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"No Sick Days" Grey's Anatomy, Lexie & Mark


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Hi! It's been WAY too long, but I've finally found some time to continue writing, and this pairing was long overdue. So, here you are: my favorite Grey's Anatomy pairing!! This is set sometime between Lexie and Mark's first breakup and them getting back together. Apologies in advance if all of the details aren't perfectly canon--it has been a while and the Grey's timeline of relationships is... a lot. *PS: If anyone knows how to copy-paste from a Word Doc into here, please let me know--it keeps attaching as an image instead?? I don't want to type it all out, but I will if I have to).

Part One

Waking up with a sore throat is miserable for anyone, but for a surgical intern, there are no sick days. So, when Lexie Grey woke up with that telltale, scratchy ache in the back of her throat, it took every ounce of willpower she possessed to drag herself out of bed and into the shower.

She could tell the water was near-scalding by the billows of steam, and the way it turned her pale skin bright red almost instantly, but it did little to ease the dull ache in her limbs. Lexie added "body aches" to her mental list of symptoms, and tilted her head back to let the hot water drench her face, willing it to relieve the building pressure in her sinuses.

The hospital was a flurry of activity when she arrived, a familiar symphony of monitors beeping, pens clicking, and voices barking orders at interns. The locker room offered some reprieve from the noise--at least until Christina Yang approached her.

"Derek's out sick," Christina drawled in her signature monotone. "You're with McSteamy today."

Lexie groaned. Of course, working a twelve hour shift with a burgeoning cold wasn't enough; she had to do it alongside her ex-boyfriend.

Putting on her best poker face (which, admittedly, wasn't very good), Lexie found Mark hunched over a clipboard at the nurse's station.

"Reporting for duty, sir!" Lexie announced, standing at attention. Oh God, why did I do that? she thought. As if that wasn't embarrassing enough, her voice cracked mid-sentence, triggering a dry cough--which she attempted to hide by clearing her throat.

Mark stared at her incredulously for a split second before generously deciding to ignore the whole incident. "Morning, Little Grey! Coffee?"

"Um, sure, thanks." Lexie gratefully accepted the paper Starbucks cup in his outstretched hand.

"They made two by mistake, it would have gone to waste otherwise," Mark added defensively. Whether he meant to or not, his comment drew a line between them--friendly, but not flirtation. No room for interpretation or misunderstandings. This stung Lexie more than she would like to admit.

"Sure they did. That's called pretty privilege, Mark." Lexie returned his quip as if to say, message received. Friendly, but nothing more.

He rolled his eyes at her before turning abruptly and sauntering down the hallway, gesturing for her to follow.

As Mark begun his morning rounds, Lexie trailed behind slightly, gulping down her hot coffee. When that first sip of hot liquid trickled down her scratchy throat, it was all she could do to keep from audibly moaning with relief. 

Maybe she wasn't getting sick. She just needed some caffeine. More importantly, if she told herself she was fine, maybe she could trick herself into cooperating.

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Here is Part Two! :) 

"You picked a boring day to be a plastics intern, Little Grey. No surgeries scheduled--everyone is either a consult or on the mend." Mark made no effort to hide his disappointment, but Lexie was secretly grateful. The caffeine buzz was helping her to push through her fatigue, but congestion had begun to settle in her sinuses, making her head heavy and achy. She was not on her A-game today.

"Okay Mrs. Anderson, time to change those bandages!" Lexie watched the patient's face light up as Mark entered the room. He always had that effect on people--well, on women, mostly.

Uh-oh. Lexie hung back in the doorway as a tickle began building in her nostril.

"Dr. Grey? Would you care to assist me?" Though she kept her head turned away from him, Lexie could feel Mark's piercing gaze on the back of her head.

"Y-yes, I'm co-hhh- be right there!" She scrunched up her nose, begging the tickle to subside--to no avail.

"Hih-h'itschoo! H'etschoo!" Lexie caught the sneezes in the sleeve of her lab coat, still hiding her face from Mark.

"Bless you, Dr. Grey!"

Lexie mumbled a quick thanks, avoiding Mark's eyes as she scurried into the patient's room.

"You all right, Lex?" Mark asked softly, just out of the patient's earshot. She nodded, surprised at the way his concerned tone made her chest ache.

No, I'm not okay, she wanted to say. I miss you.

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I was so happy to see the next part was up! I’m a sucker for Lexie and Mark. I see some sweet concern and caregiving in Mark’s future :)

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I love this!! I've said it a million times, but I'll say it again: there's nothing hotter than a doctor concerned about someone they love catching a cold 😚And your writing is beautiful! Can't wait to see where this goes ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep it coming please!! I loved Mark and Lexie, still bitter about their ending! 😭 Great story and I can’t wait to read more! 

