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Sneeze Fetish Forum

is your fetish a secret?


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13 hours ago, bubbly said:

Same here. Haha. I’m starting small though!

How are you even doing it? Please tell me😅

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It's a secret for me, but my brother has come across my interest a few times when we were really young haha.

The sneeze fetish is one of the few things I keep hidden from everyone. Like my parents could tell the most embarrassing stories about me as a kid, or I could be stupid and do the most buffoonish thing and I would be fine with that. But the thought of sharing my fetish (and my writing) makes me cringe so bad that I refuse to let anyone I know find discover this part of me. 

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On 6/29/2023 at 12:45 PM, AlexK said:

My fetish used to be a secret when I was kid. But my brother somehow found out and eventually told our parents about it for some stupid reason! (Fortunately, They seemed pretty laid back about it.)

This is my biggest nightmare. I am so sorry this happened to you! 

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Mine is a secret I hope to take to the grave! I recognize that this choice may change once I fall and love and get married (hasn’t happened quite yet but im still young ;) ) but as of right now, HECK NO! To the grave!

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4 hours ago, bearwax said:

Mine is a secret I hope to take to the grave! I recognize that this choice may change once I fall and love and get married (hasn’t happened quite yet but im still young ;) ) but as of right now, HECK NO! To the grave!

Same here! I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about a year now and although I have thought about telling him I don't think I ever will. I do trust him, but the thought about him having the "power" to potentially tell anyone else this thing about me just freaks me out.. idk maybe that's just me though😅

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I've never told anyone about my fetish but I wouldn't be upset if anyone knew it, even if it's very unlikely, as I've talked with someone about fetishes in general and the existence of this one in particular. It would be quite embarassing if someone discovered it but somehow I'm not very worried about it, everybody has the proverbial skeleton in the closet (and it could be worse than a sneeze fetish). I'm also thinking to discuss it with a therapist someday.

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16 hours ago, AnnaSophie said:

Same here! I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about a year now and although I have thought about telling him I don't think I ever will. I do trust him, but the thought about him having the "power" to potentially tell anyone else this thing about me just freaks me out.. idk maybe that's just me though😅

Totally agree about the power part lol

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I'm not very brave to tell someone about fetish and I don't think I will do it in the future

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For me it's a secret I've kept for a very long time. I don't think I could tell anyone for all the reasons listed above. Also how would you even bring it up. And the epic embarrassment I would feel if they laughed or were grosed out by it. 🙈

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I've now told one person in my life when I was drunk and we were already on the topic of kinks. I did tell her that I didn't want to talk more about it and she was very casual about it which was nice! Just hoping it doesn't make things weird now.

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I believe that's a benefit of being here.

Everyone here knows and understands what it's like to keep the fetish to ourselves or come here and talk about it.

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On 8/16/2024 at 4:16 AM, Leekermly said:

How are you even doing it? Please tell me😅

Haha. Well, I am a photic sneezer, so to get used to sneezing outside of my house, when I take the dog on a walk in the morning, I have started to let myself naturally sneeze when I have to from the sun if no one else is out on the street. To get used to sneezing around others, I’ve started letting myself sneeze while on the phone and 9 times out of 10 they will bless me and I will thank them 🙈sometimes they will comment further on it but mostly just keep going with convo. Maybe someday I’ll be able to let myself sneeze if I have to in public with others present, but idk 😝

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I'm actually pretty open about it. It's nothing to be ashamed of, although it's probably not the first conversation topic that comes to my mind when introducing myself. I also make it clear to people that I'm only into fictional character's sneezes and coughs. 

I also talk a lot about it with my friends who are cool with it. It became sort of an insider joke that I love sicknesses XD And they like to hide from me when being sick, hehe... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope and definitely never will. Not unless it’s a partner or close friend anyway.

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I told a couple close friends in high school about it many years ago. As a joke, and completely ignoring my pleading them not to, one of them shared that secret with another friend right in front of me. Thankfully, that friend looked straight at me with genuine sincerity and said "don't worry, I won't tell anyone." She was disgusted by the other friend doing that.

I had never told another person until I was in college. My roommate, a good friend, opened up to me about a big insecurity of hers that no one outside of her family knew. To show her how serious I took secrets, I shared about the fetish with her. We both giggled about how both of us had these silly things in our lives, and we've kept each other's secrets safe since.

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On 8/19/2024 at 2:25 PM, Yumestar said:

I'm actually pretty open about it. It's nothing to be ashamed of, although it's probably not the first conversation topic that comes to my mind when introducing myself.

Wow, that's so impressive! You're absolutely right though, it is nothing to be ashamed of. But I still feel very insecure about it and not ready to tell anybody. In the near future at least

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2 hours ago, MidnightCatK said:

We both giggled about how both of us had these silly things in our lives, and we've kept each other's secrets safe since.

That sounds like a beautiful moment. I imagine that it must have taken a lot of courage though, especially after having such a negative experience with your "friend" in high school.

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15 hours ago, AnnaSophie said:

That sounds like a beautiful moment. I imagine that it must have taken a lot of courage though, especially after having such a negative experience with your "friend" in high school.

It really was, and I honestly haven't had the courage since to share it with my other friends. I'm even closer to them, but they are more sneezy and all guys. While I don't necessarily find them attractive, and I do trust them, their sneezes do get to me a little and they tease me like big brothers. They know I'm into something, as I share that I like writing for a fetish-related site, but they don't know what it is. We've played a game before once or twice where they try to guess what I'm into, and the closest they got was tickling. They're overall respectful and don't want to make me uncomfortable, so they don't pry any further.

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Welp my bestie saw my search history of sneezes 🗿

I should have behaved searching symptoms of a cold or heyfever, but I oddly got embarrassed and obviously distraught.

I'm still not sure whether my bestie actually realized I have sneeze fetish.

My started teasing me like gazing me when I need to sneeze and leave comments like “that was cute”

I can't stand it and my face turns red.


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On 6/6/2024 at 8:14 PM, yomedusa said:

However, I realized that the more you open up to the world, the more the world will open up to you and there you will discover that we are all unique up close.

I love your wordview! When I’m at my best, I think like that too. Then I get self-conscious again. But it’s *true*, just about everyone has a part of themselves that they don’t want everything to know about. If we all treated each other the way we’d want to be treated, we could be vulnerable and safe at the same time. 

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