:

Only once my girlfriend who often got sick was sitting down and blew her nose and from above in front of her I saw all the mucus going into the tissue, but it was transparent.

Did you have some other great experiences with snot?

What do you mean you could see the mucus going into the tissue? Did she not have it pressed right up to her nose?

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10 hours ago, The Brit who says Achoo! said:

What do you mean you could see the mucus going into the tissue? Did she not have it pressed right up to her nose?

Yes exatly.

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  • 1 month later...

There's just something about it I can't explain. The feeling of the wet on your skin. My husband often uses me as a tissue and nothing could be better foreplay to me. I also love hearing snot in little.sniffles and seeing sick girls who don't realize they have snot on their face. All good things.

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On 8/15/2024 at 10:07 AM, thefuzzydarkness said:

There's just something about it I can't explain. The feeling of the wet on your skin. My husband often uses me as a tissue and nothing could be better foreplay to me. I also love hearing snot in little.sniffles and seeing sick girls who don't realize they have snot on their face. All good things.

Beautiful! A dream, your husband knows how to make you happy! I love when girls notice the snot and cover their noses trying to suck it up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, runny noses and the little snotty sniffles are cute from girls and boys (that’s my preference anyways lol)

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