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On 8/5/2023 at 9:55 PM, Oolia said:

I love this!! I've said it a million times, but I'll say it again: there's nothing hotter than a doctor concerned about someone they love catching a cold 😚And your writing is beautiful! Can't wait to see where this goes ❤️

Thank you so much!! I have to say I am a huge fan of your stories as well so this meant so much to me 🥹 


4 hours ago, Xsneezelover3932 said:

Keep it coming please!! I loved Mark and Lexie, still bitter about their ending! 😭 Great story and I can’t wait to read more! 

Me too!! They were my favorite pairing and Grey's did them so dirty!!


On 8/3/2023 at 11:48 AM, thesneezyowl said:

I was so happy to see the next part was up! I’m a sucker for Lexie and Mark. I see some sweet concern and caregiving in Mark’s future :)

You must be a fortune teller because you are absolutely right ;) 


On 8/14/2023 at 12:06 PM, thesneezyowl said:

I suuuuuure hope there’s more of this story!!! I keep coming back for re-reads. 

Aww!! I'm so glad you like it so far :) There are several more parts to come ❤️ 

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Here's part three! 

The rational part of Lexie's brain knew the hospital was the same temperature it was every day, but her body was convinced someone had turned the thermostat down by at least 10 degrees. She yanked on the sleeves of her lab coat and pulled it tighter around her, attempting to trap every bit of warmth the thin fabric provided. Still, she could feel her muscles quivering with the urge to shiver; she clenched her arms tightly around her chest and willed her body to be still.

Lexie snuck a quick glance at her watch while Mark chatted with a lab tech--10:41am. Only seven more hours until she could go home and curl up under her warm blankets, with her favorite surgery tapes playing in the background. The end of her shift couldn't come fast enough.

"Dr. Grey?" Mark's voice snapped her back to reality, and Lexie realized that both Mark and the lab tech were staring at her expectantly. Crap.

"Yes, Dr. Sloane?"

Before Mark could repeat his question, Dr. Bailey came barreling down the hallway.

"I need all hands on deck! School bus collided with a semi a few miles from here. Over 50 kids on the bus, 20 in critical condition. Paramedics on their way here. Let's go, people!" Dr. Bailey's booming announcement spurred a flurry of frantic movement as interns and residents raced downstairs, each of them hoping to score the most fascinating trauma patient.

"Lex? Are you coming?" Lexie hadn't realized she was frozen until Mark called for her, already several feet away. She shook her head as if to recalibrate her cold-addled brain before sprinting down the hallway after him. 

"Last one there's a rotten catheter!" Mark grinned at her jest and took off running.

A gaggle of interns had already formed at the receiving bay when Lexie and Mark arrived. They had claimed the highly coveted spot under the building's awning--the only place that provided any cover from the pouring rain. 

Lexie blinked rapidly as the ice cold droplets hit her face. She couldn't stop the shivers from wracking her body now; she clenched her teeth to keep them from chattering as she shook, and prayed that Mark wouldn't notice her quivering beside him.

"Jesus. We've been out here for thirty seconds and you're already shaking like a leaf." Mark produced a rumpled plastic poncho from his lab coat pocket and handed it to her with a smirk. "Put this on, princess."

Lexie fixed her face into her meanest scowl and turned towards him, but her retort was rudely interrupted--by her own nose. "H'ETTschoo! Hih-itschoo!"

Mark chuckled. "Bless you, Little Grey. I always forget how delicate you are." He waved the poncho at her, indicating for her to take it.

Maybe it was her irritable mood, or resentment from their not-so-distant breakup, but Lexie was suddenly furious. "Screw you, Mark. I'm fine." His eyes widened, surprised by her sudden outburst.

"Suit yourself," he mumbled. Mark looked at the poncho, then back at Lexie--contemplating whether to wear it himself, before finally deciding that he, too, could be stubborn and irrational.

Dr. Bailey continued to bark orders over the pounding rain and sirens as the ambulances began to arrive in swarms. Lexie watched as her classmates sprung into action, but found herself unable to move. Her limbs felt as if they'd frozen into the cold concrete; likely her body trying to conserve energy as it battled the elements and her worsening illness.

"Dr. Grey! This one's yours! Twelve year old female--hey! Don't you dare shush me!!" Dr. Bailey protested as Lexie raised a finger, halting Dr. Bailey's instructions.

"N-no, I--I'm n--aaahht-schuhh! H-h'etschoo! Etschoo!!" The sneezing fit left Lexie stumbling; she reached out to steady herself and found Mark's helpful arm at her disposal. A tinge of annoyance ran through her--but it was still less embarrassing than falling on her face.

"For fuck's sake. Dr. Grey, you're useless to me right now. Get out of my sight." Dr. Bailey sighed before turning her attention to the next unsuspecting intern.

Tears stung Lexie's eyes before she could stop them. Useless. Her one purpose in life was to be useful, to care for the people around her, and she was failing. Lexie turned on her heel and marched back towards the hospital's entrance.

"Lexie!" Mark called after her. Lexie picked up her pace until she was nearly sprinting. "Lexie, wait up!" She stopped just before the hospital's double doors, and turned to glare at him.

