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Morning Sneezes - a new way for me


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8 hours ago, Sneezefairy said:

Wow bless you! I also feel you with morning allergies my goodness 🤣🤣

Thank you. Yeah. Allergies on others are cute but on myself...hell what a bother. 🤣

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  • 1 month later...

Exposure to dust mites in bedding is the most obvious culprit for sneezing and/or other allergy symptoms in the morning, but there’s actually a whole range of reasons why it can occur.

If you react to the fur, dander or saliva from your pets, that’s another potential cause, even if they don’t sleep in your bedroom, because the particles can accumulate in bedding, curtains, carpet, clothes etc. or just float through the air.

If you’re sensitive to mould, and you have mould in your bathroom, bedroom, ceiling, windows etc, that could be a factor.

Pollen counts tend to be highest in the morning.

Hormonal fluctuations from pregnancy, menstruation or the contraceptive pill can cause non-allergic rhinitis (NAR) and the increase in hormone levels can lead to increased mucous production, swelling and congestion of the mucous membranes, sneezing etc.

Some medications can trigger NAR especially if taken just before going to be such that the side effects come into full force on waking. It’s called drug-induced rhinitis and there is a huge list of drugs that can cause it:

https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01455613221141214?icid=int.sj-abstract.citing-articles.6#:~:text=Drug-induced rhinitis is a,congestion%2C itching or runny nose.

Traffic pollution can also be a cause of NAR even if windows and doors are kept shut.

Photic sneezing can be another potential cause.

Vasomotor rhinitis (VR) is the most common subtype of NAR and is basically a physical irritation of the nasal membranes and can be caused from anything from temperature change, strong smells, warm or cold air particularly from air conditioners or heaters, smoke, dry air, spicy foods, alcohol consumption and even strong emotions can trigger VR. (Although I imagine strong emotions are unlikely to be a trigger for sneezing on waking first thing.)

But actually, the most common cause for sneezing in the morning is likely to be a combination these factors rather than just one.

Sneezing occurs when irritation is heightened enough to get sufficient stimulation of the trigeminal nerve/sneezing centre above the threshold so that second part or the respiratory phase occurs.

Multiple sources of stimulation or irritation are more likely to “get us over the line,” so-to-speak.

Does that make sense?

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