"What do you want, Mark?" Her hostile tone was dampened by the tinge of congestion in her voice.

"Are you okay?" His normally piercing blue eyes held nothing but concern for her, which made Lexie feel incredibly small.

She started to answer, but Mark interrupted her. "Never mind, that was a stupid question." Lexie's jaw dropped; she closed it as he quickly clarified. "You're obviously not okay, and I know you were about to lie to me and say that you are. Don't--don't argue with me."

Lexie had opened her mouth slightly, but not to argue--"EHHH'tschoo! Hihhh-h'itschoo!" She began to giggle at his misunderstanding, but stopped when she saw the look on Mark's face.

"Oh, Little Grey," he said softly, his voice dripping with sadness. Lexie's first instinct was to comfort him; she took a step towards him, but stopped as another sneeze tore through her. "Itschoo!!" 

When she looked up at Mark again, his sad expression had vanished, replaced by a neutral, authoritative demeanor. His best bedside manner. "Okay, come on. Let's get you inside." 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/12/2023 at 1:06 PM, thesneezyowl said:

I keep checking on this little gem!!!

I will definitely be back with more, hopefully soon! I’ve just had writers block with this story. Might need to binge watch Grey’s :)

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On 11/14/2023 at 7:22 AM, sickprincess said:

I will definitely be back with more, hopefully soon! I’ve just had writers block with this story. Might need to binge watch Grey’s :)

Binge watching Grey’s is always a good choice 😂

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  • 3 months later...

Hiiii, it’s me again! I know it’s been months since I updated, but I finally have the next part ready to share with you. :) There will be one more part after this, and then I’ll wrap it up! Enjoy!


Part Four

Lexie shuddered as Mark opened the hospital door, and a wave of warm air rushed over her. It was the kind of warmth that only made her acutely aware of how cold she was; or maybe that was a fever coming on.


She vaguely registered a few open-mouthed stares from their fellow hospital staff as Mark marched her across the hospital and into the staff locker room. She had a faraway feeling that she should be embarrassed, or push him away—but truthfully, the heat radiating from his body was the only thing keeping her teeth from chattering, and she couldn’t bring herself to care what anyone else might think.


Lexie blinked, and they were standing in front of her locker. How had she gotten here again?


“Go change into something dry before you catch your death.” Lexie wanted to giggle at his stern expression, but her facial muscles were frozen with the effort of holding back shivers. 


“You know that’s not how illness works,” she croaked. 


Mark let out an exasperated sigh, turning away from her. “For God’s sake, Lexopedia. Just do it.” 


As Lexie stripped out of her drenched scrubs, Mark continued to avert his gaze; his politeness stung her more than she’d anticipated. She remembered how he used to look at her, devouring her with his piercing eyes, as if the earth begun and ended in the exact spot where she stood. 


Of course, it wasn’t until she had stripped down to her underwear that her nose decided to break the tense silence. Lexie scrambled to pull her thick sweater over her head, her breath hitching erratically—somehow, being naked and sneezing in front of him was more vulnerability than she could handle right now. 


“You all right there?” Mark didn’t look at her, but he must have heard her frantic breathing.


“Y-ihhhhh-I’b-fine—“ she managed to choke out, shoving her arms through the sleeves just in time— “Hhhh’tschhhh!! Ahh-itschhhoo! Itschhh! Ahhh-tchoooo!” The sneezing fit left her dizzy, and she slipped on the wet puddle her clothes had left—and fell flat on her back.


“Lexie? Jesus Christ, are you okay?” Mark hovered over her, kneeling; he reached out a hand to steady her, his face inches away from hers. Oh no.


“Ehhhtschhh!!” She whipped her head to the side as quickly as she could, her damp hair slapping his face, but there was no way he’d escaped the spray entirely. Suddenly, Lexie wasn’t cold anymore—her entire body burned with the horror that had just occurred. Did I just fucking sneeze on McSteamy???


To her surprise, Mark burst out laughing. He howled with laughter, wiping the water and god-knows-what-else from his face. Relief flooded her senses, and to her surprise, hot tears rolled down her face.


“Oh no, Lex—I’m so sorry.” The laughter stopped, and for a moment, it was silent except for Lexie’s quiet sobs. “Shhh, it’s okay. You’re okay. I promise.” He hesitated slightly before pulling her face to his chest; she collapsed into him, her tears soaking his scrub top. 


They stayed like that for what felt like hours, Mark stroking her hair as her breathing steadied. 


Suddenly, Lexie stiffened, pulling away; Mark looked down at her, confused.


“Hhhhh—-ihhhhh… god damn it. H’itchoo!”


Mark chuckled. “That one got stuck, huh?”


Lexie glared at him, sniffling wetly, before clambering to her feet.


“All right, let’s get you home.” 

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/7/2024 at 12:51 PM, Lunaconner said:


There will definitely be one more part to this! I'm hoping to have it finished in the next few weeks (mostly because I'm ready to start on a new story). ❤️